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Legacies Page 15

by Patrick Stewart

  “I miss clothes,” Cassie muttered. “It’s not comfortable sitting naked on this floor.”

  “Yeah, that must suck,” Michelle said as she broke a bit of bread and dipped it into the gravy. “How long do you think she will keep you naked?”

  “Forever, probably,” Cassie muttered. “She seems like that sort of bitch.”

  Michelle gasped, and then coughed on her food. She gulped water down, and then jammed her elbow into Cassie’s rib. It was a gentle nudge.

  “Don’t say that,” she hissed.

  “Or what? The ground will open up, demons will pour out and eat my brains?”

  “Don’t say that either,” Michelle muttered. “It’s not funny when Martial does it, it certainly isn’t funny when you do it.”

  Michelle was right about that.

  It certainly wasn’t funny when Martial said those sorts of things. But he usually only said it after saying the word Satan out loud. It was a forbidden word to use, every human knew that. Bad things happened when the devil’s name was used.

  “Why do you think he does it?” Cassie asked.

  “Say the devil’s name?” Michelle shrugged. “He’s different, isn’t he? He’s not like Martha, all serious and stuff.”

  It was true, Martial was a lot more laid back about things. But there was a line that shouldn’t be crossed. No one should mention the devil’s name. Even if the ground didn’t open up and demons pour out to eat devour their souls, saying the name was bad luck.

  Cassie and Michelle finished the rest of their meal in silence, each girl dwelling on what the future held for them. After they were done, they took their dishes to the kitchen and tidying up after themselves, they climbed the stairs to their room.

  It was a large room, looking even larger thanks to being completely bare of any type of furniture. Cassie was exhausted. It had been another day full of sword play, grappling, running through obstacle courses and more.

  The floor was hard, the pillow almost as hard, but she didn’t notice it as she lay down and closed her eyes. She felt Michelle snuggle up to her, felt her breasts rubbing against her back. She opened her eyes and turned.

  Michelle’s pretty face stared at her, a smile on her lips, a twinkle in her deep eyes.

  “You’re naked,” Cassie said.

  “I thought you could use some… intimacy,” Michelle said.

  “We’re usually drunk when we do that…”

  “Right. I don’t think Martha would be pleased if we had wine without her permission.”

  She was right. That Martha was a bitch.

  “I’ve never done this sober… I’m really tired too,” Cassie said.

  Michelle sighed. “You know you need to do this at some point, and without being drunk, right?”

  Michelle was right. Masters always had more than one apprentice, and Martial was no exception. He already had five apprentices, three of whom shared his bed every night. He also now had a small force of humans, all of whom were girls, and all of whom used to work in a brothel. How long before those girls literally threw themselves at him?

  “Ok, fine,” Cassie said.

  “That’s the spirit,” Michelle muttered.

  She kissed Cassie on the lips. It was a gentle kiss. “I’ll tell you what, and only because you’re really tired, and Martha has been picking on you a little bit, you close your eyes and go to sleep. I’ll do all the work.”

  “Sounds good,” Cassie said.

  She closed her always almost instantly.

  Her body tensed as Michelle sucked on her breasts. It relaxed pretty quickly. It felt damned good!

  Michelle moved down, licking her navel area, until her tongue came to Cassie’s pussy. Her tongue worked magic, pushing aside the lips, probing inside, applying pressure to her clit. It felt so good. For the first time in a week, Cassie felt relaxed and calm as Michelle brought her to orgasm.

  Chapter 22

  Two weeks later, John, the local blacksmith, arrived with the body armour for the apprentices. Cassie had just finished doing the obstacle course. It had been set up by Martha in the rear garden, and it consisted of a bunch of hoops, a large ditch, a pond and a thirty-foot wall to climb over. There was no rope, obviously. But the wall did have bricks protruding out to grip as the apprentices leapt off the ground.

