The Fire Within

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The Fire Within Page 13

by Nicholas Clausen

  “Because they want to fight. So we fight.” He explained. Hayden saw how calm Kne was, so he decided to try to talk with Klarack and Rimney.

  “Please.” He said as he stepped over to the Frost Fang and Sea Serpent. “There is no need to fight. We need to figure out what our next step is, and this is not it.”

  “This creature won’t tell us where Cass is or what happened to her,” Klarack growled.

  “Kne,” Hayden emphasized the Bone Thieves’ name. “Told you what Cass is doing and what she wants us to know,” Hayden explained.

  “Kne does not answer to any of us. Neither does Cass. The entire point of this war, of all of this, is that we will be equal.” Hayden continued.

  “You trust Kne?” Rimney asked.

  “I do,” Hayden said. “I don’t like it. I don’t like that Cass is gone and that I don’t know where she is or what she is doing. But I trust her, and she wants me to trust Kne. So I will.” Hayden said.

  “If you trust Kne, then we do as well,” Kirin said, standing up and looking at her fellow rulers.

  “The Bone Thieves are here to help us as are the dwarves. They are here for themselves as much as they are here for us.” Kirin said. “We must remember that we all have something to gain from this as well as something to lose if we fail.

  “And we have all sacrificed something,” Rimney said.

  “True,” Klarack mumbled.

  “Cass is gone, we cannot change that,” Hayden spoke up. “We have a fight ahead of us, let's focus on that.” He looked at each of the rulers to make sure no one had anything else to add. A breeze blew through the field and caused the tent flaps to shutter. The tent seemed to take in a breath.

  “We have traveled a long time to get here, we all have. The Bone Thieves are here, ready to fight. Kne is their leader, and I have seen what they can do firsthand.” Hayden explained. “It's terrifying, to be honest.” Hayden smiled. Kne nodded in thanks to the compliment.

  “The dwarves are here as well. All of them. Every surviving dwarf has come at Durgen’s call, and they are eager to fight.” Hayden looked at the dwarf King as he spoke. “They attacked some metallic dragons on our way here, and they struck so fast they had no hope of even fighting back.” Durgen smiled as Hayden spoke.

  “Wait, you fought metallic dragons on your way here?” Kirin asked. “Where?”

  “North of here, about a half days flight,” Durgen replied.

  “We haven’t seen any dragons leave here, we would stop them,” Rimney said. Hayden understood why they were worried. They had thought that all the metallic dragons were here, but there was a chance that they were elsewhere and could show up and attack them at any moment.

  “We believe they were three of the new riders that would have recently hatched dragons. They were small and tried to flee at first sight of us.” Hayden said.

  “Even if they had been old and gray, they would have fled from us,” Durgen said.

  “We should assume that it was simply the new riders and that Elizabeth had them outside the city,” Kirin said as she looked out over the other leaders. No one had a better idea, so they continued.

  “How are we going to do this?” Kirin asked. Durgen spoke up again before anyone else could speak.

  “My people want to lead the attack.” He growled. “Hayden already promised that we could.” He added.

  Hayden felt all eyes dig into him, but it was Kirin spoke while the others were content to glare at him.

  “Did he?” Her voice made it evident how upset she was. “What else did Hayden promise?” She asked.

  “I get to kill the golden one.” Durgen banged his right hand on his chest.

  Hayden forced a smile, but he didn’t want to meet her gaze. He tried to explain himself, but he knew it wouldn’t do any good.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Hayden walked out of the tent, pushing the flaps open and allowing them to fall behind him. He took in a breath of fresh air and let the breeze that had been slightly shaking the tent wash over him. He hadn’t realized how hot and stuffy the tent had been until he was outside in the clean air. The sky had turned shades of dark blue and red as the sun had almost escaped past the horizon. Torches had been lit around the tent by the guards, and small bugs fluttered around the flames.

  Hayden didn’t know what to do next, but he knew he wanted to find Draek. He started walking down the path that they had taken to get to the tent, but this time he didn’t wait for Kne or Durgen.

  His feet crushed the soft grass that had not been trodden into a dirt path yet. He only took a few steps before he stopped walking. Someone was following him.

  Hayden turned around to find the two human guards that had been standing around the tent. Hayden didn’t say anything to them but just turned back around and started walking again.

  He heard the clanking of their armor as the two guards continued to follow him.

  “Can I help you?” Hayden asked. He knew his voice showed how irritated he was getting. He wanted to be alone and find Draek. They had a lot to discuss because things were moving quickly. Soon they would be fighting and when that happened everything would fall into chaos.

  “No, sir.” One of the two guards said. Hayden wasn’t sure which one had spoken because he didn’t turn around.

  “Then why are you two following me?” He asked. Hayden had made it up to the small hill that was before the tent, and it was a big enough clearing that Draek could land.

  “We are not following you, sir.” The same guard replied.

  Draek, are you coming? Hayden thought as he stopped walking and told his dragon where he was. He knew that Draek was on his way without answering, but it would be a few seconds before Draek arrived.

  “If you are not following me then why are you following me?” Hayden asked. Since there was nowhere else to walk Hayden turned to face the two guards. They both wore simple steel armor and plain helmets.

