An Invisible Chain of our Time

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An Invisible Chain of our Time Page 36

by Iam Willgreen

between 1 and 14 million square kilometers. Here I can only name a photographer who exposed the way he sees it, with whom I agree quite simply: Midway Journey.

  What can you find there into? Absolutely all you can find out. Some things are so extremely easy to spread so are the most dangerous, as nurdles. All this debris is also dumped from ships that lose their containers, garbage carried by wings, and from the drainage of bigger towns. And ships sail more the more we consume, do not forget.

  The change in the inertia that have the manufacturing, facilities, resources and trade in these materials, is an example as any of what to expect from the new green chemistry, or the change in the handling of products can be made from down: and like so many changes, will be more successful and secure the more local the origin of new emerging applications be, though, with consumer attitudes and commitment; doing it one to one.

  Surprisingly, the hemp is a candidate to be used as material for synthesis of plastics, as well as being considered a complete food with a 34% of essential fatty acids omega 3 and omega 9, highly recyclable for several times, having a simpler treatment, and to be a profitable source of biofuel: but the value as drug and competition with other materials and the oil industry make it difficult to start any activities in this regard. Once again, things are not evil or the devil, just do not use them correctly, by greed.

  Some pictures belong to PETA.

  16. Health and research.

  First of all…

  Before talking about science, is fair to point a fact so remarkable as significant in understanding of why things happen as they happen. And the matter is: women. Women have been for ages set aside, hidden, ignored, neglected or even expelled from the realm of science, as they were in every field of life barring home and maternity. The best place that many times may have expected is like a sort of assistant or supply for men. It has been a huge loss.

  Even if they have made a very impressive feat, it is not enough to notice they are there: as we always go to famous names, we must know that Irene Sendler did not make enough to be awarded with the Nobel prize after saving more than 2,500 children in the WWII; Lisa Meitner did not got any recognition by her work about nuclear fission, backwards that her mate Otto Hahn; nobody could have been able to suffer today the huge work that performed M. S. S. Curie with the radius for years, being barely recognized; Susan Jocelyn Bell Burnell suffered the same fate; Rosalind E. Franklin reached to observe DNA by X rays, but the award was leaded to the couple of scientists Watson and Crick. This lack of balance is many deeper than the mentioned. Somehow, women do not need be mentioned with only a little list, they are achieving their place by themselves, by their own means, as are capable.

  Today, a recall comes to me, while I am writing: a girlfriend of mine, who is still working with a research grant after his doctorate, was talking me a lot about a few issues around materials sought for the improving of the retention of humidity in cultures, and also implied in other uses less likable. After show off her concerns and explaining to me how she should follow rightly the aims implying the supplier funds, she broke to cry. I was shocked, cold and paralyzed. Suddenly, I understood why was she worried about, but more enough I realized another matter: a very clever person, strong worker and liable researcher, a woman touching essential issues, was wanting go out her work by ethical reasons, wondering what could do out once will be discovered her attitude. Now I wonder myself: is this really what we want, chaining researchers, and mute their own knowledge? Obviously, this is not science, nor research, nor support.

  With less means, but more ideas and nearer to reality.

  Although the Charles Darwin before scientists had already occasionally relationship with the state and followed its objectives, it was not the tone until the nineteenth century, when it emerged strongly the use of science, especially in chemical industry. Charles Darwin was focused on implementation and monitoring issues that were general, with not many means (but traveling), although with a great opportunity as it was the voyage of the Beagle. The focus of the development was based on field observation of priority in establishing causal relationships in the systematic study, and above all this, in a search for a general explanation really made that could affect any living, having then Darwin any genetics laboratory. The approach was probably correct although not be based on laboratory research (rather than exhaustive subsequently over the years that followed until today) but in reflecting on events that inevitably must and can be explained with numbers, which will not have the mathematical to do not harm: on the contrary, the quantification of the facts can delve into the truth and correct explanation, and of course correct it. And yet, imagine and find out the why of facts.

  The same could be or look today, but it is not. Scientists junior, and senior, are focusing research that being general theory (this goal is highlighted and given continuously in all papers) are far from being actually. The research can address diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, or viral diseases, always looking on the genes the possibility of a sort of control over the process. But the method fails statistically when the scientific study sample sizes are hardly defensible, while there is a notable lack of consistency in the clinical data obtained, while the actual disease risk populations reach the 400 million inhabitants, from 7.000 million. And not only is meant to be scientific, but it is believed to be scientific, while forget the high margin of error involved, and just accepting the genetic variability. And of course, in an extended form, the goal is always to learn to intervene in nature, never learn to adapt to nature. You can agree to a remarkable and several number of research and applications of the same, but the number of disagreements that I feel profoundly with others is high, due to the intervention in nature with an exclusively profit, taking advantage of situations that could be diminished dramatically by acting with head.

  Today is being sold with all the effrontery of the world the idea that one or two controlled genes can be considered the simple solution of one independent and lonely disease. If you are a humble scientist by training, think this two or three times before accepting. You are witnessing the manipulation of science, the science that you liked and called you for going to classrooms.

  The genetic code is not the responsible nor the solution for each process we pay attention: not, is a golden opportunity to concentrate in the laboratory and in the factory that finances the production of new invoice solutions, without rectifying the bulk of the conditions that cause the problems really.

  Moreover, when patents end their life, suddenly are discovered saviors studies about inadvertent effects of compound X, and miraculously jump everywhere, then the compound can be replaced by a new patent, and the business continues. Try here with some you could know. No matters if the elder DDT or a recent antibiotic. The important is that we keep winning with it. Student: when you finish your school, try to acquire and have a good criterion, although that have a real cost and effort: to filter many supposedly scientific writings that supposedly are “reviewed” between friends. Unfortunately, we are not looking at the behavior of nature as a whole, because it does not matter, as it could have interested to Darwin.

  In regard to the research and its application and science, it is obvious the qualitative and quantitative leap between countries, but not the human: and this is important to people. The talent and ability to work is not located in a country, nor into sex, but are likely to be some possibilities for this; but are scattered, waiting for a catalyst to put them to work on something appropriate for every talent. And it is very difficult to see then the relationship between talent and passion for a subject, the skill, and discipline.

  An extreme example (though not exclusive at the time) the inability to stop the passion and talent of an area can be found at Spartan patience of Marie Curie, which I mentioned at the beginning: she developed the work in prison conditions, conditions that could not admit a single current student of a faculty or research center in the world. Though all, she did her work.

  What is b
eing scrutinized in the body?

  The complex lot of biological functions that has the human body is controlled in various ways: some processes are conducted and influenced by environmental phenomena: some of them are known as the circadian clocks; their rhythms seems as clockworks, controlled by different agents. Other functions are controlled or conducted with the stored information of genes.

  We are being forced to follow those cycles or patterns that Nature has, as in the case of mammals is the turning of the Earth, provoking the appearing and disappearing of light daily. As we need know what interesting things for us are happening outside and inside, our cells have inherited from our ancestor the ability to detect signals that tell us where, what, how much and when are there things we could use somehow: light, temperature, water, smells, surfaces, colors, nutrients, mates ... all those things which means something for our needs. Also we have our cycles: for example, our growth stages include cycles, our memory, our links with others; all follow cycles and sudden events.

  We, living beings, are communication beings, and despite we apparently only talk externally, by signs, visually, listening and

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