Ezra's Awakening

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Ezra's Awakening Page 6

by B. A. Stretke

  “I thought we could do this the easy, painless way, but you were right Guillaume,” She glanced over at her guard who was looking rather pleased with himself. “The boy is too stupid to save his own life. Don’t bother reaching out to Louis; he will never hear you.” She smiled and then turned away.

  “Kill him.”


  “Has she been moved?” Louis demanded answers as Ismael entered the room. The ridiculousness of this entire situation was wearing on his very last nerve. Louis had been meeting in the East Gallery with the guards that were to cover Grey Cottage. He gave them extra protection in the form of a specific shield that would protect them from any ancient form of glamour or illusion the Duchess might attempt to use. Her manner of alchemy was old world and of Druidic origins, which could be a particularly cruel form of magic.

  His home and his people were protected, and as soon as she vacated the Palace, he would seal the property against her influence. There was no telling what new skills she might have acquired and would use against those assigned to monitor her and her movements. His guards needed strength and a clear head to stand against anything she may attempt, and Louis did not doubt she would attempt something for it was her nature.

  She had been thwarted in her desire to have him join her in her endeavor to wrench the mantle of power away from Yuri Petrov. So now, she was angry and willing to use whatever means necessary to manipulate the situation to her favor. She’d always been mean, ill-tempered, and impetuous, but he’d hoped that the centuries had softened her. They hadn’t; if anything her behavior was more abhorrent than ever. She lost her art of subtly and ability to charm rather than bully people.

  “She’s still in her room with her guards. I believe she is influencing Dr. Evens, so I had him leave. His diagnosis of her condition was changing by the minute. Ira and Quincy are making sure the trio remain contained.”

  “That insidious witch.” Louis boomed. As his temper began to rage, his thought turned to Ezra. The last he checked on him, Ezra was still in the garden. He glanced out the windows and saw that the sun was setting and assumed Ezra should be coming inside soon. He reached out suddenly feeling a need to connect. He found him still in the garden, but his essence was vague. Louis was unable to pick up on his state of being, but the scene appeared serene. It was late for him to be still pruning but sometimes Ezra could lose track of time when involved in his gardens.

  Louis pulled back and focused once again on the men in the room. He turned to Silas, who had just entered. “Go to the rose garden near the greenhouse and check on Ezra. I’m having difficulty reaching him and it worries me to have him out there alone under the current circumstances.” Silas nodded and immediately left the room. Louis dismissed the guards and gave his full attention to Ismael.

  “You think she’d be bold enough to confront Ezra?” Ismael questioned. “She’d have to know that you would kill her if she tried anything with Ezra.”

  “I don’t believe that she’s thinking clearly or that she possesses the restraints to control her impulses,” Louis explained as the worry he was feeling for Ezra kept niggling at the edges of his mind. It must have been obvious based on Ismael’s next statement.

  “Silas will see that he is protected and brought back inside the Palace. If he were in any danger, you would know it. Not even Aldessa has the power to interrupt a Fated bond.” His assurance was appreciated but Louis knew that he would not rest until he had his beloved in his arms.


  Ezra watched as Aldessa walked away and faded into nothing. It was just a projection, a specter, Aldessa had never been there in the flesh. No one knew she had left the Palace, that she was out here with him. The guards were tracking her flesh; no one paid attention to a ghost. One person was paying attention though and he was very real. Guillaume pulled a short sword from beneath his jacket and tested its grip as he held Ezra’s gaze captive.

  “You’re already a dead man Guillaume.” Ezra tried to reason with him. “Your best recourse at present is to run away, fast and far, and hope that Louis doesn’t find you.”

  “Your death will be an accident, a sad, unfortunate accident.” Guillaume sneered.

  “My Louis has been on this earth nine-hundred years. You will not fool him. If you kill me, he will turn the world inside out until he finds you, and your death will be made a torturous spectacle. Let me live and he may overlook you threatening me and allow you to disappear without punishment.” Ezra knew for a fact that wasn’t the case, Louis would tear this man to pieces for what he has done already. But Ezra had to leave him some hope if there was a chance of him deciding that running was his best option.

