Morally Decadent (Morally Questionable Book 3)

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Morally Decadent (Morally Questionable Book 3) Page 13

by Veronica Lancet

  It's not the first time father's brought up his desire for an heir. Ever since he had a stroke a couple years ago, he's been faced with his own mortality, and the possibility that his line might die out. He'd promptly started to negotiate a contract with Guerra, his goal to have me married and with a child by this year's end. I'd postponed as much as possible, in part because of my dislike of Gianna Guerra, and partly because I didn't want to get married.

  And now a child on top of everything?

  "Yes, indeed. I'm sure Allegra will manage to surprise us soon," I lie, because how could she when I haven't even touched her?

  Father grunts, and the topic swiftly changes to the management of the restaurants. We spend a couple of hours outlining the different strategies, and father lets on that after I've given him an heir, and only then, he will include me in the other part of the family business — fine by me, since I'm in no hurry to do either.

  It's late at night when I finally make it back home. We'd spent the entire afternoon in meetings with father's subordinates, making the plans for my future takeover.

  I head to the room, my eyes heavy with sleep, my hands rushing to unbutton my shirt and take off the rest of my clothes. I probably shouldn't have consumed even more alcohol. But when the elders drink, you have to follow suit.

  I open the door slowly, tiptoeing around the room. Allegra is already in bed, and the soft sound of her breath lets me know she's deep asleep.

  Kicking my clothes to the side, I slide under the cover only wearing my boxer briefs. On my back, I take a deep breath, closing my eyes and trying to get some rest.

  "Mhmmm," Allegra's small sounds make me crack an eyelid open. Some shifting and a little shuffling and she's on my side of the bed, inching her way closer to me until her leg is resting over my body, her arm draped around my midriff.

  It seems my little tigress is drawn to me — at least unconsciously. I look down into her sleeping face, so peaceful, and so heartbreakingly innocent. Swiping my hand across her cheek, I catch a stray strand, moving it to the back.

  "Mhmmm," another sound escapes her lips as she burrows her face deeper in the crook of my neck, the small ticklish movements making sure that while I may be sleepy, another part of me is not.


  If she's going to keep this up then I'm not going to get sleep soon, and a visit to the bathroom might be forthcoming.

  Her lips part, and my eyes are drawn to her rosy mouth, the thought of it wrapped around my cock making me groan.

  This isn't working.

  Why did I think it would be a good idea to share a bed? It's not the first time that I've had this reaction to her, so I must be a glutton for punishment. And blue balls will be a constant on the menu.

  I close my eyes and count to ten.

  Allegra lifts her face, trailing her nose around my collarbone until she reaches my neck. I look down at her, and I'm met by her eyes — wide open.

  She scrambles back, as if burned, a look of disgust on her face.

  "One thing I asked," she starts, tension radiating from her features, "just one thing."

  "What are you talking about?" I frown. What did I do this time? She's the one who molested me in her sleep. I barely managed to keep my hands to myself and still, I'm the guilty one.

  "You reek of whatever whore you just left behind. You don't even have the decency to take a shower before climbing into bed with me, your wife?" She raises her voice a notch, her tiny hands clenched in fists by her side.

  "She's not a whore." I reply, not intending to let the insult to maman Margot slide.

  "She sure smells like it," she scoffs, tilting her head to the side and crossing her arms over her chest.

  "Aw, little tigress, jealous? I thought I had your blessing." I'm amused now, and I move to my side, resting my head on my elbow and watching the outrage spilling out of her.

  "Yes, as long as I don't see, smell or know. Clearly, she's worn you out so much you couldn't even muster the strength to take a shower." She mutters under her breath, still not meeting my eyes.

  "Curious? Want me to show you what you're missing out on?" I tease her, moving closer and letting my hand roam over her body, the tips of my fingers playing along the curve of her naked thigh. Her skin reacts immediately, and goosebumps form under my touch.

