Loving Her Scars (Loving Her Scars Series Book 1)

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Loving Her Scars (Loving Her Scars Series Book 1) Page 11

by B M Griffin

  “A werewolf,” Shayla finished for her friend. She pulled Megan in for a hug. “Of course, we're still gonna be friends. Considering how long Adam has been a wolf and remained my friend, I don’t think there are any rules forbidding us being friends with humans.” Shayla sat back and looked at Megan with a smirk. “Besides, from what Adam told me, I’m apparently this super-werewolf that is stronger than everyone else. I don’t think anyone’s going to argue with me about something like who my friends are.”

  A wide smile stretched across Megan’s face. “A super-werewolf, huh? I’m gonna need details.”

  Both of them started laughing until they heard a knock at the door. Shayla saw Megan tense, but she reached over and covered her friend’s hand with a smile. “It’s just Adam.”

  “How can you be sure? Someone could have come back while we were in here.”

  Shayla brought a finger up and tapped her nose. “His smell. I promise, it’s him.”

  “Wait. He smells?”

  Shayla burst out laughing and Adam, apparently tired of waiting for an invitation, opened the door and crossed his arms glaring at her. “Very funny, Shay.”

  “I’m sorry.” Shayla smiled up at him. He’d also gotten dressed while she’d been having a heart to heart with Megan. What a shame.

  “I don’t stink,” Adam said, his comment directed at Megan. “What Shayla meant is that our senses are enhanced. Once we learn a person’s scent, or smell,” he narrowed his eyes at Shayla again prompting another round of laughter from her, “we can recognize their scent anywhere.”

  “But you weren’t even in the room,” Megan said.

  “Like I said, our senses are enhanced. That’s how I knew it wasn’t a pizza guy at the door earlier. I could smell Jim.”

  Megan shivered at the reminder of what had happened in the living room earlier, but Adam’s words made Shayla take pause. “Am I the only one wondering what happened to the delivery guy? If Megan ordered pizza before we got home, then they would’ve had time to deliver it at least twice by now.”

  “Yeah, about that,” Adam said. “I checked your phone while you two were in here talking or whatever, Megan. They had some kind of trap set up on your phone, so when you called for pizza, the call was routed to Jim. He is who took your pizza delivery order.”

  “Oh my God,” Megan gasped. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea. I led him right to you.”

  Shayla put her hands on her friend’s shoulders and waited for her to meet her eyes. “None of this is on you, Megan.”

  “She’s right,” Adam interrupted. “This whole thing is on me.”

  “No!” Shayla was up and in his face in less than a second. “This isn’t your fault either. It’s Kevin’s fault. If he wasn’t such a greedy, power hungry asshole, who tried using me to make you do what he wants, then none of this would be happening.”

  Shayla was breathing heavily, and she felt an anger wash through her like nothing she’d experienced before.

  “Megan, I need you to move to the other side of the room,” Adam said. He took two slow steps toward her and gently cupped her shoulders with his hands. “Shay, you need to try to calm down. Our emotions are also heightened as werewolves, especially when we get angry, and it can trigger shifting at the worst times.”

  Shayla knew he was telling the truth, because she could feel her wolf itching to come to the surface. She closed her eyes and focused on her breathing. In and out. In and out, until she felt her heart rate slow down to normal and her anger gave way to the calm.

  “Better?” Adam asked.

  Shayla opened her eyes to Adam’s worried face only a few inches from her own and nodded. He was so close, she could feel his body heat, and her eyes moved to his lips on their own. Her heart flipped and picked up its pace again, but this time it had nothing to do with anger. Shayla decided to take what she wanted and she leaned into Adam and pressed her lips to his. Adam brought his hands up, cupping her face, and kissed her back. He ran the tip of his tongue over her lips and Shayla opened up to let him slip his tongue in her mouth. When his tongue caressed her own, she sighed into his mouth.

  “Uh-um!” Megan cleared her throat.

