Ezra's Awakening

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Ezra's Awakening Page 3

by B. A. Stretke

  “How are things between you and your new master, Yuri?” Louis decided it was time to change the subject and put the pressure back on Aldessa. Ezra was not comfortable with the woman’s attention, and Louis didn’t like the way she tended to focus on him even if not addressing him directly. She should be aware that her interest could possibly get her killed if she wasn’t careful.

  “I was quite surprised, as was everyone, when Charles named Yuri as his successor and even more surprised when Charles stepped down and handed the leadership to him.” She glanced around as if looking for support for her indignation, but none was forthcoming.

  “Of course, he was Charles’ second, and there was a sense of duty and entitlement that existed. I suppose Charles assumed he owed Yuri the position of Master for his years of dedicated service. I told Charles he should just bed one of the women in the Coven and produce an heir. The mantle of Master should only go to a blood relative not an outsider.” Aldessa was laying bare a lot of her truths and Louis was listening closely.

  She was obviously referring to herself when she said, woman. She would have wielded a lot of power being the mother to the heir apparent even if she weren’t the beloved of the Master. But it looks as if that ploy hadn’t worked and now Yuri was in charge. Louis wondered as to her next plan because, like Charles, Yuri preferred the company of men.

  Yuri was not yet bonded, but it was unlikely he would be interested in Aldessa as a breeder. Aldessa was a beautiful woman but she had a heart as black as tar. If he wanted children, he would look to a woman who didn’t have designs on his job.

  “Charles is bonded, and I’m sure his beloved Andre would not appreciate him lying with a woman to produce an heir. Besides what’s done is done, Charles has stepped down and Yuri rules.” Louis commented.

  “I doubt his legitimacy.” She blurted, and Louis eyed her cautiously.

  “Those are dangerous words to be throwing about. Yuri was the Coven Second and the chosen successor, his legitimacy is clear. It would be good for you to let your animosity go and try to fit in with the new leadership. Yuri may tolerate your comments for now, but a time will come when he won’t.” Louis stared at her until she dropped her gaze.

  Dinner ended, and rather than retire to a private room for drinks as was customary, Louis said good night and left the room with Ezra. It wasn’t protocol but Louis had enough for one night and preferred to end the evening with his beloved in their private rooms.

  Louis needed to have Ezra in his arms more than he needed his next breath. Aldessa had bordered on insolence when addressing Louis’ beloved, and it wasn’t sitting well in Louis’ mind. He would strive to keep them apart in the effort not to have to kill Aldessa. He was already regretting letting her come. If it weren’t for the fact that he owed her late father a debt, she would not be there.

  He kissed Ezra as soon as the door was closed and quickly ushered him into their bedroom while slowly peeling their clothing off. “I need you my sweet.” He whispered urgently into Ezra’s ear and gathered him into his arms. Ezra kicked off his pants and briefs and wrapped his arms around Louis’ neck.

  “I need you too, so much,” Ezra answered his voice was deep with emotion, and it turned Louis on as it always did. His little lover was everything in one small gorgeous package. He kissed him again and lifted him into his arms and carried him to their bed. Ezra nuzzled his face into the crook of Louis’ neck and began kissing him there turning every nerve sensitized and making him rock hard.

  Ezra rubbed himself against Louis aching to have him even closer. He relished the rumbling groan he felt and heard when he began nipping at Louis’ throat. It was a sensitive area, and he loved Louis’ reaction, so he kept teasing until Louis deposited him on the bed. In one quick move, he flipped Ezra onto his stomach and then laid out on top of him, pressing him sensuously into the mattress.

  Louis kissed his way down Ezra’s body, tasting and massaging muscles and tender flesh. He gripped the firm globes and separated them for his pleasure. Diving in like a starving man, he thrust his tongue against the tight muscle, eating at his resistance. He pressed inside getting the area loose, moist and slick in preparation to plunder.

  Ezra was in nirvana with Louis bathing and hypersensitizing his most sensitive area with his skillful ministrations. He pressed his face into the thick blanket and pushed his hips back and higher offering himself to his beloved.

