The Invasion

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by Katrina Kahler

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  John Zakour & Katrina Kahler

  Copyright © KC Global Enterprises Pty Ltd

  All rights reserved

  Book 12

  The Invasion

  Table of Contents

  Creepy Critters

  Looking for Answers

  More Beastie Bugs

  Girl Issues


  More Challenges


  Prison Visit

  Taking Control

  Another Test


  Trying to be Nice

  A New Power

  Problem Solved

  The Usual Type of Normal

  Creepy Critters

  Hovering over the First Bank of National City, I looked down on the bank robbers. I could see why the NC Police Force had called me; these robbers may have been young, but they were all equipped with high tech black armor, complete with wrist blasters. The three thieves all rode flying skateboards, streaking away from their crime scene.

  I flew after them. I heard them talking but they had no idea I was closing in on them.

  “Man, Billy boy, that heist went as smooth as silk milk!” one of the armed teens said.

  “You’re not kidding, Bobby! The police don’t stand a chance against Billy and the Kids!”

  “We gotta work on that name some,” the third thief called.

  “Good point, Gazza, bro,” the thief in the middle said.

  “Well, you’ll have plenty of time to figure out a new name while you’re in jail!” I said, flying above the three dudes of doom.

  They all looked upwards. “Super Teen, whatcha’ doing here?” Billy asked. “This isn’t your town!”

  “The world is my town!” I said. Yeah, it was corny, but being a superhero allows me to talk like that. People kind of expect it.

  “She’s even prettier in person,” Gazza said.

  “Enough of that, dude, she’s too young for us!” Billy said.

  The three of them hovered in the air next to me.

  “Anyway, I don’t date criminals,” I told them.

  “Have you ever tried?” Gazza asked. I saw him wink from under his mask.

  I didn’t answer that question.

  “Look, we’re not actually thieves,” Billy remarked.

  “Oh?” I countered.

  “We’re just robbing from a rich bank so we can give money to the poor!” Billy insisted.

  “You’re telling me you are modern day Robin Hoods?” I asked.

  “No, we’re Billy and the Kids!” Bobby said. “We’re going to start a YouTube channel featuring our band, and we need the money.”

  Billy nodded. “Yeah, we’re giving back to the world with our music!”

  I crossed my arms. “I thought it was free to create a YouTube channel?”

  Billy shook his head. “Not if you do it right!”

  I hovered in a flat position and put my head in my hand. “Do tell?” I prompted.

  “Well,” Billy said, a serious expression on his face.

  I had to give them some (a little) credit. These guys did think their actions were for the good of the world. Yes, they were wrong, but in their own way, they meant well.

  Billy continued. “With the proper funding, we can get YouTube to…”

  “I’m coming!” I heard the now familiar voice of Zeke, the zombie friend of my superhero buddy, Adam. Actually, he was Adam’s sidekick.

  Looking down, I saw Zeke flying at us via a jetpack on his back. Some people really aren’t meant to fly. Zeke, the zombie, was one of them.

  He crashed into Billy, Bobby, and Gazza, knocking them all off their skateboards. The three thieves plummeted towards the ground.

  “Oops, my bad!” Zeke said, flying over to me. Crossing his arms, he added, “In my defense, flying skateboards are a really dumb idea!” He paused. “Who thinks of these things, anyway?”

  With one arm extended, I shot down after the three falling wannabe YouTubers. I caught Gazza first with my left hand. I then grabbed a falling Bobby with my right. With no spare hands, I flew down to the ground past a falling Billy.

  “Hey, what about me?” Billy called.

  I dropped Gazza and Bobby onto the dirt. I pointed at them. “Don’t move!” The two teens froze in place. Ah, I loved my command voice.

  Looking up, I positioned myself under the free-falling Billy. I held out my arms to catch him. I realized though, if he hit me at that speed it would be no different to him hitting the ground. I exhaled upward, blowing out a gust of wind.