  Cassie always tried to jump over the wall in a single go. She hadn’t been able to manage it yet, but she was getting closer.

  Having worked up a sweat, Cassie walked towards the veranda and the bottles of water that were sitting on the table. She was still naked, and the sweat dripped down her body. A girl stood by the veranda, leaning against the pillar, she watched Cassie as she approached.

  “You’re Cassie, aren’t you? You’re a Legacy,” the girl said.

  “That I am,” Cassie huffed, tired.

  She picked up a bottle of water, unscrewed the lid and gulped half of it down. The remaining half, she poured it on her head. The water trickled down her sweating body, cooling it down.

  “You nearly did it this time,” the girl said.


  The girl pointed at the wall at the end of the obstacle course. “You nearly reached the top.”

  “I’ll do it one day,” Cassie said.

  She felt her round breasts hanging loose, nothing to hold them up. She really missed her bras. Running an obstacle naked had its advantages, but it had its disadvantages too. The breasts were a major distraction, constantly bouncing up and down with every step.

  “What’s your name?” Cassie asked.

  The girl introduced herself as Gloria. She was nineteen years old and had been at the brothel for four years. She’d started young, she said with a nervous giggle. Life there was harsh. The mistress was not kind. Gloria couldn’t see any light at the end of the tunnel, until Martial came in and saved them.

  Martial offered every girl the option to leave, but Gloria had nowhere to go. Her parents died in a fire a year before she was kidnapped.

  She jumped at the chance to join his army, to fight back against those that did wrong.

  “There were a lot of wrong ones in my village,” Gloria said. “There were a lot of wrong ones in this town too, until Master Martial set them straight. They might come back you know… Perry might be dead, but his men, they were bad too. Some of them hurt me…” she said, her voice fading. “But if they come back, we will be ready.”

  Gloria had said the word we. Cassie hoped she wasn’t in this town for long. She wanted to head out to where the demons were. Be that the border towns, or even over the mountains in what was formerly known as Scotland, but now fondly referred to as Demon Land.

  She said as much to Gloria too.

  “Demons?” Gloria frowned. “Like… actual demons?”

  Cassie nodded. She told Gloria where she was from. Coldstream was a settlement furthest north of Immortal Queen Margaret’s kingdom. Over the past few years, demons had begun to cross the mountainous border that separated their kingdom from Demon Land.

  Cassie didn’t mention one of the reasons for that was the desertion of the Queen’s border patrols from their posts along the mountain range.

  She told how she came to meet Martial, a lone Legacy who was travelling around the border settlements, killing demons. She told how they travelled towards the mountains and found the demons camped by the foothills. Martial battled their leader and sent the demons packing.

  She knew from that moment that Martial was the one.

  She didn’t know it then, but recollecting the events, Cassie realised that was the moment she knew Martial would be the man who she would give her body, mind and soul to.

  She had been sceptical about him when he first arrived, but seeing him deal with the demons, so calm and collected, walking into a camp of the fearsome creatures from Hell, she wished she could be that fearless in the face of what seemed certain death.

  “Holy Lucifer,” Gloria gasped. “I… I didn’t… do I have to face demons?” she asked,
her skin now ghostly white.

  “Maybe not,” Cassie said. “But you should be prepared for everything.”

  “Demons…” Gloria murmured. “Are they as scary as the stories?”

  Cassie didn’t get to respond. Had she had the chance; she would have answered with a no. Demons are far more frightening than the stories. But Cassie didn’t get a chance to say that, probably for the better for Gloria, who was afraid already.

  Abby appeared by the door leading into the house. “Martha wants to see you,” she said. “Your armour is here.”

  * * *

  Martha and Michelle were already in the room when Cassie arrived.

  Michelle was standing naked in front of a floor length mirror. Their armour was on the table. Cassie already knew what to expect, having seen the armour worn by some female Legacies, and knowing it was Martha choosing the design. She wasn’t at all surprised to see what was essential a bra made with silvery metal and painted with purple strips. The other piece looked like a thong, except….

