The Tale of Terror: A Study of the Gothic Romance

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The Tale of Terror: A Study of the Gothic Romance Page 20

by Edith Birkhead


  [1: Frazer, _Folklore of the Old Testament_, I. iv. sec. 2.]

  [2: _Cock Lane and Common Sense_, 1894.]

  [3: _Spectator_, No. 12.]

  [4: _Spectator_, No. 110.]

  [5: Boswell, _Life of Johnson_, June 12th, 1784.]

  [6: _Tom Jones_, Bk. xvi. ch. v.]

  [7: Letter to Dr. Moore, Aug. 2, 1787.]

  [8: Ashton, _Chapbooks of the Eighteenth Century_, 1882.]

  [9: Advertisement to _Cloudesley_, 1830.]

  [10: Preface to _Mandeville_, Oct. 25, 1817.]

  [11: Letters, vii. 27.]

  [12: _The Uncommercial Traveller_.]

  [13: _Odyssey_, xi.]

  [14: April 17, 1765.]

  [15: Nov. 13, 1784.]

  [16: June 12, 1753.]

  [17: _Remarks on Italy_.]

  [18: Aug. 4, 1753.]

  [19: _Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay_, vol. ii. Appendixii.: _A Visit to Strawberry Hill in 1786_.]

  [20: Jan. 5, 1766.]

  [21: July 15, 1783.]

  [22: March 26, 1765.]

  [23: Nov. 5, 1782.]

  [24: It has been pointed out (Scott, _Lives of the Novelists_,note) that in Lope de Vega's _Jerusalem_ the picture of Noradinestalks from its panel and addresses Saladine.]

  [25: Cf. Wallace, _Blind Harry_.]

  [26: _Preface_, 1764.]

  [27: Ch. XX.]

  [28: Ch. XXXIV.]

  [29: Ch. lxii.]

  [30: Jan. 27, 1780.]

  [31: _Letters_, April 8, 1778, and Jan. 27, 1780.]

  [32: _Poetical Works_, ed. Sampson, p. 8.]

  [33: Translated _Blackwood's Magazine_, 1820 (Nov.). Cf. Scott, _Bridal of Triermain_.]

  [34: _E.g. Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay_, June 18, 1795; Mathias, _Pursuits of Literature_, 14th ed. 1808, p. 56;Scott, _Lives of the Novelists_; Extracts from the _Diary of aLover of Literature_ (1810); Byron, _Childe Harold_, iv. xviii.; Thackeray, _Newcomes_, chs. xi., xxviii.; Bronte, _Shirley_,ch. xxvii; Trollope, _Barchester Towers_, ch. xv., etc.]

  [35: Family Letters, 1908.]

  [36: Reprinted, Romancist and Novelist's Library.]

  [37: _Journeys of Mrs. Radcliffe_, 2nd ed., 1795, vol. ii. p.171.]

  [38: _Noctes Ambrosianae_, ed. 1855, vol. i. p. 201.]

  [39: Lecture on _The English Novelists_.]

  [40: _Life and Correspondence of M. G. Lewis_, 1839, i. 122.]

  [41: _Life and Correspondence_, July 22nd, 1794.]

  [42: Essay on _The State of German Literature_.]

  [43: Southey, Preface to _Madoc_.]

  [44: _Life and Correspondence_, Feb. 23, 1798.]

  [45: Letter to John Murray, Aug. 23rd, 1814.]

  [46: _Monthly Review_, June, 1797.]

  [47: No. 148.]

  [48: Cf. Musaeus: _Die Entfuehrung_.]

  [49: _Marmion_, Canto ii. Intro.]

  [50: Reprinted, Romancist and Novelist's Library, vol. i. 1839.]

  [51: _Essay on German Playwrights_.]

  [52: _English Bards and Scotch Reviewers_ (1809).]

  [53: Many of these were issued by B. Crosby, Stationers' Court.]

  [54: _Recollections of the Table-Talk of Samuel Rogers_, 1856, p. 138.]

  [55: Trans. from the German of Christian August Vulpius.]

  [56: Cf. Thackeray, "Tunbridge Toys" (Roundabout Papers).]

  [57: _English Bards and Scotch Reviewers_.]

  [58: _Gentleman's Magazine_, 1825; and memoir prefixed to theedition of _Melmoth the Wanderer_, published in 1892.]

  [59: Prose Works, 1851, vol. xviii.]

  [60: _Letters and Memoir_, 1895, vol. i. p. 101.]

  [61: _Life_ (Melville), 1909, vol. i. p. 79.]

  [62: _Letters_, 2nd Series, 1872, vol. i. p. 101.]

  [63: Gustave Planche, _Portraits Litteraires_.]

  [64: Cf. Stevenson's _Bottle-Imp._]

  [65: _Edinburgh Review_, July 1821.]

  [66: Conant, _The Oriental Tale in England_, pp. 36-38.]

  [67: Conant, _The Oriental Tale in England_, pp. 36-38.]

  [68: Letter to Henley, Jan. 29, 1782.]

  [69: _Life and Letters_, Melville, 1910, p. 20.]

  [70: _Life and Letters_, 1910, p. 20.]

  [71: _Memoirs, Journal and Correspondence of Thomas Moore_, 1853, vol. ii. p. 197.]

  [72: Nov. 24, 1777, _Life and Letters_, p. 40.]

  [73: Austen Leigh, _Memoir of Jane Austen_.]

  [74: Letter to William Godwin, Dec. 7, 1817.]

  [75: _William Godwin: His Friends and Contemporaries_. KeganPaul, 1876, vol. i. p. 78.]

  [76: Preface to _Fleetwood_, 1832.]

  [77: Preface to _Fleetwood_, 1832.]

  [78: Preface to _Fleetwood_, 1832, p. xi: "I read over a littleold book entitled _The Adventures of Mme. De St. Phale_, Iturned over the pages of a tremendous compilation entitled _God's Revenge against Murder_, where the beam of the eye of omniscience was represented as perpetually pursuing the guilty... I was extremely conversant with _The Newgate Calendar_ and _The Lives of the Pirates_. I rather amusedmyself with tracing a certain similitude between the story of_Caleb Williams_ and the tale of _Bluebeard_;" and Preface to _Cloudesley_: "The present publication may in the samesense be denominated a paraphrase of the old ballad of the Childrenin the Wood."]

  [79: Scott, Introduction to _The Abbot_, 1831.]

  [80: _William Godwin: His Friends and Contemporaries_, 1876, vol.ii. p. 304.]

  [81: _Caleb Williams_, ch. x.]

  [82: _William Godwin: His Friends and Contemporaries_, vol. i.pp. 330-1.]

  [83: _Political Justice_, bk. ii, ch. ii.]

  [84: _William Godwin: His Friends and Contemporaries_, vol. i.pp. 330-1; Preface to 1st edition, 1799.]

  [85: _Hermippus Redivivus_; or _The Sage's Triumph over Old Ageand the Grave_ (translated from the Latin of Cohausen, with annotations), 1743. Dr. Johnson pronounced the volume "very entertaining as an account of the hermetic philosophy and as furnishing a curious history of the extravagancies of thehuman mind," adding "if it were merely imaginary it would benothing at all."]

  [86: _St. Leon_, vol. iv. ch, xiii.]

