Prime Target

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Prime Target Page 23

by Monette Michaels

  He also vowed to tell her how much he appreciated her composure under fire, because the man had meant to upset her and force her into a defensive mode.

  After those discussions, Damon then planned to take the next step to making this wonderful woman his. Tonight, he planned to kiss, cuddle, and then pet her to orgasm. Giving Susa sexual release would make both of them happy and help release the pent-up stress and apprehension he sensed building within her. Then he’d hold her close throughout the night.

  Yes, it would be torture to be surrounded by the musk of her sex and not claim her fully, but he could manage it. Because tomorrow evening, after keeping to his promise for a full week, he’d finally make love to her.

  Once he’d made love to her, he’d ask for all her tomorrows.

  “I am called Roc.” The man, the trio’s alpha and the one who disturbed Susa so much, inclined his head. “My card partner is Tor. Our lovely sub is Celeste.” The other two bowed their heads in greeting, but remained silent. “We admire you and your partner and would like to invite you for drinks and a private party in our suite later this evening.”

  Mori choked on his wine.

  Jahdi snorted back a laugh. “Friend Roc, get that idea out of your head right now. Susa and Damon do not share. At all. They are quite the mystery couple of the cruise. There always seems to be one couple on each trip who keeps their play private. Isn’t that so, Captain?”

  Jahdi glanced over at Mori who smiled and nodded.

  “Of course,” the Tau Cetan continued, a sly twist to his lips and a sparkle in his eye, “we all speculate what they are and aren’t into, but that is part of the fun, is it not?”

  “As long as it remains speculation.” Damon smiled at Jahdi, who’d treated Susa like a favored sister since Damon had made it clear she was off-limits. “Susa and I also aren’t exhibitionists. Sex, for us, is a private matter. The cruise’s itinerary was simply convenient for our travel purposes. I co-own Jump Station Charybdis.” He let that sink in, since anyone who traveled the galactic rim—and he’d bet his last credit that Roc and his companions were rim-runners of some sort—knew of his bad-ass reputation. “My woman and I needed safe passage to get home after our vacation on Tooh 2.”

  “She is Prime.” Roc’s statement was blunt. “The Prime do not allow their females to travel outside their solar system, let alone allow them to be with non-Prime males. How did you two meet? Or is that a secret, too?”

  Damon didn’t appreciate the snide tone in Roc’s voice. He was about to rise and teach the man some respect when Susa interceded. “Not a secret at all. My planet isn’t as it was in the past. You will see more Prime, of both sexes, traveling the galaxy now that we’re part of the Alliance. It is no secret the Prime race needed new bloodlines and joined the Alliance to save our species from dying.”

  Susa looked across the table and smiled. “As for how Damon and I met? He had a distinct advantage. My cousin, Damon’s partner, introduced us. The attraction between us was immediate.”

  “Love at first sight?” Celeste spoke for the first time. Her tone was skeptical.

  “Yes,” Damon answered. “It happens.”

  “Obviously,” Roc said, “you do seem inseparable.”

  “We are.” Damon looked at each of the three in turn. “I’d kill to protect Susa.”

  Jahdi shuddered. “I don’t doubt that one bit. I only looked at Susa in passing, and Damon had me up against the wall.”

  “And Damon is very sorry about that.” Susa smiled at Jahdi and then took in the others at the table and those standing around it. “Just before we booked this cruise, he killed a few mercenaries who tried to kidnap me.”

  Damon snorted. She’d left out a lot, like the fact they had kidnapped her. But she had verified his credentials as a bad-ass.

  “Kidnapping?” Jahdi gasped. “How horrible.”

  Susa gave a deprecatory laugh. “It seems to be a pattern. A man attempted to kidnap me on Laguna Orgais yesterday.”

  As the fellow card players exclaimed and grumbled about lawlessness in the galaxy, Damon caught Roc’s grimace and the look he cast at Tor and Celeste.

  Damon received a clear impression from Roc that Susa’s attacker had been someone’s—most likely Nagli Goldai’s—Plan A. Roc and friends were Plan B, and the goal was still to abduct Susa.

