Wicked Charming Cruel

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Wicked Charming Cruel Page 25

by Emmy Chandler

  Maari groaned again.

  Orlann offered Jude the toy. “Would you like the honor?”

  “I would. But we should wait for—”

  “I’m here,” Malac announced, sauntering into the bedroom and straight to Maari’s side, where he sank onto the bed and began to run one hand over her. “I was going to ask what the plan is, but I think I get it,” he said with a glance at the toy cradled in Jude’s palm. “That’s one of my favorites. We’re edging her?”

  “Over and over,” Orlann confirmed. “If Jude will kindly insert the toy.”

  “Please,” Maari begged, writhing on the bed, straining at her padded restraints in a vain effort to close her legs, or maybe to create some friction between them. “Please just let me come once first. I don’t think I’m going to make it otherwise.”

  “You’re going to be fine,” Jude assured her as he sank onto the mattress between her legs, running one hand up her bare thigh. Glorying in the shiver that his touch induced. “This won’t kill you. It won’t even hurt you. I promise.”

  “Oh, gods,” she moaned as his hand moved farther up. As he slid two fingers inside her. “Please.”

  “No,” Jude whispered, leaning down to nibble on her thigh. Enjoying her full-body twitch. “And that’s going to be my answer for the next—” He sat up with a look at Orlann. “How long does this last, anyway?”

  “As long as you want it to.”

  “Gods below…” Maari groaned.

  “Here.” Malac reached into the nightstand and took out a small bottle of lubrication, which he tossed to Jude. “Be careful with her tight little asshole.”

  Jude dripped lube onto the rear prong of the toy and spread it well, then he applied more lube directly to her tight back ring of muscle, working it inside her with one finger. Then with two.

  “Fuck…” Maari’s guttural profanity accompanied an obscene thrust of her hips in an attempt to force his fingers deeper. To seize friction wherever she could get it. His two bites—plus the one from Malac—had her in a desperate state already, before they’d even begun.

  “Here we go.” Jude carefully worked the toy inside both of her entrances at once, and Maari tensed, even as she arched toward him, accepting the double penetration with an inarticulate sound of satisfaction.

  “That feels so good…”

  “Just wait.” Malac leaned down and took her left nipple in his mouth, sucking on it as he lightly pinched the other one.

  “Yes,” she breathed, arching up into him. Straining against her cuffs. “Yes, please.”

  “Almost there.” Jude pressed a little harder, and the toy slid into place, the rear prong anchored inside her by its bulb-like shape. He spread her outer lips and pressed the front section of the toy against her clit. “What if it comes out?”

  “It won’t.” Orlann handed him the remote, then he knelt on the opposite side of the bed from Malac and slid a strap beneath the princess’s lower back. Jude watched as he buckled the strap like a belt, then ran a third strip of it between her legs and through a slot he hadn’t noticed on the outside of the toy before latching that strap to the belt. Effectively anchoring the toy deep inside her. “It’s set to sense when she’s very close and cease all sensation until her muscles relax. Then it will start all over. You can fiddle with the settings, to decide how you want to stimulate her, or leave it on random, so she gets a surprise every time. Or you can set it to ‘learn’ what turns her on the most and to stick with that. King’s choice.”

  “Wonderful.” Jude smiled down at his writhing princess and held up the remote. “Let’s get started.”



  “Please! Make it stop! I can’t—” Maari’s pleas devolved into another stream of inarticulate groans as her hips arched forward. Sweat stood out against her skin and had pooled in her navel. Her nipples were achingly hard peaks, and try as she might, she could not close her legs. She could not free her hands and rip the torturous device from her body, nor could she finish the job herself.

  It would only take a second. One good stroke against her clit, and she would fall apart. She would explode into a million pieces of lust and space dust, never to coalesce again. And that would be fine with her. There was nothing else she wanted in all of existence, in that moment except to be allowed—

  “Oh, gods,” she moaned, hips twitching as the pleasure built to an excruciating peak. It was going to happen this time. How could it not? It was right there.

