Business or Pleasure?: He's Too Hard To Resist!

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Business or Pleasure?: He's Too Hard To Resist! Page 11

by Raquel Belle

  Before she could mentally talk her way into a panic, there was a knock on her door. Her heart jumped. Garrison was early. With shaky fingers, she smoothed her floaty, floral dress, hoping it wasn’t too dressy but appropriate enough for a dinner at home with her estranged father. Making her way to the living room, she took a few seconds to compose herself. “Don’t let him see you sweat, girl,” she said to herself and opened the door with a bright smile. Her smile dropped as soon as she saw who stood in her doorway.

  “Jared?” What in god’s name was he doing at her place?

  Hands in his pocket, he assessed her from head-to-toe. “I should be hurt by that disappointed look on your face,” he said. “Expecting someone else?”

  “As a matter of fact, yes. What are you doing here?”

  His smirk quickly turned upside down. To her irritation, he asked, “Who are you expecting, so dressed up?”

  She looked down at her dress with a frown. She knew it was too much. But that was beside the point. “Again, what are you doing here?”

  He had the audacity to shoulder his way into her apartment and glance around. “You could invite me in, Evie. It’s the polite thing to do.” He glanced at the set table and back at her. A muscle ticked in his jaw. “Romantic dinner for two?”

  Evie didn’t even want to analyze his angry expression or the jealousy that clouded his eyes, which he made no attempt to hide. She had no time to inquire. Glancing at the clock hanging in her living room, she scowled. Garrison would be there soon. “If I have to ask you what you’re doing here one more time, I’m going to kick you in the shin.”

  His deep scowl turned to amusement, and his mouth curled upward. “Have I told you how hot you are when you get violent?” Her warning glare made him laugh. “You emailed your response to my inquiry about a few upcoming transactions.”

  “Uh, … yes. You emailed me, and I had responded. I’m not seeing a problem here.”

  He folded his arms, and for the life of her, she couldn’t help appreciating how good he looked in his three-piece striped royal blue suit. The fact that he was clean shaven made her blush like a fool. Days ago, after seeing the stubble burns he’d unwittingly left between her thighs, he’d vowed to remove his facial hair. She hadn’t been brave enough to tell him that she didn’t mind him leaving his mark on her, or that his stubbled jaw was beyond sexy.

  “I thought you would have stopped by my office to give me advice in person.” His voice dipped to a teasing octave. “That is what we do now, isn’t it?”

  Those late meetings, when almost everyone had left, always ended up with them both naked. His eyes were mesmerizing, smoldering emerald pools that pulled her in and lit her on fire. How he always managed to reduce her to a hot and bothered mess with just a look was beyond her. Evie swallowed and averted her gaze from the temptation that was Jared. He’d become more of an addiction since he’d started surprising her with late-night calls that had nothing to do with work, and she enjoyed them—looked forward to them even. It crossed her mind to ask just what in the hell they were doing. They certainly weren’t dating, were they? Hot and heavy, secret hook-ups in his office, and entertaining late night calls did not a relationship make. Not in her book.

  “I didn’t have the time this evening.”

  His eyes hardened. “Of course not … You were busy preparing for your date.”

  “Yes, and that’s why you should leave. That date will be arriving any minute now.”

  “Afraid he’ll get the wrong idea if he sees me here? Did you tell him what you told me, Evie? That you’re a one-man-at-a-time type of woman. Afraid he’ll find out that you lied?”

  “Excuse me?”

  His laugh was void of humor—his expression stormy. “I find your outrage amusing, considering you’re the one engaging in romantic dates with another man while you’re fucking me.”

  “Who the hell do you think you are, talking to me like that?” She barely restrained herself from slapping his gorgeous face. “First of all, what I do with anyone else in none of your goddamn business because as you said, we’re just ‘fucking.’ Two, you don’t show up at my place unannounced and hurl insults at me. Three, get the hell out of my house before you make things worse for yourself.” She stomped to the door and yanked it open. “Get out, Jared.”

