Rise of the Lich Sentinel

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Rise of the Lich Sentinel Page 8

by Jessamyn Kingley

  “Stop putting your dick on my ass, you filthy tease,” Baxter said as he let them in.

  Benton grinned. “Maybe I’ll let you sleep in my bed tonight.” He wasn’t ready to do everything mates did, but he was tired of sleeping alone. Baxter was in the room next door when they could be sharing a bed. Benton wanted Chander’s relationship with Alaric to move forward so he wouldn’t feel guilty about being with Baxter. But when he’d seen the love in the eyes of the Reverent Knights at Redmilla’s while they’d shared a beer, he realized that could be waiting for him. He just had to reach for it, and that included moving forward with intimacy.

  “Hey, they aren’t in the living room,” Baxter whispered in excitement. “You think they went to bed together?”

  “Not everyone thinks only of sleeping with their mate.”

  “I guarantee you if they’re in the bedroom, they aren’t sleeping.”

  “Just look down the hall and see if the door is closed,” Benton retorted to the perpetually horny sentinel.

  Baxter arched his back so he could see down the hall. “I think the door is open.”

  Benton went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. There was three-quarters of a pizza in there. “They didn’t eat much.”

  “You think we can sneak down to your bed without bothering them?”

  “If they didn’t want to be bothered, then they should have shut the door.” Benton grabbed Baxter’s hand and began leading him down the hallway.

  “Chand, what are you doing?” Baxter asked when they got to the open door of the Arch Lich’s home office. It was a dusty menagerie of book stacks.

  The necromancer lifted his head and blinked owlishly behind his wire frames. “Reading?”

  “While Alaric is here?” Benton asked. “That’s rude.”

  “He’s not here,” Chander replied and lowered his gaze back to his book.

  “What the fuck do you mean he’s not here?” Baxter demanded.

  “He returned to the compound,” Chander said without looking up. “Good news, he took back a recipe for pizza. Sentinels have just had their lives enriched.”

  “Are you fucking telling me the leader of the sentinels left the Arch Lich alone in an apartment?” Baxter asked and Benton poked him in the side.

  “Forget protection right now, this is about his mate,” Benton snapped.

  “Alaric and I aren’t going to have a relationship in anything more than name,” Chander explained. “Neither one of us is upset about it. He’ll be at the compound and I will be here. I don’t know if we’ll have a matebond ceremony. Maybe someday, but it’s not a priority.”

  “That’s fucked up,” Baxter retorted.

  “That’s your opinion,” Chander countered as he finally raised his head again. “Not everyone is meant for love.”

  “You can’t really believe that,” Benton insisted. “Look at the Reverent Knights. Gavrael and Gedeon. They have it.”

  “As will you but it’s not for me.”

  “I don’t like this,” Baxter complained.

  “I’m sorry to disappoint you, Bax.”

  “Forget about him,” Benton said. “This is about you. Are you disappointed?”

  “No,” Chander replied. His eyes were dark and serious. Benton couldn’t decide if he was trying to save face because Alaric was turning out to be a horrible mate or if he truly didn’t care.

  Benton tilted his head as he studied his necromancer. “You look pale.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “He’s right,” Baxter insisted. “You look a little ashy and pale.”

  “I’m a young necromancer with an infinite lifespan. I can’t be ill. I’m not pale. I ate tonight, remember? I’m fine,” Chander responded. “Now tell me how your date was.”

  “It was nice,” Benton replied as he continued to look carefully at Chander. His color was definitely a bit off. “We had burgers and then went to Redmilla’s for a beer.”

  Chander smiled. “Good, I’m glad you had an enjoyable time.”

  “We ran into the Reverent Knights,” Baxter told him. “They were surprised we haven’t been to D’Vaire.”

  “I don’t know why. Drystan hates me and his son lives there. Like I’m going to tread on his territory. I may be an asshole, but I do have some respect for people.”

  “You’re not an asshole,” Benton countered. “And I doubt he hates you.”

  “I’m glad you had a nice night. I’d like to finish this chapter.”

