Tamer- King of Dinosaurs Book 6

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Tamer- King of Dinosaurs Book 6 Page 1

by Michael-Scott Earle

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  End Notes

  Michael-Scott Earle

  Chapter 1

  I woke up with Liahpa’s soft breaths in my ear and the sun peaking over the edge of the eastern cliff face where Quwaru’s cave fort was.

  My lover was still asleep, and her naked body was curled and draped over my torso like a blanket. Her white-colored hair covered my chest and wrapped around the back of my head like a pillow, and I turned my eyes a bit so that I could look over at her beautiful face.

  The silver-skinned alien woman and I had decided to camp in the “C” shaped alcove on our way back from hauling three stego’s worth of malachite from the wall a few days travel to our east. The trip had been mostly uneventful, but then we’d seen a group of six men appear from a portal on the beach right before the jungle that hid Quwaru’s cave entrance. My trusty band of troodons, Liahpa, and I had ambushed and killed the men before they made it through the jungle and into the clearing; except for the last one, who had cast some sort of protective-paladin newb bubble on himself. He had started talking shit, but then Liahpa picked his bubble up with her superior strength and threw him down the side of the cliff.

  The fight had been easy enough, and I’d felt pretty badass afterwards. Liahpa had also been excited by our victory, and she’d begged me to make love to her three times last night before we had passed out.

  But now that it was the next morning in Dinosaurland, and I held her in my arms, I started to feel worry worm its way into my chest.

  The paladin asshole had known my name, and they had known exactly where to find Quwaru’s camp.

  There were dozens of possible reasons, and my mind kept trying to figure out how they knew about me and how their teleportation ability worked. I realized that the exercise was a bit futile. I couldn’t really change their plans, I could only adjust my own strategy given what I knew of their tactics.

  “Good morning,” Liahpa purred in my ear.

  “Hey, you,” I said as I turned my nose to brush against hers.

  “You look worried,” she said.

  “I’m supposed to be worried,” I laughed.

  “You weren’t yesterday,” she said. “You said--”

  “I think they are fine,” I interrupted her. “Like I said, these fuckers who came here would have told us if they had attacked everyone at the other tribe. I’m more worried about long term stuff.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked as she shifted her muscular body up so she was leaning off my chest a bit.

  “I have to figure out how to beat these guys,” I said. “They knew where Quwaru’s cave was, so I’m guessing the flying bat guy told them, or maybe they have someone else that can scry us or--”

  “What is scry?” Liahpa asked as one of her white eyebrows raised.

  “Oh, uhhh. It’s like an old Dungeons and Dra- you know, just someone who can see people a distance away using a pool of water.” As I spoke, I realized that my background as a nerd meant that I knew all about magical powers and super abilities. Was it another coincidence that I was on this world and I knew about this stuff? Had the alien overlords designed it that way?

  “Everyone has powers on this world,” Liahpa stated. “But the men we killed yesterday didn’t seem that strong. Did you see anything at the beach? You went out to check if there was any evidence of--”

  “I just saw a circle in the sand,” I said. “It was the same spot that I thought they had popped out of the portal. Issue is that we don’t know if one of the men who came through had the power to teleport them, or if it was someone on the other side who sent them.”

  “If one of those men was the one who had the power--”

  “Then we don’t have much to worry about,” I finished her thought. “But if someone else sent them through, they might attack our other camp next.”

  “We should get back then,” Liahpa said, but as she spoke her red eyes met mine, and her right hand strayed down my bare stomach. “Maybe in a few minutes.”

  “Damn,” I chuckled as her hand found the base of my shaft. “I think you are going to wear me out.”

  “I doubt that,” she chuckled as I got hard in her fingers.

  Part of me wanted to get back to camp as soon as possible, but Liahpa was already shifting her hips over mine, and my eyes focused on the opening of her vagina. The skin there was a pinkish-silver, and she slipped me inside a moment before she groaned and lowered herself down my length.

  Then she went to work.

  Liahpa seemed to have an even larger sexual appetite than Trel, and she rode me as if it was going to be the last action she ever took. After about thirty seconds, her breathing began to deepen, and her body shuddered as her climax hit her. Then she lay on my chest and showered my chest and neck with kisses.

  “Men are pretty awesome, huh?” I chuckled after she had recovered and began to gyrate again.

  “Just you,” she gasped as another shudder took her. “Every other man we seem to meet on this world is an asshole.”

  “Now you are saying asshole?” I asked.

  “Learned it from you,” she choked out as another shudder took her.

  It had only been a few minutes, and we’d fucked each other’s brains out for most of the entire trip, but the sight of Liahpa enjoying herself on me was just too much, and I felt a slow climax build in my legs and push up toward my hips.

  Although she was kind of inexperienced with men, Liahpa had been observant in our last few sessions together. She sensed that I was approaching orgasm, and a wide smile crept across her face as her red eyes glowed with desire.

  Then a second orgasm began to claim her body, and we both growled when I climaxed deep inside of her.

  “See?” she laughed after we had both finished panting and trembling. “Just a few minutes.”

