Courts and Cabals 3

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Courts and Cabals 3 Page 20

by G. S. D'Moore

  “Okay,” I kept all the thoughts of the coeds, sex, the coming battle, sex, the imps, and more sex at bay. It was time for a little introspection if I wanted to live through this day.

  “Something’s changed.” The first part of acknowledging something was wrong was to admit there was a problem. “I don’t know what, why, or how; but I’m different. My libido is firing at a hundred and ten percent, one hundred percent of the time. Normally, this wouldn’t be an issue, but the Tikals just boxed us in. Soon they’ll test our defenses, and then they’ll come for us. The Duke and his people will try to kill me, Butters, Night, Skella, the imps, and even Thomas. I can’t let that happen. I’ve got shit I want to do. I’ve got to get back to Lilith, Dani, Xamira, and everyone else that cares about me. I’ve got to figure out what the fuck the Aesir are, and what that means for me. This isn’t the time for an identity crisis. The last thing I need is to make a bad decision because I’m thinking with my dick and not my head. You hear that!” I looked down at my half-chub. “Now is not the time. Cooperate with me, and I’ll get you wet later. Gods knows there are enough sex creatures in my life.”

  It was just a thought, but I felt something tingle in my core before solidifying around my chest like a belt tightening. The sensation faded after a second, but I was positive something magical had just happened. I groaned. That was the last thing I needed. Some new mysterious magic fucking with my life.

  The ground started to rumble beneath my feet, and I had a sudden case of tinnitus. “What the hell?” I’d have to figure out the new magic stuff later.

  I sinched the shorts tight and splashed a little water on my face. It was go time.

  “Cam!” Butters yelled.

  I rushed out of the bathroom and immediately brought my hands up to shield my eyes. It looked like several small suns had blazed to life across the glass. A screech, like a car slammed on the brakes, accompanied the blaze of light. I grit my teeth and walked forward through the wall of sound.

  The coeds were all decked out like Rambo’s hot, younger sister. It was spank bank gold, but not when they were lying on the ground in the fetal position. All the gun-toting clients were down too. The pair of imps were still on their feet, but their faces were screwed up in pain. I looked around for the metaphysical off switch, but it was coming from everywhere. All I could do was suck it up until it ended.

  The magical flashbang lasted for another thirty seconds, which was enough time for me to want to pour concrete in my ears and rip out my eyes. Even closed, with my hands covering them, I still felt like I was at the center of some seizure-inducing Euro rave. Even after it ended, it took time for me to shake it off. I continuously worked my jaw until my ears popped.

  “Aah, that’s the good stuff.”

  The sensation didn’t last. “Dupree . . . Dupree . . .!” Thomas’s voice was muffled. I’d totally forgotten about the earpiece.

  “Yeah?” I asked.

  “Since you’re still alive, I’ll assume the wards held,” the incubus managed to sound both disappointed and relieved. “The enemy has started their probe. A dozen men are moving to test out perimeter. I need you to deploy to the parking lot and defend the gate.”

  “That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard,” I winced when I realized I’d yelled it out loud. My inner ear was still rebooting.

  It seemed obvious to me, but after getting clobbered by whatever magical haymaker the Tikals threw at us, why would we want to leave the protection of the wards?

  “It’s not,” Ariana answered, shaking off the last of the attack’s effects a few seconds after me. “They just tried to lay a whammy on us, and the wards barely held. All the light and noise were just side effects of them trying to bring the whole building down on top of us. Why risk getting killed when they could just bury us alive?” she gave me a sardonic grin. “Stunning us while they mobilize is just a twofer. We have to contest them taking the parking lot. If we don’t, they’ll be able to bring their mages right up to the wards. If they do that, we’re fucked. They’re wiped now, but give it a few hours, and they’ll be able to hit us again. Without some space to diffuse the magic,” she ran her finger across her throat. That didn’t need any interpretation.

  “Shit,” I breathed out. I didn’t know as much about magic, but I guess that made sense.

