Want Me

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Want Me Page 22

by Neve Wilder

“You were looking at apartment complexes earlier. When I came in.” I’d closed my eyes again, and there were a couple of beats of silence that he didn’t rush to fill in. The images I’d glimpsed on his computer had registered belatedly along the drive, the neat lines of buildings scrolling over his screen. “I’m game.”

  I heard him shift in the seat, imagined his expression as amusement.

  “You’re assuming I wanted a roommate.” He said it so neutrally that I opened my eyes. He was focused on the road, but that half-smile was there working its way toward being a smirk.

  “I’m not assuming shit. That’s all fact.”

  He chuffed out a soft laugh and hummed something noncommittal as I straightened in the seat and told him, “Take the next right.” He eyed me curiously as he turned onto the road that led up to the quarry. “Got a second wind,” I explained.

  The windows of Eric’s SUV were completely fogged up. Shit, we might as well have been in a sauna for how fucking damp and sweaty we were. Every breath I took felt like I was sucking it through a wet cotton ball. Eric’s teeth were pinned in my shoulder, my arms stretched over the headrests of the back seat—which we definitely should’ve put down—and Eric was tearing me the fuck up, storming my body with gale force pleasure. The sound of our grunts and groans filled the cabin, bouncing off the strain of our bodies moving together and the raspy collision of our breaths. He hammered at my prostate in hard, steady strokes that forced me to tighten my slippery hold of the headrests.

  My hole stretched around his thick cock, and he rasped out a curse as I clenched the muscle intentionally, just to hear what it’d do to him. My entire body felt like it was glowing radioactive, enough electricity coursing through it to power a small city, and the only reason I hadn’t come yet was that the friction from the leather seat my dick was mashed against had morphed from erotic encounter with a new texture to too fucking much with the amount of precome leaking from my tip.

  I shifted my hips to ease the pressure and turned my head, seeking Eric’s mouth. His fingers slipped from between my lips and dragged a wet trail across my chin and jaw before he cupped my face and deepened his angle, giving me a sloppy kiss that bordered on savage, his tongue thrusting against mine and his teeth gnashing at my skin. Just the way I liked it.

  “So fucking greedy for me,” Eric rasped in my ear, and I let out another breathless, lung-squeezing moan that was all I could manage. It meant yes. Yes, I was a total fucking glutton for him. His dick, his hands, his tongue, the lewd observations about how tight I was, how hot, how much he loved hammering me into slack-jawed, mind-bending ecstasy. Yes, totally, shamelessly wanton. And I loved it, lived for these moments when our bodies connected so intensely and completely that even our minds felt intertwined. In and out, give and take, inhale and exhale.

  The leather seat was gonna be a problem, though.

  I shifted with a grunt and felt Eric’s hand glide between my cheeks and graze over my hole while his cock continued to plunge inside me, slower now, like he was pacing himself and taking some time to recoup after jackhammering me. We were obviously taking the scenic route tonight, and he was wearing a condom, which I suspected meant he had plans for my mouth at some point. Fuck if I was going to complain. There was no one up here at the quarry. We could fuck all night and be as loud as we wanted to. There was a rare sense of freedom in it. As much as we got off in our own house now, we still tried to be relatively quiet about it because who wanted to live with a pair of sex-crazed rabbits?

  I shuddered as Eric’s fingertips tap-danced over my balls before he gripped them, giving them a few rough-and-tumble tugs and squeezes that rolled my eyes into the back of my head. “So fucking full for me. Think I want to see it splashing across your chest. But I’m not sold yet. Might mean we have to go twice if I can’t decide. You’re good with that, though, aren’t you, baby?”

  “Shit.” A helplessly whimpered curse as he stroked up the length of my cock, the slick, smooth give of his hand a relief from the hard leather seat I’d been rubbing against.

  “Fuck, you’re soaking the seat.”

  “Sorry,” I ground out as he rubbed over my head.

  “Don’t be. It’s hot as shit. And thank fuck for leather.” He let out a breathless laugh, and suddenly I was careening backward, guided by a tug to my shoulder until I was flat on my back on the bench seat. Eric reached over me and yanked a lever and the backrest dipped slightly, making room for the knee he wedged between it and my body, his other leg straddling me with one foot braced against the floorboards as he hovered above me.