  Agree. Smell bad.

  Geep’s agreement aside, Damon had no proof—yet.

  When he had anything to hang on the three, he’d have Mori lock them up and arrange for Wulf to have the Alliance Military to meet the ship and take them into custody.

  Damon wouldn’t take any chances with Susa’s safety.

  Jahdi gulped. “Guess I got off easily then.”

  Roc and his friends were silent.

  Damon looked across the table at the woman who’d become the air in his lungs and the reason his heart beat. “Ready for that night cap, Angel?”

  “Yes, lubho.”

  Geep crawled up his leg and slithered into Damon’s pocket under the cover of the table. Damon then left his seat and walked around to assist Susa.

  Once he had her anchored to his side, Susa smiled at the others. “Best of luck to you all.”

  As they walked away, Roc and his partners followed Damon and Susa out of the casino.

  “Damon—” Susa’s soft voice wavered with distress. “They’re not interested in us for sex play.”

  “I know. Don’t worry about them.” That was his job. “After your story about the botched kidnapping attempt, they have to know we’re hyper-vigilant. They’ll back off for the evening.” He squeezed her waist. “After this evening’s exhibition and a drink or two, we’ll go back to the suite, and I’ll contact Wulf and see if he’s discovered anything about them since I sent him the pictures earlier.”

  “Good. Celeste hates the two men. I sensed it when Roc called her a sub. She’s also armed. I received a telepathic impression of her drawing a knife and gutting Roc.”

  Susa’s impressions were as good as credits in the bank. It was good to know Celeste was armed. He was positive the men were.

  “Roc was in the terminal yesterday,” Susa added in a low, wavering tone. “I’m positive he’s the man who helped hold down my attacker—and he sent me an ugly look.”

  “Susa—” he growled. So, that was why she was so leery of Roc.

  Susa covered his mouth with her fingers. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to say anything until I could get a closer look, until I was sure.”

  “Next time, tell me of your suspicions, no matter whether you’re sure or not. My gut’s telling me these three are the back-up plan to kidnap you.” Susa’s eyes widened and her dread made him want to gut someone. Several someones. “Whether Wulf finds anything on them or not, they’re dangerous.” And forewarned was forearmed.

  Damon ushered Susa into the elevator, ordered the door shut, and requested their suite’s level. The door closed on the frustrated faces of the trio following them. “Let’s get Geep settled in for the night and forget about Roc and his friends for the rest of the evening.”

  “Let’s.” She rubbed her cheek over his heart. “While they scare me, I know you’ll keep me safe. It’s a good feeling—one I’m getting used to.”

  Her words were food for his soul. He silently vowed never to give her cause to regret her trust in him.

  Chapter 20

  Later that evening, the night club Sessions

  After Damon had noted Susa’s obvious interest in the nightly sexual exhibitions, he’d accepted the cruise line’s offer to reserve the booth they’d used the first evening for the rest of their trip. While his Angel wasn’t an exhibitionist, she was proving to be a voyeur.

  He enjoyed watching her observe the people around them and those on the stage. He’d gained the insight that while his woman had had a lot of sex, she was more wide-eyed than he’d expected. Her total fascination and joy with how their fellow passengers expressed sexual interest was contagious. Plus, her absolute
rejection of specific sex acts told him a lot about the men who’d mistreated her, men who were beyond his need for retribution.

  The club was standing-room-only tonight. It was no surprise. The D/s couple providing this evening’s entertainment had built a reputation for putting on both an educational and highly erotic demonstration. The husband and wife had lived the lifestyle 24/7 for over twenty standard years and were perfect examples of the trust such a relationship required on all levels.

  Susa looked around with an air of anticipation and a hint of nervousness. “There are far more people here tonight than the last few evenings. The anticipation in the crowd feels ravenous and darker. Why?”

  Damon took a sip of his whiskey before replying. “This exhibition is, for lack of a better word, more professional than the volunteer sex play of previous evenings.”

  “Even more than the one we saw our first night on board?” she asked.

