The Sheiks of the Arabian Coast Series: 5 Book Box Set

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The Sheiks of the Arabian Coast Series: 5 Book Box Set Page 41

by Erin Snihur

  “Yes, I’m sure you do.”

  A pause was met with silence before Tariq pulled his cellphone out of his pocket and a cruel grin morphed over his once serious face.

  “I’m sure your Sheikha wouldn’t approve of the way you are treating, Ms. Marks. After all, Amelia is from Canada. They don’t tend to approve of our barbaric ways and treatment of prisoners. Especially female prisoners.”

  Sophie watched in surprise as Haseem curled his fists tightly before he finally nodded and cast a suspicious glance at her.

  “The cuffs stay on, your Highness. You have ten minutes.”

  At his departure and the door closing, Tariq finally met her eyes and winked at her with a teasing grin. Holding up his other hand, Sophie’s eyes widened at the sight of a key.

  “You’re not the only one good at stealing, allasu alsaghir.”

  Blushing in embarrassment, Sophie watched and waited as Tariq gingerly took her wrists into his hands and swiftly unlocked the handcuffs that were weighing her down. Rubbing her red wrists, Sophie sighed in relief. The scraping of a chair drew her gaze away and then met the serious gaze of Tariq as he sat in the seat Haseem had only been sitting in a few minutes ago.

  “Why are you doing this, Sophie?”

  “I could ask you the same thing,” Sophie murmured back and wrapped her arms around herself in a tight hug as she rubbed her hands up and down her arms.

  Silence enveloped them as they both stared at one another over the table. Inwardly, Sophie scoffed at how stubborn she was. Perhaps if she did reveal something, she would get some peace. She knew the truth though. Once information was revealed, she would have no peace. Karos had taught her that.

  “I didn’t like the way Haseem was conducting the interrogation.” Tariq finally crooned and crossed his arms over his suited chest. He appeared so much broader than he did years ago. Edgier. As if the years had worn away at him.

  When Sophie refuses to respond to him, Tariq continues, “Why didn’t you tell him what you told me that night in the hotel.”

  In an instant, Sophie was back in that hotel. She and Tariq were cocooned in the aftermath of their lovemaking. After that first kiss, all of Sophie’s walls had fallen away. She found herself telling Tariq things she’d never told another person. Not even Karos. In the end, Sophie found she couldn’t steal from Tariq. Instead, she slipped away after he’d fallen asleep.

  That next morning when she’d returned to Karos empty handed had been eye opening. She’d told him she wanted out. He hadn’t believed her. All over the news, her disguised face and wig were on display. Claiming she had stolen the jewels and drugged the Crown Prince. Karos hadn’t believed her when she’d told him she didn’t have the jewels. She didn’t know what had happened to them after she left the room. Karos had promised her that if she didn’t make up for this loss, he would turn her over to the authorities.

  When she was finally alone, Sophie watched the news reports that detailed how the Crown Prince had taken over custody of his sister, the Princess Alia. Instead of being married, Tariq had whisked his sister off to an undisclosed location, while his father, the Sheik, remained behind in Hattan, childless.

  Now, sitting in the dank cell below Aman Industries with none other than the man that haunts her very dreams sitting across from her, Sophie’s heart begins to break as she mutters under her breath.

  “It isn’t worth it.”

  “What?” Tariq asks and leans closer to hear her.

  “It isn’t worth it. I can’t go back and stop myself from stealing those missile codes and I can’t stop Karos from plucking me from the streets of Russia and molding me into a thief. And I especially can’t go back and save all of those innocent people.” Sophie simply states, louder now. Her shaky voice echoes off the walls and causes Tariq’s grey eyes to widen.

  Sophie drops her head, unable to look Tariq in the eye as the tears begin to well up in her eyes. Her mind flooded with images of the destroyed city of Masarat and the dead bodies lying scattered. She did that. Bringing Karos to justice wouldn’t make the difference. She had killed those people. They all knew that.

  A soft clink could be heard as Tariq drops a key card on the table, startling her from mourning into her hands. Focusing on the simple key card, Sophie finally takes it into her hand and gazes up at Tariq in confusion.

  “You might not be able to do anything. But I can,” Tariq calmly says, “You have five minutes to leave this building before they return to interrupt us.”