  Her stomach tightened, despite the ache of repeated close calls. Her thighs tensed, heedless of the burn from straining uselessly against her restraints. Her toes curled and her head fell back against the mattress, several strands of dark hair matted to her forehead with sweat.

  Almost. Almost. Al—

  “No!” she shouted, as all motion ceased between her legs, stranding her on the edge of ecstasy, her clit hard and prominent from all the attention. Not that anyone could see it, nestled beneath the device that sucked on it in any pattern or rhythm that amused Jude at the time. “Please!” Her entire body throbbed, muscles aching with tension. Limbs trembling. Her sex was swollen and so soaked that the toy might have fallen out, it if weren’t anchored in her ass by a brutally broad bulb and around her waist by a belt that had started to chafe. “Please. Jude, please. Please. I’ll never ask for anything again.”

  This was all his fault. Not just the fact that she was being punished, but the depth of her need.

  She’d gotten the second bite, just like Cecily had advised, though she’d very nearly gotten her already battered ass beaten even further, in the effort. But she couldn’t tell yet that that fucking bite held anywhere near the consequences for Jude that it held for her.

  If she had some measure of power over him now, shouldn’t he have mercy on her? Shouldn’t he feel something, listening to her endless, hoarse pleas?

  “Shh…” Malac leaned closer, brushing sweaty hair back from her forehead. “You’re okay, princess.”

  “I’m not!” She thrashed on the bed, as the pleasure ebbed, slipping through her fingers like drops of water, until for one precious moment, she was able to relax. Tension drained from her body and she practically melted back into the mattress. “Water,” she croaked.

  Malac reached immediately for the glass of ice water on the nightstand and held it so that she could suck on the straw. She downed a third of the glass in just a few gulps.

  “Please. I’m sorry I threw a fit. I’m sorry I kicked you, Jude. I’m sorry I threw my shoes. I—”

  “None of that is why you’re here.” Jude sat on her other side and ran one hand over her stomach. Over her hip then down her stretched-taut thigh. She twitched beneath the contact, every nerve ending in her body brutally on edge. “You’re here because you tried to give me an order. In front of a visiting dignitary, no less.”

  “I’m sorry about that too.”

  “I believe that.” He slid one finger beneath the device, between the bases of the two prongs, and she groaned as he stroked the flesh between her two openings. “What I don’t believe is that you won’t do it again, if you decide you feel strongly enough about something.”

  “I won’t. I swear.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “How long has it been?” Maari asked, fighting to slow her breathing. To relax, for however long they allowed it.

  Orlann glanced at his com device. “An hour and a half.”

  “That isn’t possible. It’s been days, at least. I swear it has.”

  Jude laughed. “I’m sure it feels that way.” He tapped on the remote, and the dildo began to move inside her, rotating to stroke that sensitive spot over and over.

  “Please stop.”

  “That’s not what you’ll be saying in a minute.”


  He tapped the screen again, and the plug in her ass began to…swell. Then vibrate. And the suction began again on her clit.

  “Please! It’s too much! It’s…�
� Her eyes fell closed, and her stomach began to clench again. Fucking hell, it felt so…good. And that was the problem. It felt fucking amazing, every damn time. But never quite amazing enough.

  In a few minutes, Maari was writhing on the bed again, straining against her restraints. Arching off the mattress.

  “I don’t think I can take it either,” Malac groaned, watching her. Contributing to her misery by running his hands over her breasts. Pinching her nipples. “Let me take her. I promise I won’t let her come.”

  “No,” Jude said.

  “Take your own relief, if you must,” Orlann concurred. “But don’t you dare touch that toy.”

  But Malac had already taken his own relief. Twice. He’d released on her stomach and rubbed it into her breasts before washing her off with a cool rag. Twice.