  I gripped the backs of his thighs as he whipped off the condom, tossed it carelessly to the floorboards, and smacked his slick cock against my lips before rubbing it over my jaw, groaning at the prickle of my stubble. When his balls settled on my throat, I reached to lift them to my lips and lapped feverishly at his hot skin while he stroked his shaft slowly. Yeah, definitely the scenic route.

  Eric sank back onto my chest, and I flicked my tongue against his foreskin before giving it a light suck. I’d never been so infatuated by a cock in my life. Even the impressive ones I’d seen on Pornhub didn’t equate to the one before me. Mean and masculine and mouthwatering as fuck, his crown was flushed a livid purple and swollen, his shaft thick with veins. A testament to human adaptability that the thing even fit inside of me.

  He hummed out his pleasure as I sucked down his rod and bathed his balls in soft, lapping swirls of my tongue, and then he shifted his hips and tunneled his fingers to the roots of my hair. Relaxing, I allowed him to slide me all over his cock and paint my face with his precome and my own spit. When I groaned, he tensed up and flexed, his other hand coming around to push his cock upright as he pulled my head onto it.

  Muffling another groan, I swallowed against the rush of saliva flooding my mouth.

  “Suck,” he said.

  And I did. Noisily, uncouth, and uncaring, taking deep breaths through my nose every time he withdrew, letting them out when he plunged back in and hit the back of my throat.

  With one hand braced on the back of the seat, Eric reached behind himself and fisted my cock, giving me a few groin-jolting strokes that made me gasp and hum against his hot skin.

  Tentatively, and with absolutely no idea of what the fuck I was doing, I let go of the back of his thigh and palmed his asscheeks, giving them a squeeze. “Jesus,” I panted. It was driving me wild having him spread above me like this, all mine to touch and taste. I pulled a finger down the dark, sweat-slick seam of his ass and glanced up, trying to gauge his reaction in the darkness as I feathered a light touch over his hole.

  Eric went still. Even his hand stopped moving on my shaft. I’d never really touched anyone else’s asshole in my life aside from my own. Maybe I’d grazed over a girl’s before, accidentally or curiously until I got the shutdown. But I’d never done it like this, with a strong intention in my mind and a deep desire to fulfill it.

  I did it again, taking in the texture of bunched skin, the firm resistance of the muscle, and the tantalizing give when I applied the slightest amount of pressure. “Shit, Sanders, are we breaking new ground here?” Eric’s voice filtered lazy and lust-filled through my fascination.

  “Maybe. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.”

  “Turning me the fuck on is what.” He shifted slightly. I touched him once more, this time rubbing the pad of my finger over the ring, feeling it bunch and twitch as he shuddered out another breath. Fuck that was good, forcing that sound out of him. It was probably affecting me as much as him because each little jolt of his body echoed in mine and licked raw tendrils of fire down my spine. “What’s it gonna be, frat boy? You going to keep kneading the dough or get yourself a taste?”

  I smacked his asscheek and he laughed, then made a strangled noise as I spread his cheeks, yanked him closer, and licked a wet, messy stripe up his ass. I did it again, and he adjusted his leg wider with a soft rasp of breath. “You’re into this?” he asked, and I could feel hi
s gaze boring into me from above.

  “I have no idea, but I’m guessing so because my dick’s leaking like a motherfucker. Quit distracting me—I don’t wanna fuck this up.”

  “You can’t fuck this up, Nate, trust me.”

  My thumb brushed over his hole again, and the tension in his asscheeks went slack where I would’ve tightened up. Fuck, that was sexy, too, how he just gave himself over to it with no struggle. I was going off the shit he’d done to me, the things I’d seen in porn, and the visions in my head when I buried my face in him and licked around his rim lightly. The muscle seized up reflexively, then relaxed, and a fresh wave of arousal surged through me.

  Eric didn’t exactly sit on my face; I could tell he was making some serious concessions to comfort so I could breathe, but in the next second, my entire world was Eric’s tight ass, and the tiny, untapped bud of his hole. Virgin territory for me and intimidating in a ball-tingling kind of way because I thought about how fucking amazing it felt when he was rimming me, and I was worried my efforts wouldn’t have the same effect. Was there even a technique for properly eating someone’s ass? I had no idea, but I was game to figure it out, especially if it meant I’d be hearing more of the soft, breathless sounds Eric made when I flicked my tongue lightly over him.

