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Retribution Page 9

by B C Morgan

  “What do you expect, I was worried about you, after what happened to Pearl how did you expect me to be when I found out you just disappeared one morning. If it hadn’t been for Nora contacting me to let me know you were okay, I wouldn’t have been any the wiser. And as for speaking for you, it was getting rather clear you didn’t want to inform our gracious leader that you are in fact bosom buddies with the incubus.”

  Her fist connected with his jaw, so quick that he had only been able to deflect it from its original target, the nose.

  His head whipped back, crashing into the wall, while her stance change to one of defence and a low growl started to emanate from her.

  “That’s enough, you two need to sort out your issues and once you have, I would very much like to have a conversation with Janelle. And it will be without your presence David.”

  I could tell by the look on his face he was not proud of the way he had been acting, it was true what they said about love making you foolish. It was made even worse when you couldn’t even admit to yourself that love was in fact the reason you were acting like a moron.

  I had no idea what occurred between the two of them once they left, but by the time Janelle returned she was still agitated. She was pacing the floor and her eyes kept shifting to those of her wolf, a clear sign she was itching to change.

  Once she did, she went leaping out of the window, shattering the glass on impact and disappeared into the woods.

  By the time she reappeared, her wolf was resting, and she appeared calmer, though the agitation was still there on a low simmer.

  “How do you even know Malachi Janelle? I didn’t think any of the rebels even associated with his kind.”

  “Maybe they don’t, but Malachi is more than just an Incubus. When we first met, I was in a very dark place and so was he, after Lawson killed his father, he swore he would never kill again. He likes to pretend it was that moment that he stopped, but it wasn’t.

  I met him ten years ago, I was only eighteen, but had been through enough to age me by a decade. He was trying so hard not to kill his victims, although he preferred to call them his sources of sustenance, but for every one he kept alive, two would die. Due to my dark nature I was drawn to him, and together we found the light. I let him feed from me and he helped me to accept the cards fate had cruelly dealt me. He protected me Marcus, and sure I may have been giving myself to an incubus, but he never hurt me. Anytime he came close, my wolf would emerge, and he would be left a lot worse of then I was. Anyway, by the time we went our own way, he could control his nature and no one was ever the wiser he had been close to turning into a creature more abhorrent than his father.”

  “Well that explains David’s reaction, it’s never easy to hear about an ex-lover, even if you two are nothing more than friends. It’s clear for anyone to see that his feelings far out-weigh the label you two have placed upon your relationship.”

  “Me and David can never be anything other than friends, a selfish part of me never wants him to find anyone else, but I know it would be better for him if he did.”

  “Will you ever tell me your story Janelle?” I asked.

  “Only if you tell me your secret in return,” she replied, with a knowing smirk.

  I asked her what secret I was supposed to have, and her response left me dumb founded.

  “We both know there is more to you than just being a sorcerer, you have strength and a power I have never felt in another creature of your kind. You tell me what you are, and I will tell you how I came to be the way I am.”

  My silence must have told her more than I intended, as all she did was give me a gentle smile before reforming into her wolf and returning to the woods.



  The conversation between Malachi and Hades would not leave my mind, and Adiran was relishing in my turmoil.

  “I told you all along you could not trust those two, now you’ve heard it for yourself; all they’ve done is lie to you. Hades even admitted he stole your memories; do you believe you should still do whatever he orders you too?”

  “You’re right, I can’t trust Hades, but Malachi is a wild card. Yes, he’s been keeping the truth from me, but Hades said himself, Malachi gave his freedom to keep me alive, doesn’t seem like he is someone I shouldn’t put my faith in.”

  “Unya, the only one you need to trust is me, I would never steer you wrong, you know deep down, I am the only one who is doing what is best for you.”

  “You and Marcus you mean.”

  Adiran’s eyes widened in shock, before he relaxed his features to give off an air of indifference.

  “So, you remember your friend, how splendid. But clearly you haven’t remembered what happened to him. Maybe that is for the best.”

  “I don’t remember anything, but you better tell me what you know, or I’ll make sure they’ll never be a place for a shadow within my room again.”

  “Unya, you killed him. He had tried to reason with you but you lost control of your powers, it was then you realised I was the only one who could be there for you, because you could not end my life in such a horrific manner. Would you like me to give you the details, to tell you how he screamed and begged for his life right up until you extinguished it.”

  I shook my head, anguish filling my soul as I realised, I was nothing more than death itself. I chose then to fully embrace my nature, but I also chose to never let myself be married off to Troy. How could I tie myself to someone who was eviler than myself, no, I needed to be with someone who would have my back. Without being filled with the urge to plunge a knife into it the moment it was turned.

  I decided to go to the tavern Malachi had taken me to, a lot of the patrons seemed surprised to see me and their feelings about my arrival were mixed. I could see fear, anger, hate and for some weird reason, jealousy.