  [87: _St. Leon_, Bk. iv, ch. v.]

  [88: _Lives of the Necromancers_, 1834, Preface. "The main purposeof this book is to exhibit a fair delineation of the credulityof the human mind. Such an exhibition cannot fail to beproductive of the most salutary lessons."]

  [89: _St. Godwin: A Tale of the 16th, 17th and 18th Century_, byCount Reginald de St. Leon, 1800, p. 234.]

  [90: Dowden, _Life of Shelley_, vol. i. p. 10.]

  [91: Dowden, _Life of Shelley_, vol. i. p. 44.]

  [92: Hogg, _Life of Shelley_, vol. i. p. 15.]

  [93: Cf. Castle of Lindenberg story in _The Monk_, and ballad ofAlonzo the Brave.]

  [94: A versification of the story of the Wandering Jew, BleedingNun and Don Raymond in _The Monk_.]

  [95: This poem was borrowed from Lewis's _Tales of Terror_(without Shelley's knowledge), where it is entitled _The Black Canonof Elmham, or St. Edmond's Eve_.]

  [96: Letter to Edward Fergus Graham, Ap. 23, 1810 (_Letters_, ed. Ingpen, 1909, vol. i, pp. 4-6).]

  [97: Letter to John Joseph Stockdale, Nov. 14, 1810.]

  [98: Mme. de Montolieu, _Caroline de Lichfield_, translated byThos. Holcroft, 1786.]

  [99: Mme. de Genlis, translated by Rev. Beresford, 1796.]

  [100: Peter Middleton Darling, _Romance of the Highlands_, 1810.]

  [101: Regina Maria Roche, _The Discarded Son, or The Haunt of the Banditti_, 1806.]

  [102: Agnes Musgrave, _Cicely, or The Rose of Raby_.]

  [103: Aphra Behn, _The Nun_.]

  [104: Charlotte Smith, _Ethelinde, or The Recluse of the Lake_,1790.]

  [105: _The Relapse: a novel_, 1780.]

  [106: _Tales of the Ha

  [107: Crebillon, _Les Egarements du Coeur et de l'Esprit_.]

  [108: _The Borough_, Ellen Orford, Letter xx.]

  [109: _The Borough_, xx, ll. 56 _seqq._]

  [110: _Parish Register_.]

  [111: _William and Helen_, 1796.]

  [112: _House of Aspen_, 1799 (Keepsake, 1830). _Doom ofDevorgoil_, 1817 (Keepsake, 1830).]

  [113: Scott, _Lives of the Novelists_ (on Clara Reeve and Mrs. Radcliffe and Maturin).]

  [114: Keepsake, 1828.]

  [115: Keepsake, 1828.]

  [116: _Journal_, Feb. 23, 1826.]

  [117: List of books read 1814-1816.]

  [118: _Fantasmagoriana: ou Recueil d'Histoires d'Apparitions, de Spectres, de Revenans, trad. d'Allemand par un Amateur_.Paris, 1812.]

  [119: _Diary of John William Polidori_, June 17, 1816.]

  [120: Byron, _Letters and Journals_, 1899, iii. 446. MaryShelley, _Life and Letters_, 1889, i. 586. Extract from MaryShelley's _Diary_, Aug. 14, 1816.]

  [121: Nov. 15, 1823, _Life and Letters of Mary WollstonecraftShelley_ (Marshall), ii. 52.]

  [122: _Life and Letters_, ii. 88. ]

  [123: _Romancist and Novelist's Library_.]

  [124: Reprinted in _Treasure House of Tales by Great Authors_,ed. Garnett, 1891.]

  [125: _Punch_, vol. x. p. 31:

  "Says Ainsworth to Colburn A plan in my pate is To give my romance, as A supplement gratis. Says Colburn to Ainsworth 'Twill do very nicely, For that will be charging Its value precisely."]

  [126: _Life, Letters and Literary Remains_, 1883, vol. ii. pp. 70 _seqq_.]

  [127: _Dublin University Magazine_, 1862. "Forgotten Novels."]

  [128: _Blackwood's Magazine_, 1830-1837.]

  [129: _Within the Tides_, 1915.]

  [130: Preface to _The Algerine Captive_ (Walpole, Vermont, 1797) quoted Loshe, _Early American Novel_, N.Y. 1907.]

  [131: Preface to _Edgar Huntly_.]

  [132: Peacock, _Memoirs of Shelley_.]


  _Abbey of Clunedale_, Drake's, 35.

  _Abbot_, Scott's, 109 note, 153.

  _Abdallah_, Tieck's, 65.

  _Abellino_, Zschokke's, 70.

  _Adam Blair_, Lockhart's, 207.

  Addison, Joseph, 5, 17, 69, 95, 222.

  _Adela Cathcart_, Macdonald's, 173.

  _Adventures of Abdallah_, Bignon's, 94, 96.

  _Adventures of Mme. de St. Phale_, 109 note.

  _After Dark_, Wilkie Collins', 190.

  Aikin, A.L. (see Barbauld, Mrs. A.L.).

  Aikin, Dr. J., 28.

  Aikin, Lucy, 28.

  Ainsworth, Harrison, 149, 174-177.

  _Alastor_, Shelley's, 127, 163.

  _Albigenses_, Maturin's, 82.

  _Alciphron_, Moore's, 117.

  _Algerine Captive_, 197 note.

  _Alice in Wonderland_, Lewis Carroll's, 116.

  _All the Year Round_, 183, 190.

  _Almoran and Hamet_, Hawkesworth's, 95.

  _Alonzo and Melissa_, 197.

  _Alonzo the Brave_, Lewis's, n, 120 note.

  _Amadas, Sir_, 4.

  _Amelia_, Fielding's, 134, 135.

  _Ancient Mariner_, Coleridge's, 9, 227.

  _Angelina_, Maria Edgeworth's, 133.

  _Annual Review_, 73.

  _Antiquary_, Scott's, 154.

  Apel, J.A., 174.

  _Apostate Nun_ (see _Convent of Grey Penitents)_.

  _Apparitions, History and Reality of_, Defoe's, 5, 139.

  _Apparitions, History of_, Taylor's, 149.

  Apuleius, 13.

  _Arabian Nights_, 12, 94.

  _Ardinghello_, Heinse's, 65.

  _Arliss's Pocket Magazine_, 175.

  _Arlamene ou le Grand Cyrus_, Mme. de Scudery's, 222.

  _Arthur Mervyn_, C.B. Brown's, 198.

  _Asylum or Alonzo and Melissa_, 197.

  _Auberge Rouge_, Balzac's, 203.

  _Auriol_, Ainsworth's, 176-177.

  Austen, Jane, 100, 125-133, 138, 140, 223.

  _Avenger_, De Quincey's, 174.

  _Avenging Demon_, Shelley's, 120.

  _Azemia_, Beckford's, 97.

  Babel, Tower of, 221.

  _Babes in the Wood_, 13, 109 note.

  _Babylonica_, Iamblichus', 12.

  Ballad collections, 9.

  _Baltimore Saturday Visitor_, 214.

  Balzac, Honore de, 86, 203.

  _Bandit of Florence_, 76.

  _Banditti of the Forest_, 76.