  Sophie glances around the room, her eyes briefly meeting the security cameras, “The cameras.”

  Tariq grins as he backs toward the door. Winking at her, Tariq croons, “Like I said, allasu alsaghir, you aren’t the only one adept at stealing. Let me worry about the cameras.”

  Clutching the card to her chest, Sophie watches warily as Tariq swiftly ducks out of the room into the hallway’s darkness. She doesn’t waste a second before she carefully follows out the door. To freedom.


  Sophie didn’t return to her ratty old apartment in the capital. Instead, she grabbed a supply bag she’d hidden in the parking garage of Aman Industries and, in a few seconds, she was walking out of the building in a completely different outfit. This time as a blonde. Shaking out of the short bob style, Sophie slipped her sunglasses on and ducked past security. Hailing a taxi, Sophie gave an obscure address before hopping out and ducking down a quiet alley.

  Pulling the burner phone out of her bag, Sophie dialed a number she’d memorized from her teenage years.

  The phone rang for only a few seconds before a gruff and raspy voice answered with a simple word for yes in Russian, “Da?”

  “I’m in trouble,” Sophie murmured and before the voice on the other end could ask another question, she hung up. She hoped that call was enough to get her signal out to Karos. It was so difficult for her to make sense of anything. Was Karos the cruel and evil man Tariq and his friends made him out to be? There was so much evidence, but not enough for Sophie to believe it all could be true. She needed to find out the truth from Karos himself.

  It didn’t take long. Before she knew it, the burner phone was ringing. This time, Sophie knew exactly who was on the other line.

  “This better be good, Marks.” Karos’ growling voice answers.

  Sophie shivers at the cool tone, but straightens her spine. If she’s ever going to get the answers she wants, she has to trick Karos the way he tricked her.

  “I have the USB,” Sophie murmurs her lie, keeping her tone careful.

  Scoffing is heard over the phone as Karos growls, “That is why you interrupt my work? To tell me you have completed your job?”

  “Yes, Karos. When would you like me to deliver it,” Sophie murmured, her voice like silk as she leaned against the alleyway’s brick wall.

  “You can meet my associate in Hattan. At a ball being thrown in the Sheik’s honor. He’ll find you,” Karos growled before continuing, “Don’t screw it up this time.”

  The dial tone was all she could respond to as Sophie pulled the forgotten USB stick from her bra. Dropping her phone on the ground, Sophie raises her leg and stomps as hard as she possibly can, shattering the phone with the heel of her boots. Satisfied when the phone appears to be in enough little pieces, Sophie pulls the hood of her jacket up over her head and waltz out of the alley. Her intent clear.

  Here I come, Hattan.

  Sophie Marks was exquisitely striking. The blonde wig suited her in a cool and unapproachable way that made Tariq’s pants tighten. Deep down, Tariq didn’t truly care for it. He preferred her auburn hair. What he wouldn’t give to fling that wig off her head and run his fingers through her perfect auburn hair.

  Waiting until she hailed a cab and rode off down the street, Tariq gave the all clear for his driver to follow. They’d only driven for a few moments before his cell phone began to ring.

  Rolling his eyes, Tariq answered snarkily, already knowing who was calling, “I’m not bringing her back
, Khalid.”

  “Tariq? Did you steal another horse from Khalid?” His sister, Alia’s sweet laughing voice on the other end of the phone chirps excitedly.

  Watching the cab ahead of his own car, Tariq chuckled, “Not a horse this time, sister.” Stubborn as a mare, though.

  “What then?”

  Sighing, Tariq raised his eyes heavenward, “Nothing, sister. Is there a specific reason for your call?”

  “Well, I don’t know how you’re going to react, but do you remember how father sends me a gift every year for my birthday?” Alia murmurs tentatively.

  Cursing under his breath, Tariq straightens in his seat, “What is it now?”

  “Well, it was quite a surprise, but,” Alia pauses, giggling with teenage glee, “He flew Richard to Elish! Isn’t that amazing?”

  Tariq stares into nothing, his hand curling around the phone tightly as he grits out through clenched teeth, “Richard.”

  Finally, Tariq’s teeth unclench, “That boy from your school in London?”

