Dearest Biker MC The Complete Series Box Set

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Dearest Biker MC The Complete Series Box Set Page 28

by Blair Grey

  Nathan held me for a moment before rolling on the bed beside me, gasping as his cock grew soft between his legs. “You’re incredible.”

  “No, that’s you,” I said. “But what are we going to do now?”

  “What do you mean what are we going to do now? We’re going to enjoy each other for a few minutes, then we’re going to go out and eat that delicious lunch you were making before I got horny enough to take you in here,” Nathan said with a grin.

  “No, silly. I mean what are we going to do with our lives? This seems to me like we’re getting pretty darn official, but I’ve still got a lot of things in my other apartment, and I’ve still got my job. I don’t want to keep going back and forth, and I don’t see the point of us paying two rents, you know?”

  “I’ve been thinking about the same thing,” Nathan admitted. “I think it’s silly for you to be driving back and forth all the time, plus there’s the rent thing. Imagine what we’d be able to do if we were to combine our income and you didn’t have to drive for two hours one way to get to work. On top of that, saving the rent that you aren’t going to be paying, I think we could be doing pretty good.”

  “But that’s only half of things. I want to be more official with everything. We’re a family, but I want to be an actual couple, you know? I don’t want to just be your girlfriend living with you, I want to be so much more than that, I want to be your wife,” I admitted. “I know it sounds like a lot, but I want more than that with you. I want you to be my husband, not just my boyfriend.”

  “You know what?” Nathan said.


  “I’ve been thinking the same thing for a while. I don’t want you to just be my girlfriend, either. I want you to be my wife. You’re already the mother of my child, and I love you more than anything. You and Allegra are my world, and I want to make sure you are in my life forever. I love you, Jenna,” he said.

  I rolled over, laying my head on his chest. It was exactly what I wanted to hear, and I was so happy, I could have burst into tears. Nothing else mattered now. We were together, and I knew he felt the same way about things that I did.

  “I love you, too,” I said. “With all my heart, I love you.”



  “Khloe is going to take her for the morning and drop her off this afternoon. She should be able to meet you in time, you can just text her when you get back from town,” Jenna said as she put her earrings on. She looked nice. She took the day off from job hunting to go talk to the lawyers with me, and then she was going to head over to talk to Marcus.

  She quit her job shortly after I told her I was ready to head back to work. The doctor didn’t think I was going to be ready for another week at least, but I insisted I was fine. I still didn’t have my new prosthetic, but that was in the works.

  Jenna didn’t want to go back to work herself, thinking it was going to be cheaper for us to live together and for her to take care of our daughter for a while. She wanted to find a place in town. She was just as done with her hometown as I was, and she was just as ready to be living with me full time.

  But, we still had a few loose ends we had to tie up. Her brother had been sentenced to five years in prison for what he did to me, and she had refused to even go to the trial. She didn’t want anything else to do with him, down to the point where she wouldn’t even post the bail for him before he had to get to trial.

  He had all but disowned her himself, so it was no surprise to me when they didn’t want to see each other again. Perhaps it was something that they could work out in the future, but I doubted it. I didn’t want it to happen, either.

  I felt it was time to cut out the bad parts of our past and only focus on the good parts of our future, and that’s what I planned to do. So, today, we were going to go to the lawyers and tell them that we wanted to call off the custody agreement.

  After all, we were living together now, so there was really no reason to even have it in place. I didn’t want it there, and I knew Jenna didn’t. She wanted things to be as normal as possible for our family. And though we hadn’t done things normally when we got together, we were ready to do them normally now.

  She was making wedding plans with Khloe much of the time. We didn’t want anything big, just something with our friends and family. I didn’t know if that meant anyone from her MC would attend. Hell, she wanted out of that thing, and I only hoped to God that it would go well for her.

  Khloe stopped by and picked up Allegra, then Jenna and I headed off. She was driving in her car since I wasn’t in any shape to be on my bike. But, I did look forward to the time when I had my new prosthetic and could take her out on drives. Hell, I’d even take my daughter out when she was old enough to safely ride. Jenna didn’t want her to join any of the MCs, but she was going to leave that choice up to her.

  Jenna had grown up with her father telling her what to do, and she didn’t want to do that with her daughter. She wanted her daughter to have the freedom to choose the life she wanted to live, and I supported that, too. If I could be there for her, proving to her that I did love her unconditionally, I would feel like I had succeeded as a father.

  We pulled into the parking lot of Mr. Shawshank’s office, walking hand in hand inside. Both Miss Ferguson and Mr. Shawshank were already there and waiting for us, and they smiled when we walked in.

  “Sorry we had to call you both down here, but we aren’t going to go through with the custody agreement after all. Instead, we’re engaged,” I said as I held her hand up to show them the ring I’d purchased. I was happy to get her a ring to show her that I was eager for the two of us to be married, and she had worn it proudly ever since.

  “That’s wonderful!” Miss Ferguson said as she clasped her hands together. “We are always rooting for the best possible outcome for a family, and I greatly believe that this is it. Any family that is happy together and unified is the kind of family that I support. What do you think, Mr. Shawshank?”