  “Get some sleep tonight,” Baxter ordered.

  “I will.”

  “Yeah right,” Baxter muttered as Benton all but dragged him out of the Arch Lich’s office. He led him down to his bedroom and closed them both inside.

  “Wow,” Benton remarked as he dropped down onto his bed.

  “Seriously, can you believe Alaric left him here alone?” Baxter asked as he sat next to Benton on the mattress.

  “I’m going to talk to him,” Benton decided. “This is ridiculous. Chand deserves better than a mate in name only. He’s a wonderful person who needs someone to care for him.”

  “I know, I love him too.”

  Benton reached down and untied his boots before tugging them off. “I always thought he’d meet his mate first, you know. That he would have some really great guy who would help him rule and keep the elder council from driving him crazy.”

  “Well, they did meet first,” Baxter said as he too removed his footwear. “But fat lot of good that did.”

  “He’s had us and he’s had Drystan. And he doesn’t even have Drystan any longer.”

  “Drystan will be back,” Baxter insisted. “He’s just mad. I get it. Chand did the best he could to get Conley back, but they made a mistake in separating them.”

  “I know it.”

  Baxter flopped back onto the mattress. “I was there, I should have said something when he resurrected them.”

  “You didn’t know him that well.” Benton laid down next to Baxter. “Don’t you start flogging yourself over mistakes made centuries ago the way Chand does.”

  “I like your eyes, you know. I think they call that color baby blue.”

  “You need to work on your compliments.”

  Removing his weapons from his sides, Baxter rolled to his side so he faced Benton. “You kick ass when we train.”

  “You still think you’re my equal?”

  “Hell no. I’m way better than you.”

  Benton laughed before tossing his daggers onto the nightstand and turning his body to face his mate. “You wish.”

  “You know what I wish?”

  “Yes, and we aren’t going to have intercourse.”

  “I can live with that,” Baxter said. “But I’m going to be sleeping in this bed.”

  “You going to sleep now?” Benton asked.

  Baxter leaned forward and sunk his fingers into Benton’s hair before plunging his tongue into his mouth. Benton’s entire body melted against Baxter as they kissed. His blood heated and began pooling in his groin. He grabbed a fistful of Baxter’s T-shirt and pressed as close to him as he could get.

  He was a prisoner to the craving deep inside of him as Baxter tore down all his defenses with hardly any effort at all. He wanted more and the other sentinel seemed to understand; Baxter slung his leg over Benton’s hip. It caused their cocks, now hardened by the desire they’d ignited, to come into full contact. Benton moaned as his thoughts scattered to the wind. All he wanted was Baxter and to feel his hands on his overheated skin.

  Baxter broke the kiss to say, “Pull your shirt off.”

  “You first,” Benton insisted as he propped himself up on his elbow.

  Reaching over his head, Baxter tore his top off. “Your turn.”

  Benton decided he wasn’t going to play games all night. He sat up and pulled off his T-shirt. Then he unbuckled his belt and yanked his pants and underwear down. Throwing his clothes onto the floor, he tried to climb onto the other sentinel but Baxter pushed him back.
  “I fucking love your body. I want to touch all of it.”

  “You will,” Benton promised.

  Baxter stripped off the rest of his clothing and Benton ran a finger down the thickly veined dick he had revealed. Baxter’s physique was much like his own. They had plenty of muscle—they worked hard every day training with their daggers. Both blond, they had little body hair except for what surrounded their sex. Benton was pretty sure Baxter’s prick was slightly bigger than his own and he was glad for it. He wanted to suck it and feel it deep inside him nearly as much as he wanted to sink his own into Baxter.

  Primed and ready for more, Benton lay back down and once Baxter mirrored his action, he pulled the other sentinel tight against him and brought their mouths back together. As their tongues struggled for supremacy, Baxter grabbed both of their dicks in his hand and began stroking.

  “Get some lube,” Benton ordered. “It’s in the nightstand drawer.”

  “Been jerking off a lot?”

  “Haven’t you?”