  Thomas wasn’t waiting for my approval. The door unlocked with a loud click. Ariana and Ivanna rushed forward and into the late afternoon heat. I gave the coeds a quick once over. They were on their knees now, shaking their heads and trying to get it together.

  “Meet us out there,” I’m not even sure if they heard me, but I hoped they did. We’d need the numbers. Right now, the odds were not in our favor.

  I rushed to catch up with the imps and heard the creaking and groaning of the gate. It wasn’t much; a thin layer of aluminum to keep riffraff away from the clients’ nice cars. It was not meant to stop a siege, and it sounded like a small army was trying to rip it down.

  That wasn’t the only way the bad guys were coming at us. One proactive cartel go-getter had already been boosted by his buddies up and was straddling the top with a triumphant grin. There was a loud snap and that grin faltered as his brains blew out his forehead.

  “All hail the almighty hollow point!”

  The poor bastards limp body teetered before falling back onto his cartel buddies. There were cries of shock, pain, and anger.

  “We just kicked that hornet’s nest,” I looked over to where Ivanna was pulling her rifle away from her shoulder, the suppressor smoking slightly from the round’s passage. She winked at me as she took cover behind a Land Rover and laid the barrel across the hood before searching for more targets.

  I followed her lead, and not a second too soon. Fueled by the death of their buddy, the goons opened fire. Like I said, the gate was thin aluminum. Bullets shot through it like it was made of paper, and ricocheted through the air all around us. Thank the gods these assholes weren’t trained soldiers. They were going with the popular, but ineffective, spray-and-pray method.

  I’d never actually gotten to the handling guns part of my cabal training, but I’d done the classroom sessions. Peter drilled into me the importance of aiming to hit what you were trying to kill. That shit where Jihadi Joe sticks his gun up over the sandbags and blasts away was pure Hollywood bullshit. You couldn’t hit the side of a barn doing that with an AK. An assault rifle wasn’t a shotgun that fired hundreds of little pellets to saturate an area. On the flip side, a rifle could kill someone from a lot farther away, but that didn’t really matter in a parking lot with no more than twenty spaces.

  All the goons emptied their thirty-round, banana-shaped magazines. That meant something like a few hundred rounds came flying at me and the imps, but each round was only a few millimeters wide. Even a few hundred of those didn’t cover a lot of space, and that didn’t even take into account the recoil. AK-47s have some kick to them, and when fired on full auto, in a panic, they pull up. About half the rounds actually went over our heads and out to land in the neighborhoods around us. The Tikal’s magic circle wasn’t going to do shit to stop it raining lead.

  None of us were hit by the barrage of fire, but the gate didn’t fare so well. The poor, trustworthy barrier looked like swiss cheese; which didn’t help us. I heard a few methodical snaps as the imps returned fire through the new holes in a slow and controlled manner. Goons started to scream as the lovely ladies brought them down one by one, but that only spurred them to reload faster. Locked, loaded, and even more pissed, they stuck their guns through the openings and kept on spraying.

  This was what Peter called suppressive fire. It was designed to keep our heads down so the goons could get in, and it did a good job of that. Having taken one bullet today, I wasn’t looking forward to doing that again. With my troll strength burning in my chest, I was bullet resistant. Notice how I didn’t say bulletproof. If they hit me enough times, I was sure something would get through.

  “Stay down!” Ar
iana yelled over the gunfire. “Wait for them to make their move!”

  “Fine by me,” I huddled behind a nice BMW that was already totaled. Pings echoed around me, and a tire exploding made me jump. I fucking hated guns. In my opinion, it was much better to fight people with your hands. Then, you had some semblance of control over the clusterfuck.

  The cartel goons poured fire through the gate for another minute until their guns finally ran dry, and then they sprung phase two of their master plan on us. If you can call magically throwing people over the fence masterful planning. A few unlucky bruiser types cleared the fence by a few feet before gravity reasserted itself. Most had the sense to roll with it, but I heard a few snaps and screams as ankles shattered on impact.

  “Now!” Ariana screamed and rushed forward to greet the newcomers the Venetian way.