  I have to admit I enjoy riling her a little too much, so when I see her react like this I can't help but push her further.

  "Stop that," the words come out on a breathless whisper, lacking any conviction.

  Moving my hand further up and over the slip of a nightgown she's wearing, I let it rest briefly at the junction of her thighs, my eyes focused on her expression. Her eyes widen and I expect her to shove my hand away any moment now.

  Except she doesn't.

  We're both staring into each other's eyes and it's like everything falls away. A breath catches in her throat, and my eyes dip lower to her chest, rising and falling in slow motion, her nipples pushing against the constraints of her robe. The energy between us is sizzling to an unbearable intensity.

  Her nightgown already bunched up around her hips, her panties are but a touch away. I don't know what comes over me. This was supposed to be just a game, but as I skim over the surface of her covered pussy, I find I can't stop.

  She releases a strangled noise as my fingers dip lower, brushing against her clit. Her eyes almost flutter closed, and her lips part in wonder. Moving lower, I push against her entrance, the material of her panties already damp with her arousal.

  She's wet.

  I slide the fabric aside, the velvety feel of her juices meeting my fingers and coating them in fucking honey. I tease her entrance before locating her clit again, gently caressing it.

  "I..." Allegra trails off, her eyes closed shut, her back arching slightly.

  She moans, the sound pure music to my ears, but also a reminiscent cacophony, and it serves as a sobering thought as I realize I'm heading towards the road of no return. So I do the only thing I can.

  I open my mouth and ruin everything.

  "Yes, just like that," I start, bringing my face closer to hers, my hand still between her legs. "I fucked her with my fingers until she was begging for my cock, and only then did I thrust into her tight pussy." Her eyes widen for a second as clarity settles in, my crude words ringing in her ears. And I just continue. "She milked every drop of my cum and still begged for more. Tell me, little tigress, are you going to beg me to fuck you too? If you say pretty please, I might just..." Her hands shoot out and she pushes me off her. Her lip curls up in revulsion and a loud slap lands on my cheek.

  "Out! Get the hell out and away from me, you fucking asshole! Maybe those whores who seem to love your cock so much will give you a place to sleep!" She shouts at me, pushing me with her feet until I fall off the bed.

  Well... Mission accomplished.

  I bite my tongue so I don't blurt out my other thoughts–how the fire in her eyes or the way she's ready to fight me tooth and nail is only making my cock harder, the need to pin her down and show her exactly what we're both missing out almost overwhelming.

  But I don't.

  Not when I've worked for years to keep myself in check, to not let myself ruled by my baser instincts. And so, to avoid further temptation, I leave. I gather my stuff and go to the spare bedroom across the hall.

  Closing the door behind me, I drop my clothes in a corner and let myself fall on the bed.

  "God!" I groan out loud at my own stupidity. Because it's my own fault for taking the game too far, for enjoying it too much.

  Without even thinking, I bring my fingers to my mouth, tasting her essence.

  Sweet yet spicy... just like her.

  My other hand makes it past the band of my boxers to grip my excruciatingly hard cock.

  "Fuck!" I mutter the minute I start pumping my fist over my length.

  I don't think I've been this hard ever before.

  It takes me less than a minute to come all over my stomach,
the image of Allegra with her mouth parted, my fingers nestled inside her pussy forever burned in my mind.

  AFTER THE LITTLE INCIDENT, I keep myself away from her lest I make her hate me even more. Not that I don't have someone watching her twenty-four seven. But maman's words are still ringing in my ears, and I have to find a way to bridge the gap between us.

  Romance her.

  But how?

  I've never made an effort with a female before, spending most of my time running away from them rather than trying to get into their good graces. So I don't know how to turn our relationship around when even the most mundane moments turn into a battlefield. Not that it's not largely my fault, but I find that I can't help myself where she's concerned.

  "She just left the house," Nero's voice sounds from the other end of the line.

  "Where is she going?"

