Shadow Mate (Wolf Moon Academy Book 1)

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Shadow Mate (Wolf Moon Academy Book 1) Page 9

by Jen L. Grey

  "Oh, I'd love a hamburger with everything, onion rings, and some mozzarella sticks." Bree then pointed at her cup. "And another one of this bad boy, too."

  "Give me the same thing as her." Even though we'd eaten the same thing the other day, a hamburger always sounded good. Not to mention they had one of the best I'd ever tasted.

  "Okay, and you?" The waitress's eyes landed on Tripp.

  "Let me have a double cheeseburger with bacon, French fries, and some shrimp as a side. Oh, and I'll have water instead of whatever the hell that thing is."

  "It'll be coming right up." She turned on her heel and walked away.

  Tripp waited until the waitress was several yards away and focused back on Bree. "So where does he go?"

  "To KSU with her brother." Bree nodded her head in my direction. "That's actually how we met."

  "Oh, their football team is so good." Tripp shook his head. "Isn't that where we're playing next month? I wish it was this weekend’s game rather than the cupcake planned. We’re going to slaughter the other team."

  "Yeah, it is." Bree chewed on her bottom lip as she smiled at me. "We're going, right?"

  "Are you sure it's okay?" I remembered how Liam had acted when he came to the party to pick her up. He didn't want her there.

  "Of course it is." She laughed a little loud and waved me off. "I’ve gotta go support my brother, right? He’s starting quarterback after all."

  Ugh, Liam. He always managed to come up no matter how hard I tried not to think of him. I couldn't fault her though. "As long as we aren't going to cause any problems, I'm down. I'd love to see Max anyway."

  "Hmm, you guys will need a strong male to get you there." Then he bumped into my shoulder. "And you'll need a strong protector once you're there. I think it benefits us all."

  "I figured you'd weasel in one way or another." She rolled her eyes. "So of course, you're included."

  I'd get to see my brother soon. At least that was a bright spot to look forward to.

  The next morning, I woke up an hour before my alarm went off. I tried falling back to sleep with no luck. Liam consumed my dreams and thoughts. I'd dreamed that I walked in on him and blondie having sex. When our eyes connected, he just winked at me, which had jarred me awake.

  I didn't understand what was going on between us. Could he have given in too much to his wolf so he was power-hungry? From the way Liam had blamed me for our kiss in front of Evan, it almost seemed as if they didn't trust each other. Like he couldn't admit that he had succumbed to our bond. Is that what this was all about? Him proving that a mate bond wouldn't bring him to his knees.

  Still, at the end of the day, it didn't even matter. I grabbed my phone and saw that it was seven in the morning. Mom would be up.

  Things had been stressed between us ever since my Wolf Moon Academy acceptance letter arrived, but she was still my mother, and I needed her. I took a deep breath, which was odd. I never had to build up the courage to call her before.

  Refusing to overthink it, I dialed her number.

  She picked up on the second ring. "Mia, is everything okay?"

  The concern in her voice soothed me. "Yeah, I just wanted to call. I figured you were up."

  "Yes, I am." I heard a door shut, and she took a deep breath. "I've been so worried about you, but I didn't want to call and make things worse."

  "You're my mother. Worrying is part of your job." She almost sounded normal, which was something I didn't even realize I needed. "I miss you and Dad."

  "Oh, we miss you too." She huffed. "I'm sorry I didn't go with the family to drop you off. I was wrong. I should've been there for you."

  "You are now. That's all that matters." My family was my support system. I'd felt all wonky without them, so it was nice to see we were getting back on track.

  "How are things there?"

  "They're different." I couldn't come clean with Bree about her brother, and I needed to go to someone. "Mom, I found my fated mate."

  "What? Really?" Her voice grew high and full of happiness. "What's he like? What's his name? When will I get to meet him?"

  "You're not going to get to meet him." I didn't mean to make it sound so bad, but it hurt.

  "Why?" Her voice was a little breathless.

  "It's complicated. He's fighting the bond." I paused for a second as my words sunk in. "His name is Liam Hale."