  My breath hit Billy, it slowed his fall. The guy had no idea how lucky he was that I had just taken a breath mint before flying here. My breath could have killed him quicker than his fall. Holding out my arms, I caught the now slowly descending Billy.

  “Wow, what a catch!” Billy said. “And you could have stopped us all with a fart!”

  I nodded. “Yeah, but I wouldn’t have done that. Not very dignified. Besides, fart power is hard to control. It has the potential to create too much collateral damage.”

  Billy pointed his wrist weapon at me. “Stun!” he shouted.

  A bolt of electricity zapped into me. I stood there. “I can’t believe you did that. First…I just saved you. Second…since I am holding you, you’re getting zapped as well!”

  Billy started shaking and shivering in my arms. “I had to try… f o r m y f a n s….” He passed out. I dropped him to the ground.

  Zeke flew down beside me. “We sure showed them! Didn’t we Li- I mean…Super Teen!”

  With my hands firmly on my hips, I frowned at him. “Zeke, why are you here?”

  “I heard the police call,” Zeke said. “They asked for Adam but he’s in special testing right now. So I came!” Zeke said, puffing out his chest. “I figured you could use the help.”

  My first urge was to say. “Ah, you really just helped make things more complicated.” My second urge was to say, “With help like that I don’t need enemies.” My third urge was to say, “So that’s what you call help?” Instead, I said, “Thanks, but I had this under control.”

  Zeke pointed behind me. “Ah, that kid is getting away!”

  “Say what now?” I asked.

  Zeke frowned. “The leader of the gang is taking off on his flying skateboard.”

  “No, that can’t be!” I said. “I used my command voice on the other two and Billy the Kid clobbered himself with his own shock ray.”

  Zeke pointed skyward. “Look up!”

  When I darted a quick glance up to the sky, sure enough, I spotted Billy flying off. Well, trying to fly off. I leaped into the air and within less than a second I caught up with him.

  “Don’t you ever learn?” I asked.

  “I don’t suppose you’d believe I’m still in shock from my zap ray?” Billy mumbled.

  I pointed at his armor. “I should have guessed your armor would insulate you from the shock.”

  “Yeah, I’m stubborn but not stupid!” Billy replied.

  He spun and blasted me with a small missile.

  The missile exploded. I stayed right where I was. The force of the blast knocked him off the skateboard again. I don’t normally say this but Zeke was right. Flying skateboar
ds are a dumb idea.

  Sighing, I raced down towards Billy who was free-falling towards the ground.

  Hovering next to him, I asked, “So, why should I save you again?”

  “Because you’re a good guy and you don’t let bad guys fall to their deaths,” Billy said.

  Pointing at his arm as we continued to fall, I said, “You’re wearing armor, you’d probably survive.”

  “Okay, then…you don’t let bad guys fall to the ground and break a lot of bones,” Billy said. Then he added meekly, “Please save me.”

  “You admit you’re a bad guy?”

  “Yes, I’m a jerk! I don’t want to start a YouTube channel. I just want the money! But Bobby and Gazza really want our band on YouTube!” Billy shouted.

  “No need to shout,” I said, pointing to my ears. “I have super duper hearing.”

  Reaching out, I grabbed him, caught him, and stopped his fall a few feet from the ground. “There, I saved you…again!”

  “Thank you!” he said. “Boots gas here!” he yelled.

  White gas shot out of his boot heel. Wow, this guy had to be one of the most persistent bad guys ever. I dropped him to the ground.

  “Ha! Even you need to breathe!” he shouted as the gas engulfed me.

  I lowered to the ground beside him. “I can hold my breath for a very long time!” I said.

  Billy lowered his head. “Drat, I gotta learn to stop calling out my moves before I do them.”

  Putting a hand on his shoulder, I told him, “Yeah, probably something to work on while you’re in jail.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t be in jail for long.” He laughed. “My family is rich, so they’ll get me a good lawyer.”

