Double the Fun

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by Jenika Snow

  Double the Fun

  Two was better than one

  Jenika Snow


  By Jenika Snow

  [email protected]

  Copyright © August 2020 by Jenika Snow

  First E-book Publication: August 2020

  Photo provided by: Adobe Stock

  Cover Designer: Designs by Dana

  Editor: Kayla Robichaux

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental. Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  About the Author

  Jane Silver knew all too well what it meant to have a hard life but to survive regardless. With her family life less than happy, she always relied on her tightly woven friendship with the Holden twins.

  She’s known Rys and William Holden since they were five years old. They may have looked identical, but where Rys was the dominating, strong, silent type, William was all caring and comfort. They were the only two people who cared about her, but wasn’t just friendship that tied her to them.

  It was love.

  But she never wanted to blur those lines, risking they didn’t feel the same way about her. But things changed so fast, touches, whispered words… pleasure given, and she didn’t know if it was reality or fantasy.

  When accusations were thrown, when drama ensued, lies—or maybe the truth—was revealed, Jane had to figure out if crossing lines with the Holden boys was worth it.

  Because if she made the wrong choice, she could lose the only things that meant anything to her.

  Her twins.

  Chapter 1

  This is bullshit.

  “Come on, Jane.” Trevor Lane ran his hands over her belly and started creeping up to her chest.


  He reeked of alcohol, and she knew she should have never gotten in the car with him. He’d been fine when they left the restaurant, but when he started drinking Jack Daniels right out of the bottle and maneuvering the car with one hand, she knew this had been a horrible idea. Not only was he basically mauling her, but he was piss-ass drunk.

  “Trevor, stop.” His kisses were slobbery and all over the place. Her neck felt slimy, and her heart was pounding hard behind her ribs from anxiety.

  “Jane, quit being a cock-tease. I bet you ain’t no virgin, baby.”

  If she could have pushed him away in the small interior of the car to slap his fucking face, she would have, but he was pressing her against the passenger side door and making any movement impossible. “Get off, Trevor. Now.” Whether she was a virgin or not didn’t make a difference. “I’m ready to go home.” That made him stop. He looked at her with a glossy expression only drunks get.

  “You what?” He looked genuinely surprised by her demand.

  “I said I want to go home. You’re drunk, and I’m definitely not having sex with you. Ever. In fact, give me your keys. I’m not letting you drive in your condition.”

  A beat of silence passed between them before he answered, “Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?” The venom in his voice shocked her. “You strut around like you want to jump on my cock, and now you’re denying me?” His anger filled the car, and Jane started to feel the tendrils of fear taking hold. “I buy you a nice dinner and play nice, and you’re going to sit there and tell me you want to fucking go home?” His rage was tangible, and Jane made a move to get out of the car, but his big hand landed on her arm.

  If having dinner with a friend—which is what he was, or had been—meant that to him, he was delusional.

  “I don’t think so, baby. You’re going to give me something for taking your ass out tonight.”

  “Let go of me, Trevor.” She tried to sound hard, but her voice came out as a whimper. His fingers curled around her bicep, digging into the muscle and causing a squeak of pain to come out of her. All of this was too familiar. She pictured her father coming after her mother as she tried to protect Jane from the wrath that was Charles Silver.

  “I’m not letting go until you make my night a happy ending.” With his free hand, he reached for the button of his jeans and popped it free.

  Oh hell no.

  “You either let me go, or I’m calling the cops and having them drag your ass to jail.” Her words stopped him for a second before disgust curled his upper lip.

  “Do you really think they will take your word over mine? You’re just the daughter of an asshole who skipped town. He was worthless, just like you and your mother. Your family is nothing but trash.”

  His words hurt, but not as much as his hand on her arm. She knew what she was, where she came from. Charles Silver had been nothing but a man who liked to beat up on his wife and daughter. He left them, taking every last dime they had and leaving her and her mother to pick up the shattered pieces. She couldn’t say she wasn’t happy to see him go, but despite all the abuse, her mother was a broken woman. It was clear she spent her whole life dependent on him, and it had taken Jane a lot of time and work to get her mother to be independent and have self-esteem.

  She wasn’t 100 percent there, not even after several years of her father’s absence, but every day, she was getting better. Jane was just happy he was out of their lives. Jane and her mother Bridgette might not have had a lot of money, but they were picking up the pieces of their lives. The town of Ecstasy, Colorado might look down on them, but she knew as long as she had her mother, Rys, and William around, everything would be okay. They were the only three people in her life that mattered.