  Nostrils flaring, jaw clenched, he stormed out without a word. Like an indignant child, she slammed the door for effect and instantly felt foolish. Why did she always allow that man to ruffle her feathers? Leaning against the door, Evie let out a weary sigh. She’d forgotten that Jared was a client, and she was supposed to be careful of how she spoke to him. They’d gotten involved sexually, and every line between them had become blurred. Still, he had no right to show up at her place and behave like a jealous boyfriend.

  She froze. He’d acted like a jealous boyfriend. The realization hit her with a force that left her breathless. Did Jared see them as something more than friends with benefits—or rather coworkers with benefits? It was all too much for her to mentally take on, not with the impending father-daughter dinner upon her.

  To Evie’s dismay, an hour later, she sat alone at the table, jaw on hand, staring at the dishes of food that lined the center of the table. A glass of wine was in the other hand. Her third glass. “I can’t believe I got stood up by my own father,” she muttered, miserably. Her devastation was partly her fault for getting her hopes up.

  Her phone, which she’d placed on the table beside her in the event Garrison decided to call, buzzed. With a heavy sigh, she answered. “Hi, dad.”

  “Evelyn, I just remembered that we had an appointment.”

  An appointment. She rubbed her forehead. “We did.”

  “Something came up, and it slipped my mind. You know how it is with work.”

  “Yes, I know how it is.”

  “Well, then. That’s that. Maybe we can reschedule.”

  “Maybe.” Of course, she wouldn’t have the guts to ask again, and he sure as hell wouldn’t go out of his way to invite her over for dinner. She barely saw the inside of the house where she grew up because she was never invited over, and they weren’t close enough for her to simply stop by.

  “I’ll see you at work.”


  She didn’t know how she kept her voice from trembling before she hung up, considering she was on the verge of tears. She managed to keep those tears at bay because that was what she had always done. Shoving her hurt feelings to the back burner, so that she could move on with her life. At least she’d tried with Garrison. Too emotionally drained to even get up, she reached for the open bottle of wine and refilled her glass. She hadn’t realized how long she had sat, sipping and staring at the empty chair across from her until her phone went off again. She was shocked to find out that another hour had passed.

  Gritting her teeth, she glared at Jared’s name flashing on the screen. After the way he’d behaved, did he seriously think that she wanted to talk to him? The phone went silent for a few seconds, before it went off again. With a sigh, she picked it up.

  “Is this about work?” she asked.

  “Evie ... no. I wanted to …”

  “Then goodbye, Jared.”

  Her phone continued to vibrate and light up as she moved around the kitchen, loading the refrigerator with everything she’d wasted her time preparing. Out of anger, she’d nearly tossed everything in the trash but thought of all the people in the world that went hungry every day, so she decided not to waste a thing.

  Next, she got rid of the ridiculous dress she’d bought the day before after leaving work, when Garrison had agreed to dinner. The dress wasn’t really ridiculous, and it was lovely. She was just still in her feelings about being stood up. Not just stood up, forgotten. Her father had forgotten about her. Ouch. Just as she dragged herself back to the kitchen to grab her phone, there was a knock.

  At first, she wondered if she should ignore it. She wasn’t expecting anyone. Garrison wouldn’t show up so late, and
Karen would have called before arriving. Cautiously, she approached the door and peered through the peephole. Jared.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Jared knocked on Evie’s door for the third time. He knew she was on the other side because he’d heard her footsteps approaching. Again, he knocked. No answer. “Evie, I know you’re there.” Nothing. He hung his head and exhaled. Who could blame her for not wanting to talk to him? After the way he’d behaved, he deserved to be ignored. What had he been thinking, throwing accusations and insults at her in her own home? The problem was he hadn’t been thinking. All logical reasoning seemed to evade him when he was near Evie.

  Discovering that she wasn’t having a romantic dinner with some mystery man but an innocent dinner with her father, had escalated his guilt. The information had been relayed by Garrison himself. After calling Jared over for a drink, he’d mentioned that he’d missed dinner with his daughter. Jared had played the envious boyfriend for no reason. Jealousy hadn’t even been in his vocabulary before Evie steamrolled into his life. He had no right to be jealous—no claim on her fidelity.