  “I think the same. I’m going to get these papers taken care of and wish you both the best in life. I hope that you are happy together, and you make a wonderful family for your daughter,” he said with his own cheerful smile. “This is the best news I could have had today.”

  “We’re happy, too,” Jenna said. “Really, this is my dream come true.”

  “Good luck to you both,” Miss Ferguson said again as she rose to leave. We didn’t have much reason to stay, so we also rose and shook hands with both of them.

  “You’ve been great through all of this, thank you,” I said to both. Jenna gave them each a hug, and then the two of us walked out. I was reluctant to leave her to go talk to Marcus alone. I knew how big of a jerk he could be, and I didn’t want her to have to deal with that.

  But, she was also the one who grew up around the man, and if there was anyone who knew how to handle him, it would be her.

  “Call Zach if you need anything. He’ll be able to get to you faster than I could,” I told her before giving her a hug. She let her hand linger over mine as she pulled herself away. I watched her walk away before heading back to the car myself. She’d get a cab home, while I took the car we drove back to my place. I was eager to get home to Allegra, but I was even more eager to hear how things went with Marcus.

  I drove home and texted Khloe, letting her know I was back at the house and ready for her to bring Allegra back. It didn’t take her long to get there since they were at the park splitting ice cream. It was nice knowing that the two of them were free to come and go in town as they pleased now without worrying about being bothered by any of the members of my MC.

  It was even nicer for me to know that I was still accepted as part of my own MC even with Jenna in my life. They weren’t going to hold it against me, and I felt free to be myself.

  Jenna was gone for most of the afternoon, and I nearly leapt from my seat when I heard her come in through the front door. I had just put Allegra down for a nap, and I was eager to hear how things had gone wi
th Marcus, and I couldn’t get to her fast enough to find out.

  I wrapped her up in my arms and pulled her close, holding her tightly. I was glad to see she wasn’t upset, though she did look like it had been a stressful day. Jenna wrapped her arms around me as well before looking up at me with a smile on her face.

  “Well?” I asked. “How did it go?”

  “He wasn’t happy, that was for sure. I told him how I felt about everything, and why I was ready to get out. I made sure he knew that it had everything to do with my brother and the fact that I want nothing else to do with him. I don’t want to see him, I don’t want to deal with him when he gets out, and I don’t want to live my life wondering how that’s all going to work out for me. I told him that it had nothing to do with him, that I had nothing against him,” she explained.

  “That sounds like it went well,” I encouraged her. “What did he have to say about that?”

  “He said that he understood. Really, that was mostly what I got out of him. He understood what I was saying and where I was coming from. He didn’t want me to go, but told me that it was my choice, and he wasn’t going to hold any ill will toward me if I did. He also told me that I was always going to be welcome as family there,” she said.

  “That’s another good thing. What did you tell him?”

  “I told him that I’ve got my family here, with you, but I’m never going to forget the way they treated me. I am proud that I was part of the MC for so long, despite the fact that I often said I didn’t care. There was a reason my father cared about it so much, and I’m going to respect him by not hating it any longer.” She looked up into my eyes and smiled.

  “I don’t think you could have made a better choice,” I told her. “I’m proud that I am the one who you ultimately chose. Me and Allegra both. We love you more than anything, and we aren’t ever going to let you go. The only difference is, you can’t ask your way out of this family – we love you too much.”

  “You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to hear you say those words. I didn’t think there was a way for us to end up together, but I can see now that we were meant to be together from the beginning. You are my soul mate, and I love you more than I love the life I left behind,” she said. “I would give anything for you and Allegra, and I mean that with all my heart.

  “I think we all feel the same way. Allegra is going to grow up the happiest child on the planet, and she’s going to be proud of her parents. I can tell you, there is nothing she’s going to dislike about the way we treat her,” I said.

  Jenna laughed. “We can say that, but you know how kids are. We’re going to fight with her, and we’re going not argue. Hell, you and I are going to have our fair share of fights with each other. We might argue, we might even think that we made a mistake, but that’s not going to ever change the way I feel about you.”

  I put my hand on the side of her face before kissing her deeply. When we finally came up for air, I brushed her hair out of her face and the tear from her eye. “I couldn’t have said it any better myself. Now, I think it’s time you and me set aside all this MC stuff for the night and think about what we’re going to do for dinner.”

  She grinned. “I’ve got it covered. Come on, we’re going out for pizza.”

  “Allegra just went down for a nap!” I said.

  “She’s got the rest of her life to take naps. I feel like we’re finally an official family, and it’s time for us to celebrate.”

  She turned to head back to the bedroom, and I smiled. She was right. It was time for us to truly celebrate. After all we’d been through and still stood, it was time to celebrate.

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  I was sitting behind the counter in my tattoo shop, staring out the window at the vacant parking lot. My other artist, Jonas, and my piercer, Tanner, were already gone for the day, and I was waiting for my last client. I hated waiting and tried to refrain from looking at the clock every five minutes hoping she’d show up.