  _Barbastal, or the Magician of the Forest of the Bloody Ash_,186.

  Barbauld, Mrs. A.L., 28-31, 32, 33, 147.

  _Barchester Towers_, Trollope's, 38 note.

  _Bard_, Gray's, 7.

  Barrett, E.S., 22, 79, 133-137, 138.

  Baudelaire, Charles, 86, 220.

  Beckford, William, 94-99, 118.

  Beggar Girl and her Benefactors, Mrs. Bennett's, 74, 134.

  Behn, Mrs. Aphra, 141 note, 222.

  _Benevolent Monk_, Melville's, 75.

  Bennett, Mrs. A.M., 74.

  Bennett, Arnold, 227.

  Benson, E.F., 226.

  _Beowulf_, 2.

  _Berenice_, Poe's, 215.

  _Bertram_, Maturin's, 81, 149.

  _Betrothed_, Scott's, 153.

  _Bibliotheca Britannica_, Watt's, 75, 129.

  Bignon, Jean-Paul, 94.

  _Biographical Memoirs of Extraordinary Painters_, Beckford's, 97.

  _Black Canon of Elmham (Tales of Terror_), 120 note.

  _Black Cat_, Poe's, 217.

  _Black Forest_, 76.

  Blackwood, Algernon, 226.

  _Blackwood's Magazine_, 34 note, 174, 182, 189, 190, 194.

  Blake, William, 31-32.

  _Blanche and Osbright_, Lewis's, 71.

  "Blind Harry," 21 note.

  _Blithedale Romance_, Hawthorne's, 212.

  _Bloody Monk of Udolpho_, Horsley Curteis', 75.

  _Bluebeard_, 3, 13, 109 note.

  _Boeotian_, 175.

  _Bold Dragoon_, Irving's, 201.

  Boleyn, Anne, 31.

  _Book for a Corner_, Leigh Hunt's, 28.

  _Borough_, Crabbe's, 142, 143.

  _Bosom-Serpent_, Hawthorne's, 206.

  _Bottle-Imp_, Stevenson's, 87 note.

  Bovet, 14, 149.

  _Bravo of Bohemia_ or _Black Forest_, 76.

  _Bravo of Venice_, Lewis's, 70, 71, 125.

  _Bridal of Triermain_, Scott's, 34 note.

  _Bride of Lammermoor_, Scott's, 81, 153.

  _Brigand Tales_, 186.

  Bronte, Charlotte, 38 note, 51, 224.

  Bronte, Emily, 224-225.

  Brown, Charles Brockden, 140, 188, 197-200.

  Browne, Sir Thomas, 5.

  Bulke, Sir George, 57.

  _Bullfrog, Mrs_., Hawthorne's, 206.

  Bunyan, John, 5.

  Buerger, Gottfried, II, 148, 200.

  Burney, Dr. Charles, 17.

  Burney, Fanny, 38 note, 135, 223.

  Burns, Robert, 8, 9.

  Burton, Robert, 5.

  Byron, Lord, 38 note, 55, 59, 72, 79, 81, 135, 158, 160, 167,169, 171, 221.

  _Caleb Williams_, Godwin's, 13, 102-111, 168, 199, 218.

  _Caledonian Banditti_, 76.

  _Camilla_, Fanny Burney's, 134.

  Campbell, Dr. John, 112.

  Carlyle, Thomas, 65, 72.

  _Caroline of Lichfield_, Mme. de Montolieu's, 134.

  Carroll, Lewis, 201.

  _Cask of Amontillado_, Poe's, 217, 220.

  _Castle Connor_, Clara Reeve's, 28.

  _Castle of Otranto_, Walpole's, 12, 16-23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30,31, 39, 40, 58, 77, 146, 221.

  _Castle of Wolfenbach_, Mrs. Parson's, 129.

  _Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne_, Mrs. Radcliffe's, 39-41, 45.

  _Castle Spectre_, Lewis's, 66, 149.

  _Castle without a Spectre_, Mrs. Hunter's, 76.
/>   Cazotte, Jacques, 68.

  _Cecilia_, Fanny Burney's, 134, 135.

  _Cenci_, Shelley's, 127.

  Cervantes, 222.

  _Chateau de Montville_, Sarah Wilkinson's, 77.

  _Cherubina, Adventures of_ (see _Heroine_).

  _Childe Harold_, Byron's, 38 note.

  _Children of the Abbey_, Mrs. Roche's, 22, 59, 129, 130, 134.

  _Chinese Tales_, Gueulette's, 94.

  _Christabel_, Coleridge's, 9, 10.

  "Christopher North" (Wilson, John), 192.

  _Cicely or The Rose of Raby_, Miss Agnes Musgrave's, 141 note.

  _Clarissa Harlowe_, Richardson's, 46, 134, 140.

  _Clerk Saunders_, 3.

  _Clermont_, Mrs. Roche's, 129.

  _Cock Lane and Commonsense_, Andrew Lang's, 2 note.

  "Cock Lane Ghost," 6.

  Coleridge, S.T., 9, 10, 66, 81.

  _Collectanea_, Leland's, 57.

  Collins, Wilkie, 190, 194, 225.

  Collins, William, 7, 8, 12, 35, 58.

  Colman, George, the younger, 109.

  Colman, George, the elder, 129, 222.

  Conant, Martha, 95 note.

  _Confessions of a Fanatic_, Hogg's, 192.

  Conrad, Joseph, 194, 195, 227.

  _Contes de ma Mere Oie_, Perrault's, 12.

  _Convent of St. Ursula_, Miss Wilkinson's, 78.

  _Convent of the Grey Penitents_, Miss Wilkinson's, 74, 76, 77-78.

  Corelli, Marie, 226.

  _Corsair_, Byron's, 56.

  _Count of Narbonne_, Jephson's, 19.

  "Count Reginald de St. Leon," 116.

  Coverley, Sir Roger de, 5.

  Crabbe, George, 76, 140-144.

  Crebillon, C.P.J., 141 note.

  _Crichton_, Ainsworth's, 176.

  Croly, George, 118.

  Cruikshank, 176.

  Cunningham, Allan, 191-192.

  Curteis, T.J. Horsley, 75.

  Dacre, Charlotte ("Rosa Matilda"), 75, 122.

  D'Arblay, Mme. (see Burney, Fanny).

  Darwin, Erasmus, 160.

  D'Aulnoy, Countess, 12.

  David, 2.

  _Death of Despina_, Mrs. Shelley's, 168.

  Defoe, Daniel, 5, 6, 139.

  _Delicate Distress_, 134.

  "Demon Frigate," 12.

  "Demon Lover," 2, 14.

  _Demonology and Witchcraft, Letters on_, Scott's, 149.

  _Demonology, Treatise on_, James I.'s, 4.

  De Quincey, 173-174.

  De Scudery, Mme., 222.

  _Descent into the Maelstrom_, Poe's, 215.

  _Devil in Love_, Cazotte's, 68.

  _Diary of a Lover of Literature_, Green's, 38 note.

  _Dice_, De Quincey's, 174.

  Dickens, Charles, 14, 59, 81, 190, 192, 193.

  _Discarded Son_, Mrs. Roche's, 140 note.

  _Discovery of Witchcraft_, Scot's, 14, 147.