  “Evie, it would be best if you could just open the door. I’ll stay out here and shout as long as I need to. Your neighbors might call the police, though. Evie?”

  The door swung open, revealing a fuming Evie. Angry but distractingly sexy in way-too-short shorts and a tank top. Jared had to override his innate need to grab her and kiss her senselessly, then push her up against the door and pleasure her until she forgave him for being an ass. “Hi … I thought that would work.”

  Eyes blazing and brows drawn together, Evie folded her arms under her breasts, bringing his attention to her obviously bra-less state and her nipples peeking at him through the white material of her top. He gulped. How was he supposed to focus on groveling, when she tempted him to no end? “Showing up at my place unannounced twice in one evening. Don’t you have anything else to do, like run a billion-dollar empire?”

  “May I come in?”


  “Please, Evie. I’m here to apologize.”

  “For what? You’ve pissed me off so many times. You need to be more specific.”

  Jared pouted. “Whatever I’m apologizing for, would you really let me grovel in the hallway? I bet you have a few nosey neighbors.”

  Rolling her eyes, she stepped aside. “As long as you’re here to grovel, come in. I could use the entertainment.”

  He grinned and stepped inside. “You’re adorably, sassy. I’m getting aroused.”

  “Don’t start.” She sent him a warning look over her shoulder and continued to a huge brown couch to plop down. “Don’t expect me to be a gracious hostess and offer you a drink or anything. You weren’t invited over.”

  “I understand that you’re angry, so you can be as rude to me as you want. I can take it.” Her only response was a quick glance his way. There was no sign of that feisty spark in her eyes, which he lived for, or that defiant tilt in her chin. She looked defeated. Had he put that look on her face? Or had Garrison? He knew she’d been anxious about that dinner from what he’d glimpsed earlier. He looked from the now-empty dining table to her. “Evie, I’m sorry about earlier. The things I said were uncalled for. You were right. What you do on your time is none of my business.”

  “I’m glad you realize that.”

  He felt like she should be his business. There was this strange, fierce possessiveness that flooded him when he thought of Evie. That feeling was even stronger, seeing her the way she was, so dejected. Plus, no sharp-tongued rebuffs were coming his way. That was extremely worrisome. “Do you forgive me?”

  “Sure. We all say things out of anger.”

  “Are you letting me off the hook this easily because you’re plotting my murder, and you want me unaware of that?”

  At last, her eyes met his, and he received a smile, a sad one, but he would take it. “No, Jared. As long as you don’t fire me as your lawyer, we’re even. Let’s just forget the entire thing. I don’t have the energy to dwell on much right now. I’m tired. I was on my way to bed. So …” she glanced at the door.

  He loosened his tie and backed-off his jacket, throwing it on the back of a chair. He took a seat beside her but left enough space between them to avoid the temptation that she presented. “I can’t let you kick me out just yet. Not when you look like that. What’s wrong? Are you upset that Garrison didn’t show up for dinner?”

  She gasped and turned to him. “How do you know about that?” Her eyes narrowed. “Is that why you suddenly decided to apologize, because you found out I wasn’t screwing some other man?”

  “No, I had planned on apologizing as soon as I walked out of your door, and I had realized that I was acting like the asshole you always accuse me of being. I found out way later that Garrison didn’t show up. He told me.”

  Evie continued to stare at him blankly. “He said he got held up with work. Was he dealing with something for you? Why don’t I know about it?”

  “I have no business dealings with Garrison. He called me and invited me over for a drink. It’s a thing that we do where we drink and vent to each other about certain things.”

  Shaking her head in disbelief, Evie threw her hands up. “Oh, so he has time for drinks with you, but he couldn’t take the time to have a quick dinner with his own daughter? Nice.” She glared at him accusingly. “It’s good to know you get invited to his home. To my home that I haven’t been to in years.”

  “You can’t blame me for this. I had no idea about his plans with you. And I don’t know the reason for him not being able to make it.”

