Business or Pleasure?: He's Too Hard To Resist!

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Business or Pleasure?: He's Too Hard To Resist! Page 7

by Raquel Belle

  She nodded. “Correct, sir.”

  “You’ve seen my many faces. Tell me, do you think I’m an asshole? I know everyone thinks I am, but from someone who knows me, am I really?” He hated to admit it, but Evie calling him an asshole rubbed him the wrong way. And there it was. Her opinion of him had come to matter.

  Anna cleared her throat lightly. “This isn’t a new method to root out and fire staff is it?”

  Jared’s lips twitched. “Not at all.”

  “Okay. Well, I get why people would refer to you as an asshole. You’re brusque at times, and you practically eat people alive in the boardroom, but that comes with being in the position of leadership that you’re in. In my opinion, it isn’t fair to call you an asshole.”

  “Forget business-mode-Jared, Anna. What do you think of me personally?”

  Her warm brown eyes met his, and she grinned. “I think you’re a good man, Mr. Hawthorne. You treat your staff with respect, and you’re fair when it counts. To me, you’re a decent man and boss.”

  That was what he was looking for. Anna confirmed it, he treated everyone with respect. How could Evie get the slightest impression that he didn’t respect her? Feeling slightly better he grinned. “Just decent?”

  A thin eyebrow lifted. “Fishing for compliments, sir? That isn’t like you at all.”

  He laughed. “I think I’ve interrupted you enough.”

  “Never, sir.”

  “Oh, Anna?”


  “Maybe start looking for someone else to sit at the receptionist's desk, hmm?”

  They both turned to the door to see Marissa practically falling out of her chair to watch then, no doubt trying to catch every word they said. Rolling her eyes, Anna nodded. “Already on it, sir.”

  Chapter Nine


  Evie paced her office, so on edge, she wanted to tear her hair out strand by strand. She couldn’t get over the shame of how she’d handled the situation with Jared earlier. All her life, she’d been able to control her emotions. No one got to see her sweat, least of all a client. Not even James had led her to the edge of losing herself. When she found out about his cheating ways, she had coolly told him to fuck off, packed her bags, and left. Though she was both hurt and livid, not once did he catch a glimpse of those emotions.

  Yet, she’d completely lost it with Jared over one stupid comment. A comment that she was sure he was genuinely sorry for making because she’d seen the remorse on his face when he realized that she wasn’t amused. Evie could have handled the situation a million different ways other than to storm out like a little girl who got her feelings hurt. His comment wasn’t even hurtful. It was true. She sat down and rubbed her forehead, feeling like a fool for the millionth time that day. Each time she thought about what happened and relived every moment, she felt like a bigger idiot.

  Then to grab him by the tie and kiss him like a horny hussy in the elevator. Groaning, Evie smacked her forehead. She had been mortified when she came to her senses. Not about the kiss itself. Oh no, she’d enjoyed it a little too much, and that was the reason for her panic. She was so adamant about keeping things professional, about not falling for Jared’s charm, and then she’d fallen into his arms with just a touch of his lips.

  She had no idea how long she sat there at her desk, staring at the door. But she knew it was late because the doors beside hers and across from hers were being opened and closed. Everyone was heading home. Hopefully, her father was gone. She’d practically ducked and rolled, trying to avoid him since she returned from her disastrous meeting with Jared. Garrison was particularly interested in Jared’s cases and he was bound to hunt her down and ask for updates. Maybe she could cry lawyer/client confidentiality, so he’d go to Jared for updates instead of her. Yeah, that was a good idea. She would definitely play that card.

  Evie picked up her cell to stare at it, wondering if she should call Jared. She’d promised she wouldn’t go to Garrison or quit his company before they talked. Looking at it now, Jared had saved her ass. In her anger and self-disgust, she would have run straight to Garrison’s office and demand to be removed from Jared’s team. Then the awkward explanation would have ensued, and she would have likely been booted out on her ass. It was a good thing one of them was able to keep a cool head and be mature. She scowled. That person was usually her, damn it. So, she owed Jared an apology as well as gratitude. Why did he have to be so ... likeable? If she could hold on to the image of him as nothing but a womanizing prick, that would have worked better for her. But, he’d been so nice. Surely, he had better things to do than chase after indignant lawyers to apologize for something that wasn’t even that serious.