  “He’s not just a boy, Tariq,” Alia exasperates and clucks her tongue, “You’re going to be nice, aren’t you? Teresa has welcomed him.”

  “You introduced him to Teresa!?” Tariq shouted, startling his driver. Growling under his breath, Tariq barks at the driver to continue to follow the cab and presses the button to push up the divider.

  “He showed up at the Royal Resort. It was a wonderful surprise. Teresa invited him to stay on at the resort while Amoz is away,” Alia pauses before hesitantly continuing, “Brother? Is everything okay?”

  “Sister, do you understand that our father was the one to send this gift? He is not the kind of man you just accept a gift from?” Tariq growls into the phone.

  “Richard isn’t like that, Tariq! He’s my friend and maybe one day he’ll be more, but that’s my decision. Or isn’t that why you saved me from being married to that old man? You wanted me to have a normal life, with normal experiences! Richard and I wrote to each other over the summer. I must have mentioned to father during that time I called during Father's Day about how much I missed my friends from school.”

  Rolling his eyes, Tariq sighed, but didn’t dwell on his frustrations for long as his car slowed and the barrier dropped revealing the tan face of his driver.

  “Sir? The cab has stopped. We’re at the airport.”

  “Tariq? What’s going on?” His sister called through the phone.

  “Alia, I’ve got to go. This isn’t over. I’ll speak to Teresa.” Tariq growled into the phone and hung up before she could protest. Turning to face the airport, Tariq watched as Sophie, now wearing a raven haired wig, emerged from the cab and strutted inside the airport’s arrival section.

  Not meeting the driver’s eye, Tariq ordered, “Have security pick her up and have my jet ready and waiting for us to take her to her new destination.”

  Where are you headed, Sophie?


  They were watching her. Passing through customs had been easy enough. But after using her fake passport and purchasing a ticket to Hattan, plain clothes officers followed her a safe distance behind to her gate. Now, sitting at the gate, not even bothering to pay attention to the magazine in her hands, Sophie counted them out of the corner of her eye. Five in total.

  Smirking into her magazine, Sophie flipped the page and inwardly joked, Stalking me through your goons, Tariq?

  Running her fingers through her raven hair, Sophie inwardly chuckled. He’d been so obvious following her when she was in the cab. Now, he’d disappeared, but not before sending his goon squad to keep tabs on her. Inwardly rolling her eyes, Sophie decides she’s had enough.

  Grabbing her bag, Sophie struts down the bustling hallway, quickly falling into line amongst a gaggle of Asian tourists. Snickering at how easily she escaped from wandering eyes, Sophie darts down an alcove and waits. Harsh words in Arabic and shouts for people to move out of the way can be heard.

  Smiling as the men turn the corner, Sophie winks at her five followers and wiggles her fingers in a teasing wave.

  “Hello boys. Perhaps it’s time we go speak to your boss about your incompetent attempts at following your target.”

  Grinning even further when their faces turn red in anger, Sophie snaps her fingers at them, “Come on boys, you can either lead the way or follow while I wander the airport.”

  Before she could take a step in a different direction, the bulkiest of the five grabbed her by the upper arm and pulled her back out into the crowd. Grinning from ear to ear, Sophie shook her head in amusement. The bulky man pulls out his phone and clippedly speaks into it, “She tried to run. We got her. Bringing her your way now.”

  “Must be urgent,” Sophie murmurs.

  The bulky man and his sidekicks don’t stick around for very long. They simply walk her through a second security area and stop before a heavily guarded empty gated area where a beautiful and slim woman is standing at the door with a smile. As the man removed his hand, Sophie waved as her followers disappeared back down the way they arrived. Turning back to the flight attendant, Sophie met the woman’s amused smile.

  “Good afternoon, Ms. Marks,” The woman nodded her head and held out her hand, “My name is Samantha Monet. I hope those men didn’t cause you too much trouble.”

  Snorting, Sophie shrugs, “Not at all. It was quite fun.”

  Breaking into a white grin, Samantha nods and motions to the plane, “Please, Ms. Marks, step up onto the plane.”

  Squinting her eyes, Sophie stares at the woman for only a second before brushing past her and up the stairs of the plane’s opening. She hardly even glances at the awaiting flight attendant who flashes a smile and greeting in Arabic and then English. All Sophie can see is him. Tariq rose from his seat, drink in his hand and a grin on his face.

