Double the Fun

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Double the Fun Page 6

by Jenika Snow

  “It was good, Janey. Almost too good.” He stroked her cheek and smiled. He was always trying to reassure her. “I was going to come if I let you continue, and I’m not nearly ready for this to end.”

  Oh. Well, when he put it like that, she didn’t feel so left out. Rys continued to do wicked things to her, things like denying her orgasm after orgasm. If it didn’t feel so good, she might have screamed at him to let her finish, but as it was, his tongue and mouth were very pleasing. She could hold off for a little bit longer, but even that might be pushing it. Right before she came, yet again, Rys pushed away from her. She panted as she stared at him. With William already gloriously nude beside her, Rys took the initiative to remove his clothing as well. First, the shirt came off, followed by the trunks.

  Seeing him naked was a punch to her stomach, the same reaction she had gotten with William. They were so muscular, so toned that she would never get tired of looking at them. She remembered their times as teenagers when they would go swimming; even then they had been gorgeous to look at, but now that they worked hard for a living, their bodies were works of art.

  Rys gripped his dick in the same fashion William had. Knowing she had caused them to be so aroused, so hard, had moisture seeping from her. She was already incredibly wet and didn’t know if she could wait any longer to be with them.

  “Take off the bottoms, baby.” Rys’s voice, so low, so commanding, had her skin tightening. Hooking her fingers under the waistband, she slowly pulled them down her thighs. When they were at her calves, Rys grabbed them and pulled them the rest of the way down. Her legs had closed from her movements, but as soon as Rys tossed the bottoms to the side, his hands were on her knees, coaxing her to open once again. She did so without hesitation.

  “Now take off the top but keep your legs spread, Jane.”

  She swallowed at the hoarseness of Rys’s voice. His eyes were trained on her bared pussy, and his hand on his shaft was moving faster with each passing second. She stole a glance at William and saw his eyes were locked on her face. He smiled at her, sweetly and kindly, one that made her feel more comfortable with getting completely nude in front of her two best friends. With shaky fingers, because suddenly her nerves were threatening to consume her, Jane went for the little circular clasp in the front that secured the two halves of her top.

  William slipped his hand beneath the fall of her hair, his fingers skimming the nape of her neck. He deftly undid the tie that held the halter up and pulled the top away. There she was, absolutely and completely nude in front of Rys and William Holden. Had she even imagined herself in this position? She looked at the two of them, their hard, naked bodies tense from their desire for her. Never in a million years did she think she would ever be in this position, but now that she was, she had no intention of stopping.

  She might regret it later, but she was going with her heart and body on this one. Her mind could go on a lunch break.

  “Oh, God, Janey. You are so beautiful.” Her heart pounded hard and fast at William’s softly spoken words. He bent down and brought his mouth to hers, kissing her slowly, washing away all her nervousness.

  “I’m not gonna last five fucking minutes once I’m inside you, Jane.” She broke the kiss and panted as she looked at Rys. He was staring at her with an almost strained expression. “And I’m going to be inside you, baby. I’m going to fuck you so good, so hard, that I’m going to be making up for all the years you weren’t ours.” He moved closer to her until his hips were between her thighs. He was on his knees, so unfortunately his cock was not in alignment for the area she so desperately needed him. “And you are ours, Jane. You’ve always been ours.”

  “Rys, you’re scaring her, man.”

  Jane didn’t correct William that she wasn’t scared by what was happening but turned on beyond belief.

  “No, William. She needs to know the truth. She needs to know that, for us, there is no other. She needs to know that we are both going to have her, because that’s how it should be, should have been for years.” Rys didn’t break eye contact as he made his declaration. The words were powerful, and she didn’t deny they made her a little apprehensive over how firm they sounded. “Tell her, William. Tell her how much we’ve wanted her, how long we’ve fantasized about this moment. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve jerked off just thinking about you like this, Jane.” She should have felt embarrassed by Rys’s dirty words, but that was just who he was. All it accomplished was her wishing they would stop talking and get to it.