  She continued to stare at the phone, until it started to blur. Blinking, she put it back down. When he said they would talk, did he mean she should call him? Or would he be in touch? She was interrupted from having to decide what to do, when there was a knock on her door. If it wasn’t Garrison, it was probably April coming to check on her before leaving. She’d been holed up in her office all day.

  “Come in.”

  The door opened to reveal the last person she expected to see. Her mouth fell open on a gasp. “Jared.”

  He stepped in, his commanding presence making her office shrink several square meters. “Good evening, Evie. How are you?”

  She gaped, speechless. She stood, flustered and confused by his presence. “Uh, fine. What are you doing here?”

  His brows elevated, and a small smile appeared on his lips. Damn those delectable lips. “I thought that would be obvious. I’m here to talk.”

  “How did you know I was still here? Why didn’t you call me first?”

  He closed the door and stood, hands behind his back. “I thought about it but figured you would find a way to avoid me if you knew I was coming. I called the front desk, and April said you were still here. It’s pretty late. Just about everyone has left, even workaholic Garrison. What are you still doing here?”

  Clearing her throat, she smoothed her palms down her pencil skirt. “I’m just finishing up some work. I do have other accounts to deal with, you know.” Lies. She’d been doing nothing but freaking out about what happened between then and having intermittent panic attacks. His smirk told her he saw right through her lie. Desperately wanting to regain control, she took a deep breath and gestured to the chair in front of her desk. He ignored her and seated himself on the satin sofa lining the wall. He sat knees apart and one arm draped over the sofa’s arm, appearing completely at ease. “Join me, Evie.”

  He had quickly taken control. She wanted control. Why couldn’t he just allow her to have it? Two control freaks in one room might well turn out to be a disaster. However, she still worked for him at the moment, and she felt terrible for the way she acted, so she acquiesced. Sitting as far away as the medium sized sofa would allow, she angled her body toward him, ready to listen and then beg for forgiveness.

  He studied her with such intensity, that she was surprised she didn’t burst into flames. His fingers drummed out a rhythmic thud on the arm of the chair. “I don’t like complication in my life, Evie, neither professionally or personally. Somehow you’ve managed to cause complication on both ends.”

  She closed her eyes briefly and took a deep breath. Time to face the music. “After much thought, I realized that I completely overreacted today. I promise you, that is not how I do business. I could have handled things more professionally. Running out of your office before our meeting even properly began was uncalled for. I always take responsibility for my actions. I apologize, Jared. I’ll understand if you’ve decided to drop me from your team.”

  His fingers stilled, and he tilted his head to the side. “Well, that was unexpectedly easy. I like people who can admit when they’re wrong, just as I can admit when I’m wrong. I should never have made that comment during a professional meeting or ever since you’ve been adamant about keeping things professional. We both could have done better.”

  “I a
gree. So where do we go from here, Jared?”

  “Is it all up to me?”

  Evie nibbled her lower lip. “One thing, what was that incident in the elevator?”

  He smirked. “The kiss?” His expression turned somber. “It was a mistake.”

  Evie wasn’t expecting the sting of disappointment, but there it was. She maintained a neutral expression, all the while mentally berating herself for her duplexity. She wanted to be professional and respected yet felt hurt when Jared claimed their kiss was a mistake. She swallowed and forced out, “For me too.”

  Jared’s gaze bore into her. “Okay, you asked where we go from here. We move past the ridiculous tension between us and get work done. I admit I did a poor job of respecting your wishes for professionalism before, but I do respect you, Evie. You think I can’t respect you professionally because of what happened between us but that is the furthest thing from the truth. You’ve given me absolutely no reason to not have the highest level of respect for you. I hope we can continue working together because I want to see you put your money where your mouth is or rather my money because I’ll be paying you a hell of a lot to make me shine. You did assure me you could help me take over the world.”