  Disraeli, Benjamin, 99.

  _Distress, Kinds of, which Excite Agreeable Sensations_,Barbauld's, 29.

  _Dr. Dolliver's Romance_, Hawthorne's, 212-213.

  _Dr. Grimshawe's Secret_, Hawthorne's, 212.

  _Dr. Heidegger's Experiment_, Hawthorne's, 207.

  _Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde_, Stevenson's, 218.

  _Dr. Marigold's Prescriptions_, Dickens', 194.

  _Don Quixote_, Cervantes', 222.

  _Doom of Devorgoil_, Scott's, 149 note.

  _Douglas_, Home's, 8.

  Doyle, Sir A. Conan, 103, 218, 226.

  _Dracula_, Bram Stoker's, 2, 173, 225.

  Drake, Dr. Nathan, 32-37, 147.

  _Dream Children_, Lamb's, 193.

  _Dublin University Magazine_, 173, 186 note, 190, 191.

  Dumas, Alexandre, 175.

  _Edgar Huntly_, C.B. Brown's, 197, 198, 199-200.

  Edgeworth, Maria, 133.

  _Edinburgh Review_, 87 note.

  _Edmond, Orphan of the Castle_, 28.

  _Edward_, 34.

  _Edward Fane's Rosebud_, Hawthorne's, 205.

  _Egarements du Coeur et de l'Esprit_, Crebillon's, 141 note.

  _Elegant Enthusiast_, Beckford's, 97.

  _Eleanora_, Poe's, 215.

  _Elixir de la Longue Vie_, Balzac's, 203.

  _Elixir des Teufels_, Hoffmann's, 70.

  _Elsie Venner_, Holmes', 207.

  Endor, Witch of, 2, 221.

  _English Bards and Scotch Reviewers_, Byron's, 72 note, 79.

  _English Chronicle_, 39.

  _English Novelists, Lectures on_, Hazlitt's, 62.

  _Entfuehrung_, Musaeus', 68 note.

  _Epicurean_, Moore's, 117, 118.

  _Ernestus Berchtold_, Polidori's, 160, 170-171.

  _Ethan Brand_, Hawthorne's, 205.

  _Ethelinde_, Charlotte Smith's, 141.

  "Ettrick Shepherd" (see Hogg, James).

  _European Magazine_, 175.

  _Evelina_, Fanny Burney's, 134.

  _Eve of St. Agnes_, Keats', 10.

  _Ewige Jude_, Schubart's, 120.

  _Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar_, Poe's, 219.

  _Faerie Queene_, Spenser's, 17.

  _Fair Elenor_, Blake's, 31-32.

  _Fair Jilt_, Mrs. Aphra Behn's, 222.

  _Falkner_, Godwin's, 168.

  _Fall of the House of Usher_, Poe's, 216, 220.

  _Family of Montorio_, 72, 74, 80, 81, 82-86, 88, 91, 93, 158.

  _Fantasmagoriana_, 160 note.

  _Farina_, Meredith's, 70.

  _Fatal Marksman_, De Quincey's, 174.

  _Fatal Revenge_ (see _Family of Montorio_).

  _Faust_, Goethe's, 92, 198.

  _Faustus, Dr._, Marlowe's, 4, 12, 91, 92.

  _Fear, Ode to_, Collins', 35.

  "Felix Phantom," 77.

  _Female Quixote_, Mrs. Lennox's, 222.

  _Ferdinand, Count Fathom, Adventures of_, Smollett's, 12, 23-25,29, 35, 68.

  _Feudal Tyrants_, Lewis's, 71.

  Fielding, Henry, 222.

  _Field of Terror_, De La Motte Fouque's, 34.

  _First Men in the Moon_, Wells', 227.

  _Flames_, Hichens', 226.

  _Fleetwood_, Godwin's, 102 note, 104 note, 109 note.

  Flood, Story of, 1, 221.

  Ford, John, 127.

  _Forman_, 224.

  _Fortress of Saguntum_, Ainsworth's, 175.

  _Fortunes of Nigel_, Scott's, 153.

  Fouque, De la Motte, 34, 153.

  Francis, Sophia, 76.

  _Frankenstein_, Mrs. Shelley's, 158-165, 169.

  Frazer, 2 note.

  _Fredolfo_, Maturin's, 81.

  _Freischuetz_, Apel's, 174.

  _Fugitive Countess_, Miss Wilkinson's, 78.

  Galland, Antoine, 12, 94.

  Gaskell, Mrs., 192-193.

  _Gaston de Blondeville_, Mrs. Radcliffe's, 39, 40, 56-58, 60.

  _Geisterseher_, Schiller's, 51.

  _Geistertodtenglocke_, 191.

  "Geoffrey Crayon" (see Irving, Washington).

  _German Literature, Essay on_, Carlyle's, 65.

  _German Playwrights, Essay on_, Carlyle's, 72 note.

  _German Student, Story of a_, 201.

  _Ghasta_, Shelley's, 120.

  _Ghost_, "Felix Phantom's," 77.

  _Giaour_, Byron's, 55.

  Gilgamesh epic, 1-2.

  _Ginevra_, Shelley's, 127.

  Glanvill, Joseph, 6, 215.

  _Glenallan_, Lytton's, 179.

  _Glenfinlas_, Scott's, 11.

  _Godolphin_, Lytton's, 179.

  _God's Revenge Against Murder_, 109 note.

  Godwin, William, 13, 92, 100-117, 124, 158, 166, 175, 197, 199,200, 209, 218, 226.

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 65, 92, 148, 198.

  _Golden Ass_, Apuleius', 13, 14, 15.

  _Goodman Brown_, Hawthorne's, 206.

  _Goetz van Berlichingen_, Goethe's, 148.

  _Grand Cyrus_, Mme. de Scudery's, 222.

  _Grandison, Sir Charles_, Richardson's, 134.

  Green, Sarah, 133.

  _Green Tea_, Le Fanu's, 190.

  Gray, Thomas, 7, 12, 20, 40, 58, 75.

  Grillparzer, Franz, 72.

  Grosse, Marquis von, 76, 129.

  _Guardian_, 68.

  Gueulette, 94.

  Haggard, Rider, 226.

  _Half Hangit_, Ainsworth's, 175.

  _Halloween_, Burns', 8.

  Hamilton, Count Antony, 95.

  _Hamlet_, Shakespeare's, 86.

  _Hardyknute_, 35.

  _Haunted and the Haunters_, Lytton's, 179, 182-183.

  _Haunted Ships_, Cunningham's, 191.

  Hawkesworth, Dr. John, 95.

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 203-213, 214, 217, 220.

  Hayne, D.F., 188.

  Hazlitt, William, 62.

  Heinse, Wilhelm, 65.

  _Hellas_, Shelley's, 120.

  Henley, Rev. S., 94.

  _Henry Fitzowen_, Drake's, 33.

  _Hermippus Redivivus_, Campbell's, 112.

  _Heroine_, Barrett's, 79, 133-137.

  Heywood, Thomas, 149.

  _Hierarchy of the Blessed Angels_, Heywood's, 149.

  _History of Nourjahad_, Mrs. Sheridan's, 95.

  _History of the Exchequer_, Mador's, 57.

  Hobson, Elizabeth, 6.

