Telekinesis can serve as a helpful training device for a meditator. In telekinesis, the object’s movement serves as a visual feedback device. It only moves when the body and mind are sufficiently relaxed and when one’s A&I are tuned in. By training in telekinesis, a meditator can take that experience and transfer it to his or her meditation practice.
For example, let’s say your meditation technique involves placing your attention at the chakra on top of your head. If you’re having difficulty directing your attention, you can learn the telekinesis exercises. It basically treats the object like a chakra.
Instead of drawing your attention and energy someplace in your body, you’re pointing them out there. Once the visual feedback of the moving object has verified that your mind is steady, you can return to your meditation practice and do the same thing with your body and subtle energy system. You can even use it to explore the ethereal realm of mind, thoughts, and the empty space of awareness from which they appear and disappear.
31. Telekinesis as its own Meditation
In the previous chapter, I described how the telekinesis method can contribute to meditation techniques. Telekinesis can also be experienced as a meditation in its own right. Telekinesis offers a unique alternative for those who struggle with other forms of meditation because of boredom or lack of feedback. Once you succeed at telekinesis, it’s anything but boring.
Most, if not all forms of meditation share two qualities, quiescence and deliberate placement. The mind is gradually brought into a state far quieter and subdued than its ordinary mode in daily life. It is brought toward a state of peace.
After entering into quiescence, one’s attention can be directed toward an object, such as a mantra, the breath, a prayer, or anything else one likes. Simply put, it’s easier to pay attention to something when the mind is at peace. If peace itself is one’s goal, then the object of attention serves as a type of anchor for the mind, assisting it in remaining at peace instead of scattering into distraction.
A peaceful mind is a happy mind, though the happiness is different from the ordinary giddiness of buying a new car or eating a slice of cake. This happiness is far more fulfilling because it is born out of a lack of craving. Ordinary happiness
is limited because when it’s created by getting something, as soon as that thing is gone, so is the happiness.
Peace from non-craving doesn’t have that limitation. It’s a state of no longer looking for happiness out there, but of feeling complete and whole as a person, from within, now.
By now you know that like meditation, telekinesis entails the cultivation of quiescence and deliberate placement. You’ve learned to not only quiet your mind, but your body as well. The state required for telekinesis is therapeutic that way. Each telekinesis session is a period in your day when you release your stress and cultivate a peaceful state of being.
By repeatedly bringing your attention, intention, and eye-perception to the object, you are strengthening your ability to hold your mind steady. Your trained mind becomes a more effective tool for your consciousness.
If common meditation methods are boring, telekinesis offers the curiosity of a mysteriously moving object. It can be far more interesting than struggling against the boredom of following your own breath.
The movement of the object also acts as a bio-feedback device to let you know when you’re in a relaxed state.
Every time the object moves, it reminds us that we are not separated from our world, we are not independent. On some level, what we think, say, and do is felt by everyone around us. The reverse is also true. We are the recipients of others’ happiness and grief, equally. Telekinesis practice reminds us that we are interconnected, and that knowledge encourages us to be peaceful and kind.
You can’t succeed in telekinesis when you’re angry or otherwise agitated. The tension in the mind and body is too great. But you can use telekinesis to cool the flames of anger and improve your emotional state.
You can sit down for a regular training session, as upset as you may feel, and start applying the technique. Do a few rounds of the Mind-Stopping-Breath, relax your body, and pay more attention to the object than to whatever it is that’s bothering you. If you stick with it long enough, you’ll relax, the anger will abate, and your mind will become peaceful.
To convert this telekinesis-type meditation into something truly peaceful, shift from using your intention to move the object to letting go of that action completely. Let go of moving it in any way. As the object comes to stillness, so will your mind. At this level, you shift from doing to simply being.
If you would like to meditate to quiet the mind, ease away stress and tension, and to tone your mental muscles, this is one way. However, for those who seek the profound
transformations[*] offered by traditional spiritual paths,[**] you’ll need to go beyond telekinesis. It’s a great tool for exploration, but the human personality is complex and a complete spiritual journey requires far more than what is offered here.
32. What to Know Before You Show
Potential to Advance Others’ Capabilities
You may already know who Roger Bannister is. Until May 6, 1954, most people believed that it was impossible to run a mile in under four minutes. Bannister believed that he could, and on that date, he ran a mile in three minutes, fifty-nine and fourth tenths of a second.