  “Of course,” Baxter said as he liberally used the slick on his hand and cock before lying back down and fisting them both again. As he started a slow, tortuous rhythm, Benton bit down on his bottom lip.

  “Feels good,” Benton mumbled into Baxter’s mouth.

  Baxter didn’t reply; he just continued to fondle their rigid lengths. It was madness and it was heaven as the pleasure spiraled out of control. Benton didn’t know it would feel so different with Baxter touching him but it did. Between Baxter’s relentless grip and the caress of his dick, Benton knew it wouldn’t be long before he came. He grabbed a handful of Baxter’s sweaty ass cheek and began pistoning his hips to get even more friction.

  Their kisses became carnal and they were each still fighting to be the one in charge. For Benton, that made it brutally erotic. Moaning, his movements became more erratic as his body raced toward the edge. Simultaneously he wanted it to last forever and end as quickly as possible. Baxter stiffened against him and Benton pulled away slightly so he could watch his mate’s seed spill over his hand. That was all he needed for his own orgasm to barrel through him. It tore down his spine and he erupted onto their bellies.

  Baxter still had his fingers wrapped around them when Benton’s brain began to function again.

  “You going to let go of my dick anytime tonight?”

  “I’m thinking about keeping it.” Baxter murmured as Benton kissed the corner of his mouth. “I like the way you look when you come.”

  “Bax, you should see yourself. It fucking pushed me right over the edge.”

  Baxter finally released his grip and reached over the mattress to grab a T-shirt to clean them up. “I’m sleeping in here every night,” he said after tossing the garment to the floor and yanking the covers up.

  “Of course you are.” Benton rolled over so his back was to Baxter’s front. The other sentinel slung an arm over him and kissed his shoulder.

  “We need to plan our mating ceremony.”

  Benton yawned. “Tomorrow.” He closed his eyes and snuggled back a little closer to Baxter. If their evening was anything to go by, they had a very bright and satisfying future ahead of them. Benton couldn’t wait.

  Chapter 11

  As he walked from the last sentinel to need his attention Alaric thought about the night he’d shared with Chander. It had been mortifying. He’d been offered food that smelled wonderful and had to reject it. If that wasn’t enough to alienate him, then he’d offered his unsolicited critique of the Arch Lich’s living quarters. He could tell by the look in his pewter eyes Chander had been angry. Then he’d left the leader of the Order of Necromancia alone in an apartment with no protection at all. He wanted to use his daggers to slit the throat of Fate. Why would she give him a mate he could not care for?

  Alaric was trapped, buried alive in a body that would not cooperate. Inside his head, he was screaming but no one could hear it. He was lost and there was no hope of anything ever changing. His life was not his own and for as long as he could remember, he’d envisioned quenching his hunger and lying down to rest. But things were beyond desperate now; there was no prospect of ever being in the type of relationship the Council book spoke of.

  If he was lucky, the best he could do was bloodbind with the Arch Lich and while he would never deny Chander, it was cruel to tie himself to someone he could not spend more than a few minutes at a time with and only then if it were to have a conversation about sentinels. What did Chander want to discuss? Who was the Arch Lich and how would Alaric ever learn anything at all about him?

  Now back in his office, Alaric sat behind his desk and began scribbling notes on his stack of parchment. The petition to join the Council was nearly ready, but Alaric rued the day he’d ever journeyed to their headquarters to begin the process. Life, even with the aching demands which pressed down upon him, was better before he knew there was a man out there waiting for him that would never have the opportunity to teach him about love.

  “Alaric,” Benton said as he walked into the room.

  “Benton, how are you?”

  “I’m well. We need to talk.”

  “Of course, I always make time for my sentinels.”

  “But not Chander.”

  “The Arch Lich is not a sentinel.”

  “You left the leader of the necromancers alone in an apartment,” Benton complained. “Isn’t that against everything we as sentinels are trained to do?”

  “We are assassins. Our duty is to take out our necromancer’s enemies.”

  “So what, there were no enemies present so you returned here?”

  “The Arch Lich is your necromancer,” Alaric stated. “If he has enemies, it’s your job as well as Baxter’s to see to taking care of them. That is what you have trained your whole lives for.”