  Evie pursed her lips to stop her smile from breaking through, but it did anyway. “I promise you, I’m not all talk.”

  “Good. Then, let’s get started.” He stood up and extended a hand. Evie rose and placed her hand in his. The fresh start was good, she told herself. There would be no more complication from that point forward.

  “Nice meeting with you, Jared.”

  “I’ll have my assistant send you an email with the specifics of the contract I want to be drafted tomorrow.”

  She nodded once. “Great. Enjoy the rest of your night.”

  He turned abruptly and strolled to the door. She didn’t know if it was her imagination, but he appeared a bit more tense than usual, given the circumstances. Alone again, Evie let out a breath and thanked her lucky stars, she still had a job.


  “I want so badly to wrap my fingers around your neck and possibly suffocate some sense into you.”

  Evie burst out laughing. “What? Now there’s a threat I don’t think I’ve ever heard before. Is it even possible to suffocate anything into anyone? Try again and come back with a better threat, doc.”

  A glaring Karen only made Evie laugh harder. “This is no laughing matter, Evelyn Marie Davis.”

  “Ooh, the full name. I’m in trouble now.”

  “Damn right you are. You’ve been in Seattle for three months, and you’ve been working with a man you like and absolutely nothing has happened between the two of you. You’re wasting your life.”

  “Building a career and a stellar professional reputation is wasting my life?” Evie said. “I should give up on life now then.”

  Karen scowled over her cup, as she sipped her coffee. She looked tired with dark circles under her eyes after working a night shift. Her hair was in a ponytail with curly tendrils escaping to frame her face. She still wore her scrub bottoms. Evie was grateful, as her friend still found the energy to indulge her with a breakfast get together. She missed Karen. They were so close yet barely had time to see each other since they both were working crazy hours.

  “You know that’s not what I’m saying. You can keep working hard, but stop ignoring your happiness. You need balance, Evie. All work and no play will leave you a grouchy, lonely cat lady in the end.

  It was time to turn the tables. Evie folded her arms. “I haven’t heard you talk about dating anyone.”

  Karen grunted. “Girl, please. Don’t try turning things around on me. I may not be dating right now but there are no cobwebs growing between my legs, I assure you. I get plenty of action, and I’m not just talking about with my vibrator. Can you say the same?”

  Evie nearly choked on her coffee. She’d walked right into that one. “No, I can’t, but I’m fine, and spinsterhood doesn’t sound so bad. Less drama.”

  Karen shook her head and sighed like a disappointed parent. “I try so hard with you, but I get nowhere.”

  Smirking, Evie sipped her latte. Her eyes roamed the cafe when she felt a strange prickling at the back of her neck. The feeling was all too familiar. She scanned the crowd more frantically, searching for the person that never failed to initiate that sensation when he was near. No way was he in the cafe. Seattle was too big, and he was far too rich to be slumming it on her side of town. Surely, Jared was holed up in his luxury penthouse being served caviar or something else outrageously expensive for breakfast. He was not in the same cafe where she sat. She reached for her muffin and lifted it to her mouth to take a bite, as she studied the patrons strolling in and out. She needed to eat. She was a stress eater and apparently, she needed food when she was on the verge of panic as well. Just as her eyes landed on Jared, she opened her mouth on a gasp and also to take a bite of her muffin. Her source of comfort was snatched from her fingers, and she turned to Karen. “Hey, I was going to eat that.”

  “Are you trying to end up in the emergency room, woman?” Karen snapped. “I just left that wretched hospital, and I am not going back until my next shift.”

  Evie gazed at her, puzzled. “What does … Oh, my god.” She glanced at the muffin in Karen’s hand and clutched her chest. She’d taken up Karen’s peanut banana muffin by mistake, while she’d been busy searching the crowd. If Karen hadn’t looked up from her phone in time, Evie would probably be sprawled on the floor, struggling to breathe by now.

  “What the hell were you staring at, anyway? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  “Worse. Jared is here.”