  Hoffmann, E.T.A., 70, 175.

  Hogg, James, 11, 58, 61, 191, 192.

  _Hollow of the Three Hills_, Hawthorne's, 205.

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 207,

  Home, John, 8.

  _Horrid Mysteries_, Marquis von Grosse's, 76, 126, 129, 199.

  _Hound of the Baskervilles_, 226.

  _Hours of Idleness_, Byron's, 72.

  _Household Words_, 190, 193.

  _Household Wreck_, De Quincey's, 174.

  _House of Aspen_, Scott, 149 note.

  _House of the Seven Gables_, Hawthorne's, 210-211.

  Hughes, A.M.D., 122.

  _Hugo_, Bennett's, 227.

  Hugo, Victor, 175.

  Hunt, Leigh, 28, 186.

  Hunter, Mrs. Rachel, 76.

  Hurd, Bishop, 17, 20.

  Iamblichus, 12.

  Icelandic saga, 2, 14.

  _Iliad_, 14.

  _Image in the Sand_, Benson's, 226.

  _Indicator_, Leigh Hunt's, 187.

  _Inn of the Two Witches_, Conrad's, 195.

  _Invisible Man_, Wells', 196.

  _Iron Shroud_, Mudford's, 194.

  Irving, Washington, 200-203.

  _Isabella_, Keats', 10.

  _Italian_, Mrs. Radcliffe's, 34, 45, 47, 52-56, 58, 60, 69, 70,114, 124, 125, 128, 137, 168, 185.

  _Ivanhoe_, Scott's, 18.

  _Jack the Giant-Killer_, 19.

  Jacobs, W.W., 193.

  James I., 4.

  James, Henry, 196.

  _Jane Eyre_, Charlotte Bronte's, 224.

  _Jekyll and Hyde_, Stevenson's, 218.

  "Jenny Spinner," 179.

  Jephson, Robert, 19.

  Jerdan, W., 189.

  _Jerusalem_, Lope de Vega's, 21 note.

  _Job, Book of_, 221.

  _John Silence_, Blackwood's, 226.

  Johnson, Samuel, 6, 7, 95.

  Johnson, T.B., 140.

  Jonson, Ben, 4.

  _Journal_, Moore's, 97.

  _Journeys of Mrs. Radcliffe_, 60-61.

  _Juif Errant_, Sue's, 118.

  Keats, John, 10.

  _Keepsake_, 149 note, 150 note, 151 note.

  Kemble, John, 19.

  _Kidnapped_, Stevenson, 41, 195.

  _Kilmeny_, Hogg's, 11.

  _King John_, Shakespeare's, 55.

  _King Lear_, Shakespeare's, 3, 110.

  _King Solomon's Mines_, Haggard's, 226.

  Kipling, Rudyard, 195.

  Klingemann, 72.

  _Klosterheim_, De Quincey's, 173.

  _Knight of the Burning Pestle_, Beaumont and Fletcher's, 7.

  _Knights of the Swan_, Mme. de Genlis', 134.

  _Koenigsmark the Robber_, Lewis's, 71.

  Kotzebue, August von, 65, 72.

  _Kubla Khan_, 10.

  _La Belle Dame sans Merci_, Keats', 11.

  Lacroix, Paul, 175.

  _Lady in the Sacque_, Scott's, 150, 201.

  _Lady of the Lake_, Scott's, 152.

  Lamb, Charles, 193.

  _Lamia_, Keats', 10.

  _Lancashire Witches_, Ainsworth's, 176.

  Lang, Andrew, 2.

  Langhorne, John, 95.

  _Lara_, Byron's, 56.

  _Last Man_, Mrs. Shelley's, 166-168.

  Lathom, Francis, 76.

  _Lay of the Last Minstrel_, Scott's, 79, 152.

  Le Calprenede, 222.

  Lee, Sophia, 39, 57.

  Le Fanu, Sheridan, 190, 225.

  _Legend of Montrose_, Scott's, 153.

  _Legends of a Nunnery_, Lewis's, 71.

  _Legends of Terror_, 186.

  _Legends of the Province House_, Hawthorne's, 204.

  Leland, John, 57.

  Lemoine, Anne, 186.

  Lennox, Mrs. Charlotte, 222.

  _Lenore_, Buerger's, 11, 148.

  Le Queux, William, 226.

  _Letitia_, Mrs. Rachel Hunter's, 76.

  _Letters on Chivalry and Romance_, Hurd's, 17, 20.

  Lewis, M.G. ("Monk"), 11, 14, 32, 55, 56, 61, 63-72, 76, 77, 85,91, 114, 120, 122, 123, 125, 136, 148, 157, 158, 174, 175, 185,186, 188, 197, 203, 218.

  _Ligeia_, Poe's, 215.

  _Literary Hours_, Drake's, 32.

  _Literary Souvenir_, 175.

  _Little Annie's Rambles_, Hawthorne's, 205.

  _Lives of the Necromancers_, Godwin's, 115, 117.

  _Lives of the Novelists_, Scott's, 21 note, 38 note, 150 note,153.

  _Lives of the Pirates_, 109 note.

  _Lives_, Plutarch's, 162.

  Lockhart, John, 192, 207.

  _Lodore_, Mrs. Shelley's, 168.

  _London Magazine_, 191.

  _Longsword_, Leland's, 57.

  Lope de Vega, 21 note.

  _Lopez and Aranthe_, Miss Sarah Wilkinson's, 78.

  _Lord of Ennerdale_, Scott's, 148.

  Loshe, 197.

  _Lucifer_, 188.

  Lyttleton, Lord, 6.

  Lytton, Bulwer, 109, 116, 178-184, 226.

  Macaulay, Lord, 77.

  _Macbeth_, Shakespeare's, 4, 85.

  Macpherson, James, 12, 20.

  _Madoc_, Southey's, 65 note.

  Mador, 57.

  _Magician of the Forest of the Bloody Ash_, 186.

  _Malfi, Duchess of_, Webster's, 4.

  Mallet, David, 7.

  Malone, Edmund, 19.

  Malory, Sir Thomas, 4.

  _Manuscript Found in a Bottle_, Poe's, 214, 215.

  _Mandeville_, Godwin's, 101.

  _Manfroni_, 75.

  _Manuel_, Maturin's, 81.

  _Man in the Bell_, 194.

  _Marble Faun_, Hawthorne's, 204, 212.

  _Margaret Nicholson, Posthumous Poems of_, 120.

  _Mark of the Beast_, Kipling's, 195.

  Marlowe, Christopher, 4, 92.

  _Marmion_, Scott's, 69 note.

  Marryat, Captain, 2, 177.

  Marsh, Richard, 225.

  _Mary Burnet_, Hogg's, 192.

  Mason, 16, 20, 58.

  _Masque of Queens_, Ben Jonson's, 4.

  _Masque of the Red Death_, Poe's, 214, 216, 217, 220.

  _Master of Ballantrae_, Stevenson's, 195.

  Mathias, T.J., 38 note.

  Maturin, C.R., 55, 61, 72, 80-93, 150 note, 157, 158, 175, 185,188, 203, 218, 220.

  Medwin, Thomas, 74, 120.

  Meeke, Mrs., 77.

  _Melancholy, Ode on_, Keats', 10.