  The muscle fluttered in response, and I reached to get a better grip on his cheeks so I could spread him wider and tease him with the point of my tongue. In the dim moonlight, I could only glimpse the impression of his hole among the shadows of his thighs and the furrow of his ass. I wanted more. “Turn on the light,” I demanded.

  He rasped out a laugh that turned into a groan as I flicked my tongue again. “You know that’ll make this car light up like a beacon.”

  “Just for a minute. Can’t fucking see what I’m doing.” As if that was the issue instead of me wanting an up close and personal view of his bud—never mind that I could’ve taken this road probably at any point before in a far more convenient location. I’d been too nervous, and now I was still too nervous but also too fucking turned on to help myself.

  Eric’s thighs tensed as he leaned, then light flooded the car, making me wince until my eyes adjusted. And then there it was, spit wet and shiny, small and dusky pink and… “Fuuuuck.” My cock twitched hard and thumped against my stomach, slicking it with the ooze of precome.

  “Just like that,” he encouraged me softly, hitching one leg up and anchoring his fist in my hair. “Jeeeesus.”

  I tongued his entrance, tracing the shape, loving the mixture of softness and tension, the way the skin pulled together and tightened up, then released with every pass. I ran the pad of my thumb around his rim, imagining him doing the same to me, how fucking much it’d drive me crazy, and he let out a soft groan, a muttered curse. I kept it slow and easy, mostly for my own sake so I could get my bearings. When I nudged the point of my tongue inside him, he contracted around me, and I dug the hell out of that, too.

  “Shit, Nate,” he hissed out, and I did it again because I fucking craved the sound of his control fraying. “There you go,” he muttered as I wriggled down so my head wasn’t jammed up against the car door. I gave him another slow lick that made his thighs quake, and fuck if that didn’t get me all kinds of hot and bothered, too.

  Letting go of my inhibitions and anxiety over whether I was doing a good job or not I unleashed, sucking and licking and fluttering my tongue against his hole with shameless, enthusiastic abandon and not even trying to be quiet or graceful about it.

  Eric chanted a steady stream of quiet curses, one hand dropping to fist his cock. He stroked himself roughly, every jerk and twitch of his body spurring me on. I licked and lapped and thrust my tongue into his hole over and over, going mad for the way his muscles gave around the invasion. When I added my middle finger to the mix and pressed it just barely inside, a low rumble issued from his throat. “Jesus, frat boy, you’ve been holding out on me.”

  “Not intentionally,” I said in a breathless gasp. I’d honestly had no idea it’d be such a fucking turn-on, but I was wild for it, my hips starting to pump aimlessly at the air as pressure mounted in my balls. All over licking Eric’s fucking asshole. Who knew? Eric rocked against me, rubbing himself against my tongue, unabashed and reckless. Gripping his ass, my fingers twitched indecisively until I slid them lower to his rim, tasting them as I licked and sucked at Eric’s skin.

  “Don’t get shy on me now, put it in,” he growled, the prompt I needed to make myself press the tip of my finger to his hole again. The muscle gave immediately and let me inside where the smooth heat of his body clamped around my intrusion.

  “Oh my God.” You’d have thought I’d just stumbled across evidence of an afterlife, but the reaction inside me was that fucking dramatic because he’d just let me in like that, like it was no big deal.

  I nudged my finger in deeper until the heat of his channel enveloped me completely. There I was fingering Eric’s ass, and I thought maybe I was getting off on it just as much as he was. “Oh my God,” I said again, my vocabulary suddenly reduced to simple combinations, probably well on its way to caveman-style grunts. “That’s so fucking hot, so fucking…” My hips bucked wildly in the air, and I tried to calm the hell down and glide my finger deeper, struck by the concentrated pressure of his muscle squeezing me and the sublimely warm give of the channel beyond. No wonder he liked fingering my ass so much. The invasiveness of it was oddly powerful and beyond erotic. I plunged in and out haphazardly a couple of times, getting a feel for the movement and Eric’s reaction, feeling the instinctive squeeze relax until it was minimal.

