Dearest Biker MC The Complete Series Box Set

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Dearest Biker MC The Complete Series Box Set Page 14

by Blair Grey

  Each time we had sex was better than the last, and I could hardly breathe as the waves started to subside. Zach had let out a loud moan of his own as his orgasm washed through him, and he now laid his head on my shoulder as we both tried to catch our breath.

  We were sweaty, but satisfied, and he rolled off the side of me, lying on the bed with a contented sigh. I laid my head on his shoulder, my mind spinning. I still felt on top of the world from the orgasm he’d given me, but there was something else I felt, too.

  The sight of his tattoos brought back the memory of the one: the one over his heart. It blended in with the rest, but it stood out to me. I desperately wanted to know what it meant, and hearing what he had to say to his dad about that other girl only added to my curiosity.

  But, I knew better than to say anything right now. I didn’t want to make things difficult for him, and I really didn’t want to throw any tension between us. We’d been through so much as it was, I didn’t want to add to the stress we both felt.

  If it was important enough for him to tell me, then I trusted that he would. But, until then, I was just going to let it be. We both had our struggles in life, and if that was one that he wanted to leave in the past, then I was willing to just leave it, as well.

  What else could I do?

  As though he could read my mind, Zach suddenly spoke. “Fatima and Yara, I brought them up before.”

  “Yeah,” I said.

  “I was making a point, but I should probably have told you the truth before I brought them up in that way. I’m sorry,” he said.

  “What do you mean?” I asked. “Who were they?”

  “Fatima was a woman I met and fell in love with in Egypt. I knew it was a bad idea from the beginning, and her daughter, Yara, was a little girl I’d only been able to see for a few minutes because I had to break so many rules to get off the base and see her. But it was worth it.”

  I didn’t say anything. I could hear the pain in Zach’s voice, and I didn’t want to make this any harder for him than it clearly already was. He took a deep breath. “I fell in love with Fatima, despite the fact that I knew we never could really be together. I was still in the service, and I was going to be for quite some time. She had just left her husband, and she was working to get her life back together. But, with all the unrest, well…”

  His words hung in the air. Finally, he took a deep breath and continued. “It was a bomb. Out of the blue. We never found out who planted it or what they wanted. In all actuality, it could have been soldiers as much as it could have been a private crime. It happened at the clinic where Fatima worked. Yara was in the nursery downstairs.”

  “Did they…” I asked softly. I wasn’t sure how to get the words out, but I wanted Zach to know that I was there for him through it all.

  “They never found the bodies,” he said. Once again, the words hung in the air. “I don’t know if that made it better or worse, to be perfectly honest.”

  “I don’t know,” I said. “But I’m really sorry that that happened to you. I can’t imagine you having to go through that.”

  “Thanks,” he said. “It really through me through a loop. I ended up having a stroke from all the stress I was feeling, and I got discharged out of the military because of it. They sent me back here where my father basically handed me over the diner.”

  “Was it a family business?” I asked. I hoped to touch on lighter things, and he nodded.

  “It belonged to my grandfather. The man passed and wanted the diner to stay in the business, but my father didn’t want it. However, wanting to keep his dad happy, he gave it to me. Considering the fact that I really had nowhere to go or really any other options, I just took it over and pretty much worked there,” Zach said. “It seemed like the best thing to do.”

  There were tears in his eyes and I now reached up, rubbing them dry. I didn’t want to see him so upset, but I was also happy that he finally told me the truth about what had happened with Fatima and the tattoo.

  He put his arm back around me and held me close, and I lifted myself up slightly, kissing the tattoo before settling back down onto the bed next to him. It made me sad to think that he’d gone through so much, and I was glad that I was now there with him.

  The tattoo really didn’t bother me so much now, knowing that it was for two people who had been very special in his life. But, I hoped that I would be enough for him. I knew he loved me, but I wanted to be everything and more. I wasn’t Fatima, but I loved him fiercely.

  He kissed my forehead, holding me close. “I’m so glad that I have you in my life now.”

  “I am, too,” I said softly. “Really, you have made everything so much better.”

  “You changed my world,” he said. “I love you, Vanessa, and I wouldn’t trade you for anything.”

  I smiled as I laid my head on his shoulder. It felt good to know that he felt that way. I wouldn’t have traded him for anything, either. And, I meant that with all that I had in me.

  Our life together wasn’t going to be easy, I knew that for sure, but that didn’t change the fact that I was willing to go through all of it to be happy. He made me happy, after all, and that was all I cared about now.

  I was in love. Really, truly, in love for the first time in my life.

  I wouldn’t change that for the world.




  I slid the last of the boxes into the back of my truck. It had taken a month to get everything worked out, but moving day had finally arrived. I was thrilled Vanessa was finally going to be officially living with me, though she really hadn’t left since the day she initially moved in.

  She’d spend the night at her old place every now and then, mostly when her rehab sessions were later in the afternoon and she didn’t want to make the drive back to my place that late.