  Shayla felt Adam smile against her lips. He gave her one more quick kiss before he brought his arm down to her waist and turned to face Megan. Shayla expected Megan to be pissed. She had just come close to losing her temper and shifting damn near on top of her, then followed it up by trying to have her way with Adam right in front of Megan like she wasn’t there, so she wouldn’t blame her for being mad. She’d dealt with way more than her share over the past couple of hours. What Shayla hadn’t expected was the cheesy smile spread across Megan’s face.

  “You two need me to give you some privacy?” Megan asked. “I could step out for a bit. Let you finish what you started.” She wiggled her eyebrows at them and Shayla felt the blush as it rose up her face. Adam chuckled. “Seriously though, it’s been a long day and I’m hungry and tired. If it’s all the same to you guys, I’m gonna find something to eat in your kitchen and crash on the couch. I don’t really feel like being home alone tonight.”

  “Of course,” Shayla said, “and you don’t have to sleep on the couch. It’s kind of being used to hold the door up right now anyway. You can sleep in here with me.”

  Adam cleared his throat and looked down at Shayla, nervously rubbing the back of his head. “You could always let her have your bed and stay the night in my room. With me.”

  Shayla felt heat flood her body again and she swallowed hard. “Yeah, I could do that.” She looked back over at Megan who was grinning like a fool again. “So, it’s settled. You can sleep in here.”

  “Great, thank you. I’m just gonna grab a sandwich or something really quick, then I guess I’ll see you guys in the morning.”

  Megan went to leave the room, but Shayla stopped her. “Hey, Megan.”

  Megan turned to face her. “Yeah?”

  “Thank you for, well, everything. Not many friends would still be here after everything you saw today.”

  “You don’t have to thank me, Shayla. You know I love ya, right?”

  Shayla nodded. She felt her eyes growing wet and blinked to ward off the tears. “I love you too.”

  “I know you do, and I’m glad to see the two of you finally figured things out.” Megan winked, and then she turned and walked out of the room.

  Shayla stood there speechless. Her bravado from a moment ago, gone. Adam pulled her into her and brushed her hair out of her face, then he brought his hand around to cup her face. He leaned in and kissed her ever so softly. Shayla closed her eyes and melted into him.

  Adam pulled away, far too soon in Shayla’s opinion, and held her face between his hands. “Let’s get out of here before Megan comes back and interrupts us again.”


  Adam dropped his hands from her face, then took one of her hands in his and laced their fingers together, before leading her out of her room and down the hall to his own.

  Once they were in his room alone, Shayla found her nerves had gone into overdrive. She wasn’t afraid to be alone with Adam, quite the opposite, she was looking forward to it, but she was worried she might not live up to his expectations. By his own admission, Adam had wanted to be with her for as long as they’d been friends. After years of anticipation, what if she couldn’t live up to everything he expected? Eric was the only man she’d been with, and if she were honest with herself, she knew that they had never actually made love. Eric took what he wanted without any concern for her.

  She knew that it would be different with Adam. She knew that with Adam, it would be more than sex. More than a man taking his pleasure from a woman. Adam wanted to make love, that she was sure of, but she wasn’t sure she knew how to make it enjoyable for him.

  Strong arms came around her waist from behind, and Adam lowered his lips to place a kiss on her neck where it met her shoulder. Shayla closed her eyes and let the sensation sink in, as heat spread from t
he spot where he’d just kissed her all the way down to her core. He brought his mouth up to her ear, lightly brushing his teeth over the lobe, before whispering, “Stop overthinking. Just listen to your body and know that I’ve got you.”

  Shayla turned in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. She tilted her head up to him and that was all Adam needed. He crushed his mouth to hers, sweeping his tongue between her lips, and caressing her own until he was driving her wild. Shayla moaned into his mouth as he devoured her. She never knew that a kiss could hold so much passion, but Adam’s did. She could feel his love for her pouring out of every kiss, and every stroke of his tongue against hers. She could also feel it pressed against her stomach, hard and thick through their clothes, and a shiver ran down her spine straight to her sex.