  “I’m not blaming you for anything. I just don’t understand why I’m the only person who has to work so hard to get a minute of his time, when I should be the one to get it freely.” Her eyes filled with tears, and at that moment Jared disliked Garrison. How could he cause his daughter so much hurt?

  Clearing her throat, she let out a sharp puff of air and shrugged. “I guess that’s just the way things are. That’s the way they’ve been since I was eight. I don’t know why I expect them to change now. I just thought I’d give mending our relationship a try. Foolish me.”

  “’Foolish’ and you should never be used in the same sentence, Evie. Don’t feel bad for trying.” Jared wiped a hand over his face, not sure what else to say. He was the last person to give family advice. His had been just as messed up as hers. The only difference was that he’d stopped caring a long time ago but Evie still seemed to care. “I’m sorry, Evie.” He wasn’t even sure what he was apologizing for this time. He just knew he’d do and say anything to see her smile again.

  In a move that surprised him, she turned to face him, drew her knees up and wrapped her arms around them. Resting her chin on her knees, she met his gaze. Without thinking, he reached out to tuck a lock of hair that escaped her ponytail behind her ear. “What are we doing, Jared?”

  The sudden change in topic caught him off guard. “Talking about your father?”

  Her lips twitched, and he found himself waiting eagerly for her smile to spread. When it did, he smiled too. “No. I don’t want to talk about family dysfunction—I want to talk about you and me.”

  He sucked in a breath. “Okay, now I want to leave. Feel free to kick me out again.”

  “You’re not going anywhere. I’ll damage your knee caps to keep you here if necessary.”

  He threw his head back and roared. “There’s the woman I’m accustomed to. Welcome back. I missed being threatened.” Her smile was contagious and beautiful. She was beautiful, and it was getting harder for him to breathe by the second. Too many emotions were rising at once. Jared swallowed. “You and me?”

  “Uh huh. I need you to make a few things clear regarding us. The way you reacted to the possibility of me seeing someone else left me confused. It’s not just tonight. You’ve been doing and saying things for a while now that don’t fit into the box of a strictly sexual relationship.”

  He shifted uneasil
y. “I think I’d rather talk about dysfunctional families, or even have my fingernails pulled out one by one with pliers than talk about us.”

  Her chuckle was light and melodic, tickling his skin and his insides. “I think I’ve got a pair of pliers somewhere around here.”

  His lips twisted. “Sometimes I get the feeling you don’t like me too much.”

  “Only when you revert to asshole mode ... Now, stop trying to avoid the conversation I started. What’s happening with us, Jared? What’s with you coming to my place, calling me at nights, and behaving like a jealous boyfriend? That’s not what playboys such as yourself do.”

  “I am not a ‘playboy.’ At least not this month. Yours are the only legs I’ve been between for weeks now. Surely, that diminishes my status as a rake.”

  Evie cocked a brow. “It’s too soon for your rake status to be affected. Give it a few more weeks.”

  “Are you saying you want to keep seeing me for a few more weeks?”

  “That’s the thing, Jared. I’m not sure if we’re ‘seeing’ each other or not. Initially, I was positive we were just having sex. Now, I don’t know if it’s more than that. I really need to know what’s going on because I can’t put myself in the position of getting my heart broken again.”

  His curiosity temporarily overrode his panic. He met her gaze. “Again?”

  She pursed lips, and told him she didn’t want to explain, but he had to know.

  He sighed. “You once mentioned that sweet words don’t work on you anymore, implying that you’ve fallen for sweet words before, and something happened. You got your heart broken. Tell me about it, about him.”

  Evie’s lips parted, her intake of air was audible. “You remember that? Why?”

  “Because I remember everything you say, Evie.”

  Silence hung between them, as they held each other’s gazes. Evie’s eyes were wide, her expression perplexed. Jared knew he was treading dangerously, letting her see too much of what he was feeling. But, maybe letting Evie know how he felt about her wasn’t such a bad thing. Fear inserted itself right after the thought to open up, and he could feel himself withdrawing, emotionally. His expression became shuttered, and he ran his fingers through his hair and moved to stand up. “I should get going.”


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