Wild Savage

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Wild Savage Page 7

by Fel Fern

  He felt nails digging into his skin. He looked at his old man, who regained consciousness.

  “I’m so sorry, son. You’re in this mess because of me,” his father whispered. “I can see the love in your eyes. Help him. He’s your mate, isn’t he?”

  Chip nodded. He fumbled for his clothes. His wolf, which usually hid inside him and hated confrontation, didn’t fail him this time. His father was right. Alec was their mate. He refused to let the entire Fire Claws Pack fall upon him and rip him to shreds.

  Pain seared through his entire body. It took forever, but in reality, only minutes passed. Emmet had also changed forms. The Alpha also had the same white pelt as Alec and Kris, but his was streaked with gray furs. Alec outweighed him by ten to fifteen pounds. His mate went for his father. Pete, now an enormous gray wolf, went for Alec’s back.

  He lunged at Pete, pushing the dominant bully off his mate. Growls erupted in the yard as more Fire Claws started to shift. Dread and terror filled the pit of his stomach. His worst fears just came to life.

  Alec and he wouldn’t survive this. They’d be torn apart by the Fire Claws werewolves. He tangled with Pete, who kept going for his eyes with his claws. He fought back with a ferocity Chip didn’t think he’d possessed. Damn it. They might be outnumbered, but Chip wasn’t going to go down easily.

  He sunk his teeth into Pete’s neck, refusing to let go. From the corner of his eye, he saw Alec battling Emmet. Two dominant males circled behind him, waiting for the right moment to strike. His heart leapt in his throat as one of the wolves went for Alec’s back just as Pete got the upper hand.

  Chip landed on his back with a painful thud on the ground. Pete pounced on top of him. The bastard probably outweighed him by a hundred pounds. It felt like being pounded into the dirt. He whined as Pete sunk his claws into his chest, drawing blood.

  A white blur knocked Pete away from him. For a second, Chip saw double, no, triple. Three muscled werewolves with white fur.

  Kris, he thought. He looked around, saw the entire Fire Claws Pack was in chaos. A bone-chilling howl sounded from far left of the yard, and he spotted a familiar, frightening demon wolf with blood-red fur. Fresh scars, rake marks marked his entire body, but Talon looked ready to brawl.

  It wasn’t just Kris and Talon who were here. The entire Wild Manes Pack came down from their mountain to help. Hope surged through his chest. A snarl from behind him made Chip turn his back.

  Pete bared his bloody fangs at him. Pete charged at him, but he was ready. He might be smaller, had less muscle, but he was faster. He dodged Pete and closed his teeth on the bastard’s neck. Chip tasted blood. Awful.

  He didn’t let go. Pete struggled, tried to pry him off, but Chip kept his teeth there until Pete stopped moving. Chip dropped his corpse, heart in his throat as he saw another mean-looking bastard with light brown fur coming at him.

  A stingy gray wolf lunged at his attacker. Dad! Too late. Another Fire Claw wolf went for his dad’s throat, ripping chunks of fur and flesh out. Life bled out of his father’s eyes. Chip tangled with his father’s killer. They rolled on the ground. Chip ignored his opponent’s claws and teeth. Rage fueled him.

  The big werewolf put Chip into the ground. He bucked, used his hind paws to throw the killer off. His opponent let out what sounded like a surprised yip. Chip zeroed in for the kill, blood filling his mouth. He padded to his father, heart ripped in half.

  His father’s glassy eyes stared back at him. Sorrow rose up from inside him and threatened drag him down, but he pushed it away. There was time to grieve later on. The battle still raged on.

  All around him, the Wild Manes continued to fight off the Fire Claws, but they were too many. Chip searched for his mate, found Alec and Kris standing back to back, fending off five other werewolves and Emmet.

  Time slowed. Emmet growled at the other pack warriors, probably telling them not to interfere. Even Kris held back as Emmet and Alec clashed. Chip’s heart beat rapidly. He could only watch as Alec fought his father to the death.

  They marked each other with claws and bites. Emmet clawed at Alec’s eyes. He whined. Alec sunk his teeth into Emmet’s throat, but Emmet danced away. Alec let out a howl of challenge, then came for Emmet again. Both their white fur had turned bloody by now. Emmet feinted being hurt, only to come for Alec’s throat.