  The two imps sprinted out ahead of me. Ivanna’s rifle barked mid-stride, and the goons with the broken ankles slumped to the ground with neat holes between their eyes. Arianna flowed into the remaining men like water between rocks. These guys were built to brawl; heavily muscled, thick necks, callused knuckles, and teardrop tattoos on their faces. None of that intimidated her, even though each goon probably had a head and a hundred and fifty pounds on the imp.

  In the end, all the mass in the world didn’t mean jackshit against her supernatural speed. She swung her rifle like a baseball bat, and hit the first guy in the neck. Vertebra and metal screamed in protest. She let go of the weapon next to the dead man and dropped low to sweep the next guy’s legs out from under him. It showed her supernatural strength, because the guy did a full flip before faceplanting. If he survived this, he’d need some serious dental work. Before he even hit the ground, she landed two body blows on goon number three, and a roundhouse kick to the side of goon number four’s skull.

  By the time I reached the fight, most of the guys were already down, and the guy I confronted was too busy looking at the imp in awe. I couldn’t blame him. There is nothing hotter than a badass chick kicking ass.

  “Hey, buddy,” I snapped my fingers.

  The guy practically dislocated his neck turning the face me. He’d forgotten the number one rule of big brawls like this: situational awareness. You had to keep your head on a swivel. You had to keep an eye on what was going on around you; because you might win your one-on-one only to have someone stick a knife in your kidney. Or, in my case, a foot in his sternum. I lashed out with a front kick, and felt the guy’s chest collapse under the force of the blow. It picked him up and flung him back into the gate. The hinges groaned, and it wobbled dangerously. I almost succeeded where the goons failed, and wouldn’t that be ironic. Thankfully, the gate held, but the guy was dead with a capital D.

  I’d hit him with the raw force of a speeding car condensed into my size twelve foot. He wouldn’t come back from blunt force trauma like that. Even if it didn’t kill him right off the bat, shock would set in, and internal bleeding would do the rest. His chest cavity would fill up with blood, and he’d literally drown on hot asphalt in the middle of Tijuana. Sometimes, life just sucked.

  I’d killed before, and I would kill again before the day was done; but unlike before, this time, something in me howled with joy. My dick went from limp as a wet sock to another war boner straining against the athletic shorts. It startled me, satisfied me, and I felt savage, primal correctness flooding through my soul.

  “This is what’s right,” my body told me, and I couldn’t not agree.

  Of course, that was exactly what I didn’t want to happen. I didn’t want to be thinking about my dick in the middle of a fight; and, because the universe had a cruel sense of humor, the inevitable outcome played out. I got shot.

  The hot ball of metal smacked into my shoulder. It didn’t penetrate, or dislocate, but it felt like someone had hit me with a hammer. I spun around away from the gate, and two more rounds hit me in the back. I growled, a guttural sound that I’d never made before, as the new, alien part of me swept conscious thought to the back of my mind in favor of primeval instinct.

  With it came the fire and lightning. My ball of white-hot Fae fire evaporated as the power of my Aesir blood rampaged through my veins. More rounds hit me, but they felt like Ping-Pong balls hit by a paraplegic toddler. I roared in elation as my instincts told me to do one thing: kill the threat. I blurred forward, and I was suddenly standing right next to the gate. A goon stood less than two feet from me. I heard him scream as he unloaded his rifle into my chest at point-blank range. I saw the fear in his eyes when he saw it didn’t do shit.

  A booming sound echoed through the battlefield, and it took me a second to realize the Tikals hadn’t deployed artillery against us. It was me . . . laughing. It was a belly laugh, full, unhindered, and unhinged. Hell, I sounded like Santa Claus finally lost his shit.

  As I laughed, I grabbed the barrel sticking through the hole and jerked. I didn’t even register the heat. The goon tried to let go as I pulled him flush against the gate, but he wasn’t fast enough. I struck like a cobra on steroids, and grabbed a hold of his arm. He kept screaming, and I crushed his hand like it was made of Play-Doh; but I wasn’t done yet.

  The hole was only about as wide as his wrist, but that was enough. I started to pull the rest of him through the small opening. Inch by inch I pulled his wrist through, then his forearm, then his elbow, and on up to his bicep. He buckled like a bronco as skin peeled back from muscle and bone, but he might as well have been a limp fish.

