The Sheiks of the Arabian Coast Series: 5 Book Box Set

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The Sheiks of the Arabian Coast Series: 5 Book Box Set Page 26

by Erin Snihur

  Staring with wide eyes at the sound of approaching footsteps, Teresa raced on her tiptoes down the hallway until she was in the kitchen. The sound of the door closing soundly made Teresa blush as she scanned the kitchen area. How embarrassing.

  Walking over to the instant coffee maker, Teresa went about the motions and made a hot pot of coffee while she waited for Amoz, watching the sun as it rose higher into the morning sky.

  Please don’t let him think I was trying to spy, Teresa moaned inwardly.

  “You need an heir, your Majesty,” Palo urged in front of Amoz’ desk in his hotel suite’s study.

  Rolling his eyes, Amoz listened half-heartedly to the same speech Palo and the other members of his counsel argued with him over for the last five years.

  “I know you don’t like hearing this, your Majesty, but you are your father’s only heir and now you…,” but before Palo could continue, Amoz called for his silence.

  A creak of the study door had both men tensing and, when Amoz stood from behind his desk to shut the door, he continued to speak softly in hushed Arabic.

  “I don’t wish for the throne to be left empty. The country will fall to chaos. We must secure your heir and marriage,” Palo murmured, his shifting eyes moving to the now closed doorway as Amoz strode back to his desk.

  “If I didn’t know any better, Palo, I would say you, Khalid and Malik are conspiring against me. Just because two of our allies have married in the past year doesn’t mean I’ve become an old man. Elish is safe and secure. More than it ever was under my grandfather’s rule and certainly more than my father’s,” Amoz argued back as he ran a hand through his hair.

  As he did, his mind strayed to Teresa. She would make a wonderful mother. He had seen the way she doted on the horses at the resort’s stable. A perfect, motherly instinct. As he thought this, his body tensed. Why would it matter if Teresa would make a good mother? She would never be Sheikha and was leaving soon, no matter their physical connection.

  “Allow me to prepare a list of the eligible women from the most prominent families, perhaps even one of our allegiances could be strengthened with marriage,” Palo said, his voice hopeful.

  Amoz grimaced at the thought of marrying one of Malik’s simpering cousins or even Tariq’s younger sister who was just barely a woman. Shaking his head, Amoz leaned back in the chair. Palo was right, he needed an heir. If he passed without one, the crown would fall to a distant relative with no sense of responsibility and thus Elish would fall.

  How can you think of marriage and children when you still smell of Teresa and can still taste her skin on your tongue?

  Motioning to the door, Amoz stood, “Prepare the list, Palo, but do not bring this up again until I have returned to the palace. I do not plan on being here for much longer.”

  At least until a certain American has departed.

  Teresa was just about to leave the suite and return to her sister when Amoz appeared, followed by a short, dark skinned man with a thin mustache on his weary face. The man barely even glanced her way and Teresa blushed at what the man must think of her. She hoped he didn’t know what they had been doing all night. Perhaps this was a family member or a business associate of Amoz’? Instead of introducing him to Teresa, Amoz walked past her. The older man followed until the front door was closing behind him and only Amoz remained present.

  As the man departed without so much as a goodbye from Amoz, Teresa breathed a sigh of relief and watched as Amoz approached her hesitantly. His eyes swept over Teresa’s dressed form.

  Blushing at the realization that she looked a mess in the clothes she had worn the day before, Teresa answered his unspoken question, “I was going to go check in on my sister.”

  Amoz smiled casually and lazily pulled her to his chest, “I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you woke up.”

  Shaking her head, Teresa placed both her hands on his chest as if to push him away, “It’s all right. I’ve never had a one-night stand before, so I’m not sure why I’m still here.”

  Chuckling softly, Amoz leaned in and brushed his nose against hers. “This isn’t a one-night stand, ya helo.”

  Gasping, Teresa stared into Amoz eyes in confusion. “It isn’t?”

  “Think of it as an adventure,” Amoz murmured back and, before she could protest, Amoz’ mouth encased hers in a sound kiss.

