The Demon On My Chest: Waking Up

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The Demon On My Chest: Waking Up Page 1

by Dan Farris

  The Demon On My Chest

  Waking Up

  Dan Farris

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.

  The Demon On My Chest, Waking Up, Copyright © 2019 by Dan Farris, All Rights Reserved.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  Dan Farris

  Visit my website at

  Original Cover Art by Jae Lani Custom Design and Apparels


  This book would not have been possible without the unwavering support of my family. My grandma, thank you for always believing in me Nanny and making me feel as though I could accomplish anything. My younger brother, Clarence Bolden, Jr. You are the best brother, advisor, and friend that I could ever ask for. Any finally, my mom, Rosada Farris. Thank you for remaining in my corner and being my biggest supporter as I worked on this book. I love each of you.



  Chapter 1-Sean

  Chapter 2-Rebecca

  Chapter 3-Samael

  Chapter 4-Sean

  Chapter 5-Rebecca

  Chapter 6-Rebecca

  Chapter 7-Samael

  Chapter 8-Sean

  Chapter 9-Rebecca

  Chapter 10-Sean

  Chapter 11-Sean

  Chapter 12-Samael

  Chapter 13-Rebecca

  Chapter 14-Samael

  Chapter 15-Sean

  Chapter 16-Samael

  Chapter 17-Rebecca

  Chapter 18-Sean

  Chapter 19-Sean

  Chapter 20-Samael

  Chapter 21-Rebecca

  Chapter 22-Samael

  Chapter 23-Rebecca

  Chapter 24-Rebecca

  Chapter 25-Samael

  Chapter 26-Sean

  Chapter 27-Sean

  Chapter 28-Rebecca

  Chapter 29-Samael

  Chapter 30-Sean

  Chapter 31-Sean

  Chapter 32-Sean

  Chapter 33-Sean

  Chapter 34-Rebecca

  Chapter 35-Rebecca

  Chapter 36-Samael

  Chapter 37-Sean

  Chapter 38-Rebecca

  Chapter 39-Rebecca

  Chapter 40-Rebecca

  Chapter 41-Samael

  Chapter 42-Sean

  Chapter 43-Rebecca

  Chapter 44-Sean

  Chapter 45-Samael

  Chapter 46-Rebecca

  Chapter 47-Sean

  Chapter 48-Sean

  Chapter 49-Samael

  Chapter 50-Rebecca

  Chapter 51-Samael

  Chapter 52-Rebecca

  Chapter 53-Rebecca

  Chapter 54-Sean

  Chapter 55-Samael

  Chapter 56-Samael

  Chapter 57-Samael


  “I told you, muthafucka, if you want to fuck me, it’s gonna cost you a hunnit. What, you thought this pussy was cheap? Think again,” said the woman.

  The woman had dark skin, a beautiful face, and a curvy physique with short, all-natural hair. She was scantily dressed and was sitting in the passenger seat of a car belonging to a man she had just met a few minutes ago. In the driver’s seat was a thin man wearing thick glasses.

  “A hundred dollars? I already paid you fifty dollars. Why should I have to pay you more?”

  “The fifty was fo’ me sucking yo’ dick. If you wanna fuck me, it’s gonna cost mo’. Now, what’s it gonna be?”

  “That doesn’t seem fair. Can’t we negotiate?”

  “N what?! No, we fuckin’ can’t; either you pay me, or I can take my ass elsewhere. I don’t have all night to play around with you.”

  “You aren’t like the other girls I’ve gotten. They were more agreeable.”

  “Then go get one of dey asses.”

  “How about twenty more dollars? That brings the total to eighty bucks. I think that’s a fair compromise.”

  “No, muthafucka, I told you. A hunnit to fuck, end of story.”

  “Some girls would do it for ten dollars.”

  “Yeah, the fuckin’ crack fiends who all got AIDS. They ain’t hard to find round here. Have a good fuckin’ night.” Muthafuckas always tryin’ to run game, thought the woman.