  "Shopping. She has five guards with her." He gives me a brief description of what she's wearing, as well as her perceived disposition.

  "Text me the location when you get there," I say, hanging up.

  There is one thing that I've learned about Allegra in our short, albeit intense acquaintance — she is too strong-willed and volatile, with an independent streak simmering just beneath the surface. A deadly combination for someone who's been restrained by her upbringing her entire life. Suddenly finding herself in a big city, endless opportunities at her fingertips, she might think she can do anything she wants.

  But she can't.

  It's what I've feared all along, from the moment I met her and recognized her potential. She was like an unpolished gem, unappreciated and underestimated, just waiting for someone to appraise her true value. After being surrounded my entire life by scheming, conniving women that wanted only one thing from me, it was entirely too refreshing to be around her.

  I was lucky to get to her first. But now it's a matter of making sure no one steals her from me.

  It's what I worried about from the very beginning, and the reason I'd gone through so much trouble to ensure she'd be tied to me for eternity. I was merely the first to see her for what she really is, but certainly not the only one.

  The thought of her going out alone in the world, where she can meet anyone — she can fall for anyone — drives me mad. And with her strong dislike of me, the possibility of her succumbing to a nobody's charm is even higher.

  Damn it all to hell!

  "I'm sorry to cut this meeting short, but there's something else that needs my express attention," I address the restaurant's board of directors, standing up and exiting the room.

  In just a few minutes, I'm in my car and ready to go, awaiting Nero's message. I'm tapping my finger against the steering wheel, and my mind keeps torturing me with different scenarios. Of Allegra being free with her smiles with unknown men, of her blushing at their compliments...

  My fist crashes into the car's board just as my phone rings, her destination a few blocks away from me.

  I start the car and drive in front of a high end department store. Nero is across the street and he gives me a nod, motioning me towards where Allegra is.

  Entering the department store, I make sure to keep in the background, merely watching her movements.

  She's looking at some clothes, her brows drawn together in a small frown as she's perusing the dresses.

  It's only now that I realize that I should have paid more attention to her lack of clothes. I'd seen the small suitcase she'd brought with her; with the few belongings she'd stuffed inside.

  I continue watching her as she takes one dress off the rack, putting it against her body and checking the fit in the mirror. Her hand brushes against the price tag and her eyes go wide, quickly putting it back.

  "Nero, tell her that she should buy whatever she wants, regardless of the price," I inform him over the phone, but then I pause, thinking of something else. "No, better yet, tell her I'm a miser and I hate overspending, especially on clothes, and it would make me furious to see the bill."

  "Yes, sir."

  He goes to Allegra, and he whispers something in her ear. Her expression is a dead giveaway, her lips slowly going up in a mischievous smile. She doesn't waste any time in picking the dress again, and a few others. In fact, soon her arms are full of clothes and she makes her way towards the changing rooms.

  Still minding the distance, I get a little closer, hiding behind a column. She shouldn't be able to see me from her location, but I have a full view of her.

  Nero, who is currently waiting on her, gives me a thumbs up from across the room.

  Allegra opens the curtain, uncertainty written all over her face as she steps in front of the larger mirror of the dressing room. She looks stunning in a black dress that is a bit too short for my liking, her slender, shapely legs highlighted in a way that makes me physically uncomfortable.

  "Nero," I call him again, ready to try the reverse psychology once more, "tell her I love sexy dresses, and that the more skin they show, the better; also make sure she thinks I don't find conservative clothing attractive at all."

  Nero does as told, and Allegra seems pensive for a moment, her eyes still lingering on the way the dress hugs her body.

  I look around, dreading the fact that other people can see her too.

  She finally drops the more revealing garments in favor of the most awful, straight up granny clothes.

  I stifle a groan, satisfied with her choice, but feeling sorry for my poor eyes for the foreseeable future.

  God, she really wants to spite me.

  Once the bill is paid, they move on to another store and Allegra starts looking at shoes, trying on different styles.

