Want Me

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Want Me Page 4

by Neve Wilder

  He murmured a noise of approval that vibrated through me. Fuck, it felt so good. We found some kind of synced rhythm—his hands, his mouth, my body, all moving in collaboration. It was euphoric and I mentally rolled around in it, saturated myself in the trifecta of sensation. With my eyes closed, I bathed in the sweet, slippery friction assaulting my lower half. So much so that it took me a second to realize his mouth had been replaced by his hand pumping me steadily and that his finger was gone from my ass, replaced by his thick head nudging inside me again.

  “Fuck yes,” I exhaled. I no longer cared that I wasn’t facing away from him, that when I opened my eyes he was right there, one hand still on my cock, the other brushing against my ass, spreading me as he pushed deep inside. His expression was intense, his eyes fixed on the place where our bodies joined. He bit his lip, bare chest rising in a staggered breath, and for the first time I could see how on edge he was, how close he was, and trying to hold back. It was a sexy kind of vulnerability that ignited in me like pure flame. When his gaze flicked up to my face, I caught a brief glimpse of him going wide-eyed as I reached for him and dragged him down. He flailed and landed heavily on my chest. I wrapped my legs around him, grabbed two handfuls of his ass, and yanked until he was buried inside me.

  “Fuck,” he cried out. “Oh fuck.”

  I grinned like a bastard, feeling like I’d won some kind of unspoken contest as Eric’s fingers clamped around my shoulders and he began plowing into me. But soon I was carried away on waves of pleasure again as he adjusted his hips slightly, planted his palms on either side of my head, and pushed up so that his lower belly raked my cock with every thrust.

  Then it was me being the noisemaker, arching and shimmying my body into the friction of his, moaning every time he thrust back inside me. He dropped down to his forearms, and his cheek brushed against mine, his panting breaths loud so close to my ear, like bursts of static. He sped up, fucked me harder, faster, deeper, grunting with the effort, and I exploded into a free fall, my balls seizing up and my stomach clenching as I shattered around his cock, spilling what felt like a bucket of come onto our abdomens.

  “Shit,” I moaned. “Holy fuck.”

  It kept going, shudders and tremors of crazy intense pleasure racing through me, from the tips of my toes to the crown of my head. I was sure every hair on my body stood on end with the impact of it, like I was being cratered out with the sheer force of my release. My hips bucked wildly, and even after the last gush of my load had pulsed from my tip, my cock kept twitching. My ass spasmed around him, and Eric buried a loud curse into my neck, sinking his teeth into my skin as he roared to climax. If I hadn’t been so recently spent, I would have come again, because it was hot as hell feeling the way he contracted, then unloaded inside me. He kept moving, riding the wave of his orgasm, teeth still clamped down on the side of my neck until he finally gave one last thrust and collapsed on top of me.

  I was sweating like a motherfucker. Or maybe he was. We both were, I decided, and I turned my head to the side to try and wipe my dripping brow against the sheets.

  His teeth released their hold on the side of my neck, and he buried his face into the sheets next to mine, panting. Aftershocks rolled through me in pleasant little jolts of electricity that made my body tremble beneath his. He exhaled a lazy chuckle after the third one rolled through. Then, mumbling something I couldn’t understand against my skin, Eric flopped off me and onto his back beside me, stripping off the condom and knotting it as he lay there.

  I swallowed, brushing my fingers against the tender skin at the side of my neck. It would probably be bruised, but at the moment I didn’t care. Worth it. So worth it.

  He gave me a sidelong glance that hovered around the spot I was rubbing. “Sorry about that.”

  “No you’re not.”

  “You’re right, I’m definitely not. Are you?”


  “No, but…?”

  “I don’t think there’s a but.” Maybe it would come later, but right then I was too blissfully fucked out to think of anything other than sleep.

  Eric rolled up to a sitting position, scrubbing his face with his hands. “Fuck, I need a shower.”

  I did, too, but I was probably too lazy to do more than grab a washcloth to wipe myself off.

  “Do you do this a lot?” I watched him as he stood, then bent over to snag his boxers and jeans from the floor and start pulling them on.

  “What? Guide hot roommates to the promised land of full-body orgasms?”