  The woman reached for the car door handle, and the man in the driver’s seat pressed down on the locks.

  “What the fuck are you doing? Are you gonna pay me or not?”

  “Yeah, I’ll pay you. After that, you’ll do whatever I want, I can promise you that.”

  “Whatever you want? We’ll see. Depends on what you wanna do, and how much you willing to spend.”

  “How about this?”

  The man pulled a knife from under his car seat.

  “What the fuck?!”

  “After I pay you, you’ll do whatever I want.”

  The woman punched the man in the face, unlocked her door, and tried to get out of the car. She was nearly out when the man pulled her back into the car. The woman tried to get the knife from him, and a struggle ensued. The man kept trying to cut her, but she held on to the man’s wrists until she was finally able to knock the knife out of his hands. She quickly got out of the car as the man reached to grab the knife.

  “Help, help, dis muthafucka is trying to kill me!” As the woman ran down the street in high heels, she did not see any other cars, or anyone on the street. It was night, but all the streetlights were off. She kept running until she was exhausted. She caught her breath and looked behind her. She had a slight cut on her left hand. I got away from him, fuckin bastad. Tried to kill me. He fucking cut me! I need to find a payphone and call David. He’s gonna be mad as hell and beat my fucking ass.

  The woman continued walking down the dark, empty street in search of a pay phone. Suddenly, all the street lights came on. Shit! A car was driving towards. She looked around and the car was being driven by the thin man with glasses, and she took off running.

  “Help, someone please help me!”

  Chapter 1-Sean

  Sean stood outside a Catholic cathedral.

  It was sunny, and the cathedral appeared to be very old and run down. Bricks and cement had been eroded away, washing the colours from the once beautiful building.

  God, please let this man have some answers. I’ve been through the gauntlet of pastors in this city. They’re no better than the ones down in Baton Rouge. But, they can’t all be full of shit, thought Sean.

  Sean’s cell phone was vibrating and there was an unheard voice-mail. He listened to it.

  “Hi Sean, this is Professor Williams. I was sad to learn that you had dropped out, especially with your grades. You were ranked fifth in the class and were a shoo-in for law review. Sean, please re-consider; I talked it over with the Chancellor and you can re-enroll before classes start. You not only could become the first black Editor-in-Chief in the history of this law review, but you could clerk for a Supreme Court Justice one day. Please, Sean, give me a call when you get this message.”

  Sorry, Professor, but I got more important things to worry about than law school.

  Sean took a deep breath and finally entered the cathedral.

  Sean had light-brown skin, was handsome, but not exceptionally so. His hair was short, and he was clean shaven. He stood 6 feet tall, and had a muscular, but l
ean physique. He was wearing jeans and a plain shirt.

  As he entered the cathedral, he was greeted by a priest with a large smile. The priest appeared to be in his early fifties. He had a short, round build and was nearly bald.

  “Father Adams? I’m Sean. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “It’s nice to meet you as well, Sean. Let’s head back to my office.” The two shook hands, and Sean followed Father Adams to the back of the cathedral. Sean looked around and there were depictions of the Virgin Mary and Saints on the large mirrors inside the cathedral. The pews were nearly empty, except for one very old man that stared at Sean as he walked by.

  They reached Father Adams’ office. It was messy, layered with boxes of belongings that looked like Father Adams had never unpacked when he arrived.

  “Please, have a seat.”

  “It’s funny, I remember passing by this cathedral as a child. Never thought I’d see the inside of it,” said Sean as he sat in the chair opposite Father Adams, who sat down behind his desk.

  Father Adams smiled. “One never knows where God may take them. I was born in Kansas, and here I’ve been living in Louisiana for all these years. So, you’re thinking about converting to Catholicism, but you have some questions?”

  “Yes, you’re the eighth pastor I’ve visited in the past two weeks. I have very specific questions. I hope you can help me.”

