Into the Lyons Den

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Into the Lyons Den Page 21

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “And then what? We put Nik in the same room as Colin? He doesn’t have a roommate right now. He’s going to know we’re interfering.” Mark sighed in frustration. Even though Colin was adopted, he took after Paul so much, you’d think they were related by blood. Discovering that Carmine was Colin’s biological father changed nothing. Colin was their son.

  Stefan laughed. “Well, I’ll have to explain it to Colin, now won’t I?”

  “I’m glad you’re doing it,” Mark cracked up.

  “Colin still carries his gun, right?” Stefan asked.

  “Yes, he’s a Greystone. He has to. It’s in his room, though, locked up.”

  “I’ll make sure he’s aware of the danger coming his way. In the meantime, I’ll get a hold of Nikolai. I think he’s in Turkey right now with Hayden and Ross.”

  “So soon? I thought he got shot on the last mission?”

  Stefan chuckled on his end. “Since when does that slow Nikolai down? Besides, it was a nine millimeter.”

  Mark snickered. “They never learn, do they?”

  “Nope,” Stefan laughed. “I’ll give you a heads up as soon as I hear from him, but you and I both know Nikolai will jump on this.”

  “Yes, if there is one thing I know about Nikolai Markov,” Mark looked at his husband. “He would give his life for Colin.”


  Nikolai ducked out of the way of another hit and grinned. He, Hayden and Ross were dealing with rogue wolves again. They’d come upon this nest on a tip from Roy, the rogue who still helped out now and then because he wanted to keep his head. Nikolai couldn’t blame him. When Wayne Maccon got angry, people scattered. Nikolai rolled over Hayden’s back and sliced through another rogue. The caves in Turkey were well protected, and it had been a bitch to infiltrate. They’d come in under the cover of darkness and ran into rogue guards almost immediately. If Nik thought he was tall, Hayden Cox made him feel short. The guy was huge, as was Ross Collins. The last head rolled across the dirt floor and Nikolai wiped his forehead. Ross swung his swords in front of him.

  “Is it just me, or are they getting slower?” Nikolai grinned, flipping his swords and putting them back in their sheaths.

  “Well, that was fun.” Ross blew out a sigh.

  Hayden pulled out the explosives from his pack. “Well, let’s set the charges. Drinks on me.”

  The three of them sat on top of a military Hummer, sipping beers as the explosives tore through a chunk of mountain. They were a good five miles away and could still hear debris falling.

  “C4?” Nikolai raised a brow.

  “Yup,” Hayden nodded. “We special ops guys do love our explosives.”

  Ross cracked up. “Yes, we do.”

  Nikolai took a long draw of his beer and glanced at Hayden. “How are you? I mean, really?”

  Hayden sighed and ran his hands over his face. “I’m doing okay, I guess. Jude still won’t talk to me.”

  “Well, at least you get to see him.” Ross clapped Hayden on the back.

  Nikolai sat back regarding Hayden. He’d heard the story from Chance. Hayden and Jude had gone to school together. Hayden had had a crush on Jude from the moment he laid eyes on him, but instead of coming clean to Jude, he bullied him because he was confused by his feelings. Jude still wouldn’t speak to Hayden and Hayden was slowly going crazy. Hayden hadn’t been a werewolf back then; he’d been human until rogues had attacked his family. In an attempt to save his son, Hayden’s father had bitten him, changing him into a werewolf.

  “Dude,” Nikolai reclined back on the Hummer. “Just grab him and kiss him.”

  Hayden sighed with a smile. “I tried that. Look where it got me.”

  “Chicken shit,” Nikolai sighed.

  Hayden turned to look at Nikolai with raised brows. “Oh, really? Why aren’t you with Colin?”

  Nikolai cursed under his breath. “See? This is why I never tell anyone shit.”

  Ross laughed. “Uh huh - answer the question, Markov.”

  Nikolai’s cell phone rang, rescuing him. He smirked at Hayden and Ross. “Saved by the bell.” Nikolai hit ‘talk’. “Markov.”

  “Nikolai, it’s Stefan.”

  “What’s up?”

  “We have a problem. Carmine Rizzo is Colin’s biological father and he knows that now. We lost him in Rome and we think he will make a play for Colin. He knows he can get whatever he wants if he gets his hands on Paul and Mark’s son.”