  Hayden couldn’t see their faces very well, but he could see the black and gray beards that hung below the helmets, and he guessed they were both his elder.

  “Sir, we are not following you. We are guarding you.” The same man answered. The other guard nodded his head. The helmet was a little big for the man so as he nodded it slid slightly.

  “You two are guarding me?” Hayden asked. He wasn’t sure if this was some sort of joke.

  “Yes sir, we are your guards.” The second man finally spoke up. His voice was significantly deeper than the other guard.

  “All the other rulers have guards. We thought you would need them as well.” Hayden was a little shocked by their answer.

  He didn’t want to overthink his abilities, but part of him wondered if they really thought that he needed guards. If they thought they were the ones that were going to be able to help him in a fight.

  They need to guard you. Draek explained.

  Hayden stared at the two older men. What are they going to do? Hayden asked. The gray beards were giving him reason for doubt.

  Guard you, and if need be, they will die for you. Draek replied. Hayden saw the two men in a different light. He remembered how he had looked up to dragon riders at one point and what he would have been willing to do to be near one. He had never wanted anyone to risk their lives for him, but this was what they wanted to do.

  Humans have joined the fight and have joined with races they have only ever heard about. They are myths and legends, and your kind is fighting alongside them because they think it the right thing to do. You are their leader, and they have come here for you. Draek said.

  Hayden thought about what Draek said. He had been so used to following orders and looking to others for leadership, for hope. Now he was that person.

  “I have called my dragon here, we are going to go flying and discuss what our next steps need to be,” Hayden explained. The two guards looked at each other, neither knowing what to do next.

  “You didn’t expect to have to guard me if I was on dragon back?” Hayden asked wit
h a smile.

  “Well, no sir.” The guard who had done most of the talking admitted.

  “It’s ok, I am sure Draek can keep me safe in your absence,” Hayden said.

  “What.” The other guard started. “What should we do while you are gone?” He asked.

  As he finished asking his question both of them stepped back and looked to the sky. Draek was landing, and it was most likely the first time they had seen a dragon, let alone one as big as Draek, up close.

  Hayden noticed that Draek still had all their gear attached to his saddle. It wasn’t heavy enough to bother Draek, but the two older men didn’t know that.

  “Actually, I could use your help,” Hayden said. He rubbed his chin like he was deep in thought.

  “Yes, sir.” Both of the men said together.

  “Draek and I have been traveling for the last two days, and all the gear is weighing him down,” Hayden explained. He thought how hard doing nothing could weigh on a person at a time like this. Even menial tasks would be a welcomed change to nothing.

  No, it's not. Draek complained.

  I know that, but they don’t. Hayden said.

  They will think I am weak. Draek said. Hayden ignored him and continued talking to the two old men.

  “We won’t be flying long, and then we will need a place to rest,” Hayden explained. “It would help both of us out if you two would be able to take our gear and find where our tent is being set up at.”

  “Yes sir, there is already a tent prepared for you.” One of the guards said. “It is set off on its own, so your dragon can sleep with you.”

  “Thank you, that would be perfect.” Hayden thanked them. He moved over and undid all the straps that held the saddlebags to the saddle.

  You know I can carry this? Draek complained.

  I know, but it will make them feel like they are doing something. I thought you would like this? Hayden thought. It had been Draek’s idea to include the guards, but there was nothing else they could help him with.

  Hayden stacked the bags off to the side but grabbed his sword and strapped it to his back. He didn’t want to risk the battle starting and him not having his sword. The guards seemed to think it a good idea for him to have it on him.

  One of the guards ran off to find a cart and people to help with all the gear while Hayden climbed onto Draek’s back.

  “Thank you, both of you,” Hayden said.

  Draek was about to take to the air when the remaining guard spoke. “Thank you, sir, I lived less than a day’s walk from Erskine sir. I saw what happened there on our way here, and I heard that you killed the dragon who destroyed the town.”

  “I did. I am from Erskine, or at least I was.” Hayden forced a smile.

  “You are not from Celestial City? I thought all riders were from the city.” The guard said.

  “No, I am from Erskine. That was why my town was burned.” Draek jumped into the air, leaving the guard more in awe then he had been before.

  What do you think about all their planning? Draek asked. Hayden waited for Draek to get a little higher into the air so he could look around.

  It had been a long time since they had seen Celestial City, but it was still just as beautiful as the first time he and Fendrel had laid eyes on it.

  The city had torches and braziers burning all around which reflected off the metal that made up everything. The entire city seemed to glow as if it was all on fire.

  The Metallic Pyramid was completely shut up, every opening that housed the dragons were closed. The dragons they had seen flying over the city when they had first arrived had disappeared in the Pyramid. Since then there had been no other movement or sign of life from within the metal walls.

  I think they may rely on their planning a little too much. Hayden answered honestly. All of their planning came down to if Elizabeth did this, then they would respond this way. It left far too much up to chance.

  I agree. Something is not right here, and we don’t know what it is. Draek said. He turned in the air to stay away from the city, there was no need for them to get close unless they wanted to chance one of their war machines firing at them.