  “Yeah,” I chuckled, “you were right.”

  We lay together for another few minutes though, and then I looked over to our pile of clothes. I didn’t need to tell her it was time to go, she just nodded, and then we slid away from each other so that we could dress.

  The troodons were laying in the grass some thirty feet from us, and I saw Scoob pick his head up off the ground and stare at me as soon as I put my pants on. I beckoned to him with my finger, and he let out a happy hoot before he kicked off the grass and dashed toward me.

  The tiger-striped dino almost knocked me down when he collided with me, and I let out another laugh as I pet him. The other troodons let out annoyed hoots as soon as I started giving Scoob some attention, and they all rushed over and tried to pile on me like a troop of excited Boxers.

  “Does your Tame ability make them love you?” Liahpa asked as she adjusted her superhero-swimsuit around her ass crack.

  “I don’t think so,” I said as I tried to pet Shag with my right hand, Daphne with my left hand, Fred with my left knee, and Velma with my right knee.

  “But they do,” Liahpa said as she glanced at the troodons.

  “They love you too,” I said, and Scoob ran over to the silver-skinned woman so that she could pet him.

  “You did that,” Liahpa laughed as the troodon tried to jump in her arms.

w,” I replied, but then I sent a mental order to the troodons so that they formed their usual semi-circle around us. “I did that though. You ready?”

  “Yes,” she said, and then we walked up the slope a bit to where the stegos were laying.

  Mike D, MCA, and Ad-Rock were each loaded up with a few thousand pounds of malachite. I had no idea how much copper we’d be able to extract from the ore, but I figured that Trel would have been working on it in the last few days.

  And if anyone could figure out how to make something work, it was Trel.

  “Let’s go guys,” I said to the stegos.

  Mike D let out a long note of annoyance that was echoed by MCA and Ad-Rock. I knew they were tired, but we only had four or five hours left to travel, and then the three of them could rest.

  Next we walked past the massive trike that I had named Tom. He was lounging on the grass some thirty feet from the edge of the jungle, and he let out a soft honk when I patted him on his big nose.

  As the stegos got to their feet with their load, and Tom shifted to his feet, Liahpa and I walked the rest of the way up the grassy hill and into the entrance of the jungle trail. I had expected to see the bodies of the five men that we had killed yesterday, but instead I just saw an impossibly long and dark shape that was covering almost all the dirt path of the trail.

  “Hey, Grumpy,” I said as I looked around for the bodies of the five assholes.

  The purussaurus let out a long and low rumble of annoyance, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Sorry, buddy. It’s wakey wakey time.”

  Grumpy growled again, and I shook my head.

  “You ate them? I was going to loot--”

  The dino-croc growled again, and it felt like every bone in my chest was shaking.

  “Yeah, that’s what happens when you eat nasty dudes. You get a tummy ache.”

  “He’s got a tummy ache?” Liahpa asked with surprise on her face. “How do you know?”

  “He told me--”

  Grumpy grumbled again, and then he twisted his head away from me so that it was hidden behind a jungle fern.

  “No you don’t,” I tried to say without laughing. “We have to go, you can’t call in a sick day. Let’s get moving.”

  Grumpy let out something that sounded a lot like the moan I used to make when my mom woke me up for school, twisted his massive body around through the jungle, tore out half a dozen bushes with his bulk, and then moved down the trail toward the beach.

  Liahpa, the troodons, the stegos, and I followed.

  The morning air was cooler on the beach, but I didn’t shiver. If anything, the air felt wonderful on my bare chest, and I stretched my arms over my head.

  “Where is Bruce?” Liahpa asked as soon as we were all looking at the morning sun reflect off the ocean.

  “There,” I said as I pointed up above us. The horse-sized pteranodon was gliding a few hundred feet above us, and he let out his usual goose-honk when Liahpa turned up to him. “I figured we could skip breakfast and power through. Cool?”

  “It’s not that cold.” She smirked at me, and I knew that she was making fun of my word usage.

  I laughed, gestured to Tom, and then smacked the floating woman on her tight ass-cheek when she moved past me. Liahpa let out a gasp of surprise, and her face seemed to turn a bit red as she looked over her shoulder at me. I guessed she wanted me to explain my action, but I just nodded up to Tom’s saddle, and her blush seemed to darken a bit more.

  I climbed up behind her, got in the saddle space next to her, and then directed the troodons to move up ahead. Then Tom began slowly settling into his normal gait, and the stegos lumbered behind us. Bruce let out another honk from the air, and I knew he was tattle-telling on Grumpy.

  “Hey!” I yelled back over my shoulder at the massive dino-croc. He was still at the edge of the jungle, and he turned his head away from me as soon as I yelled. “Are you coming?”

  Grumpy rumbled and then moved his head in a way that was a clear “no.”

  “What are you going to do?” Liahpa asked after I had slowed everyone down again.

  “I dunno,” I said with a shrug. “I kind of feel like we have a weird relationship.”

  “What do you mean?” the silver-skinned woman asked. “Don’t you control him.”