  Damon nodded. “The first evening’s entertainment was a group that had played here before just for fun. Tonight’s couple put on BDSM exhibitions for a living. Borac and I have paid them to put on demonstrations on the Club Hades central stage. The Dom is an expert at his craft and is good at teaching safety while giving his sub multiple orgasms. The sub is very articulate and has also done workshops with the prostitutes on our station.”

  Susa stiffened, a look of distaste crossing her face.

  “What’s wrong?” He rubbed her shoulders.

  “I was surprised. No, more like shocked when I first heard you and Borac had prostitutes working for you.” She shook her head. “Sounds hypocritical, right? I was basically paid to have sex with men. Yes, it was in the form of a roof over my head, my clothes, and food, but still—”

  “It wasn’t the same thing.” Damon growled under his breath. “You didn’t choose the life, it chose you.”

  “Damon.” She turned into his body and placed her hand on his chest, her touch both soothed and inflamed the oddly sensitive spot over his heart. “I chose the life. I didn’t want to be alone for the rest of my life. Yes, it isn’t exactly the same, but many people equate what I did with being a whore.”

  “If I hear anyone calling you a whore, I’ll handle it.” And the person uttering the word would wish he or she were dead by the time he was finished with them.

  Damon kissed Susa’s temple and then cuddled her against him. He hated it when he wasn’t touching her; it was the only thing he disliked about partnering her at cards—she was on the other side of the table.

  “You were innocent,” he muttered. “You did what you had to do to survive. No one should hold that against you.”

  “What about the women on your station?” She nuzzled his shoulder. “Did they choose the life?”

  Damon paused, stunned. “I don’t know. Fuck me. I’ve never even thought to ask.” He gave her a gentle squeeze. “Maybe we should ask them once we get to the station?”

  “Maybe we should.” Her happiness at his offer made him happy.

  Damon barely heard her soft “thank you” over the applause for the start of the evening’s entertainment.

  “Looks like the show will start soon,” she said. “There’s a great sense of anticipation and an almost illicit thrill running through the crowd. So, what is the demonstration? Shibari on steroids? I hope. The last couple of rope exhibitions were horrible, and I felt so badly for the subs.”

  “Patience, Angel. Do keep in mind, this couple is fully in tune with one another. When the woman goes into subspace, the look of peace and joy on her face glows like a thousand suns.”

  “Sounds wonderful.” Susa’s full-body shiver and sigh of contentment as she fully relaxed against him pleased him.

  Susa trusted him and truly enjoyed being with him. He liked being with her more than any person he’d ever known. As each day passed, they’d grown more and more comfortable with each other.

  Despite the growing sexual tension between them, the time they were taking to get to know one another was worth it. The slower pace had allowed him to discover her likes and dislikes in the sexual arena; he’d been delighted to see that so far, their sexual needs ran along the same lines.

  Tonight’s demonstration would give him insight into whether his Angel was interested in heavier D/s play.

  “They’re starting,” Susa said as the curtain was drawn.

  The stage was lit to highlight a single St. Andrew’s Cross, a piece of equipment that hadn’t been previously used before tonight. The sub was naked, her back facing the audience, and already bound to the cross by her wrists, ankles, and a wide belt at her waist. The sub wore a black leather bondage hood. The mouth would be open for this exhibition, because of the different levels of experience of the audience members and the cruise’s policy that the sub must be able to voice her safe word.

  Susa turned to Damon. “What kind of scene is this?” If the fear in her voice and eyes hadn’t been obvious, the emotion coming off her in palpable waves was. Her apprehension hit him with the percussion of a neutron torpedo.

  “Susa?” He shifted and pulled her onto his lap. Wrapping his arms around her trembling body, he asked, “What’s wrong?”

  “He’s not just going to fuck her, is he.” It was a statement. Susa’s voice was flat, lifeless … horrified.

  Damon frowned. Susa had shown less fear during the kidnapping attempt yesterday. He needed to proceed cautiously. He didn’t want her to shut down more than she already had. He needed her to communicate what had her so scared.

