The Sheiks of the Arabian Coast Series: 5 Book Box Set

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The Sheiks of the Arabian Coast Series: 5 Book Box Set Page 10

by Erin Snihur

  A flash of anger passed through Khalid’s eyes before he schooled his features and frowned at her. “I never cheated, Lia.”

  Gasping at his words, Amelia waved her hands about in an incredulous gesture. “You were engaged and then married to another woman when we were together! I was your mistress this whole time. Not to mention the fact that you are a royal, Khalid! Don’t even think of denying it.”

  When Amelia tried to leave the bathroom and leave behind the painful memories, Khalid only stood in front of the door and slammed the lock home.

  “I was never intimate with Dareen. It was a business arrangement. She meant nothing to me, Lia. You were and still are the love of my life,” Khalid said, obviously desperate for her to believe this new lie.

  Shaking her head, Amelia laughed sarcastically and glared at Khalid, “How gallant of you, Khalid. How special I feel knowing that you never slept with your wife! Do you honestly expect me to believe that?”

  Khalid glared at her, his eyes never leaving hers, “I love you, Lia. Dareen and I were forced into the marriage. If we did not marry as was promised, war would have broken out. I cannot subject my people to war. Dareen and I agreed that when we were finally able to become divorced, we would. She is not interested in me or men in general, Lia. Dareen is a lesbian. She has a partner in England and they just adopted a little boy not one month ago. The only way for her to escape her family's control was to become married. Her people do not look upon same-sex marriage as favorably as others do. I didn’t want you to know about the marriage or the fact that I am royalty, Lia. I didn’t want you to be one of those women who were only with me for the money or title. I am sorry for the way you found out, but I knew that if you were going to be safe, I had to keep you as far away from my family as possible.”

  Khalid breathed heavily as he finished his speech and before she knew it, he had grasped her wrist and the soft click of metal encircling her wrist was all she heard. Staring down at her wrist, Amelia’s eyes welled up with tears.

  “I kept this in my pocket everyday after you left me. I knew that one day, I would put it on your wrist and do everything in my power to ensure that you never took it off,” Khalid murmured.

  Amelia stared at the beautiful bracelet. It had killed her to leave it. It was like leaving behind a piece of her heart. As she closed her eyes and willed the tears to keep back, Amelia’s mind brought forth the image of Khalid and Dareen on their wedding day, all smiles and happiness flowed out of them.

  Wrenching her hand away, Amelia began to pace the room once more. “I saw the photos. You’d be amazed what I could find when I did more research about the real you. You looked so happy that day with her, Khalid. How could I possibly believe it was all fake? According to the articles you went on your honeymoon together, for Pete's sake! How could you possibly expect me to believe you were abstinent this entire time?”

  Khalid stared at her, his eyes full of sorrow as he watched her pace, “I can show you.”

  Amelia cringed, “I’d rather not see you two engaged in sex, thank you very much. It might just break my heart ten times over.”

  Khalid laughed and shook his head, “No, ya amar. Dareen is in England with her partner, Maxine. I can take you to them and she can tell you everything. Then you will believe me. I can have my jet ready for a flight in an hour.”

  Amelia shook her head, “It’s not that simple, Khalid.”

  “Then explain it to me. What can I do to make you believe me? What can I do to make you see that I am hopelessly in love with you?” Khalid asked.

  When the doorknob to the bathroom turned and the person on the other side found it locked, Elta’s voice reached Amelia’s ears.

  “Lia? Are you in there?”

  Amelia stared at the door silently before turning back to Khalid. He smiled at her sadly, his dimple appearing as if by magic.

  “I am staying at the Albert Motel, Lia. Haseem will follow you home tonight and if you wish to see me, he will bring you to me,” Khalid murmured as he stepped closer to her and took her hands in his. Clasping them together, Amelia gasped softly at the velvet box in he placed in her hands before lightly brushing his lips against her fingers.

  Too soon, he was gone with one last smile and a twinkle in his eyes as he unlocked the bathroom door and apologized to a confused and shocked Elta. Before the older woman could react, Khalid had disappeared and, in his place, was Amelia, staring after him in shock. When he was surely gone, Amelia took that moment to glance down at the small box in her hands.

