The Roman's Woman (A Singular Obsession Book 4)

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The Roman's Woman (A Singular Obsession Book 4) Page 21

by Lucy Leroux


  His amazing eyes grew red and he blinked rapidly. “In the car, when you were trapped. We had to shut you in the trunk to work the seat loose. We hoped there was air at the other end, but it had sunk too far.” He raised his hands and gave them a damning glance. “I pushed you away, and you drowned. You were dead.”

  Sophia’s mouth dropped open. She didn’t remember that, but her memory was still pretty fuzzy about last night. Inhaling deeply, she moved until she was burrowing into Gio’s arms.

  “I was dead the minute Richard locked me in the trunk. The only reason I’m still alive is because you saved me.” She tilted her head to meet his eyes. “What were you doing there, anyway?”

  He bit his upper lip and sucked in a breath. “Um, after I received your text I decided to wait for you outside of Richard’s.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “Don’t get mad,” he said quickly. “I was simply concerned for you. It turns out I had good reason to be.”

  Sophia buried her face in his chest. “Man, you’re never going to let me live that down, are you?”

  His good arm came up from underneath her to pass over her back before stopping at her butt. Pushing her tighter against him, he lowered his head to kiss her forehead. “I’m not going to say I told you so—after today. I told you so,” he added playfully.

  She wrinkled her nose at him and reached over to twist one of his nipples through his hospital gown.

  “Ow!” he said, laughing. “All right, I'm sorry. I won’t say it again.”

  Mollified she gave him a quick kiss. “You weren’t right about everything. Richard didn’t attack me because he was obsessed with me. He believed I’d be easier to control if we were still together. He knew I’d find out about the stolen research sooner or later. And I was sort of a pushover back when we were a couple.”

  Gio snorted. “Well, you’re not one now. In fact you're the strongest, most fierce woman I know. Enzo said if you hadn’t kicked the seat open as far as you did we might not have been able to free you in time.”

  He paused to run a finger down her cheek. “I can’t believe Richard thought he was going to get away with it. He should have known I would turn the world over if you disappeared.”

  Hugging him tighter, Sophia rubbed her cheek against him. “Have I told you I love you lately?”

  He smiled down at her, a soft hot grin lighting up his face. “No, but you did yell it not so long ago.”

  She giggled. “Now you can hear it at a normal volume. I love you.”

  Gingerly, he moved his bad arm so he could trace her lower lip with his fingers. “And I love you, mi amore. More than anything.”


  Sophia spun in her office chair while she tried to find the right words to say to Maia over the phone. She knew Calen wanted everyone to be as honest as they could about the possibility of a happy ending when it came to the disappearance of her friend, Thalia. But she couldn’t dash all of her new friend’s hopes, either.

  “Maia, I think you’re right. Until they find a body, you have to keep looking—as long as you’re not knocking down doors yourself. You’re a mother, right? You have a little girl, and she has to be your priority.”

  “I know that,” Maia said with a sigh. “And there’s no way in hell Calen would let me search myself. He has three guys on it. But I can tell he thinks it’s pointless.”

  “Don’t give up,” Sophia said in a low voice. Where would she be if Gio had given up on her?

  “I won’t,” Maia said after a pause. “Listen, I have to go. The baby’s crying.”

  “Okay. We’ll see you next week,” Sophia promised.

  Gio was flying them to New York for the opening of a new five-star hotel. He was an investor in the Caislean chain, and they were both invited to stay at the hotel that first week. So were Gio’s other University friends, so it would be a reunion of sorts.

  “See you then,” Maia said before hanging up.

  Sophia put down the receiver of her phone and stared at it for a while. With all the good in her life now, there was also some bad. She felt terrible for Maia, but there was little she could do except support her.

  The recent events had taught her some valuable lessons, however. Chief among them was the realization that she should embrace Gio and everything that came with him. She wouldn’t look back. Life was too short. Any second things could change and the people you loved might be gone, so you had to appreciate them now while you had them.

  Kelly had gotten a little sick of hearing Sophia tell her she loved her. Gio hadn’t. He never would. She was sure about that.

  Glancing at the clock, she counted down the minutes till she could go home—the penthouse Gio had bought off Alex. She had given her landlord notice and they had moved the last of her belongings a few days ago.

  For the foreseeable future, Gio was going to be working out of the London office, commuting there when he had meetings and working from home when he didn’t.

  His father hadn’t been thrilled to hear that because it meant that Gio was effectively stepping back from many of his duties at the bank. But Salvatore didn’t fight him on it—not since they had announced their engagement. As long as he finally got his grandchild somewhere down the line, Salvatore would deal with it.

  Exactly when the latter was going to happen was something she’d been thinking about a lot recently. Elynn and Eva had been right. Gio longed for a family.

  Of course, he hadn’t said that. The one time she’d brought up children, Gio had told her it was enough to be married to her. He didn’t want to pressure her into compromising her timeline or her professional goals. Babies could wait.

  But with her new carpe diem attitude, she wasn’t sure she wanted to wait anymore. Work shouldn’t supersede what she wanted in her personal life, and she did want children. Why put them off? Especially since she had a partner who was going to be one hundred percent invested in them now.