  Placing an order at the bar, the barman refused to give me what I asked for, instead placing a beer before me. I don’t know why it pissed me off, it seemed rather juvenile, but I did not like my wants being ignored.

  I slammed my fist into the bridge of his nose, making his hooves skitter across the ground. I was intrigued by the centaurs, but that would not stop me from making him suffer.

  He shot me a look, as he reached for the quiver strapped to his back, but I wasn’t about to let him draw his weapon. I placed my palms on the bar top and vaulted myself over, I then pulled out my new favourite toy, a wicked double ended dagger called a Haladie and drove one of the blades into his abdomen.

  He let out a guttural sounding cry as I pulled the Haladie free, twisted it around and sliced into his arm. I tore through the muscle until his bone was visible, I then grabbed hold of his wrist and upper forearm before applying just enough pressure to snap the bone in half and leave it poking out of the slice.

  I wasn’t too sure how much pain I intended to inflict, when I was pushed from behind. It sent me crashing into the corner of the bar and my head slammed into the surface, my ears were ringing and my vision was hazy but I wouldn’t let that stop me from getting my revenge on whoever had attempted to save the damn centaur.

  I span around a little too quickly and was shocked to find Malachi staring me down, with a look of murderous rage filling his facial features.

  “That is enough, you’ve had your fun, now go home,” he had an edge to his voice I had never detected before.

  I didn’t appreciate him trying to tell me what to do, but he wasn’t leaving me any room for a rebuttal. His hands enclosed my biceps and the next thing I knew, I was being lifted over the bar and dropped unceremoniously onto the floor.

  “Do not push me Unya, leave before I make you.”

  “I didn’t do anything, he’s the one that was trying to pull a fast one,” I replied, sounding juvenile even to my own ears.

  “He was only following my requests, stop being such a child and go home. Maybe I will come to you later and explain why this is not acceptable but right now, I do not think we should be left alone.”

  He turned his back to me, shutting my existence out in a single moment. The rejection in his voice hurt a part of me, but I didn’t feel connected to it. There was something about Malachi that called to me and for that reason alone I did as he asked, but neither of us realised someone else had exited a few seconds after my departure.

  I hadn’t gone straight back to the castle, instead I walked along the edge of one of the rivers. I was fascinated by the shades that remained there, never leaving the edge just aimlessly walking back and forth seeming as though they were trying to remember whatever the river had stolen from their minds.

  There was one woman who kept grabbing my attention, I couldn’t put my finger on it, but it was almost as though I knew her. She felt so familiar, which seemed absurd, how could anyone seem familiar to me now.

  The only creatures I knew were the ones Hades approved of, if he didn’t associate with them on some level then I too was forbidden from doing so. It was a grating endeavour but until I found a way to either destroy him or better yet return my memories, I was forced to endure it.

  The female shade stopped moving and chose instead to look straight at me, her mouth opened wide as her vacant stare switched to something that was over my shoulder. I turned around and came face to face with Troy, he was sporting a shit eating grin and his eyes roamed over me ravenously.

  “Can I help you?” I asked brusquely, hoping he would soon lose interest and just leave me be.

  “Am I not allowed to check up on my future wife? Those words seem so strange, I never thought I would ever tie myself to just one creature, but I think you will be worth the sacrifice.”

  “You are so full of yourself pretty boy, you can’t think that highly of yourself. Malachi has just as much of a chance of winning this fight between you two. And even if you did win, do you believe Malachi would let you stake a claim on me. You are an utter moron, I told you before, we would be a very dangerous combination. We both enjoy death too much, that much violence could never make for a good marriage.”

  “I don’t want a good one Unya, I want it to be spectacular. Think of all the lives we could claim, the agonising suffering we could cause. We understand each other on a level Malachi could never reach, I would never hinder your blood lust, instead I would feed it and help it to grow. Besides when I win, Malachi will no longer be a problem. Our fight will be to the death, only one of us can walk away still breathing and I don’t plan on dying anytime soon. So, carry on your little tryst with Malachi, but once I win, I will be the only creature you will ever have. I do not share what is mine princess and you can seethe all you like about my choice of words, but you will be mine. You are a possession I cannot wait to own.”

  He stepped closer, cutting off the distance I had ensured would stay between us. He grabbed hold of my hair and pulled it painfully tight, ripping out strands as he did so. Then he crashed his mouth down onto mine, I pulled back ripping out more strands as he refused to loosen his grip.

  My fist connected with his jaw, but all he did was smile.

  “I am going to enjoy you my little spitfire, it will be fun to see how long it will take to break you down and make you submissive.”

  He released his hold and stepped back, before plummeting to the floor, with a dagger protruding from his back.

  “He won’t die, but he’ll be sore for a little while,” stated Malachi as he eased out of the shadows.

  I stared straight at him, but he didn’t utter another word as he turned back around and walked away.



  I strode through the castle hallways, when a timid looking boy came running around the corner. It was clear by his relief; he had been looking for me but his expression soon went back to worry when he took in my appearance.