  “You’re in the way,” Guillaume stated and then added for further insult. “In the end, your death will be of no consequence to anyone.” With that, he made a move towards Ezra who countered the move and turned to run. He heard him laughing as he jogged behind him well able to overtake him but deciding the make a game of it all.

  Guillaume chased him away from the Palace and out into the thick of the garden and beyond. Ezra felt the sparks flying from his fingertips as panic began to overwhelm him and sadly take control of his decisions. Running away from the Palace was a mistake, but he fell for Guillaume’s herding technique. He was playing right into the man’s hands and he knew it but didn’t know what to do. His abilities didn’t include hand to hand combat with a highly trained vampire soldier.

  He tried to reach Louis with his terror, but he couldn’t feel his beloved; it was if Ezra were existing in a bubble, set apart and unable to interact. He ran and his feet flew across the ground lifting and landing in perfect balance. He continued to reach for Louis but also prayed for assistance from any power that was listening.

  “You have nowhere to run little one. No one hears you; no one will save you.” Guillaume called, toying with him before the kill.


  “I called Yuri and discussed Aldessa’s assertions, and also told him of her stated reason for coming here. He was aware of her displeasure and those supporting her within his coven. The members backing her claim have already been eliminated or exiled in her absence. She’s on her own apart from her personal guards one of which I believe is working for Yuri and not the Mistress Foix.” Louis disclosed.

  “Antoine,” Ismael said and nodded his head. “He’s a spy for Yuri. I would have done the same, no actually I would have eliminated her before she left the shores of France.”

  “Her family connections saved her from retribution for her first afront. But to seek assistance from across the seas from another Master is beyond acceptability. Not even her father can save her now.” Louis stood and walked over to the large window by the terrace and looked out at the rose garden. His mood was getting progressively sour as he waited for his beloved to appear.

  “Is Yuri coming for her?”

  “I told him she was leaving here tomorrow. I don’t owe him any more than that. If he wants her, he can find her without my assistance.” Louis walked to the window at the far end of the room and continued to stare out. “It’s getting dark.” He said and looked back at Ismael.

  “Why hasn’t Silas returned?” Ismael walked up to stand beside Louis just as Ira ran into the room. He looked ready for battle, and Louis stiffened and started moving towards him.

  “Antoine just admitted that your beloved might be in danger. This entire trip was designed to tear your life apart and manipulate you into returning to France with her as her lover and protector. Ezra must be out of the way for that to happen. Sir, where is Ezra? Is he safe?” Ira paused and looked from one man to the other, waiting for direction.

  Louis’ heart stopped as the gravity of the words hit him, and the safety of his beloved was unknown. Why had he neglected Ezra today of all days and let business consume him? Why had he failed to check on him? Why had he not known Ezra would be her target? Where was his beloved? He pulled his consciousness under control and focused on locating his beloved, his sweet love. With ever
y ounce of power he had, he focused on Ezra blasting through the shields, but still, all he found was a soft haze and shadows.

  Ismael pulled out his phone and dialed Silas, but there was no answer. “Silas isn’t answering, can you feel Ezra, Louis? Is he okay?” Louis was suddenly focused and moving towards the door.

  “I can feel him, but I can’t reach him, something is blocking me.” He looked up to the upper floors. “Is she in her room?” He demanded of Ira.

  “No, sir, she’s gone.”

  “Search the grounds and the Palace, find them and find her and if you find her, kill her.” He shouted as he with Ismael beside him headed out to the Rose Garden. “The last time I contacted Ezra, he was here working in the Rose Garden.”


  Ezra continued to move as the very ground seemed to push him forward. He was nearing the edge of the gardens, and wilderness was beyond. The ancient forest of pines and hardwoods beyond the garden were shuttered in darkness now that the sun had set, and the moonlight failed to penetrate the shadows.