  She glanced at William and saw a plethora of emotions cross his face. When he finally looked up at her, there was so much emotion behind his expression it stole her breath. “I love you, Janey.” He didn’t need to say any more.

  “I love you too.” She looked at Rys. “Both of you.” Licking her lips, she called upon a false bravado. She reached for William’s erection and gripped the root. Rising up, she brought the tip to her lips and opened her mouth. The first swipe of her tongue on the engorged head of his cock had a purely male flavor exploding on her tongue. It was a combination of salty and spicy, and everything that made up William.

  Without breaking suction, she moved her mouth all the way down his length. Well, as far as she could go. He was thick and long, and she could barely suck half of him in. The half she couldn’t get, she stroked with her hand.

  He tunneled his hands in her hair, massaging her scalp but keeping her right where he wanted her. She might have his dick in her mouth, but he was the one controlling the motions. She had never given a man head, but she figured it was pretty self-explanatory. Closing her eyes, she hummed around his flesh. Rys started rubbing her inner thighs, so close to her pussy that she arched her hips, urging him closer to where she really needed him.

  Both of his hands were on her, and all she could think about was his cock standing straight from body, achingly hard and ready for her. God, she wanted both of them in her, moving back and forth, coming in her. The primal need was so strong she started to shake.

  “Shh, it’s okay, baby. We’re going to make sure you feel real good.”

  She didn’t bother telling Rys that they were already making her feel good. So damn good. Renewing her efforts on William’s cock, she started moving her head up and down.

  “That’s it, sweetheart. Use your tongue on the underside. Hollow out your cheeks. Swallow me whole, Janey.”

  God, just hearing William give her direction on what he wanted, how he wanted her to suck him off, was such a turn-on.

  “Shit, I’m so damn close.” William’s hands tightened in her hair, pulling her closer until she was forced to relax her throat or she would gag. The tip of him brushed the back of her throat, and she followed his direction and swallowed around him. He groaned and started pulling out and pushing back in. He fucked her mouth while his twin slipped a thick finger into her.

  Rys pumped that digit in and out of her and then added another one, preparing her for what was to come next. He scissored his fingers inside her, spreading them open, stretching her for the massive cock he was going to fuck her with.

  “How does she feel, Rys?” William’s question was heated and rough.

  “She’s so tight, Will, so fucking tight and wet. Fuck, Jane, your pussy is hotter than hell. You’re going to burn us alive.”

  “Dammit, Janey, I can’t wait to be inside you.”

  She hummed around his girth in response.

  “Are you ready for me, baby?” Will pulled away, and she looked at Rys. She breathed heavily as he stared at her. Her stomach hollowed from the force of her respiration. At some point, Rys had donned a condom. He leaned lower, so low she felt the tip of his cock brush along her opening. William cupped her cheek and brought her attention back to him. His cock brushed her lips, and she eagerly opened for him. Just as she started going down his dick, Rys pushed into her.

  The burn of his cock tunneling into her was a heady sensation. She could feel her muscles stretch around him, feel the way he possessed her.
The feel of Rys had her stopping her motions on William, but he took over for her. He moved his hips back and forth, mimicking in her mouth what Rys was doing to her pussy.

  “That’s it, baby. Take all of me. I know you can.” Rys grunted when he was buried fully inside of her. He didn’t move for several torturous moments, but that didn’t stop William from fucking her mouth. Rys’s hands clenched and unclenched on her hips, but he still had yet to move. William’s movements started to pick up, and she knew he was close. Lifting her hand, she gripped him and hollowed out her cheeks just the way he liked.

  He pressed all the way in until he hit the back of her throat then groaned loudly as he came. His hot, salty cum filled her mouth, and she eagerly swallowed it all, humming her approval. When he was spent, he pulled his softening cock from her mouth and leaned down to kiss her.

  “God, Janey,” he breathed against her lips. “That was incredible. You’re incredible.” She didn’t have a chance to respond, because Rys pulled out of her and then pushed back in. William got off the bed and disappeared into the bathroom.