  “Shut up. I’m working here,” I scoffed by the time I’d pulled him shoulder deep through the gate.

  Blood had sprayed all around me, soaked my bare chest and new shorts scarlet. Now, I had a problem. The hole was just too small to fit everything through. The gate didn’t offer enough counterforce for me to yank the rest of him through the whole, and the thought of that sent a shiver of pleasure down my spine. Instead, I braced my shoulder against the metal; completely ignorant of the rest of the battle raging around me. The poor bastard wasn’t even screaming now. He might even be dead. I didn’t know. I didn’t care. All I knew was that I wanted that arm. I needed it; a trophy of my great conquest. I gave it a harsh tug at a forty-five-degree angle, pulled it taught against the ragged metal, and started making a sawing motion. It took a few times, but it came free.

  There was a wet plop on the other side as the unlucky bastard fell back, minus a limb, and I let loose a roar of victory that shook the warded glass in its frame. My chest was heaving, not from exertion, but from ecstasy. My cock was hard as a fucking rock, and I didn’t care who saw it.

  That’s when I noticed everything was completely silent. People were dead all around me. Ivanna had followed up behind her sister and put a bullet in the skull of the incapacitated goons. Seeing their friends methodically gunned down by two hotties in sports bras, while one of their buddies screamed bloody murder and got pulled inch by inch through the gate was too much for them. Shit, I’d run for the hills too.

  I don’t know what the Tikals were trying to accomplish, but they’d only managed to prove they could get over a rickety gate and die. As far a success went, that wasn’t much; but I wasn’t thinking about the tactical implications of the pressure the enemy applied against us.

  This new thing inside me only had eyes for the two imps. Both were breathing heavily, and it had nothing to do with the fight. They’d barely broken a sweat.

  “You’re so fucking hot right now,” Ariana’s tits looked like they were about to pop out of her top, and it was a glorious sight.

  “Please tell me we can fuck him. I need that cock,” Ivanna already had her hand down her shorts and was getting a head start.

  Both women started to advance on me. From one step to the next, they went from perfect ten models walking a runway to lionesses on the hunt; and I was their prey. Any guy with half a brain would see the hungry look in their eyes and run for it. It was bad news for anyone with a mortal constitution.

  “Fuck that shit.” With the power flooding
through me, I felt like a god.

  I met each of their eyes and stared them down. They were the first to look away in submission, and it sent a bolt of pleasure through them. They groaned as they reached me, and ran their hands through my blood-soaked chest hair. Ivanna grabbed the back of my neck to bring my lips down to hers, while Ariana pulled at the waistline of my shorts until my cock slipped free.

  Ivanna lips tasted of salt and taffy. She moaned even deeper as our tongues tangoed, and I pulled her possessively against me. She fit into my side like she belonged there. My hand drifted to her lower back and slipped under her yoga pants to give her ass a firm squeeze; an ass I’d been fantasizing about for what felt like forever.

  “Don’t forget about me,” Ariana’s voice was sex soaked in more sex, as she ran her tongue along the length of my cock.

  Now it was my turn to moan into Ivanna’s mouth. I felt the smile on the blonde imp’s lips as she pulled back with my lower lip between her teeth. She tugged it a good inch away from my face before letting go, and then slipped down to her knees. My eyes followed her down to the sight of two, gorgeous, supernatural women double-teaming my dick.

  I leaned back against a bullet-ridden car, and my mind went blank. Both women simultaneously planted a hand on my thighs to pin me in place as they did what they were made to do. They must have done this before. There was no way the jerking, twisting, sucking, blowing, tip work, ball fondling, and the small miracles they were doing with their tongues wasn’t precoordinated. It was a fantasy come true, and best of all, after what felt like an hour of fellatio-induced bliss, I was nowhere near cumming. With the power coursing through me, I felt like I could go all night long. Urban Dictionary should have a picture of me getting head from these imps next to ‘perfect’, just so everyone knew the true meaning of the word.


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