  “Wait, you’re rich?” I asked, frowning.

  Billy rolled his eyes. “Of course I am. How do you think I got all this cool tech? eBay? I think not.”

  Zeke walked up behind us. “You can get a lot of cool things on eBay!” he said.

  Billy laughed. “Maybe if you’re poor and don’t have resources to buy elsewhere,”

  “I’ve just got one thing to say to you, Billy,” Zeke told him.

  “And that is?” Billy asked.

  Zeke slammed Billy with a headbutt. Billy fell to the ground. I’m pretty sure he wasn’t faking that.

  “Just shup!” Zeke told Billy.

  “Zeke, I agree with you!” I said, stopping myself from saying, ‘for once’.

  I saw the National City Police coming towards us, but they were still maybe a hundred yards away. Moving at super speed, I popped my foot out of my boot. I wiggled my toes under Billy’s nose.

  “Whatcha’ doing?” Zeke asked.

  “Just making sure Billy stays out cold for a while!”

  “Ah, nice touch!” Zeke smiled. “And BTW, I’m glad I don’t need to breathe.”

  I slipped my shoe back on and spun at super speed to clear away any lingering foot odor that might have been around.

  A female officer came up to me. She saluted. I saluted back. “Super Teen, I am Deputy Chief Essa.”

  “Glad you could help!” Her smile turned to a frown. “This Billy the kid has been a thorn in our side. Hence the reason we put out the call for assistance.”

  “I’m glad I could help, too!” I told Deputy Chief Essa.

  “Me too!” Zeke said, walking towards the DC with his arms extended. He looked like, well, a crazed zombie. He was a crazed zombie; just a different kind.

  The deputy chief’s men raised their weapons. “Stop. Or we’ll stun!” they shouted.

  Zeke winked at the deputy chief. She had ginger hair and was very attractive for an older lady. This meant the small part of Zeke’s brain that still worked would get short-circuited. He smiled.

  “Who are you?” the deputy demanded.

  “Zeke the…”

  Shock darts landed in Zeke’s neck. He shuddered and stuttered. He shook them off. He pulled out the darts. “That was refreshing!” he said. He looked at the deputy chief and completed his sentence. “… zombie. I’m a friendly zombie. I don’t eat brains or anything like that. I do like sticks. Do you have any sticks?” he asked.

  Deputy Chief Essa looked at me for guidance.

  “He’s mostly harmless,” I told her. “He means well.”

  Zeke spun his head towards me and smiled. “Thanks! I do mean well.”

  “He’s Super Clone’s friend,” I added.

  “Best friend!” Zeke stressed. “BFF to infinity and beyond!” He said with a smile.

  The DC nodded. “Oh, that explains why he’s here.”

  “Yep,” Zeke said.

  “Well, once again, I just want to thank you for your help. This gang has been a pain in my behind!” DC Essa said.

  “Have you seen a doctor about that?” Zeke asked.

  “Figure of speech, Zeke!” I told him.

  “Right! I knew that!” Zeke said to the DC. He whispered to me. “I didn’t really know that. Man, words are tricky!”

  “We’re happy to help!” I told DC Essa. I really was, because I like to do good and this Billy the Kid was a real twit. He had enough money to buy anything he wanted, yet he robbed a bank for fun. Plus, he led his friends to believe they were doing something for the good of others. Friends don’t do that.

  “Nice to know we can call on you when needed,” DC Essa said.

  “Yep, with super speed, I can be almost anywhere, real fast!” Zeke pointed to his jetpack. “My jetpack is way groovy! Not as fast as Super Teen, but I like the wind in my face and the bugs in my mouth!”

  “Ah, okay…” DC Essa said.

  I put my arm around Zeke and began leading him away before the DC’s men were tempted to stun him again. “Come on Zeke, let’s go home!” I said.

  “Your home or my home?” Zeke asked me.

  “Each of our homes,” I told him.