  Karen gasped. “What? Where?”

  Evie nodded in his direction where he stood in line, waiting to place his order. He wore a black t-shirt that stretched over his well-toned biceps and chest, and ripped jeans that were made for him. His jaw was lined with stubble, making him look mouthwatering rugged, and his hair had grown a bit too long and was windblown. It was strange seeing Jared out of his immaculate suits and amongst mere mortals. He looked incredible.

  “Christ,” Karen breathed. “I’ve only ever seen pictures of him. He’s more beautiful in person. How could you not want to hit that every night, Evie? You must be out of your mind.”

  Before Evie could spit back a smart retort, Jared turned and looked directly at her. He stared for a minute, then bent to say something to the blonde woman standing next to him. Evie hadn’t even seen the woman because she’d been so busy ogling Jared. Jealousy reared its ugly head, sending shame zipping through her. She had absolutely no right to feel an ounce of jealousy. For three months, they’d been nothing but cordial to one another. He pretty much ignored her existence outside of the few times they met up for work. She spun around when Jared stepped out of line.

  “Oh, God he’s coming over.”

  Karen eyed him up and down appreciatively. “I thought you said he was a gazillionaire.”

  “He is.”

  “He looks so normal. Shoot, he’s right behind you.”

  “I know … That’s why I’m panicking,” Evie said. “Why are you?”

  “Because I look like a tree monster,” she said, smoothing her hair to no avail.

  Evie had the urge to laugh at the fact that two grown women were reduced to nervous teenagers panicking as the cutest guy in school headed their way. But her dismay overrode her amusement. She didn’t look much better in her yoga pants and plain top that had drops of coffee stains on it. She’d only finger-combed her hair after her jog that morning. Her head must look like a bird’s nest.

  “Evie, fancy seeing you here,” Jared stopped at their table with a grin.

  She plastered on a bright smile. “Hello, Jared. This is my part of town. You’re the one far away from home.” He grinned harder, his gaze roaming over her slowly before shifting to Karen who gawked at him. “Uh, Jared, this is Karen. Karen? This is Jared Hawthorne.”

  “Ah, the best friend I hea
rd about. Nice to meet you, Karen.”

  Evie rolled her eyes as Karen shook his hand, on the verge of swooning. “And you’re the hot business man I heard about. A pleasure meeting you, Jared.”

  Evie stifled an embarrassed groan, wanting to sink down in her chair and disappear. Now, Jared knew she thought he was hot. He glanced at her wearing that knowing smirk. She hadn’t seen it in a while. When he glanced over his shoulder, probably checking for his girlfriend, who Evie already despised, she sent Karen a withering glare and mouthed, really?

  Sorry, Karen mouthed back with a shrug.

  Jared turned back around. “It’s nice seeing you out of the office, Evie.” Maybe she was seeing things, but she thought she identified a hint of longing in his gaze as he studied her. No way. He was there with his girlfriend. Jared must have long forgotten about any spark that might have been between them.

  “You, too.”

  “Jared, there you are.” The blonde skipped over carrying two cardboard cups. She handed Jared one and looped her arms possessively through his as she glared at Evie and Karen.

  “Ladies, this is Chelsea. Chelsea these are friends of mine—Evie and Karen.”

  “Uh huh.” Chelsea smiled sweetly up at him, a contrast to the daggers she’d been throwing at the ladies with her eyes. “Ready to go, babe?” She asked, tightening her hold.

  Jared gave Evie and Karen a small smile. “Yeah. Evie, I’ll see you. Take care, Karen.”

  “Bye,” they chorused, eliciting another glared from Chelsea.

  A good minute after Jared and Chelsea exited the cafe, Karen and Evie looked at each other and burst into loud giggles. “Holy shit, that girl wanted to slit our throats. Did you see the way she looked at us?” Karen shook her head.

  “If looks could kill, right?” Evie felt a tightness in her chest that only got worse at the thought of Jared and Chelsea. The way the other woman had wrapped her arm around his made Evie want to scream.


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