  Elta called her name, distracting Amelia further as she glanced up at her employer’s wife in a daze, “Yes?”

  Elta’s eyebrows rose as she glanced down the way Khalid had just disappeared and then back at Amelia, “I was asking you who that guy was and why are you wearing a man’s jacket? Did he attack you?”

  Amelia almost rolled her eyes at the overly concerned woman and blushed when she realized she was still wearing Khalid’s jacket. As quickly as she could without being seen, Amelia placed the velvet box in Khalid’s jacket pocket and smiled a bright smile at Elta.

  “It was nothing. Just an old friend,” Amelia said and walked ahead of Elta who raced after her.

  “Are you sure? He doesn’t seem the normal sort of guy you hang around with, Lia,” Elta protested and Amelia quickly spun around on her heel.

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “Well he seems very authoritative and he just appeared at the dance with a few other men. The mayor said he’s some rich man who is looking to invest in the town. I always pictured you with a sweet man, I guess,” Elta murmured casually, “Plus I saw him catch you and you weren’t exactly happy to see him. Then you ran in the bathroom and he followed you. I was worried. When you first moved out here you said you were leaving behind a bad relationship. I was worried he was the bad relationship.”

  Amelia relaxed and nodded as she fingered the velvet box inside the pocket. Summoning up her best acting skills, Amelia grimaced a little. “You know, I’m feeling a bit tired. I think I need a good night's sleep. Especially with the kids’ sledding party tomorrow.”

  Elta nodded and frowned slightly. “Okay, let me get Cameron and we’ll go.”

  “No!” Protesting, albeit a bit too quickly, Amelia blushed. “I mean, I’ll get a ride and see you at home. You guys deserve a night out. In fact, I think I see Cameron looking for you, he may want to try another dance.”

  Elta laughed, but nodded along with Amelia’s lie, “Okay, as long as you are alright, and text me when you get home.”

  Agreeing, Amelia scurried to the place she’d hung her fur cloak and pulled it on over Khalid’s suit jacket. The imposing and large form of Haseem materialized behind her as he nodded at her, his face set in that familiar passive expression.

  “Ms. Jones,” Haseem murmured.

  Smiling at the stoic man, Amelia nodded back. “Haseem. It’s nice to see you again.”

  With another silent nod, Amelia left the community hall, though not without a few glances and whispers from a few of the town’s gossip mongers. Cringing at the questions Elta and Cameron might receive about Khalid and Haseem, Amelia rushed outside into the frostbitten air.

  With his hand at her back, Haseem guided Amelia to a warmed-up and waiting SUV. Smiling in thanks as he helped her in, Amelia waited until they had pulled out of the parking spot and began the drive back to the Carson’s family home before she asked the question she had been dreading.

  “Should I trust Khalid, Haseem?”

  Fingering, her rose gold bracelet, Amelia recalled the way she had sat in an SUV very similar to this one and asked the stoic guard questions about Khalid. Though the serious man never revealed too much about his employer, he did have helpful insight.

  Before he answered her question, Haseem murmured softly, “I’ve known his Majesty since we were both little boys. I was an orphan and he and I grew up together in the palace. I was being trained for the Aman Special Forces and Sheik Majeed
was being trained to protect himself. He always promised me, that when he was Sheik, he would make me the head of the Aman Special Forces. Even as a child, Sheik Majeed could see a person's worth. The old Sheik, his Majesty's father, was greedy. At the time of his reign, Aman was a poor country and, so to grow Amans wealth, the old Sheik signed a treaty with the el-Dib Sheik. The el-Dib Sheik was old and only had daughters. The treaty would benefit el-Dib and Aman and it did for a little while. Until Khalid began seeing the wrong in his father's decisions. When Khalid tried to break the treaty, war was promised and he was given two options, allow his brother, Maarku, to take his place as Sheik or marry Dareen. You have met Maarku. He is a cruel man, as greedy as his father. Khalid could not subject the people of Aman or even Dareen to such torture. So he married her, secured our country and now Aman is prospering beautifully. Though their Sheik is sad.”

  Haseem paused and Amelia asked, though she knew the answer, “Why is he so sad?”

