Courts and Cabals 3

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Courts and Cabals 3 Page 14

by G. S. D'Moore

  “What?” she opened her eyes, and the shifter loved that.

  Lilith could see the other woman’s nipples were hard enough to cut glass. The big gal loved it. She got off on her victims seeing that she was the reaper about to deliver them to death’s doorstep.

  Lilith completely ignored her, and focused on the sensation growing inside her. At the moment, it was the most beautiful thing she’d ever experienced. She felt her legs start to twitch as strength returned to them. Her head cleared, her jaw snapped back into place, and, if she could see it, the bruising on her shoulder faded back to her normal sun-kissed tan. Hell, her stomach and face filled back in a little, and she could have sworn her tits gave a jiggle of approval.

  What she was feeling was power. Power was seeping into her from somewhere. At first, she thought it was the sadistic arousal of the two other supernaturals trying to make an example out of her; but that wasn’t it. It wasn’t something she was drinking in from the surrounding environment. This had a different feel to it. It was something she’d heard about, but never experienced.

  Bonds between a succubus and her harem were interesting bits of magic. It allowed the communication of feelings, emotions, and general location; but it was capable of so much more. She covered it in her childhood studies, but there was no real way to describe what really happened when a succubus and man were more than just fuck buddies. Most harems were nothing more than contracts. Some hot piece of ass signed on for five years, made good money, and then went their merry way. That was the norm; even the expectation. When you lived forever; sometimes, it was best to not get too attached.

  What she had with Cam sure as shit wasn’t that, and this proved it. The bond could be a power conduit through an entire harem, but it went deeper than a simple signed contract and cool tattoo. There had to be real emotions there. It required a real desire to earnestly want the best for the other person. The bond just magnified that feeling until those people could share on a deeper level.

  She started to cry, and that brought her another second to accumulate the new power flowing through her veins. Not only because she now stood a fighting chance against these bitches, but also what it meant for her future with Cam. There were so many new possibilities.

  “Survive now, think about threeways later,” she told herself, as the shifter smiled back at her.

  The bigger woman had the wrong idea about what was going on. Once Lilith put all the pieces together, one thing was obvious; Cam was fucking. She didn’t know who, where, or how. She wished she did for her fingerbanging session tonight, because that was happening no matter what these two assholes thought. Not knowing who her man was fucking was a little disconcerting, but she’d let it slide. It was literally going to save her life.

  The shifter finally noticed something wasn’t going as planned when her claws didn’t pass through Lilith’s flesh, windpipe and carotid. The shifter expected to bathe in Lilith’s blood. Instead, she heard a scrape like steel on steel.

  “Fuck her good and hard, Cam,” Lilith turned her attention away from the power inside her, and toward the shifter.

  Her smile warped to something bordering on deranged, showing her fellow predator that her teeth were bigger and sharper. “Sorry, I guess you’ll have to wait a bit longer,” moving too fast for the shifter to dodge, she front kicked her right in the pussy.

  The woman didn’t even have time to scream as her feet went out from under her on the damp floor, and she faceplanted with a hideous crunch. That was going to leave a mark. Not to mention someone would need to vacuum up her teeth.

  It was satisfying as hell to see the shifter go down, but it was also a tactical error. Shifters could be mean and dangerous, but with her power boost, they weren’t a match for her one-on-one. The Nosferatu was another story. Ring girl’s tongue wrapped around Lilith like a python, and her saliva hit Lilith’s still-recovering body.

  From one second to the next, she was drowning in ecstasy. All the fight went out of her. She heard herself sigh in complete content, even though her mind ordered her to elbow the Nosferatu in the throat.

  “Stupid girl,” the Nosferatu’s words were hard to decipher with her tongue currently acting out a scene from Fifty Shades of Gray, but Lilith got the gist.