  Jane lost herself in the sensation of Rys moving in and out of her. He had started off slow and easy, but with each passing second, he was going harder, faster. The sound of her soaked flesh sucking at him was powerful and an auditory pleasure.

  “Yeah, baby. Fuuuck, Jane.” In the next instant, he was on his back, and she was facing him, straddling his hips. The new position had him going deeper inside her, and she gasped from the sensation. His hands landed on her waist, and he lifted her above him.

  He was so strong, so powerful. His muscles strained and bulged as he lifted her and brought her back down on his cock. Sweat started to coat her skin, and she placed her hands on his pecs, grappling for something stable to hold onto as she rose and fell on him.

  “Jane.” She opened her eyes, not realizing they slid shut. “Put your hands behind your back.” She didn’t question him, didn’t wonder why he was asking her to do it.

  Lacing her fingers at the small of her back, the new position thrust her breasts out and had her hips arching. Her clit pressed against the root of his dick, sending zings of pleasure throughout her whole body. His gaze was on her breasts. They swung back and forth from the motions of her riding him.

  Her thighs burned from the unaccustomed position, but the discomfort felt so good. He rose up and kissed the base of her throat. He replaced his lips with his hand. His thumbs brushed along her pulse points.

  “Ride me harder, faster, baby.” She did as he instructed, getting lost in the sensation. She was climbing higher and higher. Rys kept his hands on her throat, exerting the slightest pressure to let her know that he was in control, that he was the one bringing the pleasure out in her.

  “That’s it, Jane. Give it all to me, to us.” As if his words were a cue of some kind, she sensed William move behind her. Rys lay back down and placed his hands on her waist, controlling her body on top of him. She kept her hands behind her back and let her head rest on William’s shoulder. He cupped her breasts from behind, his thumbs rubbing over her distended nipples.

  His mouth found the base of her throat, licking, sucking the flesh until she felt blood rush to the surface. The feel of his teeth scraping along the sensitive skin had her moving faster and harder on top of Rys. She threw her hips down on his, grinding her pussy on his cock until she felt her climax approaching. Her inner muscles milked his shaft the closer she got to oblivion.

  “You have no idea how good you look right now, riding my brother, on the precipice of orgasm,” William whispered against her flesh. “I want you to come for us, Janey.” He pinched her nipples between thumb and forefinger. Her eyes snapped open when she felt Rys rub her clit. Looking down at him, she saw a strained expression on his face as he watched her. The tendons in his throat were standing out in stark relief. His hips lifted in time with hers, driving her right to that point.

  “That’s it, Janey. Come for us. Right. Now.” William’s words had her exploding around Rys’s cock. Her muscles squeezed and released. Squeezed and released. He grunted and groaned below her, his hands tightening on her waist almost painfully. The pain, mixed with her pleasure, had her orgasm continuing on and on until she couldn’t handle it, couldn’t take any more.

  She heard herself begging, pleading for a reprieve, but they just kept telling her to give it all to them. To give them more. They continued to rub her clit and pinch her nipples. It got to the point that their hands were everywhere, and she couldn’t tell which brother was touching her where. When her orgasm finally receded, she collapsed onto Rys’s chest. His arms immediately came around her and held her tight.

  He whispered things into her hair, but she was too far gone to understand any of it. He helped her roll to his side, and she felt William move behind her. His hands moved over her slightly damp skin, and she shivered. Rys moved off the bed, presumably to get cleaned up, but she was so tired, utterly and completely exhausted. She couldn’t help but smile over that. William helped her roll over so she was facing him.

  Peeling her eyes open, she leaned up and kissed him. Her breasts rubbed along his chest, her nipples so sensitive she gasped. He tucked her hair behind her ear and kissed her softly.

  “Janey,” he whispered as he leaned in and kissed her again, and again, and again. The soft kisses started to heat her body and cause moisture to pool between her legs. Her climax had been mind-blowing, because both of these men had been there to see her through it. “I love you.”