  Without taking his eyes away from the road, Haseem answered, “Because he could not be with the woman he loved. His decision was a double-edged sword, Ms. Jones. While you may think he chose poorly, the people of Aman do not. I grew up as an orphan in a greedy, war-torn world. I, myself, am glad the children of Aman do not have to grow up this way as well.”

  Silence filled the SUV as it lurched through the snowy road and chugged up the Carson’s driveway. As the SUV stopped, Amelia pulled the velvet box out of the suit pocket and, hesitating for a moment, she realized how silly she was being. She hadn’t stopped loving Khalid. Even through the pain and anger over the circumstances that had led to their breaking up, she had never stopped loving him. In every man she had dated over the last year, although there had only been a few, she had looked in them for qualities that Khalid had possessed. His charm, his kindness and general interest in her likes, dislikes and dreams.

  Powering through, Amelia opened the box, determined to meet this new development head on. As she opened it, the full moon that shone through the sunroof of the SUV caused the flash of the ring to sparkle so prettily against the velvet box. Like her bracelet, the ring was a simple rose gold band with a larger diamond shining brightly in the center with a few little diamonds set into the band on either side.

  Covering her mouth with her hand, Amelia stared at the ring in shock. It was an engagement ring. But not just any ring, it was a ring Amelia had described down to a T. The ring had belonged to her mother and been lost when her parents had died. Amelia still recalled the way it shone in the sun as she held her mother's hand as a child.

  Tears falling down her cheeks, Amelia wiped them away, bumping the box lightly. A small piece of paper fell out from the top lid of the box and, as she fought to catch it, Amelia smothered her soft sobs.

  Grasping the piece of paper in her hands, Amelia expected a note from Khalid, but instead, discovered it was a receipt from a local jewelry shop in Toronto. The date had been highlighted.

  Amelia’s heart bloomed as she read the date and thought back to her time with Khalid. It had been purchased the same day that her bracelet had been delivered. Amelia barely recalled telling Khalid about her mother’s ring or what it looked like, but she did remember him asking her so many questions about her family, that she could have forgotten.

  He had wanted to marry her so soon after they had met? Her mind whirled with this new information. Why hadn’t he said anything? Then the realization of what Haseem said sunk in. Khalid is a man of his word and Sheik to his people. A king by all rights. Amelia felt proud that he took the welfare of his people so seriously, even if it meant losing her.

  But now he can have you and you can have him. If only you can trust him, a tiny voice whispered in the back of her head.

  Gasping in happiness, Amelia jumped in fright when her door to the SUV opened and Haseem stood there, hand extended to help her out of the car.

  “We have arrived, Ms. Jones,” Haseem said softly, his eyes keeping to her face, with no hint of notice over her wet cheeks or the ring box in her hand.

  Amelia must have been crazy. Crazy enough to put herself out there and have a chance at another broken heart by the same man? Smiling, Amelia stared down at the ring and her bracelet, side by side, where they belonged.

  Ignoring Haseem’s outstretched hand, Amelia smiled at the man, “Take me to him, Haseem.”


  Amelia didn’t know what to think when she arrived at the Albert Hotel. The only suite in the older hotel was occupied and Amelia knew immediately who occupied it. Smiling as the front desk clerk handed her an extra key, Amelia and Haseem quickly entered the elevator.

  As they rose slowly to the fourth floor, Amelia checked her hair in the elevator mirror and clasped the box with the ring still inside, closely to her chest.

  Seeing her fidgeting, but not moving his gaze from the elevator doors, Haseem grunted, “You look beautiful, my lady. Breathe.”

  Taking his advice, Amelia stopped her fidgeting and adjustment of her dress as she inwardly chanted for herself to breathe slowly and speak clearly. Trying to settle her chaotic brain, Amelia realized she had no idea what she should say to Khalid. Should she tell him she loved him? Should she tell him that he was crazy and that they wouldn’t work? She didn’t know anything about his country or what royals or their wives were supposed to act like?

  Groaning, Amelia leaned into the corner of the elevator and grumbled under her breath, “I’m stupid, aren’t I?”