  Blood dripped down from the claw marks on Alec’s neck, but his mate didn’t back off. Alec opened his giant jaws and sunk his sharp fangs into Emmet’s neck. He tugged, and the spray of crimson watered the ground. When the pack warriors waiting on their Alpha didn’t attack Alec, Chip looked around him.

  One by one, the Fire Claws wolves stopped fighting. He looked for his other friends. Max. Ryder. Dom and Teddy. Talon. Sam, being human, had probably stayed behind in the mountain. All accounted for.

  Alec shifted back to human form. “This is over,” Alec said, panting, slightly out of breath. “I don’t want to be Alpha, I don’t want to rule over this fucking pack, but heed my warning. Come after Chip, me, or any member of the Wild Manes, and you’re asking for a death sentence.”

  “Who will rule us now?” cried a voice.

  The other Fire Claws wolves looked like they were waking from a nightmare. No one came out of this particular battle unscathed.

  “That’s for the remainder of the pack leaders to decide. Look to your Beta and enforcers for answers,” Alec said. “My pack and I are going home.”

  Alec looked for him. Chip padded, well, limped to his mate, still in wolf form. He didn’t feel comfortable being in human skin yet, not while they were amongst enemies. The Fire Claws might look disoriented and disorganized now, but that didn’t mean some opportunist wouldn’t go for his throat. To them, Chip, Alec, and Kris were traitors of the pack. Chip could live with that. He never felt like he belonged here anyway.

  The Wild Manes Pack retreated, headed for their trucks which Chip noticed were parked next to Alec’s. No one followed them. Smart move. Everyone looked beat up and scratched, but no one seemed seriously injured. Even outnumbered like that, this crazy pack of werewolves could go on several more rounds.

  All his life, Chip felt like he never belonged anywhere, but that was no longer true. Alec pulled him close to a hug and he leaned against his mate for a few seconds. Chip still felt a little overwhelmed by what just happened. Hard to believe Alec and he were still alive, that everyone dropped what they were doing to help them.

  “Hey, guys? Can I hitch a ride?” Ryder called. The joker of their little pack grabbed a pair of discarded pants from the ground. “Max said I can’t ride with him anymore.”

  “You guys came for us,” Chip said, parting from Alec to look everyone in the eye. Damn it. Chip was crying. He could collapse any moment if not for Alec standing behind him, holding him upright. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t cry. It’s embarrassing,” Kris muttered.

  “Wait. I thought everyone was going to rescue Talon?” Chip asked.

  “By the time we got there, Talon got himself free.” Ryder rolled his eyes. “After Kris told him about Alec and your situation, he only said, ‘Let’s go.’”

  “My brother’s good at heart,” Teddy said. Dom snorted behind him.

  “More like Talon’s just itching for more fights,” Ryder commented.

  Chip was incredibly touched. He made a silent reminder to himself to thank Talon once they returned to Ashfall Mountain.”

  “Ryder, you took my fucking pants,” Kris said with a growl. Ryder began to unbutton them, but Kris held out a finger, “Keep them. I won’t wear them again.”

  Kris and Ryder started bickering. Teddy and Dom bid them goodbye. Max and Talon simply got inside Max’s truck and drove off without a word. Chip wasn’t even insulted. He knew those two didn’t have much to say, but they could always be counted on. Everything was back to normal again.

  “Ryder, hop on in,” Chip said.

  Ryder grinned at him.

  “We’re going to regret this,” Alec
mumbled, but Chip didn’t miss it. Alec was smiling, too.

  Chapter 11

  “You good, baby?” Alec asked.

  He had to admit, he was getting a little worried. Throughout their drive, Chip had been holding onto the urn containing his father’s ashes, gripping it tight. Chip hadn’t said a single word.

  “Yup. Are we near?” Chip finally asked.

  Alec nodded. They took the day off today for this little private ceremony. Two weeks had passed since the incident at the Fire Claws pack house. Alec had been in contact with John. The pack voted and made John their new Alpha. Alec approved of the decision, because unlike his father, John was a fair man.

  Emmet believed the strong took advantage of the weak, but John treated the dominant and submissive werewolves in the pack fairly. Still, poison couldn’t be drawn out of a toxic pack in a manner of days. John had a difficult job, one Alec didn’t envy, but he’d certainly make for a decent Alpha.