  _Melmoth Reconcilie a l'Eglise_, Balzac's, 86.

  _Melmoth the Wanderer_, Maturin's, 14, 80 note, 82, 86-93, 158,174, 185.

  Melville, Theodore, 75.

  Meredith, George, 70, 99.

  _Merry Men_, Stevenson's, 195.

  Mickle, William Julius, 69.

  _Midnight Bell_,
George Walker's, 77, 129.

  _Midnight Groan_, 120.

  _Midnight Horrors_, 75.

  _Midnight Weddings_, Mrs. Meeke's, 77.

  _Milesian Chief_, Maturin's, 81.

  Milton, John, 54, 58.

  Minerva Press, 74.

  _Misanthropic Parent_, Miss Smith's, 135.

  Mitford, Miss Mary Russell, 58, 86.

  _Modern Language Review_, 122.

  _Modern Oedipus_, Polidori's, 160, 170-171.

  _Mogul Tales_, Gueulette's, 94, 95.

  _Monastery_, Scott's, 109, 152.

  _Monk_, Lewis's, 64, 65, 66-70, 91, 114, 120 note, 123, 129, 136,148, 152.

  _Monk of Madrid_, George Moore's, 75.

  _Monkey's Paw_, Jacobs', 193.

  _Monks of Cluny or Castle Acre Monastery_, 186.

  _Monos and Daimonos_, Lytton's, 217.

  Montagu, George, 18.

  _Monthly Review_, 68 note.

  _Montmorenci_, Drake's, 34, 35.

  _Moonstone_, Wilkie Collins', 190, 225.

  Moore, George, 75.

  Moore, Dr. John, 53.

  Moore, Thomas, 97, 117, 118.

  _Moral Tales_, Maria Edgeworth's, 133.

  _More Ghosts_, "Felix Phantom's," 77.

  More, Hannah, 16.

  _Morella_, Poe's, 215.

  Morgan, Lady, 81.

  _Mortal Immortal_, Mrs. Shelley's, 169.

  _Morte D'Arthur_, Malory's, 4.

  _Mosses from an old Manse_, Hawthorne's, 206, 220.

  Mudford, William, 194.

  _Mugby Junction_, Dickens', 194.

  _Murder, Considered as one of the Fine Arts_, De Quincey's, 173.

  _Murders of the Rue Morgue_, Poe's, 218.

  Musaeus, Johann, 68 note.

  Musgrave, Agnes, 141 note.

  _My Aunt Margaret's Mirror_, Scott's, 150.

  _Mysteries of the Forest_, Miss Eleanor Sleath's, 76.

  _Mysteries of Udolpho_ (see _Udolpho, Mysteries of_).

  _Mysterious Bravo_, 76.

  _Mysterious Bride_, James Hogg's, 191.

  _Mysterious Freebooter_, Lathom's, 76, 120.

  _Mysterious Hand_, Randolph's, 76, 120.

  _Mysterious Mother_, Walpole's, 34, 58.

  _Mysterious Spaniard_, 186.

  _Mysterious Summons_, 186.

  _Mysterious Visits_, Mrs. Parson's, 76.

  _Mysterious Wanderer_, Miss Sophia Reeve's, 76.

  _Mysterious Warnings_, Mrs. Parson's, 76, 129.

  _Mystery of M. Roget_, Poe's, 218.

  _Mystery of the Abbey_, T.B. Johnson's, 140.

  _Mystery of the Black Tower_, Palmer's, 76.

  _Mystic Sepulchre_, Palmer's, 76.

  _My Uncle's Garret Window_, Lewis's, 65.

  _Necromancer of the Black Forest_, 129.

  _New Arabian Nights_, Stevenson's, 195.

  _Newcomes_, Thackeray's, 38 note.

  _Newgate Calendar_, 109 note.

  _New Monk_, "R.S.'s" 75.

  _New Monthly_, 177.

  _Nigger of the Narcissus_, Conrad's, 227.

  _Nightmare_, Shelley's, 120.

  _Nightmare Abbey_, Peacock's, 47, 126, 138, 140.

  _Noctes Ambrosianae_, 58, 62 note, 192.

  _Nocturnal Minstrel_, Miss Sleath's, 77.

  _Northanger Abbey_, Jane Austen's, 44, 128, 129-133, 185.

  _Notebooks_, Hawthorne's, 204, 212, 213.

  _Nouvelle Heloise_, Rousseau's, 134.

  _Nun_, Mrs. Aphra Behn's, 141.

  _Nun of Misericordia_, Miss Sophia Francis's, 76.

  _Nun of St. Omer's_, "Rosa Matilda's," 75.

  _Nurse's Story_, Mrs. Gaskell's, 192, 193.

  _Objects of Terror_, Drake's essay on, 34.

  _Oblong Box_, Poe's, 219.

  _Old Bachelor_, Crabbe's, 142.

  _Old English Baron_, Clara Reeve's, 22, 25-28, 57.

  "Old Jeffrey," 6.

  _Old Manor House_, Charlotte Smith's, 77.

  _Old Mortality_, Scott's, 22, 154.

  _Old St. Paul's_, Ainsworth's, 176.

  _Old Woman of Berkeley_, Southey's, 11.

  Oppenheim, Phillips, 226.

  _Oriental Tale in England_, Conant's, 95 note, 96 note.

  _Ormond_, T.B. Brown's, 198.

  _Oroonoko_, Mrs. Aphra Behn's, 222.

  _Orphan of the Rhine_, Miss Sleath's, 129.

  _Oscar and Alva_, Byron's, 72.

  _Osorio_, Coleridge's, 81.

  _Ossian_, Macpherson's, 12, 20, 58.

  _Oval Portrait_, Poe's, 219.

  Pain, Barry, 193.

  Palmer, John, 76.

  _Pamela_, Richardson's, 134.

  _Pandemonium or the Devil's Cloyster Opened_, Bovet's, 14, 149.

  _Paradise Lost_, Milton's, 162.

  _Parish Register_, Crabbe's, 144 note.

  Parsons, Mrs. Eliza, 73, 74, 76, 129.

  _Passages from the Diary of a Late Physician_, Warren's, 188.

  _Paul Clifford_, Lytton's, 109.

  Peacock, T.L., 72, 126, 138-140, 197.

  _Peep at our Ancestors_, Mrs. Rouviere's, 74, 75.

  Pegge, Samuel, 57.

  Pepys, Mrs., 222.

  Percy, Bishop, 9, 20.

  _Perkin Warbeck_, Mrs. Shelley's, 168.

  Perrault, Charles, 12.

  _Persian Tales_, Galland's, 94.

  _Peruvian Tales_, Gueulette's, 94.

  Petronius, 2.

  _Peveril of the Peak_, Scott's, 154.

  _Phantasmagoria_, Lewis Carroll's, 201.

  _Phantom Ship_, Marryat's, 2, 177.

  _Pickwick_, Dickens', 193.

  _Picture of Dorian Gray_, Oscar Wilde's, 226.

  _Pilgrim's Progress_, Bunyan's, 5.

  _Pillar of Mystery_, 197.

  _Pit and the Pendulum_, Poe's, 194, 218.

  Planche, Gustave, 86 note.

  Plato, 101.