  “He does at the end.” Damon rubbed Susa’s stiff, chilled back. “Angel, he always makes sure his sub orgasms several times before he does.”

  “That’s not what I meant to say. I’m sorry. I’m not being clear.” Her breath hitched. He heard tears in her voice. “Communication is important between partners.”

  Thank fuck, she considered him her partner.

  “Just take your time. Tell me what’s bothering you. Whatever it is, understand I’d never ask you do anything you don’t want to do.”

  “I know that. You aren’t like—never mind. The Dom’s going to whip her, isn’t he?” Her voice cracked on the word whip. She sniffled and buried her face against the side of his neck. Her tears were cool on his skin.

  Some bastard had whipped her so hard that she was scared to death of the act. He’d bet it was one of the dead Caradocs, putting the asshole beyond Damon’s vengeance. But if it was one of the living ones—well, he’d make sure to seek the fucker out and see how the bastard liked feeling Damon’s whip.

  “Yes, it’s an implement demonstration.” He throttled back his anger and kept his voice gentle. “This sub enjoys impact play. The Dom starts with his hand, then progresses to a paddle, then onto several kinds of floggers, and ends with a single tail.”

  Susa jerked against him, her nails digging into his chest. It was the single tail that caused her fear.

  Damon brushed kisses over the top of her head and down the side of her face. “Angel, he doesn’t use the single tail until after he’s sure she is in subspace.”

  “I’m sure he’s careful with her. I know there are women who like pain, but still—” She shook her head and turned tear-filled eyes up to him.

  Susa’s distress felt like a thousand cuts across his skin. He wanted to howl. While her external scars must’ve been treated since he’d seen no scars on any of her exposed skin, the wounds on her soul were still raw and causing her pain.

  He gently turned her head until he could look into her eyes. “Hear me, Angel. I can take or leave impact play. I promise I’ll never touch you in any way you don’t allow, and that includes using implements. I’d cut off my fucking hand before I ever hurt you.”

  “Damon, don’t you think I know that?” Susa cupped his face. “I trust you.” She closed her eyes and shuddered. Her next words were a mere whisper. “It hurt. Like fire all the way to the bone.”

  Damon cursed under his breath at the image of Susa bleeding and in pain. Yeah, he needed to t
alk to some Caradocs. How had they allowed such a sacrilege to happen?

  “Susa”—he rocked her—“I don’t want you to sit through this if it brings back bad memories. Do you want to leave?”

  “Yes, please.” Her breath stuttered. She trembled so hard he thought she might break apart.

  “Hold on for a few seconds more. Can you do that for me?”

  Clutching his jacket, Susa nodded and huddled closer to his body.

  With her still on his lap, Damon managed to scoot to the end of the slightly curved banquette and then stood. He gathered Susa into his arms more securely and carried her out of the night club. People parted as he approached. He ignored the questions asked of him. All he wanted to do was get his Angel out of there and to a quiet place where he could make her feel safer.

  A nervous bouncer made a move to stop him or offer help or whatever, but Damon shook his head. “I got this.” The man backed away.

  When they were finally in the elevator, Damon rocked her in his arms and crooned, “Shh, it’s okay. Shh. I didn’t know. No more surprises, I promise.”

  “Bak, I’m such a mess.” Susa spoke into his chest. She hated crying, considered it weak. Plus, crying had never stopped her tormentors from hurting her; in fact, her tormentors had hurt her more.

  But since meeting Damon, she realized she didn’t have to be strong all the time. She now had someone to lean on, someone who’d have her back against everything that threatened her physically, mentally, and emotionally whether the threat was from the past or in the future. That knowledge filled her with joy for all her tomorrows.

  Before she could revel in her good fortune, she, first, had to endure the next few minutes, because there was no way Damon would permit her to hide the past that had evoked her breakdown in the night club. He’d want answers.

  His emotional state was almost as disordered as hers. His big body shook with the feelings surging through him—anger at the men who’d hurt her, frustration he’d put her in a situation where her past had come back to haunt her, and worry over her mental and emotional health. Underlying everything was love, unvoiced, but there in his heart and mind.


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