  At five o’clock sharp, Sophia was out the door, hurrying home to Gio. He’d been in London that morning for a meeting, but returned in plenty of time to make dinner tonight.

  He loved to cook, and she loved letting him.

  She burst through the door of the penthouse fifteen minutes later. Gio was already busy in the kitchen, sleeves rolled up, his hands covered with flour. He was making pasta from scratch. Ravioli from the looks of it.

  “Hi baby,” she said, kicking off her heels and running over to the kitchen to give him a proper greeting.

  His gold eyes glowed warmly as he bent to return her kiss. He held up his floured hands regretfully. “I would hug you, mi amore, but I’d ruin that dress.”

  Glancing down at the deep purple number she was wearing, she nodded. “Let me change, and I’ll come and help in a minute.”

  She ran to the bedroom, glorying in the domesticity of their relationship. Feeling a little wicked, she changed into her pajamas. They were staying in to watch the original Star Wars trilogy together for the first time, and she wanted to be comfortable. Of course, the fact that her new sleepwear consisted of sexy little silk negligees, instead of old flannel, would ensure they didn’t finish their marathon tonight.

  Throwing a robe over the brief little gown, she stepped into the bathroom. She washed up and then studied her reflection in the mirror.

  A newer, more confident woman was staring back at her. Things had changed quite a bit since meeting Gio, including her self-image. She was proud of her curves and would never hide them again.

  Speaking of…

  Sophia put a hand on her belly, passing it over the softly rounded surface. She would never have one of those flat washboards you saw on magazines, but she no longer looked at it and despaired. It was healthy—no matter how big it got.

  Okay, here goes nothing.

  Reaching up she swung open the mirrored door to the medicine cabinet, taking out her birth control pills. She tossed them in the trash
and went back out to the kitchen.

  Pausing in the threshold, she took a minute to watch her man work. His tanned and very talented hands were busy shaping and assembling the pasta in neat little rows. He managed to keep the kitchen immaculate while he cooked, a feat she had never been capable of.

  “Our kids are going to clean their own rooms without being asked, aren’t they?” she asked with some amusement.

  She waited for him for him to turn to her before pulling the sides of her robe apart to flash him, giving him an eyeful of her silk-bound body.

  Gio dropped the piece of pasta he was holding on the floor. The next thing she knew, she was sitting on top of a pile of perfectly assembled little rows of ravioli.

  “Gio, the dinner!”

  “We can order in,” he growled, his face buried in her neck.

  Giggling, she wrapped her arms around his head, guiding it into her full breasts. Gio sighed like he was coming home. He tugged the thin straps of her gown down, leaving her naked from the waist up. Tugging his head closer, she guided his mouth to her dusky brown nipple.

  He took one with a groan that reverberated down her body. Between her legs, her pussy contracted, sending little sparks of pleasure radiating out like fireworks.

  She must have murmured that last part about fireworks out loud because Gio laughed before lifting his head. “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

  His hands went for her gown, and she helped him by wiggling enough so he could pull it off. Completely naked, she wrapped her legs around his waist, enjoying the way the rough cloth of his pants and shirt felt against her bare skin. Shameless in her hunger, she rubbed up and down, abrading her nipples and wet pussy against him.

  Gio said something in Italian she couldn’t understand and his hands moved faster and harder in his eagerness. She loved being touched by him, the no-holds-barred way he handled her body—a little rough but always reverent. It was a heady combination of love and lust that never failed to arouse her.

  Reclining on one arm, she scooted backward when he pushed her, bracing her leg on the edge on the counter. Gio’s head moved between her legs, his tongue snaking out to lick and probe her. Moaning aloud, she threw her head back and shifted to brace herself with both arms.

  She felt like a goddess being worshiped. Images of fertility idols danced behind her closed lids and she laughed aloud, something Gio apparently took personally. He sucked her clit into his mouth hard, nipping it with his teeth. His fingers circled her entrance and pushed inside, making her gasp.

  “Not laughing now, are we?” he teased, making her giggle. He huffed against her wet lips and reached out to nip her again.

  “Oh, God,” she cried as his fingers worked inside her tight channel rhythmically, teasing her G-spot with determined strokes.

  That was part of what she loved about him—he never wasted any time.

  Her pussy had started to flutter and spasm around his fingers when he reached up to pull her hips to the edge of the counter. With one hand, he tore open his pants and then he was there, thick and strong, parting her folds with a long smooth push.

  His size made it a little hard to take him easily, but that was why he was always careful to make sure she was burning to a fever pitch before he fucked her.

  There was a little burn, but it dissipated quickly, transmuting into pleasure like quicksilver. Clamping down on him, she rocked when he moved, matching him thrust for thrust. He took a fistful of her hair and tugged her head to one side, exposing the length of her neck. His mouth moved up and down the sensitive skin there, leaving her weak and boneless in his arms.

  He pulled her off the counter and onto the floor, a little rain of abused ravioli falling down on them. She was too out of breath to laugh. All she could do was hang on, grabbing his hips and ass while his cock drove deep. Each stroke caressed her sensitized nerves, sending little ripples of ecstasy throughout her body.