  _Pleasure derived from Objects of Terror_, Mrs. Barbauld's essayon, 28.

  Pliny, 14.

  Plutarch, 162.

  Poe, Edgar Allan, 149, 175, 213-220, 226.

  _Poetical Sketches_, Blake's, 31.

  Polidori, Dr., 158, 160, 169-173.

  _Political Justice_, Godwin's, 100, 101, 102, 111, 197.

  _Polly Honeycombe_, Colman's, 222.

  Polyphemus, 2.

  Pope, Alexander, 17.

  _Popular Tales and Romances of the Northern Nations_, 174.

  _Portraits Litteraires_, Planche's, 86 note.

  _Pour et Contre_, Maturin's, 81.

  _Preceptor Husband_, Crabbe's, 141.

  _Preface to Shakespeare_, Pope's, 17.

  _Premature Burial_, Poe's, 216.

  _Priory of St. Clair_, Miss Wilkinson's, 74, 78.

  _Prisoner of Zenda_, Hope's, 226.

  _Prometheus Unbound_, Shelley's, 101, 120, 127.

  _Pursuits of Literature_, Mathias', 38 note.

  _Quarterly Review_, 72.

  _Queenhoo Hall_, Strutt's, 57.

  _Queen Mab_, 101, 120.

  Radcliffe, Mrs. Anne, 12, 13, 14, 20, 22, 24, 26, 31, 33, 34, 35, 38-62, 63, 64, 68, 69, 70, 76, 77, 81, 82, 84, 85, 91, 101,104, 105, 109, 114, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 133, 135, 136,137, 148, 150 note, 154, 155, 157, 158, 167, 168, 173, 175, 176,185, 188, 197, 198, 218, 219, 222, 223.

  _Rambler_, Johnson's, 94.

  Randolph, A.J., 76.

  _Rappacini's Daughter, Dr._, Hawthorne's, 206.

  _Rasselas_, Johnson's, 94, 134.

  _Raeuber_, Schiller's, 55, 65, 148, 198.

  _Raven_, Poe's, 219.

  _Recess_, Sophia Lee's, 39, 57.

  Reeve, Clara, 13, 21, 25-28, 33, 38, 57, 150 note.

  Reeve, Sophia, 76.

  _Relapse_, 141.

  _Reliques of Ancient English Poetry_, Percy's, 9, 20.

  _Return of Imray_, Kipling's, 195.

  _Revelations of London_ (see _Auriol_).

  _Revenge_ (Poems of Victor and Cazire), 120.

  _Revolt of Islam_, Shelley's, 101, 127.

  _Richard III._, Shakespeare's, 55.

  Richardson, Samuel, 46, 222, 223.

  Ridley, James, 95.

  _Rill from the Town Pump_, Hawthorne's, 205.

  _Robber Bridegroom_, 3.

  _Robbers_ (see _Raeuber_).

  Robinson, Crabb, 59.

  _Rob Roy_, Scott's, 154.

  Roche, Mrs. Regina Maria, 22, 59, 129, 134, 140 note.

  Rogers, Samuel, 74.

  Rohmer, Sax, 225.

  _Rokeby_, Scott's, 152, 154.

  _Romance of the Castle_, D.F. Hayne's, 188.

  _Romance of the Cavern_, George Walker's, 76.

  _Romance of the Forest_, Mrs. Radcliffe's, 26, 42-46, 52, 53, 56,69, 76, 109, 131, 132, 134.

  _Romance of the Highlands_, Peter Darling's, 134.

  _Romance Readers and Romance Writers_, Sarah Green's, 133.

  _Romances_, an Imitation, 29.

  _Romancist and Novelist's Library_, 39 note, 122, 129, 168 note,187, 188, 189.

  _Rookwood_, Ainsworth's, 175-176, 224.

  "Rosa Matilda" (see Dacre).

  _Rose of Raby_, Miss Agnes Musgrave's, 141.

  Rossetti, Christina, 39.

  Rossetti, D.G., 86, 186.

  Rossetti, W.M., 169.

  _Roundabout Papers_, Thackeray's, 75 note.

  Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 89, 115, 137.

  Rouviere, Mrs. Henrietta, 74, 75.

  _Ruins of Empire_, Volney's, 162.

  _Ruins of St. Luke's Abbey_, 186.

  _Sadducismus Triumphatus_, Glanvill's, 6.

  _St. Edmond's Eve_ (Tales of Terror), 120 note.

  _St. Edmund's Eve_ (Poems by Victor and Cazire), 120.

  _St. Godwin_, 116.

  _St. Irvyne_, Shelley's, 13, 66, 120, 121, 122, 123-126.

  _St. Leon_, Godwin's, 91, 102, 111-116, 117, 124, 166, 169.

  Saintsbury, George, 192.

  _Salathiel_, Croly's, 118.

  _Satan's Invisible World Discovered_, Sinclair's, 14, 149.

  _Scarlet Letter_, Hawthorne's, 207-210, 212.

  Schiller, Friedrich, 51, 65.

  Schubart, 120.

  Scot, Reginald, 14, 147.

  Scott, Sir Walter, 11, 14, 20, 21 note, 22, 38 note, 55, 57, 69,72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 80, 81, 82, 86, 109, 135, 145-156, 190, 194,200, 201, 224.

  _Secret History of the Good Devil of Woodstock_, 154.

  _Sensitive Plant_, Shelley's, 127.

  _Septimius Felton_, Hawthorne's, 212.

  _Seven Vagabonds_, Hawthorne's, 205.

  Seward, Anna, 150.

  _Sexton of Cologne_, 188.

  _Shadow Line_, Conrad's, 227.

  Shakespeare, 54, 55, 58, 85, 89, 127.

  _Shaving of Shagpat_, Meredith's, 99.

  _She_, Rider Haggard's, 226.

  Shelley, Mary, 158-169, 188.

  Shelley, P.B., 13, 66, 74, 101, 118-127, 160, 167, 168, 175, 197,198, 199.

  Sheridan, Mrs. Frances, 95.

  Sheridan, R.B., 129.

  _Shirley_, Charlotte Bronte's, 38 note.

  _Shrine of St. Alstice_, 76.

  _Sicilian Pirate_, 197.

  _Sicilian Romance_, Mrs. Radcliffe's, 13, 22, 41-42, 45, 53, 123,132, 137.

  _Sign of Four_, Conan Doyle's, 226.

  Sinclair, George, 14, 149.

  _Sir Bertrand_, Mrs. Barbauld's, 28-31.

  _Sir Egbert_, Drake's, 35.

  _Sir Eustace Grey_, Crabbe's, 144.

  _Sir Michael Scott_, Cunningham's, 191.

  _Sketch Book_, Irving's, 200.

  Sleath, Eleanor, 76, 77, 129.

  _Sleepless Woman_, Jerdan's, 189.

  Smith, Mrs. Charlotte, 77, 141 note.

  Smollett, Tobias, 12, 23-25, 29, 31, 68, 222.

  _Solyman and Almena_, Langhorne's, 95.

  _Sorcerer_, Mickle's, 68, 69.

  Southey, Robert, 11, 65.

  _Spectator_, 5, 222.

  _Spectral Horseman_, 120.

  _Spectre Barber_, 188.

  _Spectre Bride_, 175, 188.