  “Is that what I had?” My mouth moved, but my brain was stuck on the fact that he’d called me hot. He’d said it throughout the night, but it was always tied into what was happening between us. Now the vague compliment sent little flutters through my stomach that I wasn’t sure what to do with. Wasn’t even sure I liked. Eric was proving to be an anomaly in almost every way.

  “Sure looked like it. Whatever it was was fucking amazingly intense. But no, I don’t make a habit out of entertaining someone’s bicurious side. Though, to be fair, I think only one other person has ever asked me to.”

  “What happened with that?”

  “Nothing much, really. It happened a few times and didn’t go anywhere after that.” Eric shrugged, gaze cutting down to focus on his fly as he zipped, buttoned, and buckled himself back into place, but there was something about the way he avoided my gaze that made me suspect there was more to the story. I didn’t have the energy to harass him about it right then, though, and I also didn’t think it was really my place to. Even if we’d gone way beyond what I had initially wanted to happen, intended to happen, there was nothing about tonight that suggested this hookup was anything more than solely the experiment it began as. Except…Eric was looking at me again. I was still on the bed in a boneless heap, but the way his gaze sketched over my body started flustering me. I rolled up to sit, and Eric glanced around before tossing me a towel lying on my floor.

  I thanked him and mopped at my spunk-coated torso. This had to have been the most I’d ever popped off, and if he wasn’t still watching me like a damn hawk, I’d probably have sat there and reveled in it for a while. I mean really, it was that impressive.

  “What?” I asked.

  “So the experiment was a success, right? Or you’re not sure?” He had his T-shirt over his forearms but paused before pulling it over his head, like he wanted to see my face when I answered the question.

  I sucked on the inside of my cheek. “Success. Not really sure what I’m measuring it against, though.”

  He shrugged and cut me a devious grin as he tugged his T-shirt back into place. “I’ll stick with success, regardless.”

  “You would. You really are a cocky fucker.”

  Both brows arched, and he made me jump a little when he dropped his hand to my knee and leaned in, invading my space. I froze, thinking he was about to kiss me, but he stopped just shy of my mouth, narrowing his eyes in a tease. “Did I not earn it honestly?”

  Before I could think of some snark to lob back at him, he snapped back upright and walked across the room to open my door. He paused there, resting one hand on the doorframe as he looked at me over his shoulder. “If you need a study partner for calculus again”—a slight tilt of his head and a meaningful quirk of his lips—“or anything else, let me know. I’m down.” Then he pushed off the doorframe and left. He chuckled quietly all the way down the hall and into the bathroom, where I heard the shower turn on before he shut the door.

  I finished cleaning myself off and then made myself go over my notes and formulas again, but my head was a mess, replaying everything that had happened. Could I really consider my experiment satisfied, check it off the list, and move on? I wasn’t sure, but I was going to try. And if not, well, hadn’t Eric pretty much left it open-ended?

  I kept seeing him kneeling in front of me, over me. Feeling the echo of his hands, his mouth, his cock inside me. It was seriously the best sex I’d ever had in my life. And it was with a guy. A guy w

ho also happened to be my roommate.

  Fuck. Things had suddenly gotten very interesting, and the more I thought about the night, the more I thought it was less experiment than beginning.


  Take Me

  One night with Eric hadn’t been enough. In fact, I was probably worse off now than I’d been before. Because now I knew for sure what it felt like to have Eric’s hands on my cock, his mouth on me. His fucking dick in my ass. Jesus. I couldn’t believe I’d let him do that. And not just let him, I’d begged for it.

  But the worst thing of all was that I wanted it again. Desperately.

  A week and a half went by. I’d passed my calculus exam. I’d gone out with Mark, and we’d hopped from bar to bar, this almost frantic zeal in the way I scoped out the girls, looking for a hookup that would set me back to rights. But nothing held my interest.

  A couple of nights later, I half-heartedly made out with a cute redhead at one of my fraternity’s mixers with Theta Gamma Beta. When she snuck her hand down my pants in the hallway of the bar, I thought for a second that maybe I could make it happen. But her delicate little fingers wrapped my dick, giving it a light, ineffective tug, and all I could think about was how differently Eric would have done it. There would have been none of her hesitation, just the self-assured pressure of his grip. I’d begged off in a total wuss moment with a cop-out excuse, telling her I wasn’t feeling well.