  “I’m trash but good enough to fuck, huh?” She had been a fool to think anyone in this fucking shitty-ass town would see her as anything different. With her father’s reputation as a drunk and being poorer than dirt, she was considered the town white trash. She might not have been a virgin, but sleeping with one boy from out of town who had been visiting his grandparents one summer when she was seventeen didn’t constitute her an easy lay.

  “Honey, why do you think I took you to a restaurant outside of Ecstasy?”

  Oh, she wasn’t a fool. She knew Trevor had purposefully driven out of their town, a town named Ecstasy of all things, because he didn’t want them to be seen together. Had she been so starved for male affection that she resorted to going on pathetic dates with pricks? She supposed she was. The only men she had in her life were Rys and William, the Holden twins. They were her lifeline in her fucked-up life, and if not for them, she would have left a
long time ago.

  But if she was being honest, she knew she wouldn’t have gone anywhere, not with her mom still here and refusing to leave the only home she had ever known. Anyone her mother had called a friend either left to pursue other things or she had severed ties with because of her loyalty to Jane’s father. He had burned a lot of bridges in the years he stuck around. He had gotten into enough fights, stolen enough merchandise, and treated others like shit on his shoes that anyone associated with him was automatically the same.

  She pushed the door open and wrenched her arm out of Trevor’s ironclad grasp. Her flesh burned, and she had no doubt there would be a bruise. God, how she wished Rys and William were there with her. Just thinking about them made her feel better. She slammed the door of his prized Camaro and turned around to walk back into town. They were at least two miles outside the city limits, but she didn’t care. The cold air and time would give her the chance to think. She reached for her purse and realized she left it in Trevor’s car.

  When she turned back around, she saw he was driving toward her. He pulled up beside her and gave her the most disgusted look he could muster before tossing her purse out the window. He yelled, “Bitch!” as he sped away. Her purse lay in a puddle of muddy water. She quickly picked it up and prayed to the heavens the contents weren’t wet. Sending up a silent thank you that everything was dry, she shook off her purse and started walking. The chilly air was unusual for this time of year, but it helped to clear her head.

  The lights of Ecstasy came into view over an hour later, and she blew out a breath. Her feet and legs ached horribly. Her lungs burned, and all she could think about was going home, taking a nice soak in the tub, and putting this entire night behind her. Trevor would either keep his mouth shut about tonight or the whole town would know by tomorrow morning that she was a slut. Even though she hadn’t had sex with Trevor, she knew damn well he would make up whatever story he wanted, and everyone would believe him. Because of her father’s reputation, she was the black sheep in town.

  The sound of a diesel engine behind her had her closing her eyes and praying it wasn’t who she thought it was. If it was, this night just got a whole lot shittier.

  Chapter 2

  “Is that Janey?” William leaned forward in the truck, trying to get a better look.

  Rys didn’t need to try to get a better look, because he could spot Jane Silver anywhere. “Yeah, that’s her. What the hell is she doing walking at this time of night?”

  “I don’t know, but it looks like she’s coming from outside city limits.”

  Rys thought the same thing. William, his twin, ran a hand through his short hair. “Clearly something’s wrong, but what I don’t understand is why she didn’t call us. She’s smart enough to know it isn’t safe to walk alone at night.” He pulled the truck up beside her, and her whole body stiffened at his approach. He rolled his window down and waited for her to acknowledge them. There was no doubt in his mind that she knew it was them beside her, because the fact that she was purposefully avoiding them made it abundantly clear. A red flag went off inside him, because there should be no reason for her to avoid him. Something happened, and she was keeping it from them.

  “Jane, stop and look at us.” His voice was raised so she could hear him over the rumbling of his diesel truck. She inhaled and exhaled deeply but finally stopped. It took her a minute to turn around, but when she did, he scanned her body up and down, checking for any injuries. Her eyes were big in her small, pale face, but other than the almost frightened look she was giving him, he didn’t see any injuries. Her slender throat worked as she swallowed. It was clear she wasn’t going to answer him right now, but she would. “Get in the truck, Jane.”

  It took her a moment, but she finally nodded and made her way around the truck to the passenger side. William got out so she could slip into the center seat. When he was back in, Rys shifted the truck into gear and made his way through town.

  “What’s wrong, Janey?” William’s voice was low, soothing. His twin might look identical to him, but they were two completely different people. He had always been the one to comfort her when she was upset or sad. He always knew how to make her smile, especially when all that shit was going on with her dad.

