An Invisible Chain of our Time

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An Invisible Chain of our Time Page 20

by Iam Willgreen

finally must be paid in the market. Is this agriculture? Is this the aid? Is this the international cooperation? Really, what weird thing is this? What joke is this?

  This is our blinded insight of the world. This is what newspapers never have said tell you, never tell you, and never will say you. That is what TV agencies never tell you. Where are the journalists, do you know it? In other chapter will see other regions, as Asia, Central Europe, Central America or the South America. This is also environment. People also are the environment. That you have is a kind of public uproar that exists everywhere, very dangerous, with which nothing can be done, and whose origin is unknown.

  Recently, a new wave of high value ideas have disembarked into the more unstable and unprotected countries of Central Africa, Indonesia, and other countries, but the most have taken place in Africa, of course. These ideas consist in the buying and grabbing of lands, and their waters, either that will surface (like the rivers), either it will underground (those that you cannot see). Now companies are going to exploit the scarcity, either lands as well waters. That is the new deal. Recently, has been performed a new database of deals and contracts with lands around the World: it needs a continuous improve (I do not think it could barely keep up with so fast events), because is not easy get data there out, but the ensemble of organizations that are constructing the database they know something about: is the Land Matrix.

  Truly are mistakes? Maybe all those mistakes are a clever stealing, based in the brilliant idea of the improving: "We need improve, and be more valuable for our investors". Let's go recap, all those things that are been made in the seventy former years have been the gathering of resources in a few hands, dropping little prosperity's candies and peanuts in the mouth of people. It is not a vision; it is the true testable in situ. The aim of those industries newer was to fight against the hunger neither secure the food, nor help to anybody. So, do you want continue affirming with head, saying all is right, buying for highly elaborated and "balanced" foods, buying for controlled seeds, unbelievable technologies, and the taking of lands from hands of peasants? It is kidding to say that was development, it was a wolf called enrichment, with a dress of sheep called development.

  It will be possible turn on an imaginary TV or leafing trough a newspaper or magazine, which would show other overall scenery as this one in the picture below.

  The green slavery.

  Thus is this knotty issue, and this is what are already reading peasants there, looking stunned and perplexed what will be the fate of properties that they are losing, to become part of those nearest huge farms. They understand perfectly what is going on, that: the higher production, the less costs. A data that could lead us to think is the number of inhabitants that are hanging from agriculture: roughly 1.200 millions work into (please, pay attention, I written 1,200 millions people, not 1,200 people), but is the half of the world the number of people which is bounded with agriculture as main mean of living. The real struggle is for 500 millions of peasants, which continue working as it was six centuries ago. Yet we say development?

  Rewind the story a few centuries back, try to find a time that has not been repeated again: it is not so difficult to see that our time follows the same trend, with different media today. I am now remembering the sincere opinion of Marcel Mazoyer, and the hard work developed by a strong minded woman friend of mine, who developed a little village in Pakistan of the note 3 (not a miracle, only real work with women, mainly, and men from the place): the same farmers which twenty or thirty years ago were selling their yields, and then bought their essential food, tools and clothes for their families, today they cannot subsist for more, as prices have increased to upper levels leading them to endless poverty, seeing how their means are been reduced day to day. Is it the green revolution, or the green slavery? We are talking again about indebtedness, the principle of bank matter.

  Also the same farmers, when locally speak around seeds and cultivating, they cling to see only their local habits, but it is just an infinitesimal piece of what has been for us the agriculture.

  (3) The Hushé project was developed in a village nearby the main mountains in the Himalaya by a charity organization form Zaragoza, Spain, along ten years or work for a little team of volunteers who spendt their own money to go there and work one month yearly.

  The different soils linked with weather and flows of water, compose a map of crop's diversity, techniques, means, which reaches more than 1,400 different main forms, that never would be reached by any industrialized technique. This adaptation to the local and regional shaping also has had mistakes, but the worse were always human troubles as wars or desertification. However it, naturally, the resilience and recovering from disasters those natural systems show is strong.

  By doing this, we are breaking many things. First of all, we know that in every ecosystem where are living 1300 species (an extremely simplifying as such example) from every possible branches of life, and we get rid 500 of them in one blow by changing some essential condition (as could be temperature, their presence, acidity, humidity, the adding of some gorgeous biocide) would be 1500 - 300 = 1200 the remaining species. We would say: ¡It still remains enough! But it is untrue: actually, we have vacated the space occupied by at least proportionally 800 specie, dismissing these specie and the relations and bonds it had with others (at the average of 4 or 5 strong relationships for each specie with other beings); and we have put it in a new ensemble of condition unknown for these specie, and created a new free space for new colonizers, which come delighted with so desirable opportunity to getting a new home. And it is in this way for every kind of being, bacteria, arthropods, and so on. Thus born new relationships before inexistent, and we can be witness of the detour that the ecosystem suffers towards another state which is unknown for us, which never existed before.

  Nature is not an army of assailants. Every being is struggling to be there, making what knows do or could make; and every being considers a competitor whose are grabbing the food it wants. Could you dispense with every herbivore, and every insect? Certainly we would not. Despite it, it is precisely that was and is being done currently. The common folks have accepted this idea: many beings are dispensable, despite it is a mockery to common sense, is extremely ridiculous.

  Believing by laziness.

  Although so, are not making the fool those who base their economy in the solution of problems that they selves created formerly, and solutions what improve the solutions, and solutions to transform problems in business, and always the same kind of new brainchild, but basically and underneath of all it, always reducing the toll of species (crops and livestock) to a range of as much 15 different and no more. We, the common folk, the consumers, we are making the fool, completely. And we learnt to believe this kind of lies; we learnt to mistake the meaning of reality. We are learning this each day that passes in our developed life.

  A way of agriculture was developed in the world according to natural floods and conditions offered by the regions: different hydraulics systems that allowed as well rice based plantations as well zones of influence among interfluve areas, and even plantations in mountains. It is currently visible en Southeast Asia, Egypt, Guinean. In Europe, along the centuries, the initial slash and burn that opened lands to farming, using then already the fallow, was substituted by farming-herding based agriculture, and the appearance of the ard plow (the chisel plow) increased the cropping. The use of animal-drawn was a strong push ahead in agriculture, but the precipice was the recent appearing of monoculture and intensive cropping with no fallow. Here we can find a very big disturbance, when soils were not only forced but also converted to only planting surfaces, neglecting the natural cycle in soils. Those processes has had as consequence a trouble, but this keeps buried: a study to relate strongly and clearly with facts well linked the chemical use with health problems, needs an effort that only few people would be willing to take, although there are strong tools to reach it. Thus, so quiet there are the large companies. Other important
changes have been the crisscross and mix of crops from tropical an intertropical zones between America, Europe, Australia and Africa: some of these crops even have driven out the original crops. It was at least two centuries ago when the stronger change has been a full substitution.

  Here is my brainchild, it never existed before. The genes.

  The genetic pollution is other concept that hides the misconception we have about nature. It talks of "pollution" in this case as such process do not expected, and it is absolutely untrue. The transmission of genes among species is, although it has received little attention or publicity or rather telling it to you clearly “it has been sentenced and hidden,” an event natural and even logical, when organisms try by many ways to improve any relationship with other organisms, which could give them some advantage. It always was ridiculous do not accept this fact, more when it has been already shown in the worst case, as with GMO like Agrostis stolonifera (a grass of the note 4), which becomes once sowed in a new invasive from anthropic origin.

  (4) L. Watrud et al. 2004, "Evidence for landscape-level, pollen-mediated gene

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