  Nikolai felt his blood boiling. Son of a bitch Carmine Rizzo was Colin’s father? Nikolai took a deep breath.

  “What do you need from me?”

  “So you’re onboard?”

  “Did you really just ask me that question with a straight face?”

  Stefan chuckled. “No, not really. I was smirking.”

  “So what’s the plan?”

  “I need you on a plane to Washington. You’re going to college.”

  “I’m on it.” Nikolai put his phone back in his pocket and chugged his beer. “Well, I’m off to Washington. I get to go to college.”

  “Yay?” Ross and Hayden both clapped softly.

  “Carmine Rizzo is Colin’s biological father. He just found out and we’re afraid he’ll go after Colin.”

  Hayden let out a low whistle. “Ouch. That guy is a complete and utter fuckwad.”

  Well, he’s about to get Markov’d,” Nikolai grinned.

  Ross shivered. “Dude, I’m a werewolf and Delta Force, but sometimes? You scare the shit out of me.”

  Nikolai winked.


  Colin sighed and read the exact same sentence he’d just read fifty times. It was no use, he couldn’t concentrate. The whole experience at Camp Pride had bothered him and he hadn’t heard from Nikolai. Like, at all. Sebastian had told him that Nikolai had recovered from the injuries he got when he saved Colin during an earthquake, but he didn’t know anything else. Colin sighed and banged his head on his desk. The worst part was that his feelings for Nikolai had only gotten stronger, and knowing that Nik had slept with, well…, everyone, hurt him more than he could possibly say.

  When they’d come back from camp he’d gone home for a few weeks. Talking to Phoebe and Conner about Nikolai had helped. His sister understood, but then again she always had. Conner had been supportive as well. They’d both told him to confront Nikolai about their relationship. Colin threw his pencil on his book and stood up from his desk. He crossed the room to the window and looked out into the dorm parking lot. How could he possibly tell Nikolai what they shared? He didn’t even have the vocabulary to put it into words.

  Nikolai had been his, from the minute he’d held him as a baby. What had happened to his ‘Tigger’? It didn’t bother him that Nikolai was a cold blooded killer. Hell, his whole family and all his friends were, including himself, when they needed to be. It was the fact that Nikolai was sleeping with pretty much anyone and everyone. Colin sighed and leaned his forehead against the window. He hadn’t even had sex yet. He’d been kissed plenty of times but they weren’t Earth shattering. Colin looked at the time and sighed. He had to get down to the football field. He passed by his phone and looked at the blinking red light. He had three voicemails. Colin picked up the phone, and then set it back down. He wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone, hadn’t been for almost a week.

  Twenty minutes later he stood on the football field, stretching his calves with Brock Holloway’s ass in his face. Great. Another guy who had been fucked by his Nikolai. Sebastian shot him a look and tilted his head. Colin waved him off and bent over to touch his toes.

  “It is entirely too quiet out here.” Wyatt broke the silence and they moved on to another exercise.

  “Says who?” Jordy cracked up. “I like the silence.”

  “Hot damn, check out the new freshman,” Brock whistled.

  “Another year of unsuspecting conquests, Brock?” Colin drawled.

  Brock turned around and eyed Colin. He crept across the grass on his hands and knees until he was o
ver Colin, looking down into his face.

  “You know I still want you, baby,” Brock grinned, sliding his knee between Colin’s thighs.

  “So not a good idea.” Sebastian cocked an eyebrow.

  “Do you remember my last name?” Colin lifted his kneecap and connected it with Brock’s balls. “It’s Greystone.” Colin laughed as Brock fell over on his side cradling his nuts.

  “Oh, for the love of God!” Brock howled.

  Colin crawled over Brock and straddled him. “When are you going to get it through your sex-filled brain? I’m not going to sleep with you.”

  Brock pulled Colin down by his uniform. “I’m still going to try.”

  “Hey,” Sebastian stood up and stretched his arms out. “We going to the club tonight?”

  “Yeah, I guess.” Colin got up and elbowed Wyatt. “You bringing your man?”

  “Of course! I love watching him dance.” Wyatt waggled his eyebrows.