  I hadn’t gone out since. I holed up in my room with my textbooks when I wasn’t in class, figuring if I was going to become a hermit, at least my academic career might benefit from my full-blown sexual crisis. I’d already finished a paper and a book report, neither of which were due for another two weeks.

  Eric was gone a lot, too. I wasn’t sure whether or not it was on purpose, and the moments I saw him in passing he acted the same as he always had—polite, if aloof. Somehow I’d been expecting more. Some kind of acknowledgment of our hookup in the glances we exchanged—a kind of heat, or a wink and a smile. Something. But there was nothing. Nothing that remotely resembled the erotic intimacy that had existed between us that night in my room. And it was doing a number on me.

  Eric had said he’d be down for another go, but I didn’t know how to go about getting what I wanted, which messed with me because, with a girl, I would have just flirted for a while, or bought her a drink, then asked her out. Easy. Trying to figure out how to approach Eric threw me for a loop. The simple answer was to just lay it out straight, stop him in our hallway sometime, and tell him what I wanted. But so far, every time I’d tried, all the saliva in my mouth dried up, the words got stuck in my throat, and I ended up grunting out a lame hey or a how’s it going? instead. It was irritating as hell. And finally I decided fuck it, I’d just give up. Time healed all, right? Hopefully that applied to blue balls, too.

  My latest haven aside from the gym was the U’s massive library. Four floors of quiet, testosterone-free anonymity. I’d started spending afternoons after classes there, finishing my homework, studying, sometimes just watching dumb YouTube videos with my earbuds in.

  It was a Tuesday, and I was muddling through Plato’s story of the ring of Gyges. The weather was garbage. Nothing but gray skies and intermittent downpours all day. I was leaning back in my chair at my study carrel, looking across the room at the angry churn of the sky through one of the windows near the front desk, when Eric walked in. He carried an umbrella that he collapsed and leaned against the doorframe with a bunch of others, but he’d still gotten wet. He raked a hand through the damp ends of his hair, glanced around quickly, then turned to speak with the student assistant manning the front desk. I didn’t think he saw me, but my heart sped up regardless. The student assistant wrote something down on a slip of paper, and Eric took it, sweeping another look over the banks of study carrels before he disappeared behind a stack of books.

  I inhaled, exhaled, then picked up my earbuds and stuck them in, turning my attention back to Plato.

  “Fuck!” I’d caught the movement from the corner of my eye but still jumped as Eric plucked one of my earbuds out, leaning in close to say, “What’s up, knucklehead?”

  My nerves jangled, and I made a face at him as he pulled out the empty chair next to mine. “Knucklehead? Really?”

  “Dude? Man? Fuckface? You’d rather one of those?” He picked up the bottle of water I’d sat in the empty carrel next to me, uncapped it, and took a long swallow. My gaze strayed to his throat, the lean lines and dark scruff peppering the arteries that pulsed with his heartbeat. His Adam’s apple bobbed, and I felt myself reflexively swallowing, too. My mouth was watering.

  “Oh sure, help yourself,” I muttered.

  His grinned as he capped the bottle and set it back down, gaze flickering to my crotch like I’d issued an invitation, and fuck if I wasn’t getting hard when his eyes drifted back up to meet mine. He stretched his legs out in the chair, then pushed back, hips arching forward as he dug into the pocket of his shorts, withdrawing a Dum Dum sucker.

  “What’re you up to?” I asked, determined to play it cool.

  Eric popped the sucker in his mouth, rolling it from side to side a few times, then let it settle in one corner, where it made his cheek bulge as he spoke around it. “Ansel said you were up here studying. I had to pick up some articles my history prof left for us.” He reached to thump a thick packet of papers peeking out of his back pocket. “Figured I’d say hello.”