  The other woman dropped the hold she had on Lilith’s scalp, and her tongue rode the succubus to the floor. She straddled Lilith, literally dripping with excitement, as she started to hammer fist the succubus in the face. Lilith’s new well of power resisted the attempts, but it was costing her. Nosferatu weren’t as strong or fast as a succubus, but Lilith had broken the golden rule of this type of fight. Don’t let them touch you.

  “Too late,” she frantically fought back the euphoria addling her brain as she looked for options.

  She had nothing, and under the steady pounding, her face had slowly started to give way. First to go were her cheekbones. She felt them crack one after the other. With them went the eyes. The swelling and bruising soon blocked out her vision. Next was her nose being smashed flat. Thanks to their positioning, the Nosferatu wasn’t able to shove her nose up into her brainstem. That could have killed her; so, she guessed she should be thankful she now knew what nose tasted like in the back of her throat.

  “Hello! Someone! Anyone! You’re missing three prisoners from Group B!” her only hope was the other guards finally realized something was up.

  After shower time everyone went back to their cells and there was a count. If the count was off, the whole place locked down. The shower room was the first place they’d check, so there was only so much time the bought-off guard could buy the Tikals.

  There was no screeching alarm yet, so all she needed to do was hold on long enough for someone to get their head out of their ass. As the Nosferatu continued to methodically turn her face into raw hamburger meat, she wasn’t sure she could hold on. It was already really hard to breathe.

  The universe came through again. It must be her lucky day. All of a sudden, there was an explosion of power inside her. She instinctually knew Cam had blown his sweet, hot load all over, or inside, some lucky girl.

  She’d worry about that later. Right now, she channeled as much power as she could into breaking the tongue’s hold on her. The power fought back the saliva’s narcotic properties for several critical seconds. In those seconds, she was able to break her right arm free, and with it, she socked the tentacle-tongued bitch right in the kisser.

  She knew her hit landed, but not how well it was placed. She was going on gut feeling alone. The rain of fists stopped manhandling her skull, so that was a good sign. The rest of the tongue slackened, which was another plus. The only problem, it was still in contact with her skin. The water on the floor started to dilute the affects a little, but with her power focused on repairing damage, she had no more defense against the narcotic bliss.

  Her eyes would have rolled back into her head if the swelling didn’t make her look like some goggle-wearing, steampunk heroine. However, her ears worked just fine, so she caught the wailing of the prison alarm start to blare.

  “Good enough,” she sighed, and let the drug take her. “Thanks for the second-hand fuck, Cam. I’ll catch you on the flip side.”

  Darkness took her, but she had a grin on her mangled face.

  Chapter 8

  Can anyone say awkward?

  There was nothing but tension in the room as Night shut the bathroom door behind her. Butters was still holding breakfast; looking completely shell shocked. The only one to escape the situation was Skella, and that was because she’d gone a round of autoerotic asphyxiation with a Nosferatu. If given the chance, I might go a round with the monsters rather than stand here with my dick literally in my hand.

  Despite the cringe-worthy situation, I’d been through worse. I wasn’t even sure if this cracked my top three. Let’s recap. Number three. I’d been fourteen and alone in the house while foster mom and pops went to the market. Like all fourteen-year-old boys, I was in the exploring-my-hormone-r
avaged-body phase. I had a computer and Wi-Fi access, so it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what happened next. Normally, that’s not embarrassing; who hasn’t auditioned the finger puppets while their parents were away. What makes this number three on my all-time awkwardness list was when my foster mom came back and walked in on me.

  Situationally, me fucking Night and then cumming on her in front of Butters was probably more awkward; however, there’s something to be said about the first time you get walked in on. People remember it just as much as the first time they got their dick wet. Sure, people get caught jerking off, that’s a given; but that first time can really scar you.

  It was worse for me because they weren’t my biological parents, but on the bright side, I didn’t bust my nut all over my foster mom. Still, the awkwardness of what happened next scored a close second.

  After catching me drilling for oil, my foster mom sat down on the bed and told me it was all right. She said it was part of growing up, and that it was perfectly normal and natural. That was really fucking awkward. I would have preferred if she screamed at me and told me if I did it again, I was going to go blind.

