[*] An online search for “how to make a psi wheel” will provide you with ample resources.
[*] Be careful, the edge of a sliced can is extremely sharp. If you are young, please ask an adult do the cutting for you.
[*] I created this experiment specifically as a response to pseudo-skeptics’ claims that convection was the real mechanism behind telekinesis.
[**] I felt alright about using that leaf because it was taken out of care for the whole plant. I personally choose not to take cuttings from healthy plants solely for experimentation. I’ve learned too much through my own development to do so. The plant has its own energy field. We should wonder then if it has its own awareness. As interconnected beings, I choose not to harm a plant unnecessarily.
[*] Trebor Seven is an extremely talented telekinesis practitioner and teacher. He has performed this and other types of telekinesis and recorded them. An online search of his name will lead you to his videos.
[*] Dragonfly (2002). Tom Shadyak. Ghost (1990). Jerry Zucker
[* ]* I use the word “dead” loosely. I think it’s a misnomer since their consciousness is still active. They just happen to exist without physical form.
[**] These types of signs are called “apports.” I highly recommend learning about the Scole Experiment for anyone interested in afterlife applications of this material. http://www.thescoleexperiment.com
[*] These words are used in Theosophy, tantric Hinduism and Buddhism, Taoism, and Indian Yoga, among others.
[*] A short list of examples: Cessation of suffering (nibbana), non-duality, Christ-consciousness, union with God, the Great Perfection, Higher Self
[**] …or your own path. Let’s not forget that trail blazing luminaries like Siddhartha Gautama, Jesus of Nazareth and other spiritual founders became who we know them as now because they departed from the conventional paths of their time.
[*] Those readers who have had dreams in which they performed telekinesis would be interested to know that Cierra had had several lucid dreams before this, in which she moved objects in her dream environment with her intention. We suspect it may have assisted her when the time came to try in waking reality.
[*] Assuming that you have successfully engaged the training method through Level Four, you know now that telekinesis is not para-normal, it’s very normal. We just need more time and resources to understand the mechanism behind it, to learn how it really works. Doing so will help to normalize it for general acceptance in society.
[*] Multiple video sources available by searching “Uri Geller on the Tonight Show” online.
[*] Environment is defined here as the habitual behavior of one’s friends, family, and overall culture, as well as the objects which are placed in focus-areas of one’s home. Until the invention of the radio, then of the television, an altar, shrine, or other place designated for contemplation would have taken the primary position in one’s home.
[*] About doing research and reading. In my line of work, I visit a lot of people’s homes. One thing I notice is that those of wealthy people usually have offices or libraries filled with books. These books typically focus on self-development, financial management, personal or spiritual values, and education. In the homes of low or middle income families, the bookshelves are usually stocked with DVD’s and books which I’d qualify as entertainment-focused. A message to the reader, especially if you are a young person – you become what you put in your mind.
[*] I also dislike the popular use of quantum theory in some self-help publications because of the difficulty in proving the successful application of their ideas. This is the advantage of telekinesis, that you can see it immediately with your own two eyes.
[*] See Zukav, Gary (1979), The Dancing Wu Li Masters
[*] These web links were valid as of the date this book was first published. If the links no longer work, it is recommended that the reader do an internet search using the video title.
Defy Your Limits Page 17