  Chip and he went back to their hometown one more time, to collect the body of Chip’s father and collect Chip’s belongings. Chip didn’t own a lot of stuff. Only took three boxes with him. Chip decided to cremate his dad.

  The urn had been in their living room for more than a week now. Chip mentioned he didn’t want his father’s ashes in their cabin for the rest of their lives. Alec felt the same way. He’d been relieved Chip finally made a decision to release his dad’s ashes.

  Alec stopped the truck in a clearing. “We’re here.”

  They got out of the car. They started to walk through the cluster of trees. The greenery thinned as they headed closer to the edge of the cliff. They had a breathtaking view. Chip gasped next to him.

  The cliff overlooked the rest of the mountain and the town of Ashfall. Alec watched his mate, not wanting to interrupt his grieving process. When the wind picked up, Chip opened the urn and let it carry his father’s ashes.

  No prayers were said. Neither of them were religious, but he could sense Chip’s wolf feeling better. Less anxious.

  Chip raised his face to the sky and said, “Wherever you are, Dad, I hope you’re happy.”

  “I’m sure he is,” Alec said, pulling his mate close. Chip leaned into his embrace. His mate always felt like a comfortable bundle of warmth. Alec was a little worried that after killing Emmet, his wolf would thirst for more blood. He shared his fears with Kris and knew his brother would do the right thing if Alec did turn Feral.

  Alec didn’t need to worry about going down that dark and awful road anymore, not when he had his mate right beside him.

  “He might’ve been a shitty father, but he redeemed himself when he saved you,” Alec told him. “He’s proud of you, Chip. So am I. You fought next to him even when the Fire Claws closed in on us. Any other submissive werewolf would’ve run.”

  Alec would never forget that moment, when Chip joined the fray and saved his life. Chip was his perfect match. His soul mate. Without Chip, his wolf would’ve turned savage. A true monster.

  “I like to think my dad’s in heaven, happy with my mom,” Chip said. “I think he lived just long enough to raise me. He wasn’t the best dad in the world, but he tried. I could see that, but he lost his way and started to gamble. He drank too much, but that’s all in the past now.”

  “That’s right.” Alec agreed. He owed Chip’s dad one. If he lost Chip, Alec didn’t know what he’d do. Probably murder everyone in the Fire Claws Pack as revenge. His wolf would’ve gone mad, but that hadn’t happened.

  They started walking back to the truck. They got in, and Chip touched his arm and said, “I’m not sure how to breach this topic, but since we’re talking about our dads, I’ll go on and just spit it out.”

  Alec waited. He knew Chip would bring this topic up sooner or later. He was ready.

  “Do you regret it? Killing your dad?”

  Emmet was a piss-poor Alpha, an even worst father, but his blood still ran in Alec’s veins. Should he feel regret, sorrow for a man who only saw Kris and him as pawns, as weapons? He had overheard Kris telling Sam he was glad Emmet was gone for good. His brother held no regrets for what went down. Alec felt the same way. Since his mate looked worried, he told Chip the truth.

  “Not one bit.” Alec paused. “I saw everyone fighting. Everyone from our pack. I knew if I didn’t end Emmet, everyone would die. I made a choice and stuck to it. The Fire Claws are better off without him, and Kris, you, and I no longer need to worry about him anymore.”

  “Okay,” Chip said, with a nod. “If you need to talk about it, I’m always here. Next to you. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Alec grinned at his mate. Chip had officially moved in with him ten days ago and seemed to never tire about reminding him of that cute little fact. He had no intentions of letting Chip leave either. Alec might be a monster in a pack of monsters, but Chip looked right at home with him and everyone else.

  “Let’s head back home,” Alec said.

  * * * *

  Chip smelled roasting meat as they got out of the truck. He looked at the sky, surprised it was already late afternoon. He walked over to where Kris was roasting a wild boar. His stomach rumbled.

  Seated next to Kris, Ryder was strumming his guitar, his voice completely off-key. Probably to annoy their cook. Ryder did things like that all the time, but Chip had a feeling Ryder was just lonely and wanted to make friends. Teddy, Sam, Dom, Talon, and Max were nowhere in sight, but Chip knew they’d all gather around for dinner.

