Dearest Biker MC The Complete Series Box Set

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Dearest Biker MC The Complete Series Box Set Page 5

by Blair Grey

  My buddy Aaron says we’re Romeo and Juliet. Catchy, though I can’t say I’m thrilled with how we have to do things.

  My heart raced, and it was with shaky hands I wrote my reply.

  What the hell? I thought we were going to keep this as secret as possible. How the fuck does your buddy know?

  I hit send and laid my phone down on the bed beside me, trying to clear my mind. It was confusing, to say the least. The day I’d given him my number, I made him promise we were going to keep this a secret. I didn’t want to get in trouble with my father, and I really didn’t want the two clubs to go to war.

  It was a very real possibility, and Zach promised he didn’t want any of that any more than I did. He was going to keep things under wraps, that was for sure. It wasn’t long before he answered, and I grabbed my phone, eager to see what his excuse might be.

  Aaron was there at the bar that night. He knew already.

  I sighed. I hadn’t expected that. But, it did make sense. Hell, that was the only reason Lynne knew about us. She had been the one to set us up. Well, practically anyway.

  Lynne knows, too. I couldn’t keep it a secret from her since you’re going to be around here. I didn’t want her to get too suspicious or anything. She’s not in the MC, but she’s fiercely protective

  I hit send and got a reply almost immediately.

  Shy and protective. Sounds like the perfect combo.

  I sighed. This was all so confusing, I wasn’t sure how to even begin dealing with it. My emotions were real, that was for sure. But, I was also afraid. Afraid of what my father would do. He was unpredictable and over protective. And to make matters worse, he had eyes everywhere. If he wanted to know something, he could find out.

  But, I did feel better in a way, knowing that it wasn’t just the two of us who knew what we were doing. I felt less like it was one sided knowing that someone else on his side knew about us, and it helped that he didn’t care. Maybe there was a chance the whole MC could come to accept this.

  Not likely, but a chance.

  I dragged myself out of bed and headed to work, dreading the dinner I’d agreed to have with my father that evening. Ever since I told him I’d be over, he pressed me to pick a day and a time. He knew if he didn’t stay on top of me, I would likely push it off as long as possible, but I felt I had good reason for it.

  I texted Zach off and on throughout the day. Working at a diner made it possible for him to keep in touch. I, on the other hand, worked for a florist. It was artistic, time-consuming work, but it did allow me to keep my phone on me.

  My boss didn’t care as long as I kept up with the orders, and since I often had photos on my phone for inspiration for the bouquets I created, I was on my phone much of the time anyway. But, when the time came for dinner at my father’s house, I shut off my phone in the driveway.

  The last thing I needed was for him to start harassing me over who I was texting throughout the evening. God only knew how possessive he was when it came to me possibly having a man in my life.

  After taking a few deep breaths, I headed inside. My father was a decent cook, and he had made lasagna. He knew it was one of my favorites, and I tried to appreciate the gesture, despite the fact I had a feeling it was leading to a discussion I didn’t want to have. That was just the sort of thing my father liked to do.

  He’d butter me up with something that I liked so he could talk about something I didn’t. And as we sat down with the garlic bread steaming on the table in front of us, I soon found out I was right. We had scarcely talked about what we were both doing in our lives before he brought up the MC.

  I had no choice but to join in the conversation. Though I wanted nothing to do with the logistics, I knew the fastest way to piss him off was to act like I didn’t care about the club.

  “We’re going to have a meeting with Carl Painter tomorrow,” he announced. I nearly dropped my fork as a lump formed in my throat. I fought back coughing as I slightly inhaled some of the lasagna, and my father gave me a sharp look. “Is there a problem with that?”

  “Are you sure? I don’t see any need for us to be involved with the Painters. Has Vance gone and done something to piss them off again?” I asked. I was desperate, and throwing my brother under the bus seemed like the best way to get suspicion off me.