  Orlann had done the same thing once. Because he had better restraint. Only Jude had been able to resist his own need so far, watching their princess writhe on the perpetual edge of orgasm. In a constant state of desperate need. But it was taking a toll on him. She could see that.

  He was starting to sweat too. The lump in his pants was fierce, and he’d been hard for so long that it must ache.

  Still, his discomfort was nothing compared to hers. It couldn’t possibly be.

  She groaned again, as the pressure built. It was going to happen this time. She knew it, the same way she knew it every time. This time would be different. This time they would let her come, because if they didn’t, she was going to die.

  “No, you won’t,” Jude assured her, which was when she realized she’d actually voiced the fear. “You’re fine. You’ll be sore in the morning, and hopefully you’ll have learned a lesson. But there won’t be a mark on you. Other than the ones that are already there,” he added, with a glance at Orlann.

  “Oh, gods, please!” Her hips arched up again, straining for more from a device that was already giving her way too much. “Please let me come!”

  “That’s it!” Malac rose onto his knees and pulled his cock from his pants.

  “Don’t you dare!” Jude stood on the other side of the bed, prepared to knock the Camden bastard away from their naughty concubine.

  “It’ll only take a second,” Malac swore. Then he turned Maari’s face toward him and slid his cock into her mouth. Then pressed into her throat.

  “Oh. Her mouth.” Jude shrugged. “Fine then.”

  “Swallow, pretty princess,” Malac cooed, pressing in a little further with each stroke, while she moaned around his length, her body straining with its own need. “Swallow my cock, and maybe I can talk Jude into having a little mercy on you.”

  “You can’t,” Jude snapped, while Orlann watched, transfixed, from halfway across the room.

  Maari swallowed, functioning on autopilot as she fought for her orgasm, against odds that she knew, deep down, to be far too great.

  “Good girl,” Malac moaned, pressing further into her throat. “Fucking hell, you’re such a good girl.” He pulled out to allow her a breath, then he began fucking her throat in earnest.

  Maari sucked at him eagerly. Obsessively. Because she’d realized, at the first taste of him, that she now had something else to think about. Something to focus on, other than the blissful agony between her legs.

  “That’s it. Oh, gods.” Malac’s cock hardened even further in her throat, and he shoved his way in deep, bruising tender tissue. But she only sucked him even harder.

  A moment later he twitched, and she caught just a hint of the saltiness of his release, as he shot most of it far too deeply for her to taste.

  He pulled out immediately, stroking her hair back while she gasped for breath. Kissing her, stroking his tongue into her mouth, while she gasped against him, still chasing her own release.

  “Please,” she moaned, tears forming in her eyes as he tucked himself back into his pants. “Please. You said maybe…”

  “I did say that.” He turned to the king. “I think she’s had enough, Jude.”



  “No! Not until she understands just how unacceptable her behavior was. How unforgivable.”

  “I do. I understand. I—”

  Jude tapped the remote, and the horrible little machine worked her clit even harder.

  “He’s right,” Orlann said. “She’s had enough. She needs rest and water. And food.” None of them had eaten, after Geneva had ruined the dinner party.

  Jude stared down at her, running his hand over her stomach again. Cupping her breast.

  “Please…” she moaned, arching into his touch.

  “Fine,” he said at last, not because she’d had enough, but because he had. “You two can go. I’ll take care of her.” Jude tapped the remote again, and the device went still inside her.

  Maari groaned. “Please,” she said again. “Wait, please!”

  Jude arched one brow at her. “I thought you wanted me to stop.”

  “I did, but— I thought…”

  “You thought I was going to let you come?”

  She nodded miserably.

  Jude gave her an almost tender smile, and he reached between her legs. She held her breath, convinced he was going to have mercy on her. Instead, he unlatched the strap and tugged gently but firmly on the toy. Removing it from her body without giving her relief.

  Orlann stepped up to the side of the bed with his box, and Jude dropped the toy into it. “See you tomorrow, sweetness,” he said.