What is more amazing than this new speed record is that only two months later when Bannister raced against John Landy, both of them broke it, surpassing the four-minute mile. Soon after that, more and more people joined the sub-4 club. Once everyone had evidence that it could be done, they believed that they could do it too, and they did.
Every time I have shown family members or friends what I could do in person, they were able to reproduce the effect themselves within the hour, and often much quicker than that. In these instances, I was using Level Two for its speed of effect. Doing Level Three and Four with an audience takes far too long to keep them interested.
Whereas it had taken me several weeks to succeed with Level Two, it only took eye witnesses less than an hour.
I believe this is largely due to the Bannister Effect. If I had only told them that I could move an object from a distance, they probably wouldn’t believe me. They might believe that I believed I was using telekinesis, and probably feel sorry for me. “Why can’t he see that he’s fooling himself?” they’d ask.
In person, though, they could not only verify the movement, but also observe the setup, the environment, and what I was doing. They would try it themselves, and because they now believed it was really possible, they’d succeed.
Cierra was the first person I showed this to. She succeeded on her first attempt[*], which I must admit frustrated the heck out of me because I had worked for so long to do what she was instantly capable of. I was also excited for her of course, and intrigued about what this could mean for other people.
Choosing Whom to Share This With
I don’t think Cierra succeeded merely because she witnessed me doing it. As my loving wife, she believed in me, trusted me, and supported my exploration with her sense of humor and encouragement. These are the same traits shared by the friends and family I’ve shown this to in person. They trusted me, they were open to the possibility of telekinesis, and they genuinely wanted to see if they could replicate the effect.
People can be fickle though.
After Cierra’s success, we decided to demonstrate it for two friends, a married couple. Not only did they watch me do it, they watched Cierra do it too. Then they tried.
The wife succeeded that same evening, but the husband did not. A few days later I asked them if they tried the experiment again on their own, and they responded that they had, but that it didn’t work. Also, they ultimately concluded that wind or some other factor had been involved the first time they tried it with us.
Even after our demonstration, they remained unconvinced that telekinesis is real. We could say that their inner skeptics
and their inner believers had been overcome by their inner non-believers. Once they decided it wasn’t real, there was no reason for them to put the time and effort in to keep trying on their own, and possibly changing their point of view.
If I were to show a person telekinesis, specifically someone who didn’t share my first successful friends’ positive traits, I’m certain they wouldn’t believe their own eyes.
It is well known that even intelligent scientists upon obtaining data which contradict their personal belief system will either ignore that data, argue that there is a flaw in the experiment, or accuse the experimenter of fraud.
This phenomenon is also known to behavioral economists, people who study human behavior. They study our decision making, preferences, and buying habits. When they assume that humans are rational, logical, and intelligent, the data shows that our behavior indicates otherwise. People are not rational creatures.
We prove over and over to be instinctual and emotional beings whose decisions are influenced by group behavior and environmental cues as much, if not more than, our individual minds.
If you show telekinesis to someone who doesn’t believe in it, whose family attitude toward the “paranormal” is negatively biased,[*] or who would love to have a reason to ridicule you, you’ll realize very quickly that you’ve made a grave mistake.
Yes, that person will walk away with new thoughts in mind, but none of them will be positive toward you or toward what they just witnessed.
But if you teach it to the right person, someone who truly wants to learn it, it can be one of the most transformative gifts you‘ll ever give someone.
Personal Ethics and Demonstrating Telekinesis
People have an instinctual need for physical security, such as knowing they’ll be fed, clothed, and housed. Threatening their access to those things is an assault on their security. They also have a need for existential security.
They need to feel secure in their place in the world, in how the world works, and what the rules of participation in life are. Politics and religion usually try to establish those rules for people, although each person ultimately makes his or her own choice about what to believe.
Therefore, we need to be aware that the vast majority of people are quite satisfied with their current belief system. They are also psychologically unprepared for evidence that
contradicts what they believe to be true. It can be a profound shock to a person when they discover that things are not what they seem. This is especially true when a person has not sought out that new information through their own volition.
If you introduce the idea of telekinesis to someone, or show it to them, and if you do so without their request, you risk posing a psychological threat to that person. Granted, children are fairly open minded and psychologically flexible. The threat really lies with adults who have been firmly programmed by television, religion, community, politics, and their parents’ values.
For your sake and theirs, please be careful when deciding whether or not to pull out your tinfoil after dinner and ask if they want to see something cool.
