An Invisible Chain of our Time

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An Invisible Chain of our Time Page 15

by Iam Willgreen

strongly the biological dynamic of livestock so as it should be expected, in other words, at least a little percentage of theses diseases must appear forcefully.

  What more inside each day that dawns.

  The cattle have had several changes in its management, with a marked industrial character: selection and isolation of races, focusing on the production of more milk and meat than naturally occurring; the disease control by modifying and mixing of feed and antibiotics; improved growth by natural or synthetic promoters. While the use of anti-parasitic compounds and, in some cases tranquilizers for the slaughtering, could be seen as a clever action, the use of anabolic steroids, sex hormones, casting agents, and antithyroid (banned en 1981 in the UE, but not in the US) may have been the cause of a risky change in the whole system of production: it has had as counterpart the existence of metal residues, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, pesticides that come from the forage and pastures, and also from other kind of industrial fodder with animal origin. For example, the successive generations of cephalosporins (penicillin-based) have shown the emergence of bacterial strains resistant to them (which is naturally occurring), banned in the UE; the benzimidazole is used against parasitic nematode worms Ascaris, and is known the teratogenic and mutagenic effects, during lactation and first years of life. After using anabolic steroids, the clenbuterol was used to reduce body fat by 18% (according to the new trend of consumption), increase the water content, muscle mass, and treatment of bronchopneumonia: however may involve alteration of the thyroid gland, metabolic and metabolic disorders. Furthermore, the final effect over humans can be a reaction to compounds introduced (the anaphylactic shock), allergies, loss or unbalancing of the bowel flora, developing of resistant bacterial strains (and its possible transfer of resistant genes). You may being noticing that I am not including any scientific references pointing to all this: there is a lot of, any agronomist, forester, biologist knows that is not new, I am not talking about nothing that could be strange or new. All this already is old and boring.

  Something very astonishing is the ease with which a group of chemists, biologists and physicians perform studies with "revised" results, all of them accepted: and the same scientific community, within the same dynamic corrupted scientific review, issued immediately after allegations against these studies, stating that are not sufficiently proven. And this makes one wonder: what confidence can offer hundreds of compounds used, if barely cover the minimum needed to apply safely, even in the same animal, and experimental designs that have been made are ridiculous from the point of a scientific perspective? Since I trust the scientific method, I am surprised to see how easily they jump over it in white offices.

  If you are in a doctoral degree, please examine only ten - no more are needed - of the most important compounds used, and experimental bases and defense as such in to animals, discusses the design of the experiment, and then think again: what you are getting used to doing and what is the scope of?

  The color of the human world or what we have done.

  Now is not time to say all that already known. May be the time to reckon how much we have done badly, how much we have lost, and how much it will cost us. Then would be possible to know by the first time a very important, valuable, useful word: responsibility. And common sense would be a very great help to it.

  A work that should not exist is this one, the repairing of the environment, the over watching: why worsen the already knotty circumstances that we must face?

  Two aspects of results that come from human activities: the left image belongs corresponds to debris deposited in the marsh of a national park in southern Spain: the surface brightness is that of thousands of crystals; the satellite photo below right, corresponds to the NOAA service (US), showing the movement of debris on the sea. The detail corresponds to plastic balls currently usual on the sea.

  4. About some blatant follies.

  Any would want to know where come the main troubles we have, would not you? As usual, the simple explanations are not liked, because these force us to change immediately, and that is really what we do not want. Anyway, we have heard the last fifty years incessantly that there is in the world a huge amount of problems that threaten us around us, as if world could be a hell, and seeing the life as a strange phenomenon. And stability and safety are seek, as well these could be a gold goal, when life is a permanent evolving and change. In spite all this, earthquakes, droughts, tsunami, are a very little portion of dramatic events, while human-induced effects are the true pressure, especially over the areas where the population is crowd.

  We are the real hell, and not the Nature. Nature is changing, but the changes we have made within it, those are really the true hell. For find solutions, first we should accept our wrongs: and clearly without doubt, and not making excuses. Our behavior, social and individual, is the reason of our problems, not the nature. Is not valid to say that some things are scarce or that they have disappeared. We are those who have done it, we have created the scarcity, the “losses, holes and leaks”. Yes, we have blame, but the essential is to know why and what we need to do, if we want to live acceptably: applying it to everybody, of course, because obtaining it for a few ones never was a mystery.

  Borders, but only for what we want.

  We were divided in two worlds, and now in three, four or five stepped worlds, as pieces that perhaps we do not know exactly, those parts to which we belong. Those who belong to one side, the terribly informed world, and by other sides, those worlds that the first world thinks are misinformed. The world neatly ordered, and the worlds exhausted and wounded. One side of the ball is touching the mud, and the other side taking the sun. The world well nourished, and the world undernourished. This can be seen in the same country, within no many square miles, sometimes you climb a hill and in the ridge, you may take two different pictures from two worlds: one hillside shows you the shantytown, the other side hill shows you the skyscrapers. Do you know this? It is a shot picture for all the towns in the world with more than 800,000 dwellers.

  Not far, not in other planet, really, there are worlds also in the other side of the reality: the world used to lie comfortably and easily in agreement, and the world used to remain hidden and silent with all this in its memory and backside, and lying for remain and stay united, if possible. We may continue with all those dichotomies, thorough lines and paragraphs and pages, but it is the way that I would not want.

  Underneath, there are a real world, the only world that exists physically: has no more borders or divisions than the shores, or the moveable frontier between night and day, than this one which creates the ice, making frontiers and places where you could live or not, simply. This one is the only I recognize. The real world with real limits, the only that I can talk about. There are persons, the sunshine line pass over it as much as 24 hours every days and it never stops. It crosses the world without despising to anyone, offering almost the same light everywhere. We are living within the same world, but so differently along the latitude and longitude!

  The following is not a mystery, is our social picture that we do not like to look, our own image, our accurate reflection. The permanent struggle of some millions towards a well-being state is made at the expense of the others who remain and continue into the poverty and misery. At this point, the word ecology loses its most attractive meaning, when points directly our responsibility. We continue doing basically the same that the young Egyptian Akhenaton did: who has the lances makes the war (the barbarian) with those who do not have it. What hurts me more, is the hope that has the common people, waiting and believing their god (whatever the god) will come one day to solve these problems we have: however, these problems are not divine problems, are exclusively human problems, and nobody will resolve this troubles except humans. Better believing in the real work, the only way to put one stone on another.

  It results obvious, evident and shining that each practice or trend in an economical field of action, in each field of work, either
could be advertising, infrastructures, finances, health, not matter what, if you go from one developed country with an ancient culture (one of those old wolves in politics and economy) towards those countries less developed with a social and political tenderness younger than the first, you will see that all the old wrongs and mistakes formerly committed at least 30 years ago today have been sold there as a sort of “new coming development and thriving”, and are assumed happily: those countries start to run this road of wrongs step by step, one by one, no losing no one of them, like as advanced students. By this way, have been sold all the abandoned materials, techniques, ways of market, products, and I would say the ideologies.

  You cannot find one solely country which do not has a blemish in its society: an example are the cocaine or the hashish: the Peru, Colombia, Mexico, the US, Afghanistan, Angola, Morocco, Spain, Netherlands, UK, Belgium… and many more, all are crossed by this market, with huge amounts, and one by one all the places, persons, companies, offices, public services, officers… everybody is clean! All of them will keep being clean, and nowhere is the money. A magic

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