  Benton’s face flushed with anger. “He’s your mate, damn it. Don’t you care?”

  “Sentinels are not designed for tender feelings.”

  “Bullshit. I care for my mate. I care for my necromancer and my friends.”

  “Benton, is there anything I can do for you? I have many duties to see to.”

  “You could start by making your matebond a priority,” Benton advised. “Or were you planning to never bind your blood with Chand?”

  “I complete tasks which are beneficial to the sentinels.”

  “What could be more beneficial to the sentinels than having a leader who doesn’t ignore his mate and doesn’t do his duty by him?” Benton asked. “The Council views mates as being above everything else. You dishonor the reputation of our people by acting this way and not making Chand your mate in truth.” Alaric’s heart soared. The Arch Lich’s sentinels had no idea their desire to pursue him and demand he care for Chander fed right into the trap he was stuck in. Their honest insistence it would benefit sentinels was going to allow him to do the very thing he wanted most.

  “I can do nothing to smear our reputation,” Alaric stated. “I will proceed with this matebond ceremony.”

  “Good, when?” Benton challenged.

  “You’re aware there is no measure of time here,” Alaric replied.

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “I cannot see to the planning of this event even if it is good for our people.”

  “Fine,” Benton said. “I’ll speak to Chand about it.”

  “Very well, I have nearly completed the petition.”

  Benton slid a sheet of paper onto Alaric’s desk. “Okay, here’s a photo of the Order of Necromancia’s office, bring it there when you’re done. We can file it with the Council for you.”

  “Expect me soon.”

  “Yeah, see you around.” Benton was frowning as he shimmered out of the room—Chander had obviously summoned him back to his side—so Alaric left his office and headed toward Hadley’s cell as the possibility of completing his matebond tantalized him. Hadley was a sentinel he visited regularly, as he often struggled with the solitude the compound demanded and Alaric sympathized. I
dly, Alaric wondered if there was any chance being bonded to another would allow him to split his time between the sentinels and Chander. Fate had to do something because the situation was intolerable.

  * * *

  Alaric didn’t believe it was too much longer after speaking with Benton that he finished the bylaws and the entire lengthy application given to him. He slipped into his cloak and hid his face before picking up the papers on his desk and teleporting himself to the image of the offices of the Order of Necromancia. Flipping back his hood so he could see all the space around him, he took stock of his surroundings. The space had six people in it. Five full-blood necromancers and a hybrid of necro and druid.

  Hybrid looked up at him and smiled. “May I help you?”

  “I seek the Arch Lich,” Alaric said as he wondered why the sorcerer was sitting at a desk full of dead plants.

  “He’s in a meeting,” the hybrid responded. “Can I take a message for him?”

  Before Alaric could reply he heard a large crash and looked down to see a man in a gray suit lying on the floor. He appeared to have toppled over a gleaming pot which held a dying tree.

  “Oh,” the hybrid exclaimed as he jumped to his feet and ran over to assist the wide-eyed man on the carpet. “Elder Sigimund, are you all right?”

  Elder Sigimund shoved off the hybrid’s hands as he righted his clothing and rose to his feet while staring at Alaric. “I’m f-fine, Evergreen. I’m just fine.”

  “Alaric,” he heard a voice say from behind him. He turned around to see Baxter and Benton walking through the doors with the Arch Lich. Alaric nodded at the three men.

  “And who is our guest?” Elder Sigimund asked though his voice sounded odd. Deceit rang in his tone but Alaric had no idea why it would surround such a mundane question.

  “Elder Sigimund, this is Lich Sentinel Alaric,” the Arch Lich stated.

  Elder Sigimund crossed to the Arch Lich’s side with hurried steps. “What is he doing here, Chander?”

  “Why don’t you ask him?” Chander replied in a bored voice. Alaric liked seeing Chander dressed in his crown and elegant cloak. He looked regal and left Alaric feeling awed Fate had given him this man. It was at moments like this he could forget the situation was a tragedy and not a gift.


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