  Elizabeth is planning something. Hayden agreed. What could she be waiting on? He asked.

  They flew over their army and Hayden couldn’t help but feel hopeful. The elves and Sea Serpents had brought their full force and had even made war machines of their own. Kirin had mentioned that they had been able to salvage some of them that the Metallic Nation had during the battle over Eytherka, and they were able to make more off of the design.

  The Frost Fangs had their huts set up together, and Hayden knew that each one of them was a vicious fighter. Their white dragons were huddled together and looked to have steam rising off of them.

  The dwarves and Bone Thieves had fallen into place and had added support to the weaker parts of the circle around the city. The Bone Thieves made up a significant size of the army, but the other races had moved out of the way and had given them their space. Hayden knew how unnerving the Bone Thieves could be.

  He smiled when he thought they were in for a shock when they actually saw the Bone Thieves fight.

  She might have been waiting for us. Draek said. Hayden had to agree that it was a real possibility that she had been waiting for the remaining two Metallic Riders to try one last time to get them to rejoin her. At least Cassidy.

  Do you think they know that Cass isn’t with us? Hayden asked.

  I don’t know how they would know that. They will find out soon enough. Draek said.

  How long do you think they will wait before they try to talk with us? Hayden asked.

  I don’t know, it can’t be too much longer. Draek thought.

  How do you think the fight will go? It was the real question that Hayden had been wondering. He was sure it was the real question everyone was wondering.

  I don’t think it is going to happen like they think. I think it will start on the ground and quickly go to the sky. Hayden knew Draek was right. The ground troops were going to fight hard, but a lone dragon could destroy an army before anyone could do anything about it.

  Kirin wants us in the air first. Hayden said. That was what Kirin and the other leaders had thought would be the best plan of attack, hit hard and hit first. If their dragons took to the sky first and never allowed the Metallic Dragons to get in the air, the war would be over in an afternoon.

  The plan sounded good, but Hayden had thought it seemed a little too easy. Kne and Hayden had been the only ones that doubted the idea and thought it best to only use the dragons after the ground troops were engaged or after the Metallic Dragons were involved.

  I don’t think it will matter who gets in the air first. We are not taking the city without a bloody fight. Hayden agreed, but for once, it seemed that they could actually win.

  The city was still alive, but the camps surrounding the city was where the real life was. Smoke came from all the makeshift blacksmiths that had sprung up, and there was noise coming from all directions.

  How long until Durgen and the dwarves take over all the blacksmiths? Hayden asked, trying to change the subject to a lighter topic.

  Bjorn already called all the red dragons together. I think they are about to take them now. Hayden smiled at that. He was sure the other races might not be happy about that, but when they saw what the dwarves could do and just how fast they could do it, they would step aside.

  I believe it is time to head to our tent. Hayden said. He knew that he was tired and was having to fight back a yawn and Draek was the one that had worked all day. Draek did not say a word but slowly turned until he was flying back to where the humans had set up camp.

  Just as the guards had said, there was a lone tent off to the side of the main encampment where Draek could land and have plenty of room to get comfortable. Hayden wasn’t sure what the next couple of days were going to hold for them, but he was actually happy that they were finally here. The wait was over, and the fight was about to beg

  Draek landed in the grass and pulled his wings in. Hayden noticed that the tent was more extensive then he had thought it was going to be and the same two guards were waiting outside. Hayden climbed down Draek’s side and went to undo the saddle, but Draek pulled away.

  What are you doing? You are more comfortable without the saddle on. Hayden said.

  If they attack, we need to be ready. We won’t have time for you to fight putting on the saddle. Hayden thought Draek made sense, but he didn’t believe they were going to fight, not this night.

  He knew there was no point to fight with Draek, so he stopped trying to get the saddle off. Hayden walked around Draek and made sure that his wounds were still healing up nicely. The trip south had been hard on the dragons, and the scabs on his chest wounds and tail were weeping slightly. The hole in his wings seemed almost healed up and hadn’t closed up. A reminder of what they had done.

  “Thank you again,” Hayden said to the guards when he finished checking on Draek. He thought that once he and Draek made it back to their tent, they would leave, but he was wrong. Both of them stood outside with their backs straight and a spear in their hand.

  “You two don’t have to stay here,” Hayden said before he closed the flap and backed into the tent.

  “We don’t have too, we get too.” One of the guards said.

  Hayden nodded his head and closed the flap. He couldn’t believe the trust that these men put in him, or how they looked up to him. It made him feel, uncomfortable. He shook the feeling and looked around the temporary home they had put up for him.

  The tent had a cot with blankets and pillows, something that most of the people in the camp didn’t have. Hayden knew that most of their soldiers would be sleeping on the hard ground until the battle was over. There was a chair and a small table with a single candle burning upon it.

  His gear was stacked in the middle of the tent, still in the bags. Hayden took his time going through his equipment and dividing it up between what was going to be essential to him in the upcoming battle and what was going to get in the way.

  After a while, Draek had fallen asleep, Hayden was finished, and the end result was two saddlebags that held things Hayden deemed essential and several bags pushed off to the side.


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