  She opened for him, and his tongue slipped right in, stroking over hers, caressing in the soft and gentle way that was all William. Moving her hand over his arm, she continued her downward path until she slipped it between their bodies and felt his erection. Even though he had come in her mouth, he was hard as rock. It was all for her.

  “No, sweetheart. You have to be sore.” He spoke between kisses, but she wouldn’t allow him to pull away. She had been with Rys, and now she wanted William.

  The bed dipped behind her, and Rys lifted her leg gently, running a warm washcloth between her thighs. The act should have embarrassed her, but the fact that he was taking care of her, easing the wonderful ache he had caused, brought warmth to her chest. Kissing William harder, she gripped him in her hand and ran it up and down his rigid length.

  As if Rys knew what she was doing, he slipped his hand under her left knee and lifted it, bringing it over his thighs. She was spread open, wet, and wanting William with a ferocity. William quickly pulled away to roll a condom on, and then he was right back beside her, cupping her face and deepening the kiss. Curving her pelvis forward, she placed the tip of him at her entrance. He pushed forward, all the while kissing her.

  He spread her wide as he thrust inch after big inch into her. When he was fully seated in her body, he sighed against her mouth. She clenched around him, and his whole body shook from it.

  “Janey.” He ran his tongue along the inside of her mouth, touching every single part of her. He started to move then, in and out, slow and easy. He didn’t rush, just continued the maddeningly slow motions that were driving her toward the brink once again. Rys stroked her arm, up and down. He seemed different now, not as aggressive. Maybe he knew William liked things slow and easy? His lips skimmed her shoulder, his warm breath reminding her that she was between them.

  Breaking the kiss, William panted against her mouth. “I never felt anything as good as you.” His hips started moving a little faster. It wasn’t the fast and hard coupling Rys had shown her. The twins might look identical, but they were different in so many other ways. She gripped William’s shoulders, her nails biting into his flesh. He hissed, but she could tell it was from pleasure and not pain. She lifted her hips as much as she could in her position. His shaft slid another inch into her. They both groaned.

  “I’m so close. So. Close.” Breathing out, she closed her eyes and let herself feel every hard inch of him filling her. He felt like Rys but he didn’t. It was surreal. Rys continued to strok
e her body almost innocently, but she should have known that wasn’t going to last. His hand landed on her bottom, squeezing the flesh, massaging it.

  Just when she thought that was all he was going to do, he parted her cheeks and slipped his finger between them. That first feeling of his finger running over her anus had her tensing.

  “Shhh, baby. Just let it happen.” He moved the digit back and forth over the puckered hole, getting her used to the feeling of him back there. “It’s okay, Jane. We aren’t going to do this tonight.” He kissed the area between her shoulders. “But we will soon, baby.” With that, he pushed his finger into her ass. It was lubed from her juices sliding between her cheeks, so his movements were easy, slick. Rys added a second finger and, coupled with William’s cock inside of her, she came again. This orgasm wasn’t as maddening, but it held something much more powerful and seemed to go on forever.

  “That’s it, sweetheart. God, you feel so damn good. So. Fucking. Good.” Another series of smaller contractions went off inside her at hearing William swear. It was so unlike him, but it suited him well. He pumped into her once, twice, and on the last time, he buried himself completely inside her and ran his cheek against the side of her throat.

  He groaned long and loud, emptying himself inside of her. Rys continued to pump his fingers in her ass, and she knew that when she finally did take both of them at once, it would be the most intense thing she ever felt.

  Chapter 13

  “You stupid girl.” The sound of his voice, gravelly like he hadn’t slept in days, sent chills racing up her spine. The smell of liquor on him was so strong that bile rose in Jane’s throat. He stumbled toward her, and she took a step back. Why didn’t she go with Rys and William when they asked her to go to the field party at Mark Henry’s house? She was stupid for letting her father treat her and her mother like this.


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