  Hell, if there was anyone in our MC who liked to stir the pot with our rivals, it was my brother. And, considering the fact my father clearly hadn’t invited him to dinner, I was wondering if he was pissed off with Vance over something.

  “No. At least, not that I know of. Carl wants to talk about the new division of the territory,” he said.

  “New division? I didn’t know there was a new division,” I commented. “I thought that that took a lot of compromise and negotiations before lines were drawn.”

  “In a way, but this idea was one that we both agree with, and since it’s mutually beneficial, we’re going to stick with it. But, we need to talk about it and get certain rules laid out before we can proceed,” he said.

  “Oh?” I asked. “Where are these new lines?”

  “That’s what we’re going to talk about. He’s got a proposal, and I have one of my own. I’m not going to go in there and fight with him about it, but I am going to make sure that we get our cut of the pie,” my father said. He shoved a bite of the lasagna in his mouth before pointing his fork at me. “I want you to go.”

  My heart once again skipped a beat. I didn’t want to see Carl. Not knowing that I was sleeping with his son and hiding it. Having the two of them together in one place would be bad enough, having to be there to watch would be quite another situation.

  “Do I have to?” I asked. “I don’t have a lot to do with any of this stuff.”

  “Yes, you do. From what I understand, the new lines are going to be drawn where you’re living, and if that’s the case, I want to make sure you’re safe,” he said. “I’m not going to let the bastard draw a line that puts you in his control.”

  “Okay,” I said reluctantly. I didn’t like the sound of that, either. It was going to be hard enough seeing Zach as it was, I didn’t want things to be complicated further by being on their turf. For all I knew, if it came to that, my father would have patrols by my apartment to make sure he was leaving me alone.

  We finished our dinner, and I got out of the house as soon as possible. I tried to keep things lighthearted and pleasant, and I got the impression my father was happy with me by the time I left.

  “You’ll be there tomorrow?” he confirmed.

  “Yes,” I said. “Where are we meeting?”

  “I need to talk to him about that, but I think we’re going to be at the bowling alley off Main,” my father replied. “We’re going to keep it light and brief.”

  “Okay,” I said again. I gave him a hug and got in the car, but my mind was so distracted, I didn’t remember driving myself home.

  When I got back inside my apartment, I locked the door and sighed, turning on my phone. I was glad to see there weren’t any missed calls from Zach. I didn’t tell him I was having dinner with my father or that I was turning off my phone as I did. I didn’t want to talk about it.

  But, now that I was home, I called. I had to talk to him about the meeting. It seemed like something pretty big to not mention to me, especially if the two of our fathers were going to be together. Then again, I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.

  Maybe he didn’t know.

  Zach answered on the first ring. “Hello?”

  “Did you know we’re having a meeting tomorrow?” I asked.

  “I heard,” he said.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked, trying not to sound snarky.

  “I just found out about it last night,” he said. “My father called a meeting and announced that there was going to be a second meeting between him and Marcus. Something about the new territory lines or something.”

  “That’s what my father was saying, too,” I confirmed. “He said that
he wants me there.”

  “Are you going?” Zach asked.

  “Yes. I want to hear what they have to say,” I said nervously. “But it’s not going to be easy.”

  “I’m going, too,” he said. I felt better, but there was also a thrill that left me reeling. How could I be so close to him and not be allowed to act like there was anything between us? It was hard hiding things from my father, that was for damn sure. But, a lot depended on me being able to keep us a secret.

  “I’m glad you’re going to be there,” I said at last. “It won’t be as scary if you are.”

  “It’s going to be hard seeing you and not being able to touch you,” he replied. “You know what torture that’s going to be?”

  I laughed. It was nice to make light of it, as much as we could, at least. “I was thinking the same thing,” I said. “But I think we can behave.”

  “I’ll behave, but I’m not going to want to,” he shot back.