  "Liam Hale?" Her voice lost all of the happiness with anger replacing it. "The heir to The Blood Council?"

  I shouldn't be surprised that Mom knew his name. I mean, Dad was a fairly high-ranking alpha. "Yes, the very one."

  "He's not good for you." Her words were short.

  "What? How do you know?" Out of all the reactions I expected, this was not it. I figured she'd be ecstatic and help me figure out this whole mess. She was doing the exact opposite though.

  "Anything that council touches turns to ash. They're selfish and only in it for what they can get." Her breathing increased. "You can't complete the bond for your own safety."

  Everything I'd ever heard from Mom had always been praises of the council. Wait. Now that I thought about it, that wasn't true. Dad had always praised the council, and Mom would sit there with a strange smile on her face. I never found it odd since that's what she'd always done until now. "I thought you'd be happy for me, and I'm having these dreams that are tearing me apart since we aren't together." I needed a Mom right now. Someone in my corner to help me figure things out. Not make them worse.

  "You'll be even worse off if you don't stay away from him." Mom's voice did turn a little more sympathetic. "I hate that this was what destiny chose for you. Maybe you should come back home. Some distance might do you good."

  "I can't believe you're saying that." A few minutes ago, I was relieved to have my Mom back, and now a stranger was on the other end again. Even though she was probably right, I couldn’t leave for two reasons. I was going to succeed here, be the best damn graduate they ever had just so I could rub it in Liam's face. However, the last and most important one was I couldn't bear to think of leaving here because I wouldn't at least get to see him in the hall or passing between classes, which was messed up.

  "It's not good for you to be there. Look at the pain you're already in, and it hasn’t even been a week since you left home." Mom took a deep breath. "I can be there in two hours."

  "No, I'm not leaving." Seriously, she wanted me gone today, but it didn't make any sense. "I've got to go. I'm sorry I called." I pulled the phone away from my ear, and I heard her call my name, but I still hung up.

  I threw the phone on my bed, and as soon as it landed, it was ringing. It was her calling again. I thought about not answering, but she was my mother. I couldn't treat her like that, but that didn't mean I had to do what she wanted either. I picked up the phone and hit the green ANSWER button. "I'm not coming home. Just stop. You're only making this worse."

  "Honey, I'm sorry." Her voice cracked as if she was crying. "I'm just worried about you."

  "Don't worry. I'm fine. Is there something you need to tell me?" It was strange for her to be acting this way, and not like her usual self at all.

  “No, it’s just been weird with you gone.” She laughed, but it was awkward and felt forced.

  I hated the strangeness between us. "I just had a bad dream and needed to talk. I've got to get ready for class. I'll talk to you later. Love you."

  "I love you too."

  I pressed END and took a deep breath. Even though I felt like I should be here, what if I was wrong? Mom was right about one thing. It wasn't healthy to be around my mate like this. It couldn't be. Except, the thought of leaving felt more like failure to me, and that was exactly what Liam wanted. I took a deep breath. Maybe Mom had a good idea. In spite of it all, I could choose my own mate and stick my middle finger up in the air at fate.

  Chapter Eleven

  As I made my way to the building for endurance training, something tugged at me. I glanced to the left. Of course, Liam and his buddies were
sitting in the restaurant at the booth right next to the window.

  Liam's blue eyes locked onto mine.

  I paused in my tracks as if my legs forgot how to move. My body wanted to move toward him and not away. Even though I kept reminding myself, over and over again, that I couldn’t stand him.

  "Mia?" Kai's all too comforting voice broke me out of my spell. "Are you okay?" His hand touched my arm, turning me toward him.

  "Yeah, I'm fine." I tried to keep my voice level, but I was so damn pissed.

  "You don't look okay." He stepped toward me with a small smile on his face. I hadn't even realized that he hadn't let go until his scent overwhelmed me, causing a chill to run down my spine.

  "Are you cold? He had on a silver running jacket that he took off and threw over my shoulders.