  Adam pulled back slightly and looked her in her eyes. They were both breathing harshly, their chests rising and falling in rapid beats.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  His voice had a thick undertone to it she’d never heard before, but it sent another round of heat throughout her body.

  “Yes.” She didn’t recognize her own voice either. When had it become so breathy? Shayla reached down and wrapped her fingers around the hem of Adam’s shirt. “I want this off.”

  Adam held up his arms so she could pull his shirt off over his head. Once she got it to his elbows, he helped her out by pulling it the rest of the way off, then tossed it to the floor. Shayla raked her eyes over him. It wasn’t the first time she had seen him without a shirt on, but she’d never really taken the time to admire how perfect he was. His skin was perfectly sun kissed, and his abs looked like they’d been sculpted by de Vinci himself.

  Shayla ran her fingers down his chest, outlining every muscle, until she came to the waist of his pants and Adam drew in a sharp intake of air. He moved her hands to the button of his jeans. It took her a couple of tries, but eventually, she managed to unhook the button, and with a gentle push down on the waistband they fell to the floor, and Adam stood before her in all his naked splendor. Apparently, he hadn’t bothered putting on any underwear after their little fiasco earlier, and Shayla couldn’t take her eyes off him.

  Adam stepped out of his jeans, kicking them to the side, then his hands were grasping the bottom of her shirt. He’d seen her naked more than once, even just a couple hours earlier, still, Shayla was nervous. This time was different; more intimate. This time he was truly taking her in, not just protecting her from the wondering eyes of others. He didn’t rush, but he didn’t exactly go slow either. One minute she was fully clothed, and the next her body was on full display.

  Adam brought his arms around her and pulled her closer, so they were skin to skin, and the contact helped Shayla relax. Adam ran his hand along her face, tracing the scar that she’d tried to hide for so long, then he brought his lips to her face and planted soft kisses along the entire length of the imperfection. She felt the power that scar had held over her crumble and fall away under his love. A peace settled inside her soul, telling her that this was exactly where she was meant to be. Adam was putting her back together with his love, one caress, and one kiss at a time. He’d been right there, waiting, and she’d been too blind to see it. Tears slowly made a path down her cheeks, but for once they weren’t tears of sadness.

  “Are you okay?” Adam asked.

  The concern on his face only strengthened her resolve. “Never better.” She smiled. “Make love to me.”

  A brilliant smile lit up Adam’s face and he wrapped his arms around her, lifting her, and Shayla used her legs around his hips to hold herself in place as he carried her to his bed.

  Adam gently laid her on her back and kneeled over her with his arms bent at the elbow on either side of her face. He brought his mouth down to her own and she melted into his kiss as he pushed inside of her. She moaned and arched her back as he continued to move inside of her. She wrapped her legs around his back and met him thrust for thrust, as wave after wave of ecstasy brought her closer to her own release.

  “Adam, I,” she gasped.

  “Shh. Just let go, baby.”

  The waves crashed over some invisible wall, and Shayla cried out as her climax ripped through her with such sweet pleasure, she thought she never wanted it to end. Adam pushed deeper inside of her, his muscles growing taught, and groaned as his own pleasure overtook him.

  He lay beside her, pulling her in, and holding her tight, then he placed a sweet kiss on her lips. “I love you, Shay.”

  Her heart swelled as she absorbed his words. No matter how many times she heard him say the words, her heart swelled like it was the first and she didn’t think that was ever going to change.

  “I love you too, Adam.”

  She rested her head on his chest and fell into the first truly peaceful sleep she’d had in years.



  “Are we going?” Shayla asked.


  Adam didn’t want to go back to Jared’s to discuss strategy with the pack. He wanted to stay home and make love to his woman all day. He thought back to their shower earlier that morning when he made love to Shayla, while he held her up and pinned against the shower wall. Damn, she was beautiful when she came.

  “Hello, earth to Adam.”

  He glared at Megan and pulled Shayla in for a scorching kiss. When he released her lips, they were both breathing harder and he smiled at her then kissed the tip of her nose.