  _Spectre Bridegroom_, 200.

  _Spectre of Lanmere Abbey_, Miss Wilkinson's, 79.

  _Spectre of the Murdered Nun_, Miss Wilkinson's, 74, 78.

  _Spectre-Smitten_, 188.

  _Spectre Unmasked_, 188.

  Spenser, Edmund, 4, 17, 32, 33, 36, 37, 102.

  Steele, Richard, 129.

  Sterne, Laurence, 222.

  Stevenson, R.L., 87 note, 147, 186, 195, 218.

  Stoker, Bram, 2, 225.

  _Story-Haunted_, 188, 222.

  _Story Teller_, 187, 188, 189.

  _Strange Story_, Lytton's, 116, 183-184.

  Strutt, Joseph, 57.

  _Student_, 217.

  _Subterranean Horrors_, Randolph's, 76, 120.

  Sue, Eugene, 118.

  _Sunday at Home_, Hawthorne's, 205.

  _Superstitions of the Scottish Highlands, Ode on the_, Collins',8.

  _Sweet William's Ghost_, 3.

  _Symposium_, Plato's, 101.

  _Tales for a Chimney Corner_, Leigh Hunt's, 187.

  _Tale of Mystery_, 175.

  _Tale of the Passions_, Mrs. Shelley's, 168.

  _Tales and Sketches_, Hogg's, 192.

  _Tales and Sketches_, Hawthorne's, 211.

  _Tales of a Traveller_, Irving's, 201-202.

  _Tales of Chivalry_, 186.

  _Tales of Superstition and Chivalry_, 73.

  _Tales of Terror_, Lewis's, 32, 70, 120.

  _Tales of the Genii_, Ridley's, 95.

  _Tales of the Hall_, Crabbe's, 141.

  _Tales of Wonder_, Lewis's, 69, 70, 120, 148, 186.

  _Tam Lin_, 3.

  _Tam o' Shanter_, Burns', 8.

  _Tapestried Chamber_, Scott's, 150, 201.

  _Tartarian Tales_, Gueulette's, 94.

  Taylor, Joseph, 149.

  Taylor, William (of Norwich), 148.

  Tedworth, Drummer of, 6, 153.

  _Tell-Tale Heart_, Poe's, 217.

  _Tender Husband_, Steele's, 129.

  _Terribly Strange Bed_, Wilkie Collins', 194.

  _Test of Affection_, Ainsworth's, 175.

  Thackeray, W.M., 38 note, 39, 75 note, 78, 86.

  Theocritus, 14.

  _Thomas the Rhymer_, 147.

  Thorgunna, 14.

  _Thrawn Janet_, Stevenson's, 147.

  _Three Students of Goettingen_, 188.

  Tieck, Ludwig, 65, 175.

  _Told in the Dark_, Barry Pain's, 193.

  _Tomb of Aurora_, 186.

  _Tom Jones_, Fielding's, 7 note, 126 note.

  Tourneur, Cyril, 127.

  _Tower of London_, Ainsworth's, 176.

  _Traditional Tales of the English and Scottish Peasantry_,Cunningham's, 191.

  _Transformation_, Hawthorne's (see _Marble Faun_).

  _Transformation_, Mrs. Shelley's, 169.

  _Treasure House of Tales by Great Authors_, Garnett's, 169 note.

  _Treasure Island_, Stevenson's, 195, 218.

  _Trimalchio, Supper of_, Petronius', 2.

  _Tristram Shandy_, Sterne's, 134.

  _Triumph of Conscience_, Shelley's, 120.

  Trollope, Anthony, 38 note.

  _True Thomas_, 3.

  _Tunbridge Toys_, Thackeray's, 75 note.

  _Turkish Tales_, Galland's, 94.

  _Turn of the Screw_, James', 196.

  _Twelve o'clock, or The Three Robbers_, 186.

  _Twice-Told Tales_, Hawthorne's, 203, 205-206, 212, 213, 220.

  _Typhoon_, Conrad's, 227.

  _Udolpho, Mysteries of_, Mrs. Radcliffe's, 13, 14, 25, 45, 47-51,52, 53. 59, 61, 64, 75, 76, 123, 125, 128, 129, 131, 134, 137, 145,202.

  Ulysses, 2, 14.

  _Uncommercial Traveller_, Dickens', 193.

  _Usher's Well, Wife of_, 3.

  _Valperga_, Mrs. Shelley's, 165-166.

  _Vampyre_, Polidori's, 169, 171-173.

  _Vathek, Episodes of_, Beckford's, 96, 216.

  _Vathek, History of the Caliph_, Beckford's, 94-99, 118.

>   _Veal, Mrs._, Defoe's, 6.

  Verne, Jules, 226.

  _Victor and Cazire, Poems by_, Shelley's, 120.

  _Villette_, Charlotte Bronte's, 51, 224.

  _Virtuoso's Collection_, Hawthorne's, 204.

  _Vision of Mirza_, Addison's, 94.

  Volney, Count de, 162.

  Voltaire, 95.

  Walker, George, 76, 77, 129.

  Wallace, Sir William, 13, 21 note.

  Walpole, Horace, 12, 13, 16-23, 25, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 37,39, 175, 185, 188.

  Wandering Jew, 12, 14, 68, 92, 118, 120, 158.

  _Wandering Willie's Tale_, Scott's, 147, 148, 149, 151-152.

  Watt, Robert, 75, 129.

  _Waverley_, Scott's, 59, 145, 146, 153, 166.

  Webster, John, 4, 127.

  _Wehr-Wolf_, 188.

  Weit Weber, 65.

  Wells, H.G., 196, 227.

  _Werther, Sorrows of_, Goethe's, 65, 162.

  Wesley, John, 6.

  _West Wind, Ode to the_, Shelley's, 127.

  _White Old Maid_, Hawthorne's,

  _Wieland_, C.B. Brown's, 140, 198.

  Wilde, Oscar, 226.

  _Wild Irish Boy_, Maturin's, 81.

  _Wild Irish Girl_, Lady Morgan's, 81.

  "Wild Roses," 186.

  Wilkinson, Miss Sarah, 66, 73, 74, 76, 77-80.

  Will, R., 76, 129.

  _William and Margaret_, Mallet's, 7.

  _William Lovell_, Tieck's, 65.

  _William Wilson_, Poe's, 217.

  _Windsor Castle_, Ainsworth's, 176.

  _Witch of Fife_, Hogg's, 11.

  _Woman in White_, Wilkie Collins', 190, 225.

  _Women_, Maturin's, 81.

  _Wood-Demon_, 188.

  _Woodstock_, Scott's, 149, 153, 154.

  "Writing on the Wall," 221.

  _Wuthering Heights_, Emily Bronte's, 224.

  _Yellow Mask_, Wilkie Collins', 190.

  _Zanoni_, Lytton's, 116, 179, 180-182.

  _Zastrozzi_, Shelley's, 13, 66, 121, 122-123.

  _Zeluco_, Dr. John Moore's, 53.

  _Zicci_, Lytton's, 116, 180.

  _Zofloya_, Miss Charlotte Dacre's, 122-123, 124.

  Zschokke, Heinrich, 70.

  Glasgow: Printed at the University Press by Robert MacLehose andCo. Ltd.


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