  All thoughts of leaving flew from Teresa’s mind and she was glad. Teresa wished to enjoy all the time she could have with Amoz. She knew that when her vacation came to an end, so would their relationship.

  Just a bit longer.


  Over a week later, Amoz sat in the lobby bar, watching as Tariq signed the bill for his stay. His friend had never wanted to stay in Amoz’ own resort for free and instead paid out of pride. He claimed he would never accept handouts.

  “You know Teresa and Samantha are staying a few more days, why don’t you stay as well?” Amoz asked, hopeful.

  Snorting, Tariq reviewed the bill once more before taking the pen and signing the statement. After handing it to the clerk, who gave a short bow before departing, Tariq waited until they were truly alone before speaking.

  Turning to Amoz, Tariq leveled his friend with a knowing look. “You and I both know you only want me to stay so I can distract Samantha. That way you and the lovely Teresa can enjoy yourselves in peace.”

  Shrugging, Amoz took a swig of his drink and grinned at Tariq after he swallowed. “Since when did you hate having a beautiful woman to distract you?”

  Shaking his head with mirth in his eyes and knowing grin, Tariq winked. “Samantha and I had some fun times, but I need to return home and you need to return to your throne.”

  Standing with Tariq, Amoz hugged his friend tightly and murmured, “Safe travels, my friend.”

  Pulling back, Tariq stared at Amoz for a few minutes before answering. “Don’t despair, Amoz. You’ll find time to bed the beautiful American a few more times before she leaves. Get her out of your system so you might focus on the throne.”

  Rolling his eyes at his friend’s teasing, Amoz’ mind drifted to Teresa. Since that first night, Teresa had spent most nights in his bed, in his arms. It had taken some serious coaxing from Teresa to get Amoz to allow her to leave the bed in order for her and her sister to do more exploring of Elish. Under Amoz and Tariq’s supervision, of course. From snorkeling to cliff jumping, they did it all. From touring the many town markets to walking the ruins of old temples, they saw it all. Under disguise, Amoz had been shocked to find many of the local people, if they recognized him, chose to keep quiet and just enjoyed his presence and praise of their wares.

  As he watched his friend depart in his own private limousine, Amoz stared at the beautiful resort he’d often come to relax and get away from the stress of the throne. With Teresa leaving in a few days, Amoz wondered if he would enjoy the resort as much as he had in her company. No, it would not be the same without her.

  Amoz wasn’t sure when his feelings for Teresa had turned from physical attraction to more of an obsessive liking. Perhaps this was love? There had been no love between his own parents. Just a friendship born from an arranged marriage. Amoz had sensed it all his life. How could he possibly know if what he felt for Teresa was indeed love?

  Only one way to know. Ask her to stay.

  Determined, Amoz strode back into the resort lobby, but instead of consuming his thoughts with Teresa and how he would tell her about his feelings, he was confronted with an American man yelling at the front desk clerk, Henry.

  “You don’t understand! It’s of the utmost importance you give me her room number! It’s a matter of life or death, man,” the man yelled as Henry’s face grew red with anger.

  “I apologize sir, but resort policy is clear. We cannot give out our client’s information without consent. This is a very prestigious and discreet resort. We cannot have you interrupting our guests while they are enjoying their privacy,” Henry protested.

  “Fine, don’t give m
e her number. Just call her room, tell her I’m here. She’ll want to see me. I’m her husband, for God’s sake,” the man continued to plead and Amoz rolled his eyes at the man’s attempts.

  Motioning to the security guards who were stationed at the doors to follow him, Amoz approached the front desk, startling Henry who grew white as a sheet at the sight of Amoz.

  “Your Majesty! I do apologize for the disturbance. I was just about to handle this trespasser,” Henry stuttered out and marched around the front desk to stand before the American man.

  The man behind Henry stared at Amoz in a mixture of shock and confusion. Amoz scanned him from head to toe. The man’s pale complexion, skinny nature and weary expression gave Amoz pause. His rumpled clothes and disheveled appearance set Amoz off.