  “Our lord has summoned you, don’t keep him waiting for long,” he said before rushing away.

  It was antagonising knowing I would have to change back into one of those torture styled garments they liked to call dresses.

  By the time I was ready to enter the throne room, I was dressed in a garment that would be pleasing for him, even if I detested it.

  It was another boned corset top, ivory in colour, with silver lace running from my hips down to the floor and splaying out into a fan shape behind me. The skirt was an ebony colour with a satin shift that fell to just above my knee with ebony netting falling down the rest of the way until it brushed against my toes.

  I made my way into the cavernous room, to see Hades yet again sitting on his throne of bones and Persephone was sitting in her more regal but simplistic throne beside him.

  Yana stood next to her queen, with Semias standing to attention at Hades side.

  “What a pretty picture you make my dear, I can only imagine how delightful you will look in your wedding dress.”

  “Thank you for your kind words my lord, I am lucky to be able to serve someone of your stature, with such generosity you are the king of men.”

  Even though the words made bile form in my throat, I could tell by his face I had successfully managed to stroke his ego.

  “I have decided a month was much too hasty, how could you adapt to the idea of a wedding in that time frame.”

  My relief at his words was palpable, but I was soon set to be back on edge, as I noticed the glint sparkling in his eye.

  “The fight between Malachi and Troy will occur in three nights, and two days after that you will be wed. I only allow the two days as a gesture of good will; I feel it would be plenty of time for any necessary mourning over whoever fails to win your hand.”

  His words shocked me, and I couldn’t think of a damned thing to say. So instead I dropped to my knees, bowing my head in a show of reverence.

  “What did I tell you my dear, she is glowing at the idea of being married. Persephone thought a month was too short, but as usual I was correct. Therefore a man must rule this place, a woman is much too emotional for this type of role. The power would go straight to their little minds and they would never make the hard decisions.”

  He laughed derisively at his own statement, while Persephone looked upon him in utter contempt, if she had a dagger, I believe she would have used it on him. Because that was the exact action, I wished to perform on him in that moment, instead I remained mute and waited to be dismissed.

  He let me go, after preceding to spout more derogatory comments. It was plain to see Persephone was not impressed by what he was saying, but still she sat there looking regal and keeping her mouth closed.

  I was headed back to my rooms when I felt the presence of someone behind me, but every time I glanced back, I appeared to be alone. I made it back to my room, to see Adiran hovering in his corner but his eyes widened as the presence grew stronger and a gentle hand fell upon my shoulders.

  I turned around and came face to face with the Queen herself, I did not bow or break eye contact and I did not appreciate how she invited herself into my domain and perused at her own leisure.

  “Can I help you my Queen?” I asked, unable to keep the bite from my tone.

  “Dear child, you can drop the pleasantries I can feel how much I anger you. Why I cause such a reaction is beyond me, but the reason is neither here nor there. My dear girl we have a lot to discuss, but I will not utter a single word until we are alone.”

  She said that last part with her eyes fixed upon Adiran. The shadow creature did not seem best pleased she had been aware of his presence, but I knew he would not leave willingly. Unfortunately for him I had ways of expelling him temporarily, and for some reason I felt as though it was beneficial to hear what Persephone had to say.

  I lit every sconce adjoining my walls and placed lanterns in any area where shadows remained, I saw anger in Adiran’s expression, but he soon disappeared from my sight and I was finally alone with the Queen of the underworld.

  “You seem to have found yourself victim to a leech, and its power and strength seems to be growing in haste,” She stated, talking of my shadow friend.r />
  “Is that why you deemed it necessary to gift me with your presence?” I asked, still struggling to not be rude.

  “Oh dear no, I have come here to offer an ally you would be very fortunate to have in your corner. I am here to be that ally, all I need from you in return is to guarantee that Malachi grows strong enough to defeat Troy.”

  “Why would it have anything to do with me, I can’t make Malachi do anything,” I stated, my frustration growing exponentially with every second that ticked by.

  “Malachi hasn’t fed since you two became entangled, he is weak Unya and there is no conceivable way he can survive a fight against Troy. He will not listen to reason and I can only hope you are the answer to making him realise it is his only option.”

  “Why would you even care who wins, I can’t see how the outcome could affect you.”

  “Because Malachi will do whatever he can to ensure you will survive, too much is riding on your abilities Unya. You are the only one who can rid this world of the creatures who see fit to call themselves Gods. I know this whole situation is confusing for you, but I have an offer that will hopefully convince you to agree.”

  I asked her what she could hope to offer me, and her next words had me agreeing in an instant.

  “If you do this for me Unya, then I will give you a way to escape the Underworld. You can return to the land you once called home and if your heart desires, you can run away from your ever-impending nuptials.”



  She dismissed me so easily, hurting me with the light without a care in the world. But what bothered me the most was the fact that Persephone had known I was there.

  It was clear to see the little Queen had to go, but how could I hope to convince Unya to end her miserable existence.


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