  Rys didn’t say anything as William tried to get her to talk. It would only be a matter of time though, because once again, his brother had an uncanny knack for drawing little Jane Silver out of her shell. Rys, on the other hand, knew he was too rough around the edges. He didn’t mean to be, especially with Jane, but he didn’t know how to be any different. Where William knew how to coax something out of someone, Rys just beat it out of them. Both of their tactics worked, but his left more of a lasting impression.

  Rys turned onto Main Street and then made a right onto East Market. He passed the fire station and continued to head north until he was on the outskirts of town. Jane’s small house sat atop a hill. The only light on was the one on the porch. The house had missing shingles, broken shutters, and an all-around poverty-stricken appearance. It was clear her mother had turned in for the night, and the very idea Jane would have to go into a dark house didn’t sit right with him. He pulled into her driveway but immediately backed out.

  “What are you doing?” Her voice seemed small, and he didn’t respond right away. He was going to find out what the hell happened. They had known each other their entire lives and had never kept a thing from one another.

  “I want to go get a drink.” He drove back into town and pulled into Rowdy’s. It was ten o’clock on a Saturday night, which meant the night was just starting at their town’s local bar. His truck was too big to park in one of the spots up front, so he pulled it around to the side of the small brick building and shut it off. The three of them sat there in silence for a solid minute before Rys exhaled.

  “Come on, Jane. I know you could probably use a drink too.” He looked over at her and saw her playing with a frayed piece of material along the hem of her skirt. A light on the outside of the building cast enough of a glow through the windshield that he could see her long, shapely legs. Just seeing all that smooth, tanned flesh was causing his jeans to become uncomfortably tight. A glance at William proved his brother was watching him with a scowl on his face.

  Rys didn’t hide the fact that he wanted Jane more than he ever wanted another female. At least, he didn’t hide it from William. There was no way in hell he would ever make a move on her though. They had too much history together. She was their best friend, had tagged along with them since she was five years old. He had watched her grow into the beautiful woman sitting between him and his brother. He realized he wanted her years ago, and when he admitted as much to William, the look on his brother’s face told him there was no way in hell anything could ever happen between them.

  Things would change, and neither of them wanted that. She didn’t need another asshole going after her, and despite the fact that she wasn’t favored in town, every fucking guy who lived in Ecstasy wanted in Jane Silver’s panties. It was a known fact, even if she didn’t realize it.

  He pushed the door open and reached for her hand at the same time William did. Rys scowled at his brother and silently commanded him to back the fuck off. Even though William never admitted he wanted Jane, there was no doubt in Rys’s mind that he did. Hell, he had seen William stare at her with this intense expression. He knew it was the same expression that crossed his face whenever he looked at her. At first, he didn’t know what the hell was wrong with him, but after he told his brother he had feelings for Jane, the same emotions washed across his twin’s face.

  William let go of Jane’s hand with a huff and got out of the passenger side. Rys pulled on Jane’s hand until she was sliding across the driver seat. Her legs dangled over the side, and he instinctively placed his hands on her hips. She was tiny compared to him and William, and his hands nearly engulfed her entire waist. Keeping his composure, he watched as she kept her head lowered. He didn’t miss how she bit her lip, and it took ev
erything inside him not to groan at the sight. Did she even realize how fucking hot she was, that she drove men to their knees? Shaking his head, he helped her out of the truck and shut the door.

  They flanked her on instinct. They had always been the ones to protect her, always been the ones who made sure no one fucked with her. They couldn’t stop people from talking, but they sure as hell could make sure they didn’t harass her. Rys and William had beaten enough asses over the years to make sure anyone and everyone knew that if they messed with Jane, they messed with the Holden twins.

  Chapter 3

  Ever the proper gentleman, William held the door open for Jane. Country music blasted through the jukebox in the far corner, and several people moved to the music on the makeshift dance floor. Rowdy’s was the only bar in the city limits, so it was safe to say it was the hottest spot in town, not just on the weekends but when the sun went down too.

  The first thing Jane realized when she stepped onto the worn wooden floor was that half the town seemed to be crammed into the building. Smoke filled the intimate interior despite the smoking ban that had gone into effect in the state.

  Jane never came to Rowdy’s alone, not when she got enough dirty looks and whispers behind her back everywhere she went. If Rys and William were with her, no one bothered her. Of course she knew the twins made sure she was safe and swaddled in bubble wrap, but they couldn’t protect her for the rest of her life. She didn’t want to be dependent on them like her mother had been on her father. Jane would not rely on a man, even if those men were the two most important people in her life. She might still be here because of her mother, but she wanted out.


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