  “Hello.” I forced my gaze back to my textbook, willing my dick to settle down as he wrapped his lips around the sucker again. He was probably just going to town on that sucker like anyone else would, but in my hypersensitive state, it was like my ears were picking up every fine aural detail of his progress. Every soft smack and slurp, the sound of the candy rolling over his teeth. My shoulders tensed, then relaxed when he gave it a rest and set the sucker on top of the wrapper on the desk in front of him.

  “You all right?”

  “Yeah, stressed, as usual.”

  “Calculus? I can help.”

  “Nope, philosophy this time.”

  He wrinkled his nose in sympathy, then laced his fingers behind his head. I turned my focus back to the page I was reading, then realized I’d read the same sentence three times in a row. I could feel him watching me, and when I turned my head to check, I was right. His gaze trickled down from the crown of my head to my lap, slow as a drop of water down the glass of the window behind me. My cock jumped in my pants, and I shifted my legs restlessly. The thing needed a leash.

  “You want some stress relief?” he offered.

  No. It was on the tip of my tongue to say it, because I was frustrated by the whole situation, but fuck, the way he was sitting there so casually, his legs sprawled, his thickening cock starting to push at his fly… I inhaled deeply through my nose, and as I exhaled, found myself saying, “Like what?”

  “Not sure yet,” he mused, posture straightening. He moved to the edge of his seat, scooting his chair in closer so he was right next to me, and even though I kind of knew what was coming, I still flinched when he laid his hand over the top of my thigh.

  “Not right here,” I said, lowering my voice. But fuck if I didn’t widen my legs in the same breath, a taboo thrill running through me at being in public. Shit, regardless of Eric, I was starting to think I really did have a thing for being watched—or the threat of getting caught, at least.

  Eric palmed my crotch, spreading his fingers over the bulge in my gym shorts. His warmth seeped through the silky mesh fabric and woke my cock right the fuck up.

  I glanced around. There was no one to either side of us, and behind me was just a bank of windows that looked over the main quad below. But there were a trio of heads in the carrels across from me. I could hear them when they whispered or turned a page in their books, and I had to muffle a growl when Eric tucked his hand behind the waistband of my shorts, grazing his fingertips over my swollen head.

  “No?” It was practically a purr, and it rolled over my skin li
ke warm oil and flooded me with furiously spreading heat that tightened my balls.

  He took my silence for the assent it was, and I clamped my lower lip between my teeth as he wedged his hand deeper into my shorts and wrapped it around the base of my cock, giving it a sharp, pulsing squeeze that made me suck in a breath.


  “Yeah,” I stuttered out, my dick jumping in his hand as he squeezed again.

  “Good deal.”

  He gave me a few light, feathery strokes that had my hips surging up into the contact, and then his hand tightened like a vice around my shaft, thumb tracing my head in a tantalizing sweep as he leaned in. His whisper washed over me like pure, searing desert heat, the ownership in it shooting straight to my core and making me dizzy. “I want that nut you’re working up right now.”

  “Fuck,” I hissed so loud that when I glanced up, I could see the person in the carrel across from me trying to subtly peer over the divider.

  I hunched over my desktop to conceal the view of Eric’s hand as it plunged deeper, scooping up my balls and kneading them.

  “That sounded like a yes to me.”

  “Not here,” I whispered again and yanked his hand from my pants. Even though by then, shit, I was definitely seeing the appeal in letting him get me off right there. But I knew I wouldn’t be able to stay quiet enough, and though the thrill of possibly getting caught was hot, the reality of a charge for public indecency was not. I needed some ninja skills for that, or a lot more experience, and the whole novelty of getting off with a dude who knew what the hell he was doing was still so keen-edged that I didn’t have a shot.

  “Spoilsport. I was enjoying the challenge, but I guess you’re right.” Eric picked up his sucker again, stuffing the wrapper in his back pocket. “You’re a noisy fucker, so maybe a little more buffer is a good idea. Come on.”

  He adjusted himself and stood.

  I had to pin my erection behind my waistband as I got up to follow him. I didn’t know where we were going. I thought maybe to the single unisex bathroom on the third floor. Or hell, he could have been leading me back to our house for all I knew. He walked casually across the common area, not a care in the world, the stick of his sucker hanging out of his mouth and tenting his cheek while I trailed beside him. My gaze darted around like a cartoon villain expecting capture at any moment.


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