The Difficulty in Video Recording and Showing Others
Almost every time I pressed the record button on my video cameras, my telekinesis ability would fade significantly. With the most difficult experiments, it would sometimes fail entirely. The cause for this was obvious to me, it was my self-consciousness. Performance anxiety and concern about public opinion naturally arose within my conscious mind every time I turned the cameras on.
I’ve seen the footage of the 1973 episode of The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson featuring Uri Geller[*]. He is world-renowned for psychic abilities such as spoon bending, remote viewing, and dowsing. His spoon-bending influence even extended into the homes of his television viewers. Silverware inside kitchens hundreds of miles away spontaneously bent during his performances.
On this episode of The Tonight Show, Geller hadn’t been expecting to perform his feats on stage. He seemed shocked and disappointed to see a tableful of experiments waiting before him as he sat down next to his host. Even though he explained to Carson and to the audience that he needed to be in the right frame of mind, Carson pressured him to perform. It was plain to see that he wasn’t comfortable or in the right state. He seemed uneasy for some reason.
Not surprisingly, he failed to impress Carson and many viewers across America.
The memory of what happened to Geller only adds to the hesitation and tension that arises whenever I turn on a video camera. It also affects me when showing it to others in person. It takes me longer to move the object, and the movement is less pronounced.
I mention this for anyone who might consider sharing their telekinesis experience with others, either in a live performance or through making videos. If performance anxiety is an issue for you, you’ll simply need to learn to relax with it, ideally in private before testing yourself in public. After you’ve made several videos and become comfortable with the process, it will be much less of an issue.
Personal Risks
I am happy to say that after one hundred thousand views of my online videos I’ve only been accused of witchcraft a handful of times. This is a welcomed indication that society is progressing.
Many people are familiar with the Salem witch-trials, which were nothing more than an event of mass hysteria used to kill innocent people, which occurred in the 17th century. Yet we should also remember that in 1944, Helen Duncan became the last person to be convicted in Britain for violation of the Witchcraft Act of 1735. That was less than a century ago.
Today, forward-thinking scientists have to take great care in what kind of phenomena they research, and who they share their findings with. They know too well that they risk their credentials, their teaching appointments, their funding, and their reputation for advancing psi research.
Simply put, be cautious when deciding whether or not to let your social circle know that you can move things with your mind.
33. Skeptics and Pseudo-Skeptics
Internet trolls, non-believers, and pseudo-skeptics have one thing in common: they are not interested in changing their belief system. They firmly believe telekinesis isn’t real. And they will always be right in their own mind. Even if you had the opportunity to sit with them, show it to them, and teach them how to do it themselves, they probably wouldn’t do it.
However, true skeptics, which some, but not all, scientists are, deserve respect. You can identify them by the nature of their communication. They’ll say things like:
I’m not sure about what I’m seeing here. But I remain undecided, and I’m willing to wait.
Can you help me understand what it is I’m seeing here?
I’d like to try to do this myself. Can you give me the necessary information to do so?
Can you recommend any published scientific findings from reputable sources?
When responding to skeptics, the onus is on you to be honest, fair, and helpful. It’s not to convince them that you’re right. Anyway, they wouldn’t let you because they want to find out for themselves, just as you did when you opened the first page of this book. So, help them out.
Can you explain your technique in a clear and understandable manner? Can you refer them to published scientists and researchers, or to other practitioners? Skeptics are our friends because we can share in peaceful and honest inquiry with them. They help us all to learn more.
Finally, don’t be afraid to acknowledge what you don’t know, or don’t understand, and what you can and cannot do. True skeptics will respect you for your honesty. It shows that you’re not trying to convert them, but that you are as interested in exploring what’s real as much as they are.
34. It’s Only a Matter of Time…
It’s not telekinesis, it’s science! Typical online commenters continue by describing their explanations for what they see. Here are some examples from my own viewers:
It’s static.
It’s subterranean tremors, vibrating up into the
house and moving it. Happens all the time.
It’s your hands heating the glass and causing the air to circulate, which moves it.
It’s the sunlight hitting the reflective surface, which pushes it.
It’s not telekinesis, it’s physics.
That last one makes me smile. Because I think they’re right.
When they use the word “telekinesis” in that statement, I think they believe that I believe that telekinesis is some kind of magic - some unexplainable, illogical, and imaginary force, like a superstition. And when they refer to “physics” they’re implying that there has to be a real cause for the movement.
I think that there is a measurable cause for the movement, one that is a natural part of our world. We just don’t know how to measure it yet.
Defy Your Limits Page 14