  Louis squeezed Ezra’s flesh deepening his embrace and bathing Ezra’s hole in his juices. “I need you, Louis.” Ezra panted breathlessly; he couldn’t wait much longer to be filled with Louis’ hard cock. Louis responded with a soft chuckle and ran his left hand up Ezra’s back smoothing and tantalizing his senses.

  “You are delicious, my love. Let me enjoy you.” With that, he buried himself once more inside Ezra’s pulsing heat. There was nothing on this earth that could compare to the sweet sensual taste of purity that was his beloved.

  Louis continued to eat away Ezra’s lovely sensitive hole until it became obvious by the hard pants and sensuous moans that Ezra was on the edge of release. Louis pulled back and moved up Ezra’s body to lay on top of him and press his throbbing cock into Ezra’s slick crease thrusting and teasing. Ezra drew up his left leg giving Louis the sign he was more than ready to move this along.

  Louis gripped Ezra’s leg pushing it higher, lifting and stretching him for Louis’ impending thrust. He kissed the side of Ezra’s neck and whispered. “I love you.” Then sunk his teeth into the soft flesh for a tantalizing taste.

  Ezra felt Louis’ teeth penetrate just as he thrust inside, filling him full with his velvety smooth rock hard cock. Ezra came with a sudden stiffening jerk and a muffled cry. The dueling sensations completely overcame him. Louis slammed hard over and over pounding Ezra into the mattress beneath them and satiating him with sharp, intense pleasure.

  Louis lived for these moments of pure love and connectedness. It was something he experienced only with Ezra. It was a truth that existed only with his Fated forever lover. Ezra was always there, always aware and always ready when Louis needed him, which was often He couldn’t and wouldn’t imagine life without the soft, gentle charm of Ezra Bentley. Louis’ remaining desire in life was to have that changed legally to Ezra DuCane. He wanted Ezra a part of him in every way including name.

  He felt himself rushing towards climax as his muscles tightened, and the speed and force of his thrusts became deliciously demanding. He plunged inside and came filling his lover with his warm essence. He rode out the wonderful sensations rocketing along his nerve endings with Ezra held tightly in his arms.

  “I love you, Louis.” He heard his earlier pledge repeated back to him by his sweet lover giving him a sense of true serenity. He shifted his weight to the side and settled in, still holding his beloved close. “You are my life, Ezra.” He said and kissed the side of his head loving the feel of Ezra’s soft curls pressed against his face.


  Louis left early the following morning after a quick breakfast with his beloved. “I’m meeting with Ismael regarding la Duchesse and her guards,” Louis said as he bent to kiss Ezra. “I’ll talk with Aldessa this afternoon and hopefully, she will be on her way home soon.” He paused for a moment and then added. “Don’t let her remarks bother you. She’s always looking for a reaction, so don’t give her one.” Ezra nodded his understanding.

  “She has some lofty desires,” Ezra remarked as Louis downed the last of his coffee and headed for the door. “I think Ismael is right; she wants you to help her overthrow Yuri.” He added.

  “Yes, but I have no desire to involve myself in her drama, and her Coven is too small, too far removed, and too far away to be of any use to me,” Louis said, practical as ever. Ezra reached for him and Louis returned to plant one more hard kiss to his needy lips.

  “I love you, Louis.” Ezra loved saying it.

  “I love you too sweetheart,” Louis responded in kind. He stared down into Ezra’s eyes for a moment
before adding. “I have to go.” Ezra nodded, and with another quick kiss, Louis left.

  Ezra finished his breakfast and headed out for a walk in the garden. He drew energy and inspiration from the myriad gardens upon Louis’ estate. He enjoyed the garden in the morning, all fresh and bright, and the scents were so pungent even in the cold crisp air of a December day. The snow hadn’t fallen yet, and Ezra wondered if they would have a green Christmas. Often Louis would walk with him, but this morning he had his hands full with the Duchess and whatever was transpiring across the ocean in her home coven.