  “Good night, princess.” Malac leaned down to give her another kiss, and she fought to keep his tongue in her mouth, as his nearness—his scent—sent another wave of moisture pooling between her legs.

  Then both younger princes were gone, the door closing behind them.

  Jude stood at the end of the bed, and Maari lifted her head to look at him. “Have you truly learned your lesson?” he asked, as he unbuttoned his formal white shirt. He’d long ago shed the jacket and vest.

  “Yes. Yes, please let me up.”

  “I don’t believe you.” He dropped his shirt on the floor, then he unbuttoned his pants and pushed them down, freeing an angry-looking cock, more engorged than she’d ever seen it.

  Was that the bite? Was her nearness having a similar effect on him, to what his was having on her?

  “But I’m going to give you a chance to earn my forgiveness anyway.”

  “Yes. Please. What do I have to do?”

  “Come, when I tell you to. Every time I tell you to.”

  “I don’t— I don’t know how many times I can…” Jude lowered himself over her, without freeing her legs. Without uncuffing her wrists. “Please, let me go, so I can touch you. Let me—”

  “No.” He slid inside her, and they both groaned from relief, as his unusual girth stretched her. For a second, Jude held himself there, his eyes squeezed shut, as if he were fighting for control. “Are you ready?”

  She gave him a shaky nod, not at all sure she was telling the truth. Not entirely sure what she was supposed to be ready for.

  Jude pulled almost all the way out, teasing her for a moment with the engorged head of his cock. Then he plunged back in again, fast and hard, slamming against her swollen clit. “Come for me now!”

  And Maari did. She had no choice. After dozens of arrested orgasms, her body was so ready for release—for relief—that it seized the moment, hard. Her head fell back, and she screamed as pleasure—and a little bit of pain—crashed over her, clamping her body around him so tightly that his groan also seemed to hold a little bit of pain.

  “That’s it, princess.” He pumped into her quickly, straining to hold back his release while hers faded. “Now do it again!”

  And again she came, helpless to stop it as her hungry sex devoured him. As it claimed all the pleasure it had been denied for so long.

  “Gods, you’re magnificent.” Jude lowered himself until he could whisper in her ear, praising her endurance, her receptiveness, her fiery spirit, and her beautiful body as he p
lunged into her over and over. “Do it for me again, princess. Let me feel you come around my cock one more time.”

  “I can’t. I’m so tired. Please.”

  “Maari,” he snapped softly, balancing his weight on one hand so he could take her chin in the other. “Do as you’re told. I want you to come again.” He slammed into her, grinding his pelvis against her clit as his cock rubbed that spot inside her. “Right…now.”

  Maari groaned, shaking with a full-body tremor. Her passage began to spasm around him, pleasure exploding inside her with such force that the room went dark for a second. Nothing else existed in that moment but Jude, as he shot his release inside her, still wordlessly commanding her body to come.

  To orgasm on demand, just for him.

  “What just happened?” she murmured as he collapsed on the bed next to her, reaching over to release her left arm.

  “It’s the second bite. There’s more of me in your blood now. Your body responds to my commands. Your cunt, anyway. And your nipples…” He bent over her and sucked one sore point into his mouth. “And possibly your tight little ass. We can explore more of those questions later.”

  “You don’t know the answers?”

  He shook his head. “I’ve never bitten anyone a second time, before the first bite has worn off.” Jude reached over her and released her other arm, then he sat up to uncuff her ankles.

  “But that bite gave you more control over me?”

  He smiled down at her, and his satisfied look set her on edge. “Yes. Over your body, anyway. Maybe you’ll think twice, before you decide to throw another fit.”

  Maari’s mouth snapped shut, trapping her question inside. That was a query for Cecily, not for the king she’d hoped to manipulate with this stupid second bite.

  If two bites gave him this much control over her, could she handle a third?

  “I’m tired. I want to go to bed. Will you please send Annah in to draw a bath?”


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