  I'm almost relieved that this excursion is about to be over soon, but out of the corner of my eye I see a sales assistant heading towards her — a male sales assistant.

  Nero immediately whips his head around to gauge my reaction, and I signal him to pay attention to her.

  She's sitting on a plush chair, waiting. The sales assistant brings her a different pair, kneeling in front of her and taking the shoes out of the box.

  I watch, stupefied, as he puts his hand on her foot, helping her put the shoes on. Allegra is wholly focused on the shoes — her only salvation — but the kid makes no secret of his open perusal of her legs, his gaze moving upwards.

  I give Nero a brief sign, and whatever he tells Allegra has her standing up and hurrying back to the clothes shop.

  The road clear, I leave my hidden spot and head directly for the sales assistant who is still on the floor, his eyes on her retreating figure. I sit down in front of him, taking the place Allegra had just vacated.

  "Can I help you?" He asks when he finally realizes I'm in front of him.

  "Yes, as a matter of fact you can," I smile brightly at him, stooping down to whisper in his ear. "Touch the lady again and I'll cut off your hands."

  He leans back, shock written all over his features. His eyes wide, he starts stammering.

  "Wh-what... you can't do that!"

  "I can, and I will." And just to show him I'm not kidding, I remove a knife from my jacket, tracing the outline of his front shirt and popping a button open. "Or maybe I can do worse..." I trail off, my blade going lower towards his dick.

  "I won't touch her, man. I won't even look at her..." the kid whimpers, falling on his ass, true fear written all over his face.

  "Good. Then we're understood."

  I get up, and I remind Nero to delete the CCTV footage before he leaves. Just as I resume my place in the shadows, Allegra returns, almost out of breath. She's trying to explain to Nero that she hadn't forgotten anything in the changing room.

  The sales assistant had already scrambled away, so I continue to happily watch the uneventful rest of the shopping spree, where Allegra gleefully spends what she must think is a fortune, but is in fact only pocket change.

  At last, she seems satisfied with her purchases and sets out to return home.

  And I can finally focus on my work.

  Chapter T

  SHIFTING AROUND IN bed, I finally give up on the hope that I'll fall asleep soon. For the third night in a row, Enzo hasn't come back to the room. I'd be lying if a small part of me didn't wonder where he's spending his nights — or with whom.


  Why do I still care what that devil does? Even after he clearly made a mockery of me? I gave him one opening, and he took advantage to the fullest.

  I'd been so enthralled by him that night, that I would have let him do anything to me. But of course he wouldn't, not when the only time he can muster an interest in me is when he wants to humiliate me. He's made his position very clear — I'm not his type. I should be thankful for it, and yet when he'd touched me, my mind had completely blanked. I'd looked into his eyes and I'd lost myself.


  No matter how much I hate to admit it, Enzo has a certain magnetism about him that doesn't only lie in his perfect looks. No, there's something more in the way he carries himself, or how his smoldering voice can melt...

  "Damn it!" I mutter out loud, willing my brain to shut up.

  I need to stop thinking about him and his panty dropping smile.

  "I'd certainly been ready to drop my panties for him that night," I say to myself, annoyed I'd displayed such weakness when I'd just started to think myself immune to him.

  My thoughts betraying me and sleep eluding me, I decide I need a distraction. A quick glance at the clock tells me it's deep in the night. There shouldn't be anyone about the house.

  I pull a robe over my nightgown and I head to the first floor and to the beautiful library I'd spotted.

  The entire house is eerily quiet, and I do my best to not draw any unwanted attention as I walk down the hallway and open the library door.

  Sandalwood furniture graces the entire room, and ceiling high bookshelves are on each wall, all filled with an assortment of books.

  I close the door behind me, and I look in awe at the old and worn spines, but most of all at the fact that these are clearly collectible pieces. Brushing my hand against them, I feel almost giddy at being in the same room with so many books.


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