  I understood that, and I didn’t blame her for wanting to stay in town. Shit, it gave her a chance to catch up with Lynne, and I knew she was always grateful for the chance to do that. She didn’t like being away from her best friend, but it was something they were both working around.

  Of course, Lynne was more than welcome to stay with us any time she wanted. I had made that clear to Vanessa more than once. With Lynne’s job, however, she didn’t come often. She had to be back in town early in the morning, and it was hard for her to make the drive up to Santa Rosa as often as we’d been able to come down.

  “There, that’s the last of it. You can keep the rug and the curtains, I don’t need anything else out of there,” Vanessa said to her friend.

  “It’s going to take me some time to get used to you not being here,” Lynne said.

  “Whatever! I’ve not really been here for the past month as it is,” Vanessa said with a laugh. “But I’m going to miss you, too. You really need to come up and see us as much as you can.”

  “Hopefully you’re going to be down here, too,” Lynne said. Vanessa looked sad for a moment, and Lynne got a look of concern on her face. “What is it?”

  “I changed my rehab center today. I don’t want to keep making the drive twice a week for that; but I’ll be back to visit you, I promise,” she said. “Really, I’ll be back.”

  Lynne did look disappointed, but she forced a smile. “I know it’s hard for you right now, but maybe Vance will work on your dad and get things smoothed over between you, you know?”

  Marcus hadn’t spoken to his daughter since the day she had told him off in front of my apartment, and I didn’t want to get involved in any of the drama between them. I knew it had to be hard on Vanessa, just like it had to be tough on Marcus, too. His daughter had chosen a rival member, after all, despite the fact he was right there telling her that she had to go with him.

  I knew as a father, it had to be bigger than just me. He hated me, sure, but with the fact that she struggled with an eating disorder, there was little doubt in my mind that factored into his wanting to be so involved in her life.

  Of course, th
at wasn’t any reason for him to be as controlling with her as he was, and I didn’t blame her for cutting him out, at least for now. I just hoped one day they might be able to work things out between them. There was no reason in my mind why the two MCs couldn’t get along, that was an old tradition that I wanted done away with as soon as possible.

  For my own part, I wasn’t exiled from the Folded Flags like I thought I’d be. It took my father a couple of weeks before he came around again, but with time, he did. He called me one afternoon and told me he missed me back at the diner, and he wanted me back.

  At first, I wasn’t sure if it was some sort of a trick. But, he insisted that the place just wasn’t the same, and he’d put it to a vote with the rest of the group. At least, with those who really had any say in any of the politics of the MC.

  Nathan and Aaron were both adamant that they wanted me back, and Adam was indifferent. Spencer was the only one who really wasn’t happy with the idea, but I didn’t have to deal with him often. He could go fuck himself as far as I was concerned. It was nice knowing that I could go back to work, and I could support Vanessa in anything she needed.

  She was doing better. She had been going to rehab twice a week every week, and as far as I heard from her reports over the meetings, her therapist was thrilled with how things were going for her. She hadn’t starved herself long enough this time around to lose any weight, but now she was eating regularly and looking better than ever.

  There was just something about her appearance that made me happy for her. There was a glow now that wasn’t there before, and I knew it had to come from the fact she was taking care of herself now, and her body was getting all the nutrients it needed.

  She had three more months in rehab, but then she’d be home for good, and we could put all this behind us.

  Slowly but surely, things were coming together. Lynne gave Vanessa and me both a hug before we climbed into my truck. I was more than ready to leave this town behind us, though things weren’t as tense for me as they had been. Hell, we were even planning on having dinner with Vance later that night.

  Vanessa settled into her seat and looked at me with a grin as she buckled up. “Are you ready to get out of here? I know I am.”

  “More than ready,” I said. “Let’s get the hell out of Dodge.”

  “Vance texted me and let me know he’ll be at the diner around six. Is that going to work for you?” she asked.

  “Just fine. I’m free all day,” I said. “Remember? I told you I’d get you moved into the house before I worried about going back to work full time. Not sure why it had to take us this long.”

  “I’m sure it had something to do with the fact neither of us wanted our fantasy to come to an end,” Vanessa said with a grin. “I mean, I know I’ve got to get a job now, but it was nice having you to myself for so long.”

  “I agree with that,” I said. “I wish we could spend another month just the two of us.”

  “Me, too,” she laid her head on my shoulder as we pulled onto the freeway. It was damn nice feeling her against me, and knowing that she never had to leave. We were going home, finally, truly going home. We’d get back to Santa Rosa, and she would unpack into my house. Hell, it was our house now.

  Perhaps things would get better with her father over time. I knew things were going to be fine with my own dad. He might even come to accept her as one of the family. Not a Folded Flag – I knew she didn’t want to become a member though she had practically left The Enemies.

  But maybe as a daughter. I had grown up an only child, and I knew that he had wanted a daughter before. But it hadn’t worked out for him, and through the years it had been just the two of us. Now, there was a young woman in the picture – a young woman who could one day be the mother of his grandchildren.