  “Maybe,” I replied. “It’s weird. He’s huge, and I can’t seem to Tame carnivores that are even an eighth of his size. I don’t really know why he helped me out at the river. Hold on.”

  I slid down from Tom’s back and walked the thirty or so yards back to the edge of the jungle. Grumpy wasn’t looking at me, but he either heard or sensed me coming, and he let out a low growl that would have scared all the shit out of every single square inch of my large intestines if I’d been the same Victor I was two months ago.

  “What’s wrong?” I said as I reached out to lay my hand on one of his spikey bits that came out of his forehead. “Do you really have a stomach ache?”

  Grumpy groaned, and I began to run my hand down his scales.

  “Shit, man, I’m sorry. What do you want us to do?”

  The big monster let out another groan, and I nodded.

  “We can stay here for a bit longer if you want, but I know you heard me yesterday. We don’t know if these guys are going to be attacking the other camp. Do you think you can make it another four hours?”

  Gumpy groaned again, and I shrugged.

  “But they are in danger. You remember Trel? She was the one with the long black hair that petted you and told you that you were impressively large?”

  Grumpy made a sound that sounded a lot like a sigh.

  “Or Galmine? Do you remember her? She gave you a hug.”

  Grumpy actually didn’t make a noise, but he turned his head around so he could look at me. His yellow eyeballs were larger than my closed fist, and his teeth were probably longer than my hands.

  “When we get there, I can have everyone rub your belly.”

  I actually didn’t think that would work, but the purussaurus tilted his head to the side a bit, and he let out a hopeful noise.

  “Yeah,” I said as I tried to keep from laughing. “I think they’d be happy to do that. You are part of our family now, and we take care of each other.”

  Grumpy’s clear eyelids moved over his eyes, and then he blinked his solid ones. Then he let out a short guttural sound and he began to creep across the sand and toward the ocean.

  “He okay?” Liahpa asked when I had returned to Tom’s saddle and the purussaurus had entered the ocean.

  “Yeah,” I said, “but we are all giving him a belly rub when we get back.


  “That’s the deal,” I laughed. “Now let’s get going.”

  We started forward again, and I could sense Grumpy moving in the waves beside us. It took us a bit less than five minutes to make it to the obsidian-river that separated the flat beach from the dunes, but as soon as the troodons made it to the base of the first dune, Bruce let out a twin honk of alarm.

  Then the troodons collectively hooted with terror.

  “Shi--” I started to say, but it was too late, and at the top of the nearest dune, a feathered head poked over the edge. I knew exactly what kind of dino it was before the rest of it moved over the crest, and then my heart dropped into my ass when four other black feathered torsos appeared on the next dune over.

  Then three more appeared on the dune closest to the ocean, and my heart stopped beating.

  There were eight utahraptors, and they had been laying in wait to ambush us.

  Chapter 2

  I immediately ordered the group of troodons to run behind me, and they sprang backwards as if the ground where they stood was hot lava. This wasn’t a game though, and I could almost taste the fear radiating off the tiger-stripped dinos as they turned to run toward Tom.

  The utahraptors popped the rest of their bodies over the crest of the dunes and descended like a black wave of death. For half a moment, my m
ind spun as my stomach tried to force my bladder to empty itself. I didn’t piss myself though, since it wasn’t going to help me win this impossible battle.

  The utahraptor at the front of the group was the one who first appeared at the center dune. He bent down as he charged down the sandy slope and almost nipped Velma in the ass as she scampered back to me. His teeth closed with a loud crack that sounded like a snare drum rimshot, but then my troodons all leapt over the obsidian river, and they moved to the back side of Tom.

  Just as I commanded the big trike to charge forward.

  It was probably suicide, but I couldn’t think of any other way to survive this fight. I had to be quick and do my best to take as many of the black-feathered raptors out as soon as I could. The scene at the lake when the two brontos were killed kept repeating in my mind, but I was also numb with terror, and I was kind of letting my instincts do the thinking.

  Liahpa whipped her soul ring axe off the saddle and held it in her right hand. I didn’t really have time to look at her face, but her body was tense, and I saw her muscles strain as she moved forward on her knees.

  I was about to tell her to stay on Tom’s back, but then we crashed over the obsidian river, slammed into the first utahraptor, tore him in half with Tom’s horns, and had to worry about living for the next thirty seconds.

  It was a storm of feathers, claws, teeth, and screams.

  One of the horse-sized raptors jumped up against Tom’s side, but before he could chomp my arm off, I yanked my Cricket Bat of Doom off the saddle behind me and somehow got one of the sharp pointy edges into his maw. He bit down, but then I twisted the weapon in my left hand and yanked it free of his mouth. Blood sprayed across Tom’s crest, but then I had three more of the raptors to worry about on my side.

  Bruce let out a screech from above, and I saw him dive out of the corner of my eye. He was heading toward Liahpa’s side, which was fine with me since I wanted him to protect her.

  One of the raptors jumped toward Tom’s back side with his feet claws extended. He looked like some sort of flying black-feathered chicken, and I commanded the big trike to shift to his right and swing his horns around at the two raptors in front of him while I brought my Cricket Bat of Doom down again.


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