12- Open Your Eyes: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol. 12

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12- Open Your Eyes: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol. 12 Page 3

by B. A. Stretke

  Grant had never been inside the Coven proper before, but it was impossible to pay attention to anything apart from Victor. His sweet scent, his presence, and the way his tight little ass filled those black pants was sinful perfection. Grant considered the fact that he’d nearly backed out of coming here tonight too caught up in his own self-pity. What a loss that would have been. Thank God Iker demanded that he come and wouldn’t take no for an answer.

  Victor stopped at one of the black lacquer doors that lined the hallway and just opened it and walked in, no key, no code. That set off mild alarm bells in Grant’s head that his mate needed to be better protected. But those thoughts were drowned out by the way Victor called his name so husky and deep for such a tiny person. The sound tingled against his skin.

  “Grant, this is my home, for now. We’re all moving to the new place downtown eventually, but for now, this is mine.” Victor stepped back but kept his hold on Grant’s hand as he pulled him into the living room. The place was functional and pleasant, and that was all Grant’s lust blown attention could take in because he was swamped with everything Victor. He couldn’t take his eyes from the gorgeous man so svelte and soft and tempting.

  He moved up closer and slipped his arm around Victor needing the feel of his body pressed against him. He was very short, but still his curves seemed to match Grant’s, and they fit together like they were made for one another.

  “You feel so perfect.” Victor groaned into Grant’s chest.

  “You feel like mine,” Grant responded and tipped Victor’s face up towards him. “I want to kiss you, sweetheart.”

  “Yes.” Victor breathed the words as Grant descended to take those sweet, plump red lips and taste the splendor of this man. He wrapped one arm around Victor’s shoulders, pulling him up tight to his chest while he plundered that desirable mouth. His other hand dropped to cup that sinfully attractive ass that fit so perfectly in the palm of his hand.

  Grant ate away at Victor’s mouth, tasting and memorizing every aspect as he plundered deep. This was a kiss that demanded and begged in equal measures. Grant wanted his mate, and this kiss began the foundation of their bond. It opened his heart and filled it with everything that was this man. Victor was his focus and his reason.

  He felt Victor's small hands on his back gripping his shirt and holding on as they both lost themselves in the kiss. Desperation hit its pinnacle when both were gasping for air and still unwilling to stop.

  Victor gasped and pulled away from the kiss but held him tight and leaned his forehead against Grant’s solid chest. “Let’s sit for a while and get to know one another.” He urged Grant down onto the small sofa in the corner of the room. Grant kept his arm firmly around him as he ached to continue the kiss. The urgency of their kiss had gotten things started, but his mate was wanting familiarity before they went further. He would give this sweet man anything he wanted even if it required him putting his wolf in a stranglehold in order to control him.


  Grant managed to push down his wolf and with a deep breath, agreed. “Yes, let’s talk.” It was the last thing he wanted to do. His wolf was clamoring at the walls trying to escape, needing their mate and the security of the claim, but his mate needed time, and he would give it. Victor wanted to know who Grant was before putting the final seal on their relationship. It was understandable, difficult, but understandable.

  “I am a detective with the Pittsburgh Police. I’ve worked there for the past eight years. Before that, I was with the force in Philadelphia for two years.” Grant figured it was a good place to start with current and relevant information.

  “Wow, that’s impressive.” His mate’s praise touched Grant and always hoped to make Victor proud. “I’m a server here at the Imperial.” Victor offered. “I started in the kitchen, and I’ve worked my way up to server. I’ve been here at the Imperial for four years but a member of the Coven my entire life.” Victor spoke clearly but without much emotion as if his true aspirations lay elsewhere. Grant would investigate that . . . later.

  “Any family nearby?” Grant wondered how many relatives he would have to win over in the pursuit of his mate.