  “Damn, I just love that one fireman - what’s his name again?” Brock furrowed his brows.

  “Which one?” Sebastian raised a brow.

  “The dark-haired one with those clear blue eyes.” Brock shivered. “I’d love a piece of that.”

  Sebastian laughed. “Cole? Oh, he’d tear you in half!” Sebastian had to laugh at the dreamy look on Brock’s face. “Dude, seriously.”

  “Can we just practice?” Jordy sighed. “All this gayness is making me horny.”

  Travis cracked up. “Said the straight guy.”

  “I’m straight, I’m just open-minded.” Jordy smacked Travis’ ass.

  “See? That was gay.” Travis pushed his ass out. “Do it again.”

  “Oh for fuck’s sake,” Wyatt exhaled.

  Colin put his hand on Wyatt’s shoulder. “They’re just jealous that they’re straight. We can’t all be perfect.”

  “Heads up!” Sebastian twirled the football in his hands. “Let’s go.”

  Colin looked up at the sky. It was going to rain today. Great.


  Nikolai pulled into the parking lot of University of Washington by ten in the morning. He parked his hog in a nice spot far, far away from the rest of the cars. He loved his Harley and didn’t want one scratch on the paint job he’d just paid a pretty penny for. He made his way into the main building and found the dean’s office pretty quickly. Most of the people who saw him in the hall crossed to the other side. He was used to it. Besides, Nikolai was sure he looked the part of killer biker. He was wearing his leather jacket and pants with biker boots. The dean’s outer office had a frosted glass door and the name Mrs. Forbes etched in black. Nikolai walked in and the secretary’s head popped up from behind the desk. Her eyes went wide at seeing him. Nikolai looked at the name plate on the desk.

  “Mrs. Forbes?”


  Nikolai gave her his best seductive smile. It worked like a charm. Her face went pink and she licked her lips nervously. Lord, he’d seen that look in hundreds of faces.

  “I’m Nikolai Markov. I have an appointment with the dean?”

  “Oh yes, sure.”

  Nikolai covered his mouth as Mrs. Forbes almost tripped over herself trying to get out from behind the desk. She came around and walked to a filing cabinet. He stood and watched her as she looked over her shoulder at him more than once while rifling through the cabinet.

  “Here you are.”

  Nikolai extended his hand waiting for the folder. He swore a dab of drool dropped from Mrs. Forbes’ bottom lip. Nikolai coughed quietly. That seemed to wake her up. She handed him the file then walked back around to her desk, lifting the phone.

  “Thank you.”

  “Dean Smith? Mr. Markov is here,” she said with a smile.

  Nikolai winked.

  “He says go right on in.”

  “Thank you very much.” Nikolai gave her a smile and walked through the dean’s door. The baseball that he, Sebastian and Wyatt had stolen as a prank sat on the desk in a clear glass box. What a stupid prank that had been. Wyatt had paid for it, even though it had been Bastian’s dumb idea. Nikolai stood at the front of the desk and Dean Smith rose, extending his hand.

  “Well, well.” Dean Smith shook Nikolai’s hand. “Nikolai Markov has chosen the University of Washington. I have to say I’m surprised.”

  “Oh? Why is that?” Nikolai sat down in the chair Dean Smith motioned to.

  “Well, I’ve seen your scores. You are extremely smart, Mr. Markov. You could go to any school you wanted.”

  “I like Seattle, it’s gay friendly.” Nikolai sat back in the chair.

  “I see. Well, I had Mrs. Forbes get you all set up. Everything you need is in that folder.”

  “I’m in McCarty hall, right?”

  Dean Smith clasped his hands and leaned over the desk. “Yes, you are roommates with Colin Greystone.” Dean Smith smiled at Nikolai’s surprised look. “Don’t look so surprised. When Stefan Youngblood calls, I listen.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I know everything. The Youngbloods give this university tons of money. I only ask that you try to keep the blood to a minimum and don’t blow the dorm up.”

  Nikolai grinned.

  “Can’t promise.” He sobered. “I’ll try to keep the kill count to a minimum, but if these guys get too bold, I’ll take Colin out of here.”

  “Colin’s a good kid, a smart kid.” Dean Smith stood up and extended his hand again. “He must be in a lot of danger if they sent you to watch over him.”

