Wild Savage

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Wild Savage Page 5

by Fel Fern

  “Chip, look at me. I’m a monster. No one in their right mind would want to sleep with me, not at the risk of me hurting them. I never had time for relationships. Sure, I’ve indulged in quick hook-ups, but I’d never take any of them back to my den.”

  “Hearing that makes me feel a little better.”

  “Possessive mate.”

  That word startled him again, made his heart hammer. Chip could hear it every day from Alec’s lips. He thought Alec would end things after hearing Chip’s confession, but the exact opposite happened. Alec seemed more open with him. More trusting and a thousand times more possessive. Ryder came over earlier only for Alec to growl at him to fuck off.

  His phone started to vibrate, and he sat up, rigid. Pete’s name flashed across the screen. Sweat broke out across his forehead. He reached for the phone with trembling fingers, but Alec snatched it first.

  “Alec, give that to me,” he said.

  Alec got out of bed, letting the phone ring. For a second, Chip stared at Alec’s impressive, rock-hard muscles. Alec had a line backer’s body, and he was hard all over. Chip had the sudden urge to climb Alec like a tree. He could leap at his mate and knew Alec would match him easily.

  Wait a second. Chip needed to slap himself. He should focus. His father’s life was at stake, and here he was, thinking about Alec’s body.

  Alec answered the phone. “Hello, Pete. This is Alec. Yeah, Chip’s right here, but I’m not passing the phone over. If you have anything to say, talk to me.”

  Chip gave Alec a panicked look. What the hell was Alec doing? Was he thinking at all?

  “Shut the hell up,” Alec said in a cold voice Chip hardly recognized.

  Chip stilled. All the warmth Alec showed him earlier seemed to be peeling away, revealing something sinister underneath. The same monster who took on an Alpha just to protect him, Chip reminded himself. This was his Alec. Alec was only trying to scare Pete off.

  “I’m only giving you one warning. Release Chip’s dad or else I’m coming for you. All of you. My father’s first on my list. Give me your answer in three days.” With that, Alec ended the call.

  Chip jumped to his feet. “Alec, what the hell did you just do? I had a plan. I was going to tell Pete everything’s going fine. That you didn’t know the real reason I’m here. I had my lies ready.”

  Alec walked up to him. Standing, his mate practically towered over him like a giant. Chip always felt tiny around Alec, but he wasn’t scared of him. Chip stood his ground where other submissive werewolves would look away. He knew instinctively Alec would never hurt him. Never in a million years.

  “There’s no need for lies, not anymore. Chip, we’re going to get your dad back. We’ll let them stew a little longer.”

  “What if they’re hurting him?” Chip whispered.

  “Were they when you left?” Alec asked him.

  Chip shook his head. “No, they put him in one of the cells in the basement. You know where they put new shifters who can’t control their shifts?”

  Alec nodded. “Even if they started hurting him, he deserves it for dragging you into this mess.”

  Chip stared at him. “How dare you?”

  “I could hear the hate in your voice when you talk about him Chip. You work your ass off juggling two jobs to pay off his never-ending debts. It shouldn’t be that way.”

  “What do you know? Your own relationship with your old man’s fucked up. He’s still my dad. The same guy who made me sandwiches when I went school, who took me out to fishing trips.”

  Chip regretted his words a second later. He bit his lower lip.

  “You’re right. I don’t fucking understand a thing,” Alec said in a flat voice, expression completely empty.

  Fear wormed its way into Chip. That cold expression filled Alec’s face. Alec clenched his jaw, his frosty blue eyes turning fully yellow under the bedroom lights. Fur covered Alec’s chest, his arms. Claws slid from his hands. Chip took a hesitant step back.

  Everything had been going fine so far that he’d forgotten the real reason Alec and his brother came to this mountain, why they bonded themselves to a crazy Alpha. Alec was on the verge of turning Feral. He wasn’t completely in control of his wolf anymore.

  Alec growled and got on all fours. The terrifying white monster burst out of him, and the change looked agonizing. Alec gave him one last glare. Chip shut his eyes, expecting Alec’s claws on him any second, but he only felt the brush of Alec’s fur against his legs.