  Her control started to splinter. Putting her lips to his ear, she urged him to go faster and harder with desperate little whispers. He slammed into her again and again, driving down in a counterpoint to the upward pitch of her hips. The friction grew like a sunburst filling the sky until she couldn’t focus anymore. Vision blurred, she convulsed around him, fighting to hold the pulsing head of his cock tight against that magical little spot that made her shiver and writhe helplessly on the floor.

  “Madonna mia.” Above her, Gio’s head moved back, his neck corded with tension.

  His cock jerked repeatedly, and she was filled with heat as he spilled his seed deep into her waiting womb. She cried out and wrapped her legs around his waist, taking all of him. Endless moments later he finally collapsed over her with a guttural groan.

  Neither of them was capable of speech for a long time. They lay there on the floor until their bodies cooled and their breathing returned to normal. Eventually, Gio lifted his head to smile and kiss her softly.

  She burst out laughing and reached up to pick off the stray ravioli that had gotten stuck to his shoulder. “It’s a pity, ’cause this looked delicious.”

  He grinned down at her wickedly. “I can make more.”

  Gio helped her to her feet and they took in the disaster that was now the kitchen. He couldn’t hide his expression of dismay. Peeking at him from behind her lashes, she smiled and elbowed him in the ribs.

  “You’re dying to clean this all up, aren’t you?”

  He wrinkled his nose and threw an arm around her. “It can wait until after we shower.”

  Taking her hand, he led her to the massive master bedroom, a space bigger than her old apartment. He stood in front of her, pulling off his shirt and revealing that glorious six-pack. She wiped her mouth surreptitiously, in case she was drooling, and started to slip off her robe absently.

  Damn, the man was gorgeous.

  He was peeling off his pants when he turned to her with a contemplative expression. He said something she didn’t catch. She was too busy staring at him. He possessed such masculine beauty, it was easy to forget that the best thing about him was his kindness and generous loving heart. Such a man shouldn’t exist—let alone be hers.

  “I’m sorry, what was that?” she asked, struggling to focus on his words.

  He smiled. “I said I know you were joking about kids earlier. But I meant what I said when I proposed. I’m not in a rush to have a baby, no matter what my friends might have told you.”

  Reaching over, he tugged off her robe, which was trailing off one arm like a long forgotten streamer. He pressed a kiss to the sensitive spot behind her ear before taking the length of silk and folding it neatly on a chair.

  He was perfect. Absolutely perfect. How could she not want to have a baby with this man?

  “Yeah, about that…”

  The End

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  Other Books by Lucy Leroux

  Making Her His

  A Singular Obsession Novel, Book One

  #1 Amazon Erotic Suspense Bestseller Feb 2016

  & A Readers' Favorite Finalist **SIZZLE CATEGORY**

  For almost five years, Alex has had one obsession. Her name is Elynn.

  Alex Hanas couldn't believe that after so many years as a widower, his father was getting remarried. To make matters worse, the American gold digger had a kid—a daughter named Elynn. After months of avoiding it, Alex goes to brunch with every intention of giving his father's new family the deep freeze. But he can't pull it off with Elynn's anxious green-grey eyes locked on him.

  That was the day his life changed.

  Four years later, Alex is as close to Elynn as a stepbrother can be. But that's not enough for him. He wants more…and he's done waiting.

  Free on Kindle Unlimited.

  Confiscating Charlie

  A Singular Obsession Novelette

  Book 1.5

  Available Now

p; Noah Masters is looking for his future. He never expected it to find it in her.

  After After crashing and burning his racing career Noah Masters has to figure out what to do with his life. His cousin Alex suggests he find a way to channel his creative energy in a way that doesn’t involve him putting his life in danger.

  Then Noah meets his step-mother’s teenage sister Charlie, and he finds he doesn’t have to risk his life to find his future—he just has to risk his heart.

  Available Now, at

  Calen’s Captive

  A Singular Obsession, Book Two

  A Readers’ Favorite Silver Medalist

  Available Now

  Calen is a good man from a bad family. He’s worked hard for success, but something’s missing…or rather, someone.

  Calen is the son of an Irish mobster, but he’s rejected his legacy and has made a name for himself as a club owner. After years of hard work, he has the life he’s always wanted. Almost.

  Then his father asks him to take a meeting with a rival crew. It’s too important to say no. Reluctantly, he drives out to the middle of nowhere to meet them. There to negotiate for reparations, he sees an innocent girl being held against her will—someone who looks very familiar.

  Unwilling to leave the girl to a fate worse than death, he demands she be included as part of the deal. Maia is forced to stay with Calen for her safety, but she soon finds out he has ulterior motives for protecting her.

  Free on Kindle Unlimited.

  Stolen Angel

  A Singular Obsession, Book Three

  Available Now

  Sergei Damov is in love with someone who isn’t interested in him, but he’s determined to change that.

  Sergei has pined for months, waiting for his assistant to turn around and see he’s the perfect man for her. But Ada only sees him as her boss. Until one night when they both have to work late and the office is deserted…


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