  Dinner would go awry. Chances were high a fight or two might break out, but that was just normal in their pack.

  Chip would never forget the fact that his pack went all the way to Fire Claws territory. His pack. That was right. Chip was a proud and official member of the Wild Manes now. He had even sworn himself to Talon and everything. Right now, the pack bonds felt stable. Strong. Chip had never been happier in his life. Before reuniting with Alec, he’d thought his life was going nowhere. He had felt so lost, confused, and scared all the time. Not anymore.

  Earlier today, when he released his father’s ashes to the wind, Chip had found closure. He thought his old man would be happy for him and how far he’d come.

  “Smells good,” he told Kris, scenting his mate coming up to him.

  “Paws off,” Kris said, sounding annoyed. “This needs to be roasted to perfection.”

  Alec chuckled and whispered in his ear, “Come on, we have better things to do.”

  Ryder rolled his eyes at them. Alec pushed him back to their cabin. Alec shut the door behind him and stared at him. At the familiar feral look of naked hunger in Alec’s eyes, Chip’s heart thudded.

  Alec had just had him earlier this morning, but Chip wasn’t complaining. Sex with Alec only got better every single time, and he had a feeling today was special. He peeled off his shirt, fumbled for the button of his jeans when Alec descended on him.

  Alec closed the distance between them and gave him a mind-blowing kiss. Alec sucked at his upper, then his lower lip. Chip gripped Alec’s shoulder, mind blanking out completely as Alec thrust his tongue down his throat. Heaven. Chip sucked hard on Alec’s tongue. Electricity zapped down his chest and went right to his dick. Chip grew hard for his mate and knew Alec rocked an erection for him as well.

  He moaned when Alec pulled away, then bent him over the arm of the couch. No fuss. No games. Exactly the way Chip liked it and he wanted Alec bad, to feel Alec’s dick claiming him all over again. To be reminded who he rightfully belonged to.

  “Hurry,” he murmured as Alec yanked his pants, then his boxers down. Chip kicked them away.

  “Be patient, mate,” Alec chided, then gave his ass cheeks a slap. He jumped, surprised how completely turned on he was. Chip stole a peek over his shoulder and admired the sight of his mate peeling off all his clothes, revealing his impressive chest, his six-pack abs, and his thick cock.

  Chip licked his lips and rested his cheek on one of the pillows.

  He heard the lube being uncapped. Alec worked plenty of liqui
d inside his hole, then guided his prick into his entrance. Alec didn’t make him wait. He gasped as Alec breached him, sheathing his fat, meaty cock inside his asshole.

  Needing something to hold on to, Chip gripped the leather. He breathed in and out, relaxed his inner ass muscles as Alec buried himself balls deep. A perfect fit. Alec’s cock stretched him completely.

  The initial pain went away as Alec started to pound him against the couch. Chip’s dick curled up against his stomach. He left pre-cum over the smooth leather, but neither Alec nor he cared.

  Alec blanketed his solid body over his and fucked him faster, harder. With each thrust, Alec lured his wolf out in the open. Flesh slapped on flesh. Sweat beaded his body. It almost felt like their souls, their beasts were touching.

  Chip moaned, feeling Alec’s sharp teeth on the side of his neck. Yes a thousand times, he thought. Chip knew Alec had only been waiting for the right moment to claim him, for him to release his father’s ashes. To move away from the past and look forward to the present and the future.

  He cried out as Alec bit him, sinking his teeth all the way in. At the same time, Alec slid his cock in him again. Chip splintered. The room fell away. His vision blurred.

  Chip cried out, screamed Alec’s name as the pressure inside him burst. Alec pulled his teeth away. Alec hammered in and out of him, slowly, tenderly, until he climaxed, filling Chip’s ass with his seed.

  Alec pulled him to his feet. Chip fell like a limp doll against him. He buried his face into Alec’s warm chest. The bite on his neck still stung, but it was a welcomed burst of pain.

  “Your turn,” Alec told him, smiling up at him. Then his mate said three meaningful words that meant the world to him, that kick-started his heart. “I love you.”

  “Love you always,” Chip answered without hesitation.

  He knew where exactly he wanted to place his mate mark. Chip unsheathed his fangs and left his own mate mark on Alec’s left pectoral, right above Alec’s heart.


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