  I didn’t blame the other two guys for leaving – it was a Saturday and business had been dead all day. Jonas only had two clients of his own and Tanner probably did two nostril piercings and an industrial. They wanted to get down to the bars, and I just wanted to get home.

  It would have helped it I was doing more than just a touch-up. The entire appointment would take less than five minutes, and I had to wait more than an hour to do it. Of course, with it being my shop, I was the one who drew the short stick on that one.

  Jonas likely would have taken on the client in the first place, but she was hot and wanted the tat right above her ass. It had been a while since I’d gotten to see such parts on a woman, and though I kept my practice strictly professional, I couldn’t help but enjoy the view.

  I leaned back in my chair, putting my feet up on the counter. My black converse sneakers were faded and in need of a facelift, but I didn’t give a shit. A new pair would get destroyed quickly on the bike, anyway.

  That’s the way it was being part of one of the biggest MCs in northern California. I was a Folded Flag and proud of it. Very proud. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for my club, and if I had to sacrifice ever having nice shoes to ride with them, that was more than fine with me.

  I picked up my phone, deciding to take to the internet for some art inspiration. Granted, the art I was looking at were women in bikinis, but it helped get the creative juices flowing. The music droned on in the background, and I was getting ready to call the whole thing off.

  Most of the time, I was strict with appointments. If you said you were going to take up my time, then you damn well better be here when you say you’re going to be. My time is worth every bit as much as yours, if not more. I’ve got more people who want to see me today.

  What are you going to do? Go show off your tat in a bar?

  I rolled my eyes. I didn’t care much for spoiled rich girls who were trying to get their rebellious streak out in stupid ways. But, this one was hot enough for me to wait around for. At least, for a little while. If she was more than a few more minutes, I was going to lock the door and head home.

  She could call and reschedule on Tuesday.

  Relief washed over me when the doorbell chimed. I didn’t want to deal with planning another touch-up on this one. But, as soon as I looked up, not only was the relief gone, but dread filled me in an instant.

  “Fuck me,” I said. I dropped my head openly on my counter, not at all caring that this woman was standing right in front of me.

  “I tried to before, but you wouldn’t let me,” she said as she cocked her hip out to the side. This wasn’t my client. No, this was someone who was once much more important to me than a client. Now, that importance had faded into something more of dread.

  This woman was the daughter of the previous owner of this shop. Cooper Nelson had worked his ass off training me to become as good of an artist as he himself was, and I worked damn hard to make him proud. He was the father I never had, and I hoped one day to be as good as him.

  But, there was one issue with Cooper, and it was a big one.

  His daughter.

  Ericka Nelson, a girl eight years my junior, had been hot as hell since she was fourteen years old. She grew tits young, had the curves, the smile. The hair. Everything. Now, seeing her at twenty-two, I could see that time had only been good to her.

  She was still curvy, but thin. She had short, messy black hair with a streak of red right in the front. Tattoos on her arms, and lipstick. She was the epitome of hot. It didn’t help that she was petite, and I’ve always been a sucker for petite women.

  She was the reason I’d joined the military. I spent years in the Army on tour, hoping to get away from her before I did something stupid and wound up in jail. This one clearly didn’t care that she was underage at the time, and even now, it was clear she still wanted me.

  “I thought you were in college, and loving it,” I mumbled. I knew she was still
standing there. I’d have heard her leave if she had.

  “I graduated,” she said. “And, I still want you.”

  “Can you just forget whatever you came here for and leave? Back to Boston. Back to being far away from here?” I groaned.

  I didn’t trust myself around her. And now, it was even harder. Now, I could have her, and it would be legal. Sure, her father would probably kill me, but he was in Arizona. That’s how I came to own the shop. The man had been divorced for years, and he finally found another woman who would put up with his ass and with his job.

  They dated for a brief three months before deciding they were going to elope in Vegas and move, and the shop was nothing more than a nuisance to the man. He sold it to me cheap, left me as the new owner, and headed out of town as soon as he possibly could.

  I had gladly taken the shop at the time, but the only reason I did was because I knew his daughter was in Boston, and she was happy there. He insisted she didn’t want to come back to Santa Rosa, and I’d probably never see her again.

  Of course, he never asked me why I was so interested in knowing where Erika was or what she was doing, but if he had, I would have sworn up and down that it was because she was like a sister to me. I never could let him know the truth. He couldn’t know that I’ve wanted to put my dick in her since the first day we met.

  “This is home, and it has always been home. Shouldn’t I be allowed to come back?” she asked sweetly. “You left, and you came back.”

  “I was in the military. I wasn’t exactly happy or making that the rest of my life,” I said. “You were happy doing whatever it was with your art major; weren’t you going to head to New York when you’d finished?”

  “You seem to know an awful lot about me for having not wanted me so bad before I left,” she said with her sultry smile. She put her hands on her hips and cocked her head to the side ever so slightly. “Funny how that works, isn’t it?”

  “I was pretty thorough with your father when he sold me this place,” I replied. “I didn’t want to be put in that position again.”


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