  “My brother, Simon, lives here with his beloved Killian. Killian is a commander of one of the guard units.” There was pride in his words when he spoke of his brother and brother-in-law. They were obviously two people Grant needed to get in good with. “How about you, any family?” Victor asked with a smile.

  Grant wasn’t sure how to answer that because he had family but none that he had any real contact with. “I left my birth pack many years ago. I have very little family remaining, and we have virtually no contact.” He thought for a moment and then decided that Victor needed the whole truth and not just the highlights. This was his mate and, Victor was right; they needed to understand one another.

  “I was the Beta in my birth pack for eighty-five years, and then I was asked to leave, I was banished as such.” Grant paused and took a deep breath not realizing how much strength it took to discuss his old life. “I was given an ultimatum to either mate with the Alpha’s sister and provide offspring or leave. So, I chose to leave.”

  “I’m sorry.” Victor reached up and cupped the side of Grant’s face and turned him so that he was looking directly at him. “I’ve only known you a few minutes and can say with sincerity that your Alpha was a fool to let you go, but I’m glad you chose to leave.”

  “Thank you, sweetheart. You’re the only one I will ever truly need.” Grant was leaning in for another kiss when there came a brief knock to the door, and then it opened. Victor stiffened in his embrace but relaxed the moment a waiter with a rolling tray came into view.

  “This is a gift from the Master. He sends his congratulations and has given Victor two weeks off with full pay. Enjoy your time together.” The waiter said and turned to leave.

  “Extend our gratitude,” Victor said, and the waiter nodded and left.

  “Word gets around quick,” Grant commented and reached to the tray and grabbed the bottle of champagne. “Let’s drink to a wonderful and exciting beginning and a life full of love and understanding.”

  “Sounds beautiful.” Victor agreed.

  They spent the evening drinking, eating, and getting to know one another. Grant had thought the delay in claiming would aggravate his wolf, but instead, it helped grow their bond in a way that provided a solid foundation for where they planned to go.

  It wasn’t easy by far; the desire to take his mate and ravish him was great, but greater was his desire to please him. Victor wanted to know him and have a connection before claiming. He wasn’t sure if that was the way of all vampires or if it was just his Victor who needed more than merely the carnal drive for completion.

  Grant managed to pepper plenty of foreplay into the information exchange, which went on for hours, but Grant could not remember a more enjoyable time in his life. Just sitting, making out, and talking with his mate was amazing. “You have the softest hair.” He commented while kissing the side of Victor’s throat and running his fingers through his hair. Victor gave a soft laugh.

  “Thank you.” He responded as he ran his hands up and down Grant’s thigh getting ever so close to Grant’s hardness each time. “You give me goosebumps each time you touch me.” That declaration earned him a kiss that tore away all reserve, all resistance. Talking was coming to an end, and their combined desire was taking over.

  “I want to claim you, Victor,” Grant stated and eased Victor backward to lay out upon the sofa, and he followed him down, raining kisses on his face and throat. “You’re my mate, and I will forever honor and protect you. Fate has brought us here to love and support one another for the rest of eternity.” Grant continued to kiss him after each word bringing Victor to a state of neediness that paralleled his own.

  “I want you too, Grant, more than anything in this world,” Victor stated breathlessly and held onto Grant like he was a lifeline. Grant moved to cover his little mate with his body pre
ssing his hardening cock against Victor’s leg for a modicum of relief. He continued to kiss him while working the snaps on his black pants. Grant wanted his mate naked. He wanted to experience that tight little body and feel it wrapped around him.

  It wasn’t long, and Grant was able to slide his hand inside those sexy black pants and encircle Victor’s firm cock with his large calloused hand. Victor’s breathing was labored, and his fingers dug into Grant’s biceps he began to thrust up into Grant’s grip as he too sought satisfaction.

  Grant felt Victor’s teeth graze the tender flesh of his earlobe, and the sensation was titillating. He’d been with vampires before, but no one had ever affected him the way his mate affected him. The mere touch of his fangs had Grant going rock hard.