  He hoped this man wasn’t looking for a wife who was holed up in the resort with her lover. It happened more often than not. Usually Amoz received a report or two about quarreling couples who tended to use the resort as their own personal hideaway for liaisons with their paramours.

  Raising his hand to put Henry at ease, Amoz spoke calmly, his voice growing deeper as he stepped into the role of Sheik. “It’s alright Henry. What does this man want that he cannot find elsewhere?”

  Brushing past Henry, the man stepped closer, but the security guards moved in synchronization to stop him. They had the man held by both his arms before he could take another step.

  “Hey! Let me go!” the man struggled and yelled, his wedding ring shining from his left hand as he thrashed in the guards’ arms.

  Raising his hand again to calm the guards, Amoz hushed the man. “Calm yourself. They only wish to protect me. You must be calm and then they will release you.”

  The man’s thrashing ceased as he breathed heavily before nodding and, when he had calmed, the guards released him, but did not move away from his sides, intent on being close in case he made another brash move.

  “There, better now? My name is Sheik Amoz el-Safar, owner of this resort and ruler of this country. And you are?” Amoz asked, but trailed off when he realized he didn’t know the man’s name.

  The man seemed stunned into shock for a few minutes, before answering so quickly that Amoz raised an eyebrow pointedly. Answering again, this time slower, the man ran a hand nervously through his hair.

  “Gerald Evans, sir,” the man spoke, but Amoz didn’t hear anything further.

  All he heard was the man’s name over and over again. His mind raced as he recalled everything Teresa had mentioned of her ex-husband. A man who still wore his wedding ring. Finally, he was able to bring himself out of the brink of confusion and grasp what the man was saying.

  “Her mother is under some heavy sedation and I couldn’t get a hold of her or her sister. I know my wife and I have grown distant as of yet, but she and I both said and did things we weren’t proud of. I want to bring her home. For her mother, for her family and for the family that we hope to grow,” Gerry murmured confidently.

  “Teresa Evans?” Amoz asked, watching as shock and suspicion grew over Gerry’s face.

  “Yes. How did you know her name?” Gerry asked.

  “We met on the resort. She is here with her sister,” Amoz murmured non-committedly, not wishing to mention to the man that only this morning he’d been tongue deep in his wife.

  Gerry snorted softly. “Yes, I know. Samantha thought it would be best for Teresa to get away and relax. The last year has been stressful on Teresa. We’ve been trying to have a baby. Now, her mother is in the hospital and I haven’t been able to reach Teresa or Samantha. Can you help me?”

  “You and Teresa are happily married?” Amoz asked, stupefied.

  “Yes, of course…why would you…oh…, I know what this is,” Gerry laughed sharply, “Samantha has it in her head that Teresa needed a vacation full of no strings attached fun. I told her she was crazy and Teresa promised this wasn’t that kind of resort. So yes, we are happily married. Now, can you help me find my wife?”

  Teresa felt as though she were floating on a cloud. After escorting her to her room, Amoz had promised they would meet by the pool for some relaxing fun. Staring around her room, Teresa grimaced at the mess. Samantha and Tariq had clearly gotten along very well in their absence.

  “So, you and Tariq?” Teresa inquired hesitantly as she lifted a discarded thong from her own bed and threw it on Samantha’s.

  “Don’t start the sisterly judgment just yet, Teresa, I could say the same thing about you and Amoz,” Samantha called out from her seat on the patio.

  Blushing, Teresa strode out onto the sunny patio and sat in the other empty chair, smiling with glee at her sister, “I guess you could.”

  Laughing in delight, Samantha slid her sunglasses down her nose and waggled her eyebrows at Teresa, “That good, is he?”

  “Better than anyone I’ve ever been with, actually,” Teresa murmured wistfully before shaking her head of the erotic memories of the past few days before turning back to her sister’s cheeky expression, “And Tariq?”

  “Sinful. Exactly what I needed,” Samantha said with a shrug and slid her sunglasses back on.

  “How do you do that?” Teresa asked before she could stop herself.