  Ezra couldn’t begin to understand the complexities of coven politics and leadership, but he was pretty sure Yuri would not sit still for her trashing his claim to the throne. He was also pretty sure Louis did not want to get in the middle of whatever she was planning.

  What confused him, though, was why Louis allowed her to come to Coven DuCane in the first place. Was it just a case of proper etiquette or was there a plan or interest of some kind? He didn’t doubt Louis’ devotion and fidelity for one moment, but did he desire to connect with someone from his past? Was he in some way lonesome or nostalgic for his life before he came to the New World?

  “Ezra,” Easton called to him from behind. Ezra slowed down and let him catch up.

  “Mind if I join you?” Easton asked and then added. “I’ll be honest; Master DuCane asked me to find you and bring you this.” He pulled a wool scarf from his coat and handed it to Ezra. “He thought you might be getting cold.” Easton smiled.

  Ezra took the scarf and wrapped it around his neck. “Thanks, but you don’t have to walk with me. I know you’re a busy man considering all the new people you have to keep an eye on.” Ezra didn’t want to keep Easton from his duties as director of IT and surveillance.

  “I could use a break. I like walking in the garden even when it’s cold, and the grass crunches under your shoes. Besides, we both know why Master DuCane sent me instead of a runner or one of the soldiers.” He raised an eyebrow as he glanced over at Ezra. Ezra chuckled knowing what he was getting at.

  “He knew that I wouldn’t be able to resist going for a walk with you after delivering the scarf and therefore keeping you company. He sure does love you.” Easton bumped shoulders with Ezra driving home his point.

  “I know he does.” Ezra appreciated Easton trying to assure him, but he didn’t need assurances in that regard. What he needed to know was if Louis were longing for his home across the ocean

  “So, what do you think of the Palace guest?” Easton threw out the hot topic for discussion, and Ezra chuckled.

  “I think she has an agenda, and I find her uncomfortable to be around,” Ezra admitted. “What do you think?”

  “Yeah, it’s like she’s discreetly looking for something. I don’t like it. Her words never match the expression in her eyes.” Easton told him thoughtfully. “I asked Ismael why the Master would accept her request to visit when he obviously isn’t keen on her being here.”

  “You did?” Ezra was surprised.

  “He said the Master is a stickler for protocol. Unless she proves herself unworthy, as a Duchess and a member of the aristocracy, she cannot be turned away.” Easton shook his head. “Seems like unnecessary sentiment to me.”

  “I trust that he knows what he’s doing.” Ezra defended. “Louis has a code that he lives by, but with that said, he doesn’t suffer for anyone.”


  “The Duchess is waiting in your office. Ira is keeping an eye on her.” Silas informed him. “Unless you wish to meet with her here in the lounge.”

  “No, the office is fine. Less personal.” Louis instructed. “I’ll be there shortly.”

  “Yes, sir.” Silas left the room and closed the door.

  Louis stood and walked over to the window. He’d come to the lounge after his meeting with Ismael in order to relax and reach out to his beloved to make sure he was well and satisfied. Their bond was strong, but he could only feel Ezra’s emotions, not his thoughts as is true of all bonded vampires.

  There were days he wished he could get deeper into this beloved’s thoughts, not to pry or control but to secure his true happiness. After the incident with the kitchen staff, torturing Ezra to the point of true harm, Louis continued to worry if Ezra was keeping things from him. Ezra didn’t like to bother Louis with his problems, and that was understandable to a point. But when it involved his health and happiness, Louis demanded to know.

  They would have to sit down and reach an understanding for Louis’ peace of mind. Now that Ezra’s powers were spiking, he had the ability to hide some of his feelings, and Louis would not tolerate deception even if it was with the best of intentions. Ezra was his beloved, his lover, his responsibility, and Louis would do everything in his power to protect, defend, and cherish his beloved.

  Ezra was still in the garden; he was with Easton, and he appeared to be at peace. Louis touched him briefly and felt his answering regard. His beloved was aware of him and pushed love and sweetness back to him. Ezra was a treasure; being around him was a blessing that Louis hoped never to take for granted. So many centuries alone and seemingly content and yet now Louis didn’t want to live a day without Ezra.