  I’m not sure where that saying came from, but after watching plenty of porn, I can say for a fact that taking a load to the face doesn’t blind a person. If it did, every female pornstar would have a seeing eye dog. They all underwent an impromptu, spunk-filled lasik at some point in their career.

  So, getting caught jerking off by my foster mom and having a little birds and the bees conversation was my number three. Number one and two were much more recent. That was just my life right now. I’d put number two at having to jerk it in a moving car while gunfire ripped through the air all around me. Looking back on it, I should have received some kind of medal for jerking to completion on that one. Number two was equal parts terror, shame, and being sexually compromised. That was the primary reason my Mexican hotel quickie didn’t crack the top spots. I wasn’t currently fearing for my life.

  That brought me to number one. Just like the highway-masturbation shootout, it had an extra helping of ‘oh, shit’. My most awkward moment started with me sprinting for my life, buck-ass naked, down the dormitory stairwell. I’d flashed a couple of sophomores, before getting hip checked out a second story window. There is nothing more awkward than laying bloodied and beaten on a sidewalk while a nympho water Fae tries to assassinate you. The only thing that could make it more awkward was if I killed her . . . oh, wait, I did. I’m just glad I passed out after the cold iron blade dissolved her into nothingness. I don’t even want to know how people got my naked ass to the infirmary.

  Don’t get me wrong, the situation I was in was plenty awkward; definitely top five, but I’d been in worse. That still didn’t mean I knew what to do. Neither did Butters. She snapped her mouth closed, turned away from me, and laid out the breakfast options on the table. Then, she went across the room and sat down on the bed next to Skella. Neither of us moved for a while. Butters because she seemed to be lost in thought, and me because my dick was still hanging out and I didn’t feel like walking around the room hanging brain. I’d already hurt her enough. There was no need for me to make the situation worse.

  “Hurry the fuck up,” I shot a glare at the bathroom door. I didn’t know how long it took to wash cum out of your hair, but I doubt it took twenty minutes.

  I made it ten more minutes before I thought the silence was going to suffocate me. I don’t think Butters was giving me the silent treatment; she was too nice for that, but that didn’t stop the shame from snowballing.

  “I . . .” was as far as I got.

  “It’s nothing,” she shot back so fast it was obvious that this was something. “We need to make sure that Skella gets better, and we get out of this alive.” There was no room for argument in her tone.

  “Yeah, okay,” I nodded my head.

  I knew what she was doing. She was falling back on something familiar to distract herself from the uncomfortable situation. In the long term, just ignoring shit wasn’t a good plan, but we did need to live for this to become a long-term anything.

  Above all, I didn’t blame her. Hell, I’d done the same thing. Back when I stepped through a dragon portal, puked all over some expensive tile, and saw how deep the cabal’s wallet really was, I might have taken it out on Lilith. Faced with that fact I might have been lowballed, I’d lashed out and told Lilith she owed me cold hard cash by getting through my second most awkward moment. She grew a little distant because of that, and ended up signing off on Marcella taking me for a test drive. Since that test drive almost ended with a big, black dildo up my ass, I’d taken a little time for self-reflection and deconstructed what led to that clusterfuck. So, now, I saw the same thing playing out in a different time and place.

  “I . . .” I knew it was important to try and make it right; preferably before we ended up in another life-or-death struggle, but the universe had other ideas.

  The bathroom door opened and Night emerged in another wave of steam. “It’s all yours,” she said to no one in particular.

  Butters didn’t move. She didn’t even look at Night, so I took that as my cue to get cleaned up. I made sure to shut the door behind me to trap as much of the humidity as possible. The second the door closed, I heard hushed voices arguing. I could have focused my senses and listened in, but something told me that was a bad idea.