  Guillaume was behind him and gaining now that the light was gone, and they were utterly alone, he seemed now to want to end the game. “Come out, Ezra, you can’t hide for long. You are just prolonging the inevitable. I’ll be merciful, a single strike, a quick death.”

  Ezra was only a few yards in front of Guillaume, and it puzzled him as to why the vampire couldn’t find him. When he looked back, he saw that the trees at the edge of the garden were leaning in blocking and inhibiting Guillaume’s ability to move quickly and see clearly. Was it a trick of the light and shadows, or was nature lending an assist?

  His fingertips began to glow, not just the intermittent sparks; it was now a soft constant glow. He stared for a moment and then turned and headed into the forest for it was calling to him. Come and hide, it was saying, and Ezra could hear the urging as clearly as if it was spoken into his ear. The very trees whispered to him, beckoning him to their safety. The voice was calm and sweet, and Ezra did not resist. He ran for the forest seeking the protection it offered.


  Silas came at them out of the darkness, and Ismael was visibly relieved. “I’ve been searching but can’t find him. I get a scent and then it dissipates, I’ve been going in circles.” He explained frustrated. “I tried to call you, but the service is being disrupted by something electromagnetic. I can’t find the source.” His frustration was growing.

  Suddenly the area was awash in amber light. Easton had anticipated their needs and turned on the floodlights throughout the gardens. He also managed to punch through the disruption and contact Ismael using the emergency frequency. “I can’t pinpoint his location, but I see movement on the outer edge of the property East beyond the garden’s border. I’ll send you the coordinates. It may be Ezra; whoever it is, they’re running from someone.”

  Louis took off in that direction, with both men following close behind. If it was Ezra, they hadn’t a moment to lose. The Duchess’ guard Guillaume was not accounted for and if what he thought was true, Ezra was no match for such a man. Louis moved fast as if his life depended upon it. Because it did.


  Ezra burst into the forest just as the lights flooded the area. The darkness of the woods would conceal him from Guillaume, whom Ezra could see clearly coming out of the gardens to stand at the edge of the woods. He looked unsure but he didn’t stop. With his short sword, he cut through the brush that impeded him and entered the darkness. He wasn’t taunting him any longer; he was angry now and just wanted it ended. His sword glinted in the ambient light from the garden as the concentration of his gaze spoke to his desire to finish this, no more talk, no more games, just a quick death.

  Ezra came to an abrupt stop surrounded by large oak, elm, and pine trees. Their power radiated through him as he turned to face Guillaume. He had nowhere left to run, to go deeper into the forest would gain him nothing. It was his fate, and one way or another, he had to stand and face it. His powers were charging in the presence of these ancients. The herbalist was finding his center, his core, his source of power.

  Guillaume approached, blade in hand, with a smile that chilled to the bone. “I said I would make it quick, but I have time so let’s dance instead.” Considering the fact that he was a cold-blooded killer, Ezra found that the discovery that Guillaume was a liar as well did not come as a shock. Ezra forced back the fear that was threatening to choke him to stay fixed on the man and his movement.

  “You’re not going to survive this Guillaume, and your mistress will not protect you. She serves herself and no one else and you know that is the truth. When they come for you, she will not stop them.” Ezra tried to play on his insecurities, if he had any.

  “I don’t need protection.” He stated ever so calm and confident. “I’m a soldier for hire. She pays me, and I do as I’m told, end of the relationship.” He smiled again and brought his knife up next to his face. “I sharpened it just for you.” He kissed the blade and lunged towards him.

  Ezra dodged to the right, barely escaping a slice to his mid-section. Guillaume laughed and crouched raising the blade even with his shoulders. Ezra grabbed his scarf and wrapped it around his arm. He raised it in front of his face in a defensive pose. Every molecule of his being was poised and ready for the assault.


  Louis followed a faint trail of his beloved, but once they cleared the garden, his connection to Ezra spiked and the terror slammed into him like a freight train. He was in the forest, deep in the darkness and his pursuer was with him. Louis shouted at Ismael and Silas to follow as he tore through the woods.