  “Me neither,” I agreed before we wrapped up the conversation. There was plenty of flirting between us before we finally hung up the phone, and I couldn’t help but shake my head and smile at the thought of him wanting me.

  He’d be right there, so close, right in front of me. I’d be able to reach out and touch him if I wanted to, and I already knew I’d want to more than anything. Hell, I’d want to do a lot more than touch him, but my father – and his – would also be standing right there, watching our every move.

  Damn, it was going to be hard.



  I dragged the comb through my hair and checked myself in the mirror once more before heading down to my bike. I was going to the meeting my father had arranged with Marcus, but I wanted to look good for Vanessa. Knowing she was going to be there made it a lot easier for me to go, though I still didn’t want to.

  I’d been busy with therapy and work. My physical therapy and mental health were back to back. The physical was making remarkable progress for me. It was almost impossible to tell that I’d had a stroke just over a year ago. The mental health, however, not so much.

  I was working my way through my issues, but it was still a struggle many days. Vanessa certainly helped, but she wasn’t the solution to all my problems. Now, it was time to get to the stupid meeting, so I had a hope of getting Vanessa to myself afterward.

  My father wanted the meeting to be small. He didn’t even want Aaron to go, choosing to take Spencer with us instead. Spencer, another member of our club, was a bit older than Aaron and myself. He was in his mid-thirties, a former SEAL, and the kind of guy who didn’t see humor in anything.

  I didn’t care for him, and my father knew it. But, it wasn’t my say. My father liked the man, so Spencer got to join a lot of the meetings I felt were none of his business. It was one of the things that would change if I ever had to take on the role of leader in the MC.

  I got on my bike and headed to the truck stop where we’d agreed to meet. We were heading down two towns south. The same town I’d met Vanessa in the first place. I was a little apprehensive about it, and I wished that we’d be a little closer to home.

  But then, with Vanessa there, I didn’t think that her father would be on the fight. Then again, he might be more agitated than normal. It was so hard to tell when it came to Marcus Carlisle.

  There was a part of me that really looked forward to the night. I was hoping for the chance to spirit Vanessa away at some point, getting her to myself again. If we were going to be in that town, then we’d be close to her apartment. Really close. Of course, my father would likely wonder why I didn’t want to hang around after the meeting, but I knew I could talk my way out of it.

  I joined him and Spencer, and the three of us drove the two hours to the next town. I was glad we showed up on our bikes instead of sitting in a single car. It would make it easier for me to get lost and do my own thing after the meeting.

  We pulled into a parking lot of a bowling alley, and across the way, two bikes were already propped up. I recognized the car parked next to them as Vanessa’s and her roommate’s. That meant she had insisted on driving herself – she would be able to get away from the meeting fast, too.

  “Let’s get this over with,” Spencer muttered as we climbed off the bikes and made our way into the club. Marcus, Vanessa, and an Asian man with bright green hair were already seated at a booth inside. They were sitting three across, but the booth was large enough there was plenty of room to fit the six of us. A pitcher of beer sat in the middle of the table, and there were three glasses stacked on either side of it.

  “Good, you made it. How was the ride?” Marcus asked pleasantly as he and my father shook hands.

  “Good, always is coming down from Santa Rosa,” my father replied. “I trust your drive up here was equally as nice?”

  “It was,” Marcus replied. “I like a good evening drive on the old Harley.”

  “Don’t we all,” my father said with a grin. “This is my son, Zach, I’m sure the two of you have met before; and this here is Spencer, one of my right hands.”

  “This is my daughter, Vanessa. Her brother, Vance, was unable to make it to the meeting, but he’s got his reasons and I’ve happily excused him. And this is Yale, I guess you could call him one of my right hands,” Marcus said. I was surprised with how pleasant the man was being toward my father. I knew there wasn’t nearly that level of pleasantries between them, but he was clearly trying.