  Cassie picked up the thong-like armour and felt the two protruding bits of metal on the inside. They were round and rose up four inches. Both had semi-circles the size of split marbles circling around the protruding mounds.

  “What the hell is this?” Cassie asked, already knowing the answer, but refusing to accept it.

  “Excuse me?” Martha frowned.

  “You’re not fucking serious,” Cassie responded, not backing down.

  “I am fucking serious. Now put it on, or you will make me hurt you.”

  “I’m not wearing this,” Cassie said.

  She threw the thong-styled piece of metal armour across the table and stormed out. Cassie made it three steps into the corridor when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned and slammed the hand away with her elbow, expecting to see Martha behind her.

  But it was Abby, Martha’s blond Legacy apprentice.

  Cassie, who had been ready to fight, assuming it would be Martha, now hesitated. She had no quarrel with Abby.

  It was her mistake.

  Abby punched her in the face twice, quick blows, one hitting the nose the other struck the eye. She then grabbed her in a headlock and dragged her back into the room. Then, using her body strength, she threw Cassie across the room.

  Before Cassie could rise up, Martha’s foot pressed down on her chest. “Do you think you can defeat me in battle?”

  “Fuck you,” Cassie growled. She tried to punch Martha’s foot away, but her fist struck thin air as Martha lifted her foot, only to press down again.

  “Careful now, Cassie. You know I’ll enjoy beating you senseless, and then forcing the armour into you. Do you really want to give me reason to do that?”

  In that moment, Cassie didn’t give a shit. Martha wasn’t her master, and she didn’t care how the rules worked. As far as she was concerned, only Martial had the right to make her wear that fucked up bit of gear.

  She kicked up with her foot and struck Martha on the back. As the Legacy stumbled forward, she jumped to her feet and turned, fists up, ready to fight. But from behind, Abby grabbed her by the neck and held her in a chokehold.

  Struggling to breath, panic set in. Cassie thrashed with her arms, trying to strike Abby, trying to free herself. As the air began to thin, she clawed at the girl’s hair, her face, her eyes. But nothing seemed to work.

  Just as Cassie was certain she was going to black out, Abby released her grip, and at the same time, Martha struck her in the chest, three times in quick succession. Cassie hit the ground, gasping for air. Every breath now sent pain shooting up to her head.

  Martha grabbed her by the hair and dragged her along the floor, bringing her beside the table, she sat down on her chest.

  “Bring me the whore’s armour,” she said.

  Cassie watched with blurred vision as Michelle, her face down, hurried to obey the command. She tried to get up, but her body was weak. She had never been hit this hard before. Back in Coldstream, when she broke up fights between drunks, occasionally, after a little liquid courage, some of the men took swings at her.

  In her confidence, she let those feeble punches hit her body. They didn’t hurt. Not much anyway.

  But being attacked by two Legacies, it was something completely different. Her body had given up, it seemed.

  Cassie closed her eyes and tried to block out what was happening. It wasn’t an easy thing to do. Her legs were lifted up into the air so high, her ass no longer touched the floor. She felt the cold metal of the armour touch her skin, felt the protruding mound of metal press against her virgin butthole.

  There was no subtlety about the way it was inserted. No lube, no easing a finger in.


  Martha jammed the four-inch piece of metal protruding out from the inside of the thong-like metal armour and jammed it against Cassie’s butthole.

  It was brute force that rammed the piece of metal deep inside Cassie. She didn’t cry out in pain. What little pride she had left in her was determined to not cry.

  It was the turn of the second bit of metal sticking out from the armour to be inserted. Thankfully, it was to fit inside her pussy. Though she was dry down there, Cassie barely noticed as it was shoved in, her pain senses now numb.

  The bits of metal rings at either end of the piece of metal were clipped together, the thong-armour now fixed around Cassie’s waist, Martha final stood up.