  He opened his eyes again at the sound of breaking glass. Alec broke the window, jumped over it to avoid hurting him, Chip realized. He ran to the window, stared out to see Alec’s muscled wolf disappearing into the nearest line of trees. Chip felt like the biggest fool in the entire world.

  “He wouldn’t have hurt me. He never will,” he whispered, wrapping his arms around his body.

  * * * *

  Chip’s petrified expression played over and over again in Alec’s head. The air in that room suddenly grew hot, charged with aggressive energy when Chip mentioned his father. Having Chip around might have calmed his wolf, but Chip was not an instant cure for his affliction. Alec was going to turn Feral sooner or later. Chip might halt the process for a little while but not forever.

  Alec would’ve never forgiven himself if he did manage to hurt Chip. For a second he thought he could handle being around Chip. That they could make something work, but Alec was wrong. He was a danger to Chip, to himself. His pack was the only force in this world able to control the monster wolf inside him. Chip didn’t belong here, not on Murder Mountain. His Chip deserved the best the world could offer. A better life.

  Alec ran faster, pumped his muscles until they ached. He made up his mind. Once he helped save Chip’s dad, then he’d cut things off. It would hurt Chip, hurt him more, but that was the best.

  Maybe Alec would stick around a little longer, help Chip and his dad get away from the rest of the Fire Claws. Find them a new place to live.

  Well, he gave zero fucks about Chip’s father. Alec believed Chip’s old man would only revert to his old pattern of gambling, but he sure cared a lot about what happened to Chip. Alec could find a way to separate them, convince Chip he’d be better off without a dead weight constantly dragging him down.

  Maybe Chip could set up a new life and identity in a new town. Get a fresh start. Chip could bury his past, unlike Alec. For Alec, the past had sunk its poisonous claws deep inside his skin, his fur, and refused to let go.

  His upbringing, all those endless fights and bloodshed, had altered his wolf, turned him into this monster. Redemption lay far from his grasp. Lying in bed with Chip while waiting for Pete’s call, Alec actually wondered how it’d be like, if Chip chose to stay with him.

  They’d build a life together, put down roots like Dom and Teddy, Kris and Sam. He imagined waking up to Chip’s face every single morning, Chip tucked next to his body, snoring cutely. They’d make a mess of breakfast every single time. Chip could get a job in town. They’d end the day with dinner, sex after that. Maybe they’d cuddle in his living room, watching a movie, with Chip sitting between his legs, his head on Alec’s lap.

  That perfect image fractured. Only a dream. Wistful thinking. Reality was harsh.

  Alec ran towards the edge of Wild Manes territory. He smelled another werewolf up ahead of him. Pack, and yet not.

  Alec glimpsed Talon’s distinctive blood-red fur and started for him. He didn’t care who he picked a fight with. Alec needed to let go, to free the straining beast inside of him. Talon turned his great head, yellow eyes glowing like orbs in the dark.

  Alec risked a look skywards. No stars out. It was pitch black. A howl tore out of his throat, an ugly noise that sounded almost tortured to his ears. Pathetic. Alec would’ve picked a fight with Kris any other day, but he liked Sam. If he accidentally killed his brother, Sam would be sad. Teddy and Dom were off limits either.

  Talon answered his call with his own powerful howl and began edging towar
ds him.

  Good. Talon was the one creature on this awful mountain who might be able to end him.

  They closed on each other, eyeing each other. Talon smelled of earth, of old blood. Something fast leapt at them from the trees, followed by another. Alec tore his gaze from Talon and barely dodged the swipe of the werepanther’s claws.

  He remembered what Chip had told him. One cat. One wolf. Not a good sign. The possibility of the Grim Bite wolf pack and the panthers working together was high. That put them at a disadvantage. Two more werewolves came pouring out of the bushes. They probably figured culling Talon would be their first priority. Once they got the Alpha, the entire pack would splinter.

  Months ago, the Wild Manes did the same thing when their pack ended Cyrus, the Alpha of the Black Claws Pride. Their enemies lacked one vital information. They didn’t know the Wild Manes Pack had never been whole to begin with.

