Walter, Francis E., 324–26, 335
Ward, Willis, 231–32
War Department, U.S., 179, 180, 208
Maraniss investigated by, 161–67, 169, 190
Warner, Jack L., 298–99
Warren, Alan, 105
Washington, George, 323
Washington Post, 164, 272, 352
Watson, Tom, 47, 52
Watt, George, 83, 191
Wayne, John, 298–300, 304
Weinstein, Eddie, 127
Weisberg, Florence K., 30
Weiswasser, George, 162–63
Welch, Joseph, 318
Welker, Herman, 275
Wellman, Saul, 16, 267, 309
Wells, Carlton F., 160–61
Wheeler, William, 298, 332–34
Whelchel, Frank, 252
When the Old Left Was Young (Cohen), 31
Whipple, Guy M., 162, 163
Whistle Stop (Wolff), 143
White, Blanco, 24
White, David McKelvy, 92, 108–9
White, George, 92
Whitman, Walt, 28, 136, 137, 148, 198, 206, 209, 304, 349
Wiethoff, Michael, 356–57
Williams, G. Mennan “Soapy,” 151–52
Williams, Ted, 275
Willis, Edwin E., 354
Wilson, Woodrow, 32
Winchester Star, 221
Winston, Henry, 235, 240, 271
Winter, Carl, 36, 227, 228, 235, 243, 271, 308
Winter, Helen, 308, 309
Winter, Rogers, 49
Winwar, Frances, 206
Witt, Bert, 145
Wolfe, Thomas, 75, 137, 148
Wolff, Maritta, 143
Wood, Jesse, 44
Wood, John Stephens, 4, 9, 42, 43–57, 246–53, 319–22, 324, 354
background of, 44
Big Jim McLain and, 299, 300
career of, 44, 52–54
in Congress, 9, 43, 53–55, 246–52
death of, 354
Eisenhower and, 319–21
Frank lynching and, 46–53, 56, 322, 354
handyman and, 250, 321
Hasty case and, 55–56
on HUAC, 41–42, 240, 246, 250, 252–53, 256, 294, 319–21
in HUAC Detroit hearings, 3, 4, 9, 38, 40, 52, 55, 57, 60–62, 66, 118, 119, 123, 153, 154, 226, 240, 280, 282–87
Ku Klux Klan and, 9, 53, 55–56, 322
Wood, John Stephens (Continued)
marriage to Louise Jones, 54, 56–57, 153, 154
Morris and, 44–53, 55, 56
organizations joined by, 53, 55, 322
payoff fee and, 250, 321
Pearson and, 250–51, 320–21
Robinson and, 41–42, 240
Taft-Hartley Act and, 247–49
World War I service of, 52–53
Wood, Louise Jones, 54, 56–57, 153, 154
Wood, Sarah Holcomb, 44
Woodstock, N.Y., 221–23, 226, 355
Woodstock Herald, 218
Works Progress Administration, 30–31, 138, 297, 330
World of Washington Irving, The (Brooks), 206
World War I, 30, 31, 32, 86, 117
Tavenner’s service in, 217, 223, 354
Wood’s service in, 52–53
World War II, 67, 68, 82, 83, 134, 139–43, 189–90, 259, 304
American home front during, 170–71
Battle of the Bulge in, 177, 309
Bob Cummins’s service in, 169, 170, 190
Colmar Pocket in, 174, 177–78, 254
D-Day, 175, 317, 354
Detroit defense industry in, 18, 170–71, 233
Elliott Maraniss’s command of all-black company in, 3, 173, 179–88, 192–94, 196, 202–14, 266
Elliott Maraniss’s letter to Jim on fighting in, 195–99, 200
Elliott Maraniss’s service in, 3, 10, 157–70, 172–73, 179–88, 192–94, 195–99, 202–14, 217, 260–61, 281, 282, 286, 288, 296, 329
end of, 209
Hürtgen Forest in, 174–77
military’s handling of radicals and suspected communists during, 190–91
Okinawa campaign in, 10, 193, 207–11, 217, 262, 288
Pacific theater in, 203–9
Pearl Harbor attack in, 10, 157, 163, 190, 218, 261, 288
Potter’s service in, 9, 174–78, 179, 254–55, 257
racism and, 170–72, 179–81, 266
U.S. entry into, 161, 165
U.S. neutrality and, 140–43, 145
World Youth Festival, 333
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 349
Wright, Richard, 75, 146–48
Wynn, Early, 313
Yagoda, Genrikh G., 132
Yost, Fielding, 125, 147
Young, Coleman, 9–10, 64, 266, 356
HUAC testimony of, 9–10, 58, 64–68, 266, 353
as mayor of Detroit, 10, 64, 353
Young Communist League (YCL), 80, 83, 89, 122, 139, 145, 147, 189, 191, 210, 235, 262
Youth for Democracy, 272
Zenger, Peter, 289, 295
Zwicker, Ralph W., 317
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Copyright © 2019 by David Maraniss
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ISBN 978-1-5011-7837-5
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