  Terror of his own shattered his mind and his heart when he felt Ezra stop and face his attacker. Ezra was too small, and his fledgling powers too weak to defend himself against a vampire guard such as Guillaume. He would not survive the altercation. Louis was in a near frenzy as he willed himself to get there in time.

  He could see them, Ezra standing ready to defend, and Guillaume attacking his most precious possession on this earth. His eyes flashed red and his vampire nature, Louis the terror, the conqueror of nations, the destroyer of demons, was set free.

  Ismael and Silas were close behind as were the palace guards who had joined the race to save the Master’s beloved.

  Ezra braced himself for Guillaume’s assault as he charged him with a knife poised to strike. Ezra suddenly had the sensation of power surging through him. It wasn’t the electricity or sparks from before; it was surging and lighting his hands with a bright blue iridescent glow. The trees around him began to crackle with the energy filling the air.

  Knowing he had to keep his attention on Guillaume, Ezra fought to stay focused as everything in him wanted to look up at the trees. They called to him in a way he was powerless to resist. Everything happened in a span of not more than five seconds.

  Just as Guillaume leapt to plunge the knife into his heart, Ezra’s neck snapped back as his eyes became the connection to the power surrounding him. Great bolts of lightning shot from the trees that stood towering beside him, entering his eyes and blasting from his fingertips. The pure white light pierced Guillaume’s torso and exploded through his body knocking him backward onto the hard, cold ground.

  Louis watched in stunning admiration of his amazing beloved. The power of the earth flowed through him defending and protecting him from the Duchess’ butcher. Louis grabbed Guillaume from the ground and pulled him up by his throat. He was not dead, simply stunned because Ezra was not a killer; Ezra would never be a killer unlike Louis who was a born killer. With that, he ripped Guillaume’s head from his body and tossed him back onto the cold ground before turning his attention to the wonder that was his beloved.

  “Sweetheart.” He spoke as he walked towards him. Ezra was still standing prone with his arms outstretched and his eyes to the heavens. “I am here, come to me, my love.” His voice slowly broke through as he saw Ezra drop his gaze to connect with him. “Come to me.” He repeated and held out his han

  Ezra remained still for a moment as a shadow passed from behind him and then faded back into the forest. “Louis.” He said and stepped away from the trees and ran to his beloved. Ezra’s exuberance and relief reached Louis and pulled him back from the darkness that had overtaken him. Louis spread his arms, and Ezra leapt into them. It was the greatest moment of pure, blessed thankfulness and confirmation that his beloved was alive and well.

  He gathered him up into his arms, cradling him like a priceless gift and turned to regard his men. They were in awe as much as he at the marvelous abilities demonstrated by his beloved. Louis held him close crushing him to his chest and raining kisses down onto his face and neck. He needed to assure himself that Ezra was well and solid and in his arms. When finally, Louis lifted his head to take a breath, he locked his gaze on Ismael.

  “Find the Duchess.” He said with a coldness that froze the air around them. Ismael nodded and left with Silas and some of the guards. A handful of guards stayed and followed the Master and his beloved back to the Palace. Louis didn’t need their protection, but he understood their need to give it. He kept Ezra in his arms, unwilling at present to release him, and Ezra seemed comfortable and safe in his arms.

  Ezra nuzzled his face into Louis’ chest, soaking in his strength and love. He’d found him even with the dark, sinister magic of Aldessa clouding their lives and obscuring reality they found one another. Nothing can come between Fate’s chosen bonds, nothing.

  “She wanted to take you from me,” Ezra spoke into the folds of Louis’ jacket as his face was still pressed close shielded from the cold night air. “She came to me in the garden and told me lies. She thought I doubted your love, but I have never doubted your love. It is the one true constant in my life and that’s when she decided I needed to die.” Louis didn’t respond immediately but the sudden firmness of his grip told Ezra that his emotions were on edge. He kissed him on the forehead and there was a desperation in that kiss.


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