  Two cats. Two wolves. The odds were stacked against them, but Alec had been in worse situations before. Their pack might fight each other all the time, but they had each other’s backs. They came out victorious, every single time.

  The pack bonds between Alec and his Alpha flared bright for a second. The werepanthers and enemy werewolves circled around them, forcing Talon and him tail to tail. That was fine. He could sense Talon’s murderous beast, and right now, it no longer wanted to draw his blood. They had bigger fish to fry.

  Alec went for the throat of the first werepanther that came after him, eager to taste blood once again.

  Chapter 8

  Chip checked the time on his phone again, then set it down on the kitchen counter. Noon. Alec still hadn’t come home. He was seriously becoming worried. Chip couldn’t sleep, not after the awful fight they’d had. He kept tossing and turning in bed, hoping Alec would somehow find his way back to him, to that big bed. His only company was the howling wind coming in from the broken window.

  Waiting around wasn’t helping anyone. Chip hopped off the stool and left the cabin. Spotting Sam and Kris chatting on the porch of their cabin, he ran up to them.

  Seeing him, Sam waved at him. Kris looked the same as ever, expression hard to read. Kris crossed his arms and studied him as he arrived, panting.

  “Have either of you seen Alec?” he asked.

  “He’s not with you?” Sam asked.

  “We had a fight last night,” he admitted.

  Damn it, he could feel Kris’s stare on him. Alec might claim Kris and he never got along, that they weren’t friends, but Chip believed otherwise. Even if Emmet made them fight each other nearly every day of their lives, deep down, they were still brothers. Blood. Family. Alec cared about Kris in his own way, and the same went for Kris.

  “Chip, calm down. Tell us everything,” Sam said, touching his arm.

  “Someone from my pack called last night to check up on me.” Chip hesitated for a fraction of second, before he met Kris’s gaze. “You were right. I didn’t come here with noble intentions. They have my dad. I’m supposed to come here and bring Alec back to the Fire Claws pack house.”

  “Knew it,” Kris said under his breath.

  Chip couldn’t bear to look at Sam. His new friend thought the world of him, saw him as a good guy, yet here he was, showing his true colors. Chip didn’t care anymore. His first priority was finding Alec and making sure he was fine, not bleeding out somewhere.

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to deceive anyone,” he whispered, feeling defeated.

  “Hey, don’t be too hard on yourself. They got your dad. I’d do the same if I were in your shoes,” Sam told him gently.

  “You’re being too easy on him,” Kris grumbled. Chip had to smile as Sam nudged Kris sharply in the ribs.

  “I didn’t mean any harm,” he said.

  “I believe you,” Sam said. “So what happened after this guy from your pack called?”

  “Alec already knew the reason why I’m here. He told Pete to return my dad or he’ll go after them. He gave them three days. We had a fight after that. Words were said, words I can’t take back.”

  He looked at his shoes, ashamed. Guilt sat heavy in his chest. Chip had grabbed his stuff from Betty’s trunk at morning and was dressed in his own clothes. He felt better borrowing Alec’s clothes. They were big on him, but they smelled like Alec. Safe.

  “Alec couldn’t control his wolf,” he finally said. Sam looked worried now and began checking him out for injuries, but he held out a hand. “I’m okay. He didn’t hurt me. He broke a window and left, disappeared into the woods, and he hasn’t been back. What if he’s hurt somewhere? Or something got to him?”

  “Chip, calm down. I’m sure Alec’s fine. The guys here need to let off steam from time to time.”

  “But it’s been hours.” He bit his lip, looked at Kris. Chip was in no position to make demands. Would Kris even help him? Sam patted his shoulder.

  “I understand. We’ll all look for him.”

  “Like hell we will. That asshole’s tough. He’s fine,” Kris said.

  “No. He’s your brother. He’s family,” Sam said.

  The couple entered a strange staring contest. Sam didn’t flinch when Kris growled into his face. To his surprise, Kris clenched his fists and turned towards him. “You’re only using my brother to save your own skin and your dad’s. You’re also forgetting I don’t give two shits about what happens to Alec.”

  “Kris!” Sam said, shocked.

  “It’s true. I came here for selfish reasons, but Alec didn’t care. He still wanted to help me despite seeing through my deception. Also, you’re lying,” Chip said.