  Cassie lay on the ground, too weak to move, her body battered. It had been another exhausting day of training. In the past few weeks, she’d had little time to recover, to recoup her energy, and now, it failed her. She turned to her side, her legs folded in, and she closed her eyes.

  Chapter 23

  When Cassie opened her eyes, she was back in the room she shared with Michelle. She knew because the room was empty. She was lying on the floor. Except, her head was not resting on the hard pillow. It was resting on Michelle’s lap.

  Michelle, who stared down at her and stroked her hair gently. “Hey, sleeping beauty,” she said softly. “How are you feeling?”

  “Like shit,” Cassie replied. “What happened?”

  “You uh… you blacked out after they forced the armour into you,” Michelle said, her voice hesitant. “I’m sorry I didn’t help you.”

  “It’s okay. I understand,” Cassie said.

  She did understand too.

  She knew the rules, and what was expected of them. Martial had decreed their training upon Martha. That gave the bitch the right to do whatever she wanted with the girls. Good apprentices, obedient apprentices would keep their heads down and respect Martha as if she were Martial.

  And Michelle was a good apprentice.

  She was the type of girl who followed the rules, tried to make the best out of a bad situation, and get along with everyone in the process. She wouldn’t hold it against the girl for doing what Martha had ordered her to do.

  Cassie’s body hurt pretty much all over. Little aches mostly, aside from her chest, which felt like it had been struck by a sledgehammer. She sat up and stared down at it, only to see the metal armoured bras covering her breasts.

  They didn’t cover her nipples though.


  The bras had two little holes into which her nipples had been pressed. The metal bra fitted around her breasts perfectly, not leaving even space for little particles of air to move around. She felt secure, solid, and somehow light too.

  Begrudgingly, she had to admire John’s work. It was fantastic, and it looked great on her. The metal armour around her hips, that was another matter. The protruding metal that was shoved inside her ass, it was uncomfortable. Sitting on her bottom, she wiggled her butt, trying to get it into a comfortable position.

  It wasn’t a battle she had much success in.

  Cassie gripped the straps of the metal panties and was about to take it off when Michelle grabbed her hand.

  “You can’t take it off just yet,” Michelle said.

  “I really don’t give
a fuck what Martha wants me to do,” Cassie said. “I’m going to take it off, and if the bitch has a problem with that, I’m ready for round two.”

  “Please don’t be ready for round two,” Michelle said, her voice pleading. “And it isn’t Martha that wants you to keep it on. It’s Martial.”


  Her master.

  “He wants to see you in your new armour,” Michelle said. “He’s already seen me in mine,” her cheeks reddened. “You can take it off after, but he uh… he wanted me to bring you to him once you woke up.”

  Cassie had barely seen Martial in the past few weeks. She’d caught him walking down the corridor a few times. Her heart skipped a beat every time she saw him, and the distance from him only made her want him more.

  But she didn’t have the courage to approach him.

  For starters, Martial was never alone. There was always a girl or two with him. Sometimes it was Macy, the barmaid, other times it was Martha, or her apprentices. Sometimes it was the girls from the brothel that had now taken residence here, training in the garden.

  This would be the first time in a week that she would get some time with Martial, time that he wanted.

  Cassie climbed to her feet and brushed off the little specs of dirt that clung to her skin. She played with her hair, tidying it as much as she could without the aid of a mirror.

  “How do I look?”

  “Hot,” Michelle said, grinning. “I don’t think Martial will be looking at your hair, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “Right,” Cassie laughed nervously.

  Her heart thumped in her chest as she followed Michelle down the corridor towards the stairs that led up to Martial’s quarters. It was a strange feeling, not one she was familiar with, but one she had read about.

  Butterflies in her stomach.

  That was how it was described in the books, when a girl laid eyes on, or was about to approach a guy she liked, she felt butterflies in her stomach.


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