An Invisible Chain of our Time

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An Invisible Chain of our Time Page 41

by Iam Willgreen

overshoot), the first time affected only some countries, today are affecting the most, barring some farthest which are isolated on the sea. You must be the best whistleblower; we could be each one of us when we have affordable criteria and common sense. And perhaps the common sense reappears easily if a criterion feasible and rational comes before to be part of law and social organization. Somehow, we need feel again.

  (6) Knowledge and recovering. Another matter that causes mistrust and insecurity: could we repair and recover all that we have lost? Are we capable? Will be we capable? Do we know what and how to do? Of course, there are plenty of knowledge, but also plenty of ignorance as we have seen, and even more than enough goodwill, when it is to do the effort, and no one is going to take away it again. One example has been the direct and practical work and the results obtained with it, the recovery of degraded lands in scattered sites in the world, with the working philosophy of Swiss team WOCAT (note5). And they follow a kind of simplified standard (like the ISO 14000), a checklist, a publicized knowledge, training, without thereby throw balloons flying to the sky. And other examples could be added to this. There is capacity, and there is sensible knowledge. It is always applied science, and recovered relations.

  (7) The use of things. Returning unafraid to talk about ourselves another obvious question: we are unable to reconcile technology with the natural life? It seems difficult to understand that a laptop is technology (and well used can be useful), but the food and ecosystems cannot be simplified or act as devices, the way it has been done by the hands of technologists without shame whatsoever. It is not about left to them the blame, it is necessary and unavoidable that we own our own vision of life, we have a vision, judgment, self-esteem, desire to maintain wealth around us, and not let someone tell us to where we will be limited access to it.

  (8) Communities. Make a contract with Nature, as other part more on the deal, is it possible? It is not possible: it is essential, is something never done! It never was brooded on mind, by anyone: the best thought we have had in this regard has been dominate the nature, and if now still do not recognize the mistake, with all those crowds that we are already on Earth, the error will be very fat (we will add a “t”, terror). A first contract with Nature is a kind of deal that overcomes the false agreements held annually for various reasons, issuing hundreds of documents, thousands of falsifying data, and exchanging business cards and job offers. Keep it clear, when it comes, the progressive improvements will come from small communities like yours, slowly, posing decisions, so tangible, without lavish documents, not needing Convention on Climate Change, or Annual Meetings about Traffic Control of Children or Species: if you and yours do not want, nothing unwanted will happen. Your community may not be the first to do so: it began almost eight years in various places, and they wait for nobody: cherish life too much to expect joint decisions.

  (9) Accounts and balance. What about this called environmental account? What is that? How is it done? Do not worry, it is a simple concept to understand how to apply: do not remove or interfere or pressure on your farm, in your place, in your mountains, in your water, in your seas, so as to decrease what you had. We are part of Nature, we are living, so we can return and establish an exchange, and a balance, as all balances in nature are unstable. But if it is an equilibrium in which both sides gain, a “win-win outcome,” both sides not lose.

  A biologist, an environmentalist, an ecologist, an engineer, an economist, a sociologist, they could not know: should know it. Is easier to control little accounts as your little local accounts, than bigger accounts: but bigger accounts are mainly the adding of little accounts. The less you depend on banks, the less you must pay.

  (5) World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies

  The more you control, the less you lose. The smaller the territory is, the easier the control is. The lesser the account is, the lesser the greed will be. Get away from big projects. You will not left behind.

  (10) Technology and science. Science, technology or wildness? It is not the matter the use of knowledge is the crafty enemy. The naive and innocent questions in science may always be posed, but the aims are as different as its results. Being a powerful extension of our physical body, as well as arts and music are, the crucial point is this: what we go make, resolve, understand, produce, save, what kind of brainchild will see the light? Still more intelligent weapons? What do you think about? Let's go discuss about the use that we do for things. This magical word contains thousands of colors, thousands of opposite acts. Be careful with the use. Do not mind if we talk of atomic nucleus, hemp, telephony, global positioning system... do not matter, physical things, technology, knowledge, all are not usually dangerous, are their uses, and these last ones uses are increasing today.

  (11) Development. Big projects, big factories, big products? The engineering has occupied a wide place in our lives along 200 years, and continues doing it. As in every profession, are not all the same, many less than other fields, because there are more needs, customers, kinds, sizes, materials, situations, places, troubles, and cash to do things on demand. They know firstly the aims they should achieve in their work, they also know what may be possible, how is it possible, how much costs the possible, and the profits and costs of every thing that we are manufacturing and building, using and enjoying. Not one action can be done not assuming its implied economy. If we want energy, we must settle accounts. Forever there are behind a customer, a State, a company, and a community, always behind other customer. And the word greed will should be measured somehow before project, before contract, reviewing if contract with Nature previously written allows it.

  (12) Public affairs. What about rely from others? What about politicians? The transparency in the era of Internet is easy. Do not waste the time more. Transparency always, when we want it from others it is easy to understand: sowing confidence will come back reliance. If you want social networks, media, tools, all are there, and technicians are there also. Whoever has credit if he is credible like person. Courts, laws, already are not sufficient by themselves: the coming world needs a visual monitoring tool, reliable, prompt with one click, without which life in society will become unbearable.

  (13) Duty and Right. Rights or liabilities? Just in the opposite order. Liabilities include inherently rights; unlike rights do not always contain the responsibilities. By protecting firstly the rights, hardly we could define the liabilities. It seems to be turning out easier let that people fight against the violation of rights than making true rules and commitments. There is a lack of some truly essential references in our rules for trade, business, diplomacy, rights and more, as a good definition of complicity applied to big companies and states. Strong rules, will become strong rights. There is some reason to be no hard, but accurate. There are too many countries with lot of rights, and fewer duties, with many experts in skipping the last. Today it is easier to sign the fulfillment of a right than a responsibility: to the first there is always an excuse, for the second is not.

  (14) The agreements. Usually we accept that all the agreements must include necessarily an economic payment, some kind of deal that becomes cash. Just consider this like a strong foundation, a base as foundation, is a mistake. A financial arrangement, long it takes, it is easy. They are always below other deficiencies and other outstanding issues, and when they are resolved, alliances are born where there were disagreements, much stronger than economic agreements: the money is strong, but alliances transcend all fields of life. And the alliances must be focused in the maintaining of goods, but all the goods.

  (15) The great transport. A new supply chain is not only possible, but also valuable and possible. At some point in time, an economist will start to scrutinize how affect the costs of large transport over the seas and sky to common people. You would answer that it is already known and studied. Is it really studied and known? I am suspecting that is not really true, rather has been studied the economic process for a kind of business and no more. Today, there is no rule that
can stabilize the large-scale trade, the global trade, and that is still a basic lack, not an achievement.

  (16) Banks. Other bank will be needed, based on the local results, in the local scope. The day that some bunch of folks start to see this possibility, will expand this way of local-based link, and will diminish the appetite that have the big sharks to embark the people on large projects far from real life. Every great project for big business does not make grow its influence area, on the contrary it engulfs many more business, but you just have believed the first possibility mercifully. Banks with local owners and limited size have opportunities to be makers of a clever stabilization: yet has not studied nor envisioned the chance of change the banking currency: share both cash and a percentage of organizational control, as kind of funds, and relationship of citizens with what is happening in their community.

  (17) Chemistry. The chemistry is an example of what happens to other sciences that scurry around her, such as genomics, bioengineering, nanotechnology, medicine or pharmacy. Those words that compound those fields of science cannot

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