  Perhaps this was going to be a beneficial meeting, after all. I hardly dare let myself think that it could mean there could be something real between me and his daughter. No, even the slightest mention of that and I was sure any form of friendliness would go out the window.

  Part of me didn’t blame him, but there was another part of me that was frustrated with the fact the two of us had to keep our desires swept under the rug. It wasn’t fair, that was for damn sure.

  But, what could we do about it? My father sure as hell wouldn’t bend when it came to something like this. I didn’t even have to question whether that was true. As for Marcus? I was pretty sure I could already hear how pissed he’d be.

  Still, I shook his hand and gave a nod to Yale, then I sat down and tried not to stare at Vanessa.

  My father distributed the glasses to everyone, pouring the beer into each one, generously filling them before beckoning the server to bring us another. At least he was in a good enough mood to feel generous toward the rivals. For the moment, anyway. I just hoped to God things would stay pleasant.

  “Let’s talk turkey,” my father said as he clapped his hands together. He rubbed them back and forth in a greedy manner, and I resigned myself to the fact this was going to take a while. Negotiations about border lines never went quickly, even if there was a plan in place when they came together for the meeting.

  I knew my father wouldn’t want to give up any of his turf, and I had a feeling Marcus would be on the same page. The only benefit was that I could keep an eye on Vanessa all evening.

  “I would love to hear what you propose,” Marcus said. “I hear that you want to shift the lines in this town, am I right?”

  “Yes,” my father replied. “I propose instead of us fighting over who gets control of the town that we both know is rather neutral, we both take control.”

  “I’m listening,” Marcus said.

  I was, too, but only partially. I was surprised to hear that my father wanted to cut the town in half. There were five towns we were talking about between the two MCs, and this was the one in the middle. There were times when it was under the control of The Enemies, then there were times when it was under my father’s control.

  To hear that he was willing to split the difference definitely caught my attention, but it was hard to really listen to what he had to say with Vanessa sitting right there.

  “I’ll take the northern border, you take the southern. The space in the middle, say from tenth up to second, those will be neutral grounds,” he said. “No more fighting over who is in
control of the place, no more prowling the streets and wondering who is going to come out on top.”

  I glanced toward him in surprise. That was a real shock to me. It pissed me off to know that meant the club I’d met Vanessa in was now under their rule. That is, if Marcus went for the proposal. Then again, as far as the plan was concerned, it kept Vanessa’s apartment in neutral ground.

  Marcus leaned forward, placing his hand under his chin and clearly thinking. This had to be as big of a shock to him as it was to any of us. Hell, none of us had seen this coming. At least, I hadn’t. It wouldn’t have surprised me if he had told Spencer his plan.

  “I like it,” Marcus said at last. Vanessa glanced over toward her father. I watched her intently, but she said nothing. I was trying to decide if she wanted to talk and couldn’t find the words, or if she was also happy with the arrangement. I wasn’t thrilled with it myself, but I was willing to go along with it for the sake of getting out of there.

  Even if this meant that I was going to have to go further out of our territory to get to see her, I would do it. Anything to get her naked and under me again would be worth it.

  “The lines are going to be pretty jagged if you do it that way,” Yale said. “I’m not sure this is going to benefit us so much as you.”

  My father snorted, but before he had the chance to say anything, Spencer spoke up. “I’m not sure you were the one we were proposing this plan to, so if you could fuck off, that would be great.”

  “Excuse me, I’m here to offer advice and make sure you aren’t taking advantage of us!” Yale shot back.

  “Do you want to make something of it?” Spencer asked as he started to rise from his seat. It was clear tension was growing, and I felt a knot forming in the pit of my stomach. This was the one thing that I didn’t want to happen, but I had a feeling it would with the two men in the same room. I had to admit, with Spencer involved, it didn’t surprise me.

  “Now, now, Spencer, let’s calm down. There’s no need to be rude to our guests,” my father said, much to my surprise. “Marcus, how do you feel about the lines?”


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