  “Well, what questions do you have?”

  At least he didn’t ask me for money like that one guy. I guess not all organized religions are bad. “It’s hard to explain. I know the Church’s stance on the supernatural. The Church believes in Heaven, Hell, and purgatory. But what about….”

  “What about what, Sean?”

  Still get nervous every time I say this out loud. “Do you believe that some people can see the supernatural?”

  “The supernatural? Why, of course. God blesses his children with certain gifts.”

  “What if it didn’t feel like a gift? What if it felt like a curse?”

  Father Adams leaned forward in his chair. “Can you see the supernatural?”

  “What if I said I could? Would you believe me? Or would you think I’m crazy and attempt to have me committed?”

  Father Adams raised his eyebrows. “I believe you, Sean. It’s my faith; of course, I believe you. Contrary to what the modern world believes, there are some things that can’t be explained by science or reason.”

  Preaching to the choir, buddy. “Then, why does it feel like a curse?”

  “How long have you felt like this?”

  “Ever since I was a child. Could you make it stop?”

  “Whatever is happening to you is because God allows it.”

  “Why would God allow this?”

  “Sometimes it’s hard for us to understand God’s plan, but he does have a plan.”

  “Please, can you help me? Can you stop whatever has followed me since I was a child? Before you tell me to give my life to Christ, I did that a long time ago. Before you tell me to pray, or fast, or read my Bible more, I’ve done all that. I’m not perfect, far from it, but I try to be a good person. I mean, I believe in God. Can you tell me what this is and how to stop it?”

  “I wish I had the answers to all your questions. I’m not sure if it can be stopped, Sean, but Christ will protect you.”

  That’s disappointing, but at least he’s honest.

  “Now, I know you said you’ve given your life to Christ. But there’s only one true Church.”

  Here comes the spill. Sean stood. “Thank you, Father Adams. It was very nice to meet you, but I’ll keep looking for answers.” Sean turned around and walked toward the door.

  “Wait, remember to trust in God. If you ever want to talk again, give me a call or stop by,” said Father Adams.

  “I’ll keep that in mind, Father,” said Sean before exiting the office.

  As Sean walked out the cathedral, the old man that he had seen when he walked in was gone. Hopefully God answered one of our prayers.

  What now? Is this your will, God? To keep me tormented until I die? I’ve read my Bible, prayed, cried out to you. I dropped out of school and sought people of faith, but nothing. God, just tell me what to do! Ah, I got to relieve some of this tension. I wonder if Jessica is free tonight. She’s clingy, but she’s always game.

  That same night, Sean lay in bed with a woman. Sean’s bedroom was big, but plain. There was a decent-sized bed with a blue cover and two nightstands on each side. Sean’s Bible was on one of the nightstands. Also, in his bedroom was a large picture of a cross, and a painting of Julius Caesar.

  “Can’t believe you got me out late on a school night,” said Jessica as she crawled back into bed next to Sean. Jessica was a heavy-set woman but had a pleasant face.

  “Oh, yeah, what grade do you teach again? Fourth? I don’t know how you do it. I don’t like kids.”

  “I know that’s not true. Don’t you volunteer at a foster group home?”

  “Just because I don’t like them doesn’t mean I don’t want to help them, especially those who God gave rough cards, like me. Like I told you before, I was a foster kid myself. Besides, volunteering is different; I basically just play basketball with them. But what you do? It would wear me out.”

  “I feel worn out a lot, but I know I’m making a difference, especially at Frederick Douglass. Why’d you drop out of law school, anyway? Was it too hard? You’re the smartest person I know. I can’t think of any other twenty-one-year-old in law school. It must be really tough.”

  “It was kind of easy. But I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Okay…well, what are you doing now? What’s the plan?” She asks too many questions. “I have some money saved up; that’s how I bought this place. No plan, really, just trying to get some things figured out.” Sean kissed Jessica on the lips.