  Vanessa intertwined her fingers in mine, giving me a warm smile as she did so. She wasn’t worried about the future, she was just happy that we were together at last. It had been a long batter, but we were together. Nothing was going to change that.

  Our families could accept it, and I had a feeling with time, they would. Hell, I was going to be seeing her brother later that night, and I wasn’t even worried about it. I had a feeling the day might even come when I liked the guy myself. If he treated Vanessa right, who knew what could happen?

  “You made it! Lynne?” Vanessa stopped short when Vance and her best friend walked through the door. Lynne looked sheepish.

  “I wanted it to be a surprise in case I wasn’t able to make it,” she said. “When Vance asked me if I wanted to have dinner with the two of you, there wasn’t any way I could really say no.”

  “Wait, what?” I looked from one to the other. Vanessa had told me how the two never liked each other, but that wasn’t the impression I was getting.

  “Is there something you need to tell me?” Vanessa asked. “Either one of you?”

  “Well! You two were a lot less likely to work out than we were, and I thought it would be worth the risk. Hell, I’ve never seen anyone as happy as I’ve seen you and Zach, and I wanted that for myself. Lynne’s changed enough over the years, I think I can put up with her ass,” Vance said with a laugh.

  “Are you mad?” Lynne asked Vanessa. “I know I should have told you before, but with everything that was going on, I didn’t want to make more problems.”

  I suddenly realized why Vance had stepped in that day for Vanessa, and I was glad. Perhaps he could be an example to his father in the same way.

  “What about when he goes back to San Francisco?” Vanessa asked.

  “I might go with him, or he might move back here, we haven’t decided yet,” Lynne said. “This is new enough we aren’t sure where we want to go with things; but, are you mad?”

  “No, I’m not mad,” Vanessa laughed. “I’m so happy that you two found happiness, and I wish you all the best, really.”

  “Let’s eat,” I said. “We can talk about all this mushy shit over burgers.”

  I led the way to the table in the corner booth. Meagan had been working later since I’d not worked for a couple of weeks, and she now came and took our orders. Vanessa once more laid her head on my shoulder as we waited for Meagan to return with the drinks, and I was glad for Vance and Lynne, as well.

  This could be just the thing that would finally break down the walls in the MCs. Lynne might not be a member, but she was close to Vanessa – another reason for her father to change his mind about not talking to her.

  Whatever happened, I was happy – happier than I ever thought possible. I had been through so much losing the woman I loved in Egypt then going through a stroke because of the pain, I had thought I was never going to really be happy again.

  But here, surrounded by this unlikely group, I knew I had found my real family. It was still a shock to me that it worked out; I never would have thought it could.

  We’d defied the odds and were now together, and I had no regrets.

  This was Vanessa, after all. What regret could there possibly be?

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  “Come on, man, what’s the difference? It’s a bunch of twenty-somethings getting drunk and having a good time, same as a bar!” Isaac said as he pointed over his shoulder up the street. He and I had ventured out of the safety of our home town and were now sitting at the crossroads of Main Street and some other street leading straight to the college.

  It was rare for me to venture far from home when I was on my bike. Though Santa Rosa was well within our boundaries, it didn’t take long before were on the outskirts and nearing Enemy territory.

  As a member of the Folded Flags, I didn’t care much for any of The Enemies, and I didn’t want to meet any while on our little foray. But, Isaac had a way of persuading me to do what he wanted, and when I was with him, I often ended up in these small towns on the fringes of Enemy turf.

  More often than not, I didn’t keep track
of the names of the towns in which we’d hang out. There were dozens of the specks on the road dotting all of Northern California, some with more significance than others, all with the same significance to me.

  “The difference is a college and a bar,” I argued. “At least at a bar we’ve got the chance of meeting older women.”

  “And, why would you want older pussy more than younger?” He looked at me as though I’d lost my mind.

  “I don’t know, experience?” I retorted in as condescending of a manner as I could muster.

  “Experience doing what? Playing with your dick? Come on, once you put it inside, it doesn’t matter what kind of experience they have. That’s why I love virgins. So tight!” He sat back on his bike with a look of satisfaction, and I shook my head.

  “And, you think college is a good place to find yourself a virgin? You know any party we go to isn’t the kind of place the girls who are still virgins are going to want to hang out,” I scoffed.

  “You say that, but you’d be surprised. I’ve gotten a number of so-called bad girls in bed only to find out they didn’t know what they were doing, and damn, was I ever happy to show them the ropes!” He revved his engine as I shook my head once more. It was a sleepy town, and we were still sitting at the stop sign. No cars coming behind us didn’t pressure us to make a decision, though Isaac was putting plenty of pressure on me.

  “And, a party is cheaper than a bar anyway. You’re going to need money where you’re going, so why not make your last few days here as cheap as possible?” Isaac leaned over and jabbed his elbow into my ribs, and I couldn’t argue.

  I was going places. I was on my last few days of furlough in the States, and I’d be heading back into SEAL training. I didn’t know if they’d keep me domestic or if I was going to be put on a ship and sent out, but either way, Northern California was only going to be home for a short while longer.


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