  No, I wasn't. "Yeah, thanks." I glanced down at my sports bra and thin red tank top with silver exercise shorts. "The air is a little cooler than I expected." It was a partial truth even though there was more to it.

  "It's the beginning of September, and the weather is changing." Kai's eyes surveyed my body. "But you're dressed appropriately because you'll be sweating within five minutes of class. You’ll need to dress in layers though. You have a locker assigned to you so you can strip down... I mean take off the jacket and other things and then just keep them in there."

  "That makes sense." This whole encounter was a little awkward, but I could appreciate his snug shirt and shorts even if he wasn't my mate. He was still an attractive guy.

  The restaurant door opened, and Liam's voice interrupted us. "Kai, you should be spending your time and attention on a girl who’s worthy."

  Ugh. Of course he was going to try and embarrass me.

  Kai's body stiffened and he took in a deep breath. "It's strange that now is when you decide to become concerned about who I hang around. You've never given a fuck before."

  "Whoa, somebody is forgetting who they're speaking to." Simon and the other two joined us outside. Simon and Micah were on one side of Liam with Evan on the other.

  "No, I haven't forgotten." Kai blew out a breath. "But I'm not held to the same expectations that you four are, and I've never cared about anyone's status before either, so why start now?"

  "She has a way of changing people." Evan's eyes narrowed on me.

  "Rumor has it she and Tripp had sex yesterday." Micah shook his head. "Apparently, she wasn't very memorable."

  Now they were spreading rumors about me. "It's pathetic how you assume your power. You either hide like a child and cover someone's clothes in skunk essence or try to make them out as a slut. It's everything behind someone's back and never right in front of their face."

  "Come on, Mia." Kai took my hand and tugged me toward the main entrance of the building. "We're going to be late if we don't get a move on."

  Only, it was too late, my words had already hit the mark. Liam and his friends moved almost as one. Liam tugged me from Kai's grip, and the four of them surrounded me.

  "I think we've given her enough of a warning." Liam pulled me toward him, his eyes dilating. "You do what we want when we want. Don't forget who's in charge here. Aren't we seeing your brother next month? We wouldn't want something to happen to him now, would we?"

  My breath caught in my throat and panic seemed to want to claw its way out.

  "You see, that's what we do." Simon smirked and he leaned toward me. "When we can't get through, we know exactly where to hit you where it counts."

  The thing was I wasn't trying to be a problem. Except, I obviously couldn't not stand up for myself. That was the issue they had with me. I wouldn’t cower and submit. I wanted to fight and scream. To demand of Liam how he could do this to me, but he was more animal than man. He wanted all the power and to be the most dominant, no matter what the cost. I couldn't live like that. "Fine, I won't be a problem anymore." I couldn't live with myself if something happened to Max.

  "Good pup." Liam's eyes darkened to that nearly black color that I was becoming all too familiar with.

  "Remember, one more move, and Max may not manage to leave the football game on his own." Micah stepped in, and the other three heirs followed suit, becoming so close that my body brushed each of theirs.

  I forced my wolf to stand down, and I lifted my chin high. "Message received."

  In sync, the four guys backed away, allowing me to breathe. Not wanting to hang around, I turned and walked through the narrow opening.

  "See, this is why I never want to be a regional alpha like my father." Kai wrapped his arm around my waist and stood next to me. "She hasn't done anything to deserve this."

  "We are the judges of that, not you." Liam stared him down.

  "Come on." As I took a deep breath and stepped out of Kai’s hold, that's when I saw everyone who had stopped to watch what had just gone down.

  Robyn was standing there with a huge smirk on her face with her usual posse, and there were various people scattered around whom I didn't know. When my eyes zeroed in on the door, I noticed the blonde girl that had been all over Liam yesterday. Her lips were pursed and her body stiff.

  She didn't look happy even though I wasn't sure why.

  A huge hand grabbed my arm, forcing me to turn around. Despite my efforts to keep moving away, I found myself face to face with Micah.

  “Micah!” Liam’s voice was a warning.