  “You have no idea,” Nikolai sighed.


  Colin rinsed the shampoo from his hair. His body was sore as all hell, but it felt good, too. He hadn’t had time to go the gym lately and he really needed to. Colin tilted his head and listened; someone was banging on his door. Colin stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist.

  “I’m coming!” Colin grabbed another towel and wiped his face and hands off. As soon as he turned the handle a body flew into the room and Colin was immediately in defense mode. He was startled to see his lab partner out of breath and sweating. “What the hell, Drew? You scared the shit out of me!”

  “I was in the registrar’s office and I saw this guy! Oh holy hell and shit! He had to have been at least six foot three and packed! That basket was scrumptious!”

  Colin cracked up.

  “I’m serious! Dark hair and eyes to match and he wore leather pants.” Drew grabbed Colin’s chair and took a deep breath. “He was every fantasy I’ve ever had!”

  “Did this fantasy have a name?” Colin grabbed his boxers and put them on under his towel.

  “I didn’t get that far. I think I almost passed out! Every single female eye was on him; even the straight guys stopped and drooled! I’ve never seen anyone that fucking sexy!”

  Colin smiled and crossed the room to his dresser. The door to his room opened again and he turned. All ability to speak left him.

  “Well hello roo—” Nikolai stopped mid-sentence. Colin was half naked and another guy was in his room. The anger rose so fast Nikolai didn’t have a chance to stop it. He let out a menacing growl and lunged at the guy. He found Colin in his way.

  “Nik!” Colin shouted.

  “What the fuck?” Nikolai snapped. “Who the fuck is this guy?”

  “That’s him!” Drew shouted. “Holy hell! You know him?”

  Colin stood with his hand on Nikolai’s chest. “Back off, Nikolai.”

  “Who. Is. He?” Nikolai growled in the other guy’s face.

  Drew shivered. “Oh hell. That is so fucking hot.”

  Colin sighed, pushing Nikolai away from Drew. “Drew Treadman, meet Nikolai Markov. Nikolai, this is my lab partner, Drew.”

  “Why is he in here while you’re naked?” Nikolai narrowed his eyes at Drew. “Are you fucking my boyfriend?”

  “I am not your boyfriend!” Colin shouted. “What are you doing here?”

  “Markov?” Drew cocked an eyebrow. “As in Vince Markov? Th
at Nikolai?”

  “Yes, that one,” Colin sighed. “Can I see you later, Drew? I have to have a talk with Nik.”

  “Uh huh, sure, talk.” Drew winked. “Got ya.”

  Colin closed the door behind Drew and banged his head on it. Taking a deep breath, he turned to find Nikolai right in his face.

  “Could you please back up?”

  “Are you fucking him?” Nikolai leaned in. “Are you?”

  “That’s none of your business. Now what are you doing here?”

  Nikolai clasped his hands trying to control his anger. “I’m your roommate.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You’re in danger, Colin.”

  “When am I not? I’m a Greystone.”

  “This is different. Didn’t Stefan call you?”

  “I haven’t been taking calls.” Colin walked back over to his dresser and pulled some jeans out.

  “Carmine Rizzo is your father, Colin. He’s going to come for you eventually.”

  Colin turned slowly. “What did you just say?”

  Nikolai walked to the phone and pushed the blinking light. Stefan’s voice floated into the room.

  “Colin, look, I need you to call me as soon as you can, all right? It’s important.”

  The phone beeped and another message floated over, than another.

  “Colin, look this can’t wait. Carmine Rizzo is your biological father. He’s going to come for you. Don’t get angry, but your fathers and I agree that you need a little more protection. We’re sending Nikolai to watch out for you.”

  Nikolai hit the button again, silencing the answering machine. Colin sat down on the end of his bed and stared at the wall.

  “Carmine Rizzo,” Colin whispered.

  Nikolai knelt in front of Colin and took his hands. “Just because he’s your biological father doesn’t make him your dad. Mark and Paul are your fathers. You were raised by them, not that piece of shit.”

  Colin nodded absentmindedly. “I’m a Greystone.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  Colin blinked and realized Nikolai was holding his hands. He yanked them back and stood up.


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