  “Taste me, Victor.” He urged, and instantly, he felt a prick of pain followed by a sense of euphoria. It was quick, and Victor took only a small taste, but the effect sent a ripple of pleasure so intense he felt himself tremble as his wolf whined in the back of his mind. The beast was desperate for gratification of release. He needed his mate so damn bad right now.

  Victor was over the moon, never had he wanted someone so desperately as he wanted his beloved. It was so intense he thought the feeling would consume him entirely. It was exciting and terrifying, and he wanted it all, and he wanted it now. The touch of Grant’s rough hand on his sensitive cock was turning him inside out, and the need to feed and claim was overpowering.

  “I want to touch you too.” He moaned and slipped his hands up under Grant’s tight fitted gray tee and ran his hands up and down the smooth hot surface of his back and down to the curve of his ass so hard and so fine. He wanted to take a bite out that ass and looked forward to the day that would be allowed. Victor smiled to himself but soon began another series of moans as Grant tightened his grip on his cock, making his attention laser-focused on the contact, pressure, and ecstasy of his touch. He wanted to complete their bond by not on the sofa; he wanted Grant in his bed making love to him and staking his claim.

  “It’s nearing daybreak, why don’t we move this to my bedroom.” He looked up at Grant, his blue eyes beseeching. “I want to take this slow and feel every minute that I am with you. I want you so badly, and I want our first time together to be perfect.” Grant smile and slowly released his hold on Victor’s cock and slipped his hand free.

  “As long as I know that you are mine, sweetheart, I can go as slow as you wish.” Grant found that he had no trouble in giving in to anything his mate desired. It was probably the way it would be for the rest of their lives together, and he had no complaints. He was discovering that delayed gratification just made the need and desire grow more powerful and put an edge on his urges. It was delicious.

  “I’m yours, Grant, I’ll always be yours.” Victor declared as they moved to stand. Victor took Grant’s hand and as before leading him from the room. The anticipation of what was ahead of them was reaching a favored pitch when suddenly Grant’s phone went off.

  At first, his mind was so consumed with claiming his mate that the sound didn’t even register, and then it sunk in and with it a terrible feeling of duty. “I have to answer this.” He said, his tone laced with sadness and regret.

  “Of course.” Victor’s tone was similar.

  Grant moved away a few feet and took the call.

  Victor stood there, not sure what to do or say. Grant had an important job protecting the welfare of others and even something as important as finding your mate or beloved could not interfere. It was the truth, a hard truth that Victor would have to come to terms with.

  It wasn’t as if Grant were flattering customers and serving drinks, he protected this city, so his job would have to come first. Stanley seemed satisfied and happy, and he was bonded to Iker Dawson a detective and friend of Grant’s. If Stanley could manage, so could he, Victor resolved.

  He sensed the termination of their evening together was about to be declared, and he wished for it not to be true. Just another hour or two, that’s all he would ask for this night, but he wasn’t going to get it.

  Grant closed the call and looked back at Victor with an agonized expression. Victor knew it was coming next and braced himself not to react too obviously. “I have to go,” Grant said the words, and Victor could not prevent the disappointed sigh that escaped his lips.

  “I understand,” Victor told him. He didn’t like it, but he understood. Grant walked up to him and pulled him in for a full-body hug, and it was wonderful. Victor closed his eyes and drank in the heavy wild scent of his beloved, for it would have to satisfy him for now. Grant’s fingers dug into Victor’s sides as he forced himself regrettably to pull away, yet still held him.

  “I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He promised, and Victor nodded, knowing that this was the way it had to be. Grant pulled him up close one more time and kissed him like his life depended upon it. It was desperate and demanding in equal measures and set Victor on fire all over again.

  “I have to go.” He repeated as he released Victor and turned back towards the door. “Give me your number.” He asked while pulling his phone from his pocket. Victor recited the number, and then he heard his own cell ringing in the other room. “Now you have my number.” Grant smiled. “I’ll call you later, promise.” Those were the last words he said as he rushed out the door and disappeared down the long hallway.