  A sound startled Amelia out of her grumblings and she straightened to see Haseem covering his mouth before his amused face returned to a calm frown.

  “What’s so funny?” Amelia asked sweetly.

  Haseem shrugged and, for a moment, Amelia watched as the man’s face morphed into one of complete understanding. “You’re in love, my lady. Love makes one stupid sometimes. Or at least it has in my experience.”

  Amelia stared up at the usually silent, but insightful man who’d become like a big brother to Amelia when she had been dating Khalid.

  “Thank you, Haseem. For everything,” Amelia murmured and felt her heart flutter when the sound of the elevator stopping forced them to face forward towards the opening doors.

  Two equally large men stood in front of the elevator and when they saw Haseem, they shifted out of the way, allowing our entrance. Amelia tried to smile at them, but like Haseem normally was, these men kept their eyes forward and their faces serious.

  Stomach twisting, Amelia prayed the people of Aman weren’t all like their Special Forces, serious and silent. As Haseem escorted her to the door that held Khalid’s suite, she felt her hands begin to grow damp. As she slid the key into the lock and opened the door, Haseem pushed himself in first and she followed slowly from behind.

  The large man completely blocked her presence to Khalid. Amelia could see his shadow as it stood overlooking the snow covered balcony. The Town of Albert may not have the glittering lights or noisy streets of Toronto, but their winters were spectacular.

  Khalid spoke without turning away from the view, “Did she make it home safely, Haseem? How were the roads?”

  “Yes, your Majesty,” Haseem spoke, his words soft and before long he was raising his voice slightly, “How did you find the roads, Ms. Jones?”

  Haseem took that opportunity to step aside from her and, Khalid in the same moment turned to stare at them, stunned by the sight of her. She still wore her dress and fur cloak. Underneath she held tightly to his suit jacket and in her hand she held the velvet box.

  Khalid visibly swallowed before he came to and set his glass down on the coffee table. The Albert Hotel’s suite was beautiful with a big kitchen, living room, dining room combo. Through the doors, Amelia could make out a bedroom and bathroom. It was nothing like the home they had built together in Toronto.

  Soon, a tiny voice whispered in Amelia’s head.

  Taking the initiative, Amelia took a step forward, ignoring the way Haseem backed out of the suite and closed the door behind him, sealing
her inside.

  Holding out the velvet box, Amelia stared Khalid down and ordered, “Take this back.”

  Khalid froze, “What? Is it not the right type? I only had your memory to go on. I can buy you another, if you prefer.”

  Smiling at his words, Amelia pushed the box into Khalid’s hands and pointedly looked at the floor, “I deserve a proper proposal, Khalid.”

  Finally, her words dawned on Khalid as his smile rose into a dimple teasing grin as he took the box from her and knelt down on one knee, opening the box in the slowest way possible.

  “Amelia Marie Jones, I think the first moment I knew I had to have you as my wife was the moment you fell into my lap. Like a gift from the heavens, you were and are perfect. Will you do me the honor of being my wife and also do my people the honor of being my Sheikha?” Khalid’s words washed over her as the tingles erupted into her hand as he took her left hand.

  Blushing, Amelia stared into Khalid’s eyes as he finished his speech before nodding and laughing in happiness as he slid the ring on her ring finger. Picking her up by the waist, Khalid swung Amelia around in a circle before pulling her close to him. Grinning down at her, Khalid brushed his nose against hers.

  “May I kiss you, ya amar?” Khalid whispered against her lips.

  Amelia moaned softly in want and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his face into hers. When their lips met in the briefest of touches, Amelia opened her mouth slightly and moaned into Khalid’s as his hands moved from her waist to her bottom with a tight squeeze. At his squeeze, Amelia reacted the only way she knew how, by thrusting her pelvis against his hardening length. Even with her dress morphing to her like a second skin, Amelia could feel Khalid’s warmth as he twitched beneath his pants.

  Khalid slowly pulled away from her lips and softly chuckled at her eagerness, “Go slowly, Lia. It’s been too long.”

  Moaning deep in her throat, Amelia pulled at the buttons of Khalid's dress shirt as she whispered, “We have the rest of our lives to go slow, Khalid.”


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