  “Have sex with no strings?” Samantha asked and at Teresa’s nod continued, “Tariq and I are quite similar, but he and I both see life for what it is. Fleeting. So, we enjoy life to its fullest. You want a family, a loving husband and a happy future. I want to be successful in my career and live a life full of adventures and dalliances that I can look back on in my old age and giggle about. Is that so wrong?”

  Teresa shrugged. “It wasn’t how we were raised.”

  Samantha snorted. “No one is raised to be this way, T, but I’m sure after this vacation, your eyes will be opened in more ways than one. Can you see Amoz settling down?”

  Shaking her head, Teresa sighed and leaned back in her chair. “No, of course not. I wouldn’t expect him to. We’ve only known each other for a few weeks and, besides, we are leaving in a few days.”

  Nodding solemnly, Samantha reached over and squeezed Teresa’s hand soothingly. “I can tell when you are in love, T. You can’t love him. He’ll only disappoint you in the end like Gerry.”

  Groaning, Teresa slid her hands out of her sister’s and covered her face. “How did this happen? I didn’t want to get involved with him, but I couldn’t help it. He’s perfect.”

  “No man is perfect,” Samantha muttered before turning her face back to the sun. “Trust me, if they were, the world would be a safer place.”

  Closing her eyes and shifting her face to the sun, Teresa groaned. “I can’t believe we’re leaving in a few days.”

  At the sound of her sister’s non-committal agreement, Teresa tensed and sat up. “Did you tell mom what time our flight in Colorado was going to be arriving?”

  Not looking her sister in the eye, Samantha waved her hand back toward the room. “We had an agreement, remember? No phones and no contact with home. Mom knows if she needs to speak with us, she can call the hotel.”

  “She’s going to be worried, you know how freaked out Gerry made her when she mentioned we were coming here. He practically told her we were going to be kidnapped off the resort and skinned alive,” Teresa exclaimed, biting her lip as she thought about her mother's relationship with her ex-husband. Her mother loved Gerry and could never see how much he had hurt Teresa. She’d never believed the sweet man who’d rescued their mother from poverty could be a monster.

  Sighing in frustration, Samantha motioned to the suite closet where the safe was. “Fine, go unlock it. I guess we deserve a few moments of phone time.”

  Rolling her eyes at her sister’s attitude, Teresa marched into the room and punched in the code for the safe. As she did, someone at the door knocked and Teresa groaned at the intrusion.

  Please don’t let it be Amoz, I’m not ready yet! Teresa prayed and called out to her sister, “Can you get the door while I get our phones?”

p; “Fine,” Samantha grumbled and stood from her chair. “Better not be Amoz, I’m not the sister he wants.”

  Giggling at her sister’s words, Teresa bit her lip in excitement as she grabbed her sister’s phone and her own phone. Turning them on at the same time, Teresa listened as her sister grumbled under her breath that she was coming when someone knocked on their door again.

  Hearing the creek of the door and her sister swearing at the same time, Teresa rolled her eyes. Her sister had never been one for manners or proper behavior. She only hoped Samantha wasn’t openly swearing at Amoz. No need to see how uncouth or uncultured they really were.

  As the screens of the phones lit up and notifications began pinging to life, Teresa called out, “Who is it?”

  Before she could slide her fingers across the screen of her phone to unlock it, a cold and sweat inducing voice rose above the silence at her back.

  “Hello Teresa,” the voice merely said.

  Spinning around on the bed where she sat with the phones, Teresa gasped at the sight of her husband, or rather, ex-husband, Gerald Evans. Samantha stood behind him, her eyes wide and full of confusion and anger.

  “What are you doing here?” Teresa managed to stutter out.

  “I’ve come to take you home,” Gerry murmured and looked over his shoulder at her sister. “You too.”

  Samantha scoffs and pushes a lock of her own hair away from her now tan face, “And why would we leave with you?”

  Gerry sneered at her sister and then turned a confused look back on Teresa, “You haven’t been getting any of my messages, have you?”

  Pushing past him, Samantha placed herself in front of Teresa in a protective stance, “Of course she hasn’t. You abused her! Besides, the divorce papers are being prepared as we speak and you have no right to even be within fifty feet of Teresa or our family. How did you even know where we were?”


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