  “You ready to go again?” Jessica grinned. “I forgot you can do that back-to-back thing.”

  An hour later, Sean was in his bedroom alone, on his knees, praying.

  God, forgive me for the sin I just committed, and all the other sins I committed today. Thank you for waking me up this morning, and for loving me, despite my many flaws. Father Adams was right, and I may not understand your plan for my life, but I trust in you, Lord. But please, if this can stop, please make it stop. And please, don’t let it come tonight, please, not tonight. In your son, Jesus’ name, amen.

  Sean got up and lay in his bed. Please, please, not tonight. Lights on, T.V. on loud, Netflix on phone, got everything covered. I’m good. It’s not going to happen tonight. It’s never happened seven days in a row. Sean closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep.

  Early the next morning, Sean was in an empty gym. Push it, push, get it up, thought Sean as he struggled to complete the bench press. He stood and stared at himself in the gym mirror right across from him. Sean wore shorts and a tight shirt that showed off his impressive body. Three hundred and fifteen pounds, a new p.r., and with no spot. I’m strong and powerful. I’m strong. Sean’s phone started to vibrate:

  Jessica: I’ve really enjoyed spending time with you these last few nights. Maybe someday you’ll let me stay the night lol. If you want me to stop by again tonight, just let me know

  She’s getting too comfortable, next she’s going to start taking a shit in my bathroom and farting around me like we’re in a relationship. Better hold off on talking to her for a while. Sean walked out to the parking lot and got into his vehicle, a 2005 black Dodge Intrepid.

  Banana and post-workout shake, thought Sean as he entered his home. The house was made of brick, appeared large on the outside, and had a big front and back yard. The grass was neatly trimmed, and in the front of the house was a large tree. The house resembled Sean’s bedroom--perfectly neat and simple. In the living room, there was only a couch and a stand. In the kitchen, was a decent-sized table. 7:30, making good time. His cell phone rang. Is it ‘bother Sean early in the morning’ day?

r />   “Is this Sean?”

  “Yeah, who is this and how did you get my number?”

  “It’s Misty, we chatted a few times on Hook-up? The dating app? You said it was cool if I called you?”

  Oh yeah, the white chick.

  “Hey, what’s up?”

  “Oh wow, you have a deep voice.”

  “So I’ve been told. Are you free tonight?”

  “Oh…huh…yes, I’m free. Why do you ask?”

  “Let me take you out to dinner.”

  “I don’t know. Seems kind of quick, don’t you think?”

  “Look, we can continue to chat via the app, or making casual phone conversations, wasting each other’s times. Or, we can go out and see if we have chemistry. Doesn’t that sound like the rational thing to do?”

  “If you put it like that…sure. Dinner sounds great. Where are we going?”

  “The best restaurant in town.”

  That evening, Sean took Misty out to dinner. The two sat at a booth, separated by a small table between them.

  “Thanks for inviting me out this evening. I can’t remember the last time I went out to eat,” said Misty. Misty had long blond hair and wore a short black skirt with a red top. She stood only a few inches shorter than Sean.

  “I should thank you; it’s not every day I get to spend time with a beautiful woman.” Never been with a white chick before. This should be fun.

  “Thanks. So, this is your favorite restaurant, huh? The Olive Garden?”

  “I love spaghetti and meatballs, and with the all-you-can-eat breadsticks here, I might as well be in Heaven. Besides, I hate getting too dressed up. Where else can you get amazing food in a nice restaurant wearing jeans and a shirt like me?”

  Misty laughed. “Not that many people in here tonight. I guess that’s normal on a weekday, though.”

  “Tell me about yourself,” Misty said. “What made you want to be a lawyer?”

  “I wanted to make a difference. The world is such a fucked-up place. I figured being a lawyer, I could make it less fucked up. I’m taking a sabbatical from law school, though.”


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