  “Should I go to yours and you go to mine?” Zeke asked.

  “No, let’s stick to our own!” I suggested.

  The computer interface on my wrist started to beep. “Incoming video call from Jason,” MACC my computer told me.

  “Put him through!” I said.

  Jason’s face appeared on my wrist screen. Jason looked concerned.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Hi, Jason!” Zeke said, waving.

  Jason ignored Zeke. “The farms outside of the city are under attack! Switching to the video now so you can see what’s going on.”

  On my screen, I saw a bunch of flying giant caterpillars swarming the corn plants on a farm. They chomped the plants down to nothing in no time flat. He zoomed in on one of the smiling flying caterpillars.

  “Cool!” Zeke said. He thought about what was on the screen. “But bad. That’s really bad. Right?”

  I nodded. “Yep, it’s really bad.”

  Jason replaced the image. “I’ve run a search on all the scientific studies that any above ground labs have been conducting. Nobody is doing any research or experiments involving giant flying caterpillars. So BMS Labs is sending a containment team. But I’m betting we could use your help!”

  “I’m on my way!” I said, launching myself into the air.

  “I’m coming too!” Zeke said. “I think you’re going to need my special skills!”

  I thought about arguing with Zeke, but I didn’t have time. He had proved somewhat useful with Billy the kid. Hopefully, he would prove to be as useful with giant flying munching caterpillars!

  Dear Diary: Well, nobody can say my life isn’t interesting and different. Today, I’ve already had to deal with flying dudes in body armor who also had high tech weapons and bad attitudes. Now there are giant hungry caterpillars. My life is certainly different and exciting. The life of a superhero is never dull. But, man, I could use a little dull once in a while. Dull allows me to relax and catch my breath. Even superheroes need to breathe once in a while. Right?

  These caterpillars are going to be tricky to deal with. Unlike a spoiled rich brat who is jus
t being a jerk by robbing from a bank when he doesn’t even need the money, these caterpillars are doing what comes naturally. Sadly, that means eating every plant in sight. I’ll need to figure out how to stop them without hurting them. Hopefully, Jason and the rest of my dad’s team of scientists will find a way to shrink these giant insects down to their appropriate size. As well, their wings have to go. Caterpillars aren’t supposed to fly until they became butterflies. Somebody, somewhere, is playing around with things they shouldn’t be playing with. I might not know a lot, but I do know that mother nature doesn't like people experimenting where they shouldn’t be experimenting.

  BTW, it’s kind of disappointing that I have Zeke by my side instead of Adam. Oh well, life certainly can be random!

  Looking for Answers

  Flying faster than I had ever flown before, I reached the giant farmland outside of town in a few seconds flat. I flew so fast, I actually caused a sonic boom which made me feel a little proud.

  “Was that a fart?” Zeke asked. Much to my surprise, he had kept up with me.

  “No. It was a sonic boom from going faster than the speed of sound!” I told him. “How are you managing to fly so fast?” I asked.

  Zeke pointed to my back. I noticed a wire rope stuck there. “I’m tethered to you.” He smiled. “You’re so strong you didn’t even notice.”

  I had to give him kudos for thinking of that. Sometimes Zeke surprised me with something clever. Other times he’d bring up the fart thing. The part of Zeke’s brain that worked was complicated. But whatever, this showed some fast thinking on his part. Though I gotta admit, it would be tempting to actually fart just to teach him a lesson for that fart comment. But since Zeke really didn't need to breathe air, my fart would punish birds passing by more than it would Zeke. I decided to let it go.

  Besides, when I looked down on the corn fields I saw that I was needed in a hurry. Jason had arrived in full armor. Marie and Lori were alongside him, looking like they knew they had to do something, but they had no idea what. A bunch of scientists in white and yellow protective suits was trying to net the caterpillars. The caterpillars looked like normal caterpillars…green and furry, yet each of them was as long as a man’s arm. Plus, they all had a set of wings sticking out of their sides.


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