  Victor stood in the hall and watched Grant until he was out of sight. The feeling of having his beloved walk away even for good purpose was excruciating. The desire to chase him down and demand his time and attention was overwhelming him, so he stepped back into his apartment and closed the door. He’ll be back soon, he told himself. He closed his eyes and leaned against the door.


  Grant was furious, but there was nothing he could do about it. The call was from the Captain and demanded his presence immediately. He wasn’t given any details, but you don’t ignore your Captain. Since the man was human, he had no clue the trauma he’d just inflicted, nor would he ever know. Walking away from Victor was the hardest thing Grant had ever done. The need to hurry back to him was crushing.

  He’d used a valet when parking, so he hurried to the desk and turned in his ticket. The sun was just rising, and the Imperial seemed much quieter, but still, there was plenty of activity. Iker had shot him a text congratulating him and wishing him a lovely evening. That made him smile even as he stood there, cursing the duty that pulled him from his mate.

  His car pulled up, and the driver stepped out handing him the keys. Just as he was about to get in, a tall, formidable vampire walked up beside him with something clearly on his mind. Grant paused and gave his attention.

  “I saw you leaving Victor Rossi’s place.” He stated, and Grant nodded, not sure where this was headed. “He’s not someone you want to get serious with. He’s only in it for the thrill.” Grant narrowed his eyes at the man wanting to attack for the inference to his mate but also needing him to explain.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Every man in this Coven has had a taste of Victor. He likes variety, a new cock every night, so to say.” The man was not sneering or grinning; he was just stating the facts, and that tore into Grant like a red-hot poker. He stared at the man for a moment unable to respond.

  “Don’t waste your time with Victor Rossi, he’s nothing but a whore, and you will never satisfy him.” The man finished and walked away. Grant was stunned every negative thought, and feeling he’d buried after the humiliation by Julian came back full force. Was he once again being played for a fool? Just another fucking cock in a long line of cocks?

  He got into his car as if in a daze and drove away. His mind was a disaster with thoughts loathsome and disgusting, filling his mind. He should have defended Victor but, how could he? He didn’t really know Victor or his reputation, and who was he to say this man was lying? His mate was just like Julian. His wolf was furious and fighting for release. He didn’t understand his behavior or why he’d left their mate bef
ore they’d completed their bond.

  His heart was pounding with pent up anger as he pushed his wolf to the back of his mind. The beast didn’t understand betrayal and would continue to demand his mate. This mate was not genuine, not honest or true. The pain of the humiliation was eating him up as he pulled in and parked in front of the station.

  He had to get himself under control, or everyone would know something was wrong. He wasn’t ready to discuss it with those who understood, and he couldn’t discuss it with those who didn’t. He needed to calm the fuck down. Several deep breaths and he managed to put a block in place separating himself from his emotions. He had a job to do, and no fucking user was going to get in the way of that. Another deep breath and he exited his car and entered the station.


  Victor turned off the light and went to bed, hoping that sleep would help the time pass quicker. He missed his beloved, so damned bad. He placed his phone on the bedside table in case Grant called. He hoped he’d call soon. He’d promised to call. It had only been a few minutes, and it felt like they’d been apart for days. The pull was fierce in the beginning and would grow stronger and agitated until they completed their bond.

  He rolled over and tried to fall asleep, but the image of his gorgeous beloved filled his mind. Perhaps he would return soon enough that they would have dinner together and then complete their bond.

  Part of Victor wished he hadn’t asked to go slow and that they would have bonded already. But he had wanted romance, and he wanted to know his beloved so as to add an even deeper meaning to their initial bonding. It was stupid now that he thought about it, if they’d bonded before Grant had to leave, he wouldn’t be feeling so bereft and alone right now. Finally, after about an hour of trying, he fell into a fitful sleep.


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