  Micah dropped his hand immediately. He leaned toward me, his voice so low it was barely above a whisper so that only I could hear. “We know what you are, and we’re watching you like a hawk. You can’t be with Liam. He’s struggling to accept it, but we have his back and won’t allow it to happen. Stay away, or I’ll hurt more than just your brother. Am I clear?”

  So they all knew. Did that include the council too? “Got it.” I wanted to reach out and smack him. Bring him to his knees. Only my family was way more important than me being dominant, so I gritted my teeth and looked away, facing the building.

  "I'm so sorry about all this." Kai shook his head as he grabbed my hand, leading me up the stairs.

  A low growl emanated behind me, but I didn't attempt to turn around. If it was one of those four douchebags, nothing good would come from it.

  Once we stepped inside the building, I took a deep breath.

  "Are you okay?" Kai turned me toward him, and concern was etched into his face. "They aren't normally that bad." He hadn't released my hand, and strangely enough, I didn't want him to. I felt like I was drowning, and he was a life vest right now.

  "I'll be fine." Even though I wasn't now, somehow I would be. I wouldn't allow them to control my life that much. "I just can't risk my brother getting hurt over all this."

  "Yeah, they do what they know will be best to hurt someone when they go to war." Kai gave me a sad smile. "But now we get to work out all that frustration."

  "I’m surprised you’re in the same class as me." I surveyed the inside of the building, taking in all of the dark wood of the doors and framing. The walls were a light silver, which made the area feel bigger, and off to the right was a huge gym.

  "Actually, I'm the teacher's aide. They find training works better in small classes." He let go of my hand and headed to the door. "Come on, let me show you to the locker room."

  The gym was even bigger than I imagined. There were rows of free weights and various machines to use for all kinds of exercise. To the left was a room of all mats, which was where he pointed. "We'll be in there today, but go ahead and go to your locker. Your name will be on one of them and it'll be open with a key. I'll wait for you out here."

  "Oh, okay." I hurried inside the women's locker room and glanced around for what should be my locker.

  "They're over here." Gertrude stepped away from a set of lockers and motioned me over to her. "It took me a second, but I found them."

  She appeared to be a little more friendly today. Maybe I can have a small win. "Thanks." I followed her over to the section she’d indicated and found one that had my name on a yellow s
ticky note.

  "Wow, I guess I was expecting something more sophisticated than a yellow sticky." In a way, something so normal calmed me. "But I'll take it." I removed Kai's jacket and put it in the locker, shutting the door and removing the key.

  "Where the hell do we put the key?" Gertrude reached inside her pockets and shook her head. "They'll fall out."

  "There's one nice thing about being a female." I put the key into my sports bra. "We have an extra storage area in our time of need."

  "That's very true." She smiled even though there was still a tightness around her eyes.

  "You ready?" I hated to leave her high and dry when she was being nice.

  "Uh, yeah." She put her key into her sports bra and then bounced on her toes.

  "It's not going anywhere." I wanted to laugh, but I forced my expression into a mask of indifference.

  She nodded as she headed toward the door. "Just had to check."

  "You've never done that before, have you?" She was uptight so there was no telling.

  "Nope, but there is always a first time." We walked out the door and headed to the mats.

  When I got there, Tripp, Kai, and two other guys were waiting for us.

  "There she is." Tripp grinned as he ran over and wrapped his arms around me. "I heard what happened earlier. They all deserve an ass-whooping."

  "Let's not talk about it." The last thing I wanted to do was rehash the event in front of all of these people I didn't know.

  "Hi, I'm Coach Riley." The older one out of the group headed over to me. "I'm assuming you're Mia given the way Tripp is hugging you, and you must be Gertrude."

  The guy was huge. He reminded me of an MMA fighter, and he had short mousy brown hair that also fit the same description. His amber eyes assessed both Gertrude and me, but not in a creepy way.

  "I'm Barry." The other guy came over and held his hand out to us. He was shorter than me by at least four inches. He patted his chest, which emphasized his lean build. And his smile lit up his sable brown eyes, which somehow highlighted his toffee-colored hair. "I'm a freshman here too."


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