  Kris narrowed his eyes and shoved Chip. He held his ground. Sam started pulling at Kris’s arm.

  “Quit it, Kris,” Sam said, but Kris ignored him, had only eyes for him.

  Kris was mad. Chip should’ve expected that. A tic formed on Kris’s cheek and he clenched his teeth. Sharp fangs peered from his mouth, and Kris’s eyes were beast yellow, just like Alec’s the night before. There was one notable difference. Kris wouldn’t hold back. He’d hurt Chip for real. Sam would try to stop him, but Sam was only human.

  Chip could back off, but he wouldn’t. He’d expected to have issues with Kris. Right now, he wanted to address them.

  “I’m lying?” Kris asked him in a dangerous voice. “You were there. You knew what happened.”

  “I was. That’s why I also know some small part of you cares about Alec. Alec’s the same.”

  “Oh yeah? On a good day, I’d maul him and he’d do the same.”

  “If you truly hated each other’s guts, then why haven’t you guys killed each other off?” he demanded. He was shouting now and didn’t care. Ryder had come out of his cabin and was watching them. Over Ryder’s shoulder, he spotted Max. The quiet werewolf was listening to them, he knew. There were no secrets in a pack, even a dysfunctional one like this one.

  “See? You can’t answer me,” Chip said.

  “Sheer luck,” Kris grumbled, but it was a weak response.

  “Kris, Chip’s right. You do care, even a little, if Alec lives or die, am I right?” Sam asked.

  Kris didn’t say anything for a few moments. When he finally spoke, the words out of his mouth made Chip blink. “Fine. Chip and I will go search for Alec. You stay here.”

  Chip breathed easy. The hard part was over, but they still needed to find his mate. God. Right now, he wanted nothing more than to hear Alec call him that again.

  “Why? Because I’m human?” Sam demanded.

  “Sam, Kris is right. We’ll go. You stay here and watch the fort,” Chip said.

  Sam looked reluctant, but eventually nodded. “Okay. You’re right. I’ll only get in the way. I hope you guys find him. I’ll go over at Teddy’s. All three of us should hang out some time. What do you say, Chip?”

  “That sounds great. I never had any genuine friends before.” Chip held his tongue. He was going off again, saying embarrassing things that often put people off. Sam’s acceptance, his empathy to
uched him so many ways. He was still a complete stranger, and yet Sam and Teddy did their best and made him feel better.

  “Then let’s go,” Kris told him gruffly. “We’ll go as wolves. Faster that way.”

  “Okay.” That word left his mouth before he could stop himself. Kris was already stripping down, much to Sam’s chagrin.

  “Don’t look at my hot mate,” Sam said as he turned his back.

  “Don’t worry. I only have eyes for Alec,” he said, cheeks heating up.

  He swallowed. Chip couldn’t recall the last time he shifted. Could he still even change forms? Chip was the one who ran to Sam and Kris for help. Letting them down wasn’t an option. He reached for his wolf and felt it squirm away from him.

  Chip calmed his breathing down. He didn’t berate the animal like he always did. He shut his eyes and pictured Alec in his head. Their mate, he reminded his animal. Chip peeled off his clothes, trusting his animal would give in this one time.

  Miraculously, it did. Chip was naked now and the change came over him. He let out a scream as bones broke. Fur covered his body. Right. This was why he hated being a shifter, but this was for Alec. He fell on all fours as paws replaced human limbs. A tail emerged, a muzzle formed.

  Kris waited for him, having completed the shift earlier. The dominant werewolf ran out of the porch, and Chip followed. Chip tried to catch up to him.

  “Be careful, you two,” Sam yelled behind them.

  * * * *

  Chip had a hard time matching Kris’s stride. No surprise there. Kris was larger, had more energy. He was certainly a lot fitter than Chip, who started panting fifteen minutes into their search. Still, they did cover a lot more ground in wolf form.

  Kris turned his great furry head over his shoulder and slowed down. Chip knew Kris might still distrust him, but that didn’t matter now. Searching for Alec was first priority. Thirty minutes into the search, Kris nipped at his ear, grabbing his attention.


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