  “Hello again, allasu alsaghir. Enjoying everything that Aman’s airport has to offer?” Tariq croons and takes a step closer to her. Sophie tries to suppress the shudder that runs through her at the feeling of the heat off his body.

  “I thought you let me go?” Sophie whispers.

  “I did. But now, someone higher up needs to talk to you about everything,” Tariq murmurs back and movement behind her forces Sophie to turn around and lock eyes with that woman, Samantha, who patiently waits at the entrance with the flight attendant.

  “What’s going on?” Sophie’s skin prickles in awareness.

  “I know you’ve already met Samantha, but I don’t think she mentioned what exactly she’s doing here,” Tariq motions to the lounge chairs in the sitting area of the plane. Past his shoulder, Sophie can make out a separate room with a bed. Inwardly snorting, Sophie meets Samantha’s discerning eye.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  Samantha shrugs, “You tell us. You’re the one with the plane ticket.”

  “You can’t do this,” Sophie cries out and spins away to face Tariq, “I told you I can’t change what I’ve done in the past!”

  “And I said that maybe I can. Samantha is going to help us with that,” Tariq growled back and pointed at Samantha, “Samantha here is an agent involved with the Global Terrorism Agency.”

  Mouth wide open, Sophie stares from Tariq to the woman, who still stands there kindly smiling as she watches their interactions. Gritting her teeth, Sophie finally levels her glare on Samantha.

  “Are you going to arrest me?”

  Shrugging her slim shoulders, Samantha winks at Tariq over Sophie’s shoulder, “I doubt Tariq would allow that.”

  Curling her fingers at the familiar way Samantha met Tariq’s gaze, Sophie sighs drawing their attention, “So what then?”

  Smiling in understanding, Samantha motioned toward the lounge chairs, “Let’s sit. It’s going to be a long flight.”

  Scoffing, Sophie finally collapses into her seat, pulling off her wig as she does, earning the appreciative grin from Tariq as he sips from his glass. Rolling her eyes at his relaxed behavior, Sophie shifts her gaze to Samantha who pulls an
electronic tablet from her briefcase. Smiling kindly at her, Samantha turns the screen to face her and Karos’ cold dark eyes met hers through the screen. The background is a mug shot and in his hands is a placard of his name. Karos’ beard is fuller and his hair is wilder instead of tamed down by gel like it usually is.

  Tensing at the sight of her mentor, the man she thought was her friend, the man who helped rescue her and her little brother, Sophie turned her gaze away from the tablet and met Samantha’s with cold calculation.

  “What do you want to know?”

  Samantha’s smile wilts a little. “This man has been the cause and instigator of many attacks on Arabian and African countries, as well as one or two in Russia. From what Tariq has insinuated, you know him.”

  Squinting her eyes at Tariq, Sophie murmurs softly in Arabic, in the hopes that this American woman does not speak the language, “What did you tell her?”

  Shaking his head, Tariq murmurs back, in English, “Only what you would have wanted me to say, which wasn’t much.”

  Samantha leans forward, tablet forgotten and speaks in broken Arabic, “Teresa has been teaching me, Tariq.”

  Chuckling, Tariq grins at Samantha, “Not well. Too distracted with Xavier or maybe that Senator, you’ve been dating?”

  Laughing, Samantha teased back, this time in English, “Jealous? It’s not my fault, Xavier cries every time you hold him.”

  Grumbling into his glass, Sophie hears Tariq mumble, “Babies. I’ll never see the appeal.”

  Rising from her seat, Samantha waves her hand at Tariq, “Why don’t you go speak with the pilot about our destination and Sophie and I can have a chat without you hovering like a bee.”

  Mouth opened in mocking shock, Tariq finally unleashes his familiar grin that causes Sophie’s heart to thud, “Fine, but Sam, be nice.”

  Turning to Sophie, Tariq motioned with his head and held out his hand to her. Staring at his hand for only a moment, Sophie inwardly warmed when they touched. A spark, like that first night, shoots up Sophie’s arm and down her spine. Letting Tariq lead her toward the back of the plane, Sophie pulls Tariq to a stop outside the bedroom door.


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