  Instead, I started up the shower and cleaned myself off; all while wondering why I’d sabotaged myself like that. Why had I put myself in such a shitty position? It didn’t take me long to figure out. It wasn’t theoretical physics. I was horny. Plain and simple. I’d been through one hell of a fight, been battered pretty good, nearly died, and that was only after getting back from my stay at Spa Winter.

  Hell, we could die at any moment if someone busted into the hotel when we weren’t prepared. That made me randy, so sue me. If it had been Butters there instead of Night, she would have been the one with the facial. It was that simple to me, but I could never tell either woman that. They’d just call me a pig, a neanderthal caveman, and they’d be right; but there was a reason those evolutionary traits got passed down.

  That thought process made me think about what evolutionary traits got passed down on the Aesir side of my DNA helix, and that’s when the arguing stopped. I shut down the hot spray, toweled off, and put my pants back on. I was feeling better, definitely not one hundred percent, but good enough I didn’t actively hurt. That gave us options.

  When I emerged, Night and Butters were sitting on opposite beds chowing down on breakfast. They didn’t look all chummy, but the identical look they gave me spoke volumes.

  “Oh, sure, it’s all my fault.” That’s what their look told me. “Fuck it,” I growled. Butters was right, we needed to focus on getting out of here alive.

  “We need to focus on our next move,” I acted like the morning’s shitshow never happened.

  “We can take the car and head for the border before sunset. If we can cross back into the States, we’ll have a lot better chance,” Butters offered.

  “No,” I shot her down a little harder than intended. “I mean, there is no way they aren’t watching the border. We’d walk right into a trap.”

  The border shootout scene from Sicario played out in my mind. As long as the Tikals hit us on the Mexican side, there was nothing the US border agents could do. It wasn’t like they knew a couple of American citizens were under attack anyway. The whole idea of getting cornered in traffic, around a bunch of vanilla humans, when magic and bullets started flying, didn’t sound like a good plan to me.

  “We could use a coyote?” Night suggested. “For a couple hundred bucks, they’ll get us across the border, and if we get caught, we have our passports.”

  Correction, they had their passports. For all I knew, I still had a warrant out for my arrest. Marcella and the cabal’s lawyers might have cleared things up regarding the St. Vincent’s issue, and my registration, but disappearing from UN custo
dy after something ripped a giant whole in their HQ didn’t bode well for my current legal status. The girls might go free, but I’d be stuck in a warded cell.

  “Let’s call that Plan B,” I replied. I could live with a little time in solitary if the girls got out alright.

  “What’s your plan?” Butters looked at me for the first time, and I saw the resolve in her eyes. This was the Butters who went to bat for her friends. She wanted to get the hell out of here just as much as I did.

  “Does anyone have a phone?” I asked.

  “Why?” Night raised an eyebrow.

  I thought, for someone I’d just boned, she’d be willing to throw a little trust my way.

  “I might know some people who can help,” I kept it vague.

  To go up against the Tikal Cabal, we needed resources. Not the type of resources a bunch of coeds had at their disposal, even if we sold the drugs Night had hidden in her bra. We needed my own cabal to balance the scales.

  Both women just looked at me for a second. Apparently, Night was only willing to throw one thing my way today. It was Butters who pulled a sleek phone out of her pocket and handed it to me.

  “Thank you,” I tried to convey more than just my gratitude in those two words. I could tell she got it, and she quickly looked away.

  She’d already input her pin, so it was open to her home screen. The first thing I saw told me just how out of touch I was with the world.

  “It’s almost May,” I involuntarily groaned. My little vaycay to faerieland had eaten away months of my life.

  My entire existence had changed in the span of a few weeks. After a few months . . . I didn’t want to think about it. I opened the dial pad and froze. It hit me just then that I didn’t know anyone’s number. Anyone born before nineteen ninety would sit there and shake their head at me. Kids used to have to memorize their home phone numbers, the numbers of their closest friends, or use a phonebook. There was no speed dial, saved contacts, or the internet to look up someone’s digits. Technology was great, but it utterly failed me here.


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