  Then I tried for more finesse. “Can I…?” I asked, withdrawing and brushing my index finger alongside my middle.

  Eric eased back so he could look down at me with an amused smile. “I dunno, can you?”

  I pushed the second finger inside, and his back arched sharp and gratifying when I twisted my wrist. With a nudge of my other hand, I guided him back up my mouth, clutching his cheek as I speared into him with my fingers and laved my tongue aimlessly at whatever patch of skin I could reach.

  Eric’s hips undulated and twitched responsively, and when I finally figured out what was what and found that bundle of nerves that packed the knockout punch, he clenched so hard around me that my own hole tightened up in empathy and ached.

  Pushing back against me until the soaked tip of his cock was leaking all over my lips, Eric started jerking himself against my mouth. We found a rhythm: my fingers cranking in his hole, taunting and rubbing his prostate, his dick rubbing all over my face and lips, smacking and dripping against me. And holy shit, I never wanted it to end. The wet slurps of my tongue and fingers and the skin-on-skin rush of his hand up and down his shaft joined in lewd symphony with our staggered breaths and drove me up the wall.

  “Fuck, touch me or something, I’m dying,” I begged, shoving his hips back a little. My face was soaking wet, and I was seriously starting to wonder if there was any chance that my balls could actually explode. My dick needed a little relief, some kind of touch to let it know it hadn’t been forgotten.

  Eric chuckled and slid down my body until his cock aligned with mine and then rocked his hips against me a couple of times, pausing only to flip the light off. I didn’t complain; I’d seen enough to know I’d be a repeat visitor.


  “Not fucking really,” I groused. I needed friction. I needed heat and warmth and…

  Eric dipped down and captured my mouth with his to give me a long, burning kiss before drawing back, those dark, wicked eyes dancing in front of me as he cupped his hand below his mouth and spit in it.

  “Fuck yes,” I whispered, my hips twitching in anticipation of that slick, hot hand sliding up and down my shaft and giving me a mainline dose of perfect pressure.

  But instead of the frenzied strokefest I was hoping for, he coated my shaft and then gripped my base, rubbing my crown up and down the crack of his ass until my shoulders were jerking this way and that a
nd I was moaning like a fucking cat in heat. “Eric!” I gritted out and then invoked the magic word, “Please, you fucker, goddamn…”

  Before I could fully comprehend what was happening, impossibly tight heat engulfed the head of my cock, forcing a keening cry of surprise from my mouth.

  Pleasure drove in hard spikes down my shaft as Eric sank onto my aching cock, his hands dropping to brace on either side of my head, his mouth lowering inches above mine. “How’s that?” he teased, and I closed my eyes, pressing my lips together so hard my teeth dug into the sensitive lining as I forced a slow exhale through my nose.

  My orgasm was right there. Right. Fucking. There. And I was certain if I moved even a millimeter, I’d explode. This was like…I was mind-blown, having never even assumed this was in the cards for us tonight. But holy fuck did it feel incredible being inside him with the heat of his body melding with mine.

  Eric went still as my dick gave a few warning throbs, and then he licked the seam of my lips until I unclenched my teeth, still so fucking close to shattering that I whimpered, “Eric. Stop.”

  He froze, and even in the pitiful amount of moonlight coming in through the windows, I could see the shadows immediately collect where his brow furrowed deeply. I would’ve laughed if I wasn’t afraid the movement would have me firing off right then.

  I rushed to clarify. “I mean don’t move. If I even think about what’s happening for more than a second, I’ll lose it. Fuck, how do you even go as long as you do with me? I’m seriously…” Eric shifted, albeit carefully, and I groaned, my hands flying to his hips and digging into his flesh to keep him still. “I swear to God if you move again, it’s over.”

  Eric’s dusky laughter filled the air, and he closed the space between our mouths and kissed me, firm but slow, rerouting my attention from the throbbing tip of my cock and aching balls to the sensation of his tongue sliding over mine. He tugged the ends of my hair until I winced at the sting, then ran his hands over my chest, circling and pinching my nipples until they were just one more quivering spot on my body. But it worked, the intensity in my balls mellowing as he lit other parts of me up one by one.


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