  He opened his eyes and checked his watch. Aldessa had been waiting for some time now. Toying with the idea of making her wait a little longer, he decided he’d rather have it over with. He turned away from the window and left the room.

  When he walked in, Aldessa was seated on the loveseat across from the large windows, and she seemed to be watching something. As soon as she saw him, she turned her attention and her smile to him. He glanced at her and then out the window as he dismissed Ira and walked over to take a seat behind his desk. He saw nothing out of the window that could have drawn her attention apart from the landscaping itself.

  Aldessa remained seated, although she sat forward and kept her eyes on Louis. She was assessing as she had done yesterday, and Louis longed to enter her thoughts. He followed proper decorum until it no longer suited him and Aldessa was fast becoming unsuitable. But he would give her this moment and see what she did with it.

  She began by outlining her complaint of last night regarding Yuri in greater detail. She made a compelling argument if Louis hadn’t known Master Charles Second, Yuri Petrov. Aldessa conveniently forgot that he and Yuri fought together in the Battle of Mello, and you get to know someone quite well when in such a situation. He was a skilled soldier, leader, and dedicated to his Master and his Coven.

  “It’s not right that the position be handed out so arbitrarily. He just passed the reins to that nobody Yuri Petrov without discussion or comment.” She finally stopped to take a breath and dramatically wrung her hands.

  “Charles had one brother Armand, and he died in battle. There are no heirs, so what are you suggesting?” Louis played into her narrative.

  “I deserve to be leader of the Loire Coven. It is my right. It was my family’s lands, and wealth that supported the Coven and my father was the rightful leader before Charles usurped. With your support, I want to seize what is mine.” She looked rather self-righteous which wasn’t surprising.

  Louis reached out and touched the edges of her awareness, not enough for her to notice his intrusion but enough that he could get an accurate read on her words. She was protecting herself with a shield, so to go deeper would take alerting to her to his intrusion.

  She was lying regarding her belief she had the rights to the position, but her hubris in believing she deserved it was the truth. It became apparent that to continue the conversation would be a waste of time. He raised his hand to halt any further discussion as she began to describe this somewhat fictional account of historical events. Her family was pivotal in providing lands, but her father was never in line for leadership. He lacked strength, fortitude, and that little bit of darkness necessary in every vampire master.

  “Your purpose in coming here was to ask for my support for your bid to take over the position of Master of your coven.”
He wasn’t going to call her out on her lies; he saw no need. He had no intention of involving himself in anything she was planning.

  “With you backing my claim, I will be taken seriously.” She pressed and sat forward a little further while Louis leaned back in his chair.

  “Not interested, Aldessa, Charles’ Coven is his own business, and I don’t involve myself in the business of others unless it impacts me or mine. I could not care less if Yuri is Master or if Charles had decided to pass the title to his tailor.” The look on her face went from pleading to furious in an instant and she jumped to her feet. She was about to storm over to his desk, but she hesitated and thought better of the confrontational move. She gathered herself and decided on another approach.

  “Are you going to sit there and deny my request? You and I were very close once, and I shared your bed on many a night. More importantly, my family and I were there for you and your men when they met the English at Poitiers. My Father’s men held off The Black Prince so you and your entourage could escape. We housed you at our own peril and now you will not even stand with me as I endeavor to regain what should be mine. Yuri is a commoner, a mere vagabond and now I must bow to him; I will not.”

  “If you want the title of Master, then fight for it. Mount an assault and take it. That is the way it is always done. If you have the forces to oppose Yuri, then challenge him, no one is going to hand you the Coven because you deserve it.” Louis stood and looked down at Aldessa, who was finally at a loss for words. “Yes, I owed your family a debt and that is why you are here, and I am listening to this drivel. As for our past, it is just that, the past.”

  Louis stepped out from behind the desk and stood in front of her. “I will not help you, and I will not support your claim. You’re welcome to stay until the weekend and then I ask that you and your guards depart the premises.” That gave her two days to finish whatever business she may have and to gather herself for the trip home. He believed he was being generous in not demanding that she leave immediately.


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