  “The two of you should come with a warning label,” Megan said. Adam turned to look at her, his eyes drawn together and his jaw set as he ground his teeth together to keep from lashing out at her—he didn’t want to piss Shayla off. “If I’d known that one night together would turn you both to mush, I might not have encouraged it.”

  Adam had an insult on the tip of his tongue, but Shayla was faster. “Jealousy doesn’t suit you, Megan.”

  Megan’s mouth dropped open and Shayla stuck her tongue out at her friend making Adam laugh. “I don’t…I’m not…”

  Shayla narrowed her eyes at Megan briefly, before walking over taking her friend’s hand. “You’ll find someone great because you’re amazing, and I’ll be happy for you. I just ask that you do the same for me.”

  Megan stared at her for a second before she said, “You’re right. Sorry. I think I’m still a little grumpy from spending the last few days worrying about you, and then everything that happened yesterday.”

  “It’s okay.”

  They hugged and exchanged friendly I love yous, before Shayla looked back at Adam. “Ready?”

  “Yeah. Let’s go get this over with. I’m ready to get back here with you.”

  Shayla blushed and took his offered hand, and the three of them were on their way.


  “Adam, did you forget what happened the last time you brought a human here?” Jared asked.

  Adam didn’t blame him. Shayla had been bitten shortly after he brought her to the alpha’s home for the first time.

  “Kevin doesn’t want her. He wants Shayla. That’s why he sent someone to change her.”

  Jared crossed his arms over his broad chest, with one eyebrow raised as he stared at Adam. It was obvious he wasn’t buying what Adam was trying to sell him, not that Adam blamed him, he didn’t believe it either. Kevin had used Megan to find their home and send someone to capture Shayla just yesterday.

  “If you aren’t worried about Kevin going after her, then why’s she here?”

  Adam sighed and ran his hand though his hair. “Look, Jared, I’m asking you to trust me here. Kevin doesn’t want her, but he might use her to get Shayla and I have to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

  “Alright, but she’s your responsibility. You and Shayla.”

  “Got it.”

  “At least you had enough sense to give me a heads up before just walking her into the house this time.” Jared clapped him on the back with a smirk.

  Adam rolled his eyes at his friend and
alpha. “Yeah. I didn’t want a repeat of last time. Not quite ready to kick your ass for that alpha spot yet.”

  Jared laughed. “In your dreams, brother. Only in your dreams.”

  Jared accompanied Adam to the foyer where Megan and Shayla were waiting.

  “Megan, this is Jared,” Adam said.

  Megan looked Jared up and down. Her eyes were taking him in like they were starved, and Jared was just the dish they’d been waiting to devour. Shayla was looking between the two of them, grinning from ear to ear.

  “Hi, I’m Jared.”

  Jared held out his hand to Megan who accepted it with her own, but they didn’t shake. They just stood there holding on to each other’s hands.

  “I’m Megan. It’s really nice to meet you.”

  “You too,” Jared said.

  Adam looked at Jared with a raised brow, but his friend’s eyes were locked on Megan, and he seemed to have forgotten Adam and Shayla all together.

  “Would you like me to show you around?” Jared asked Megan.

  Megan’s smile grew tenfold. “I’d love that.”

  Jared held out his arm like an escort at a Debutante ball, and Megan happily laced her arm with his. Adam was still trying to figure out what was happening. They did not have time for house tours. He could only imagine what Kevin and his pack were planning for them and they needed to be ready.

  Adam stepped in front of Jared and Megan, waving his arms in Jared’s face. “Jared, man, what are you doing?”

  Jared stepped around him dismissively. “Megan is our guest here, Adam. I’m just showing her around so she can make herself comfortable while she’s here. I’ll meet back up with you in a few.”

  Adam stared after them completely confused about what had just happened, but when he turned to look at Shayla, she was still smiling and she winked at him.

  “I think Megan might have just found her man,” she said.

  “Lord, help me,” he grumbled.

  Shayla turned to him with her hand on her hip. “What does that mean?”

  “Shay, can you imagine Megan as our alpha’s lover? That shit’ll go straight to her head.”


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