malus, mala, malum, bad, wicked, evil (4) (compar. peior; superl. pessimus) (27)
mane, manre, mns, mnsum, to remain, stay, stay behind, abide, continue (5)
manus, mans ( f ), hand; handwriting; band (20)
mare, maris (n), sea (14)
mter, mtris ( f ), mother (12)
maximus. See magnus. m, me, myself (1)
meus, mea, meum, my (2)
medica, medicae ( f ), doctor, physician (female) (12)
medicus, medic (m), doctor, physician (male) (12)
medius, media, medium, middle; the middle of (22)
melior. See bonus. melius. See bene. memoria, memoriae ( f ), memory, recollection (15)
mns, mentis ( f ), mind, thought, intention (16)
mnsa, mnsae ( f ), table; dining; dish, course (26)
mta, mtae ( f ), turning point, goal; limit, boundary (40)
metu, metuere, metu, to fear, dread; be afraid for (+dat.) (38)
metus, mets (m), fear, dread, anxiety (20)
mles, mlitis (m), soldier (23)
mlia, mlium (n. pl.), thousands (15)
mlle, thousand (15)
minim. See parum. minimus. See parvus. minor. See parvus. minu, minuere, minu, mintum, to lessen, diminish (30)
minus. See parum. mrbilis, mrbile, amazing, wondrous, remarkable (38)
mror, mrr, mrtus sum, to marvel at, admire, wonder (35)
misce, miscre, miscu, mixtum, to mix, stir up, disturb (18)
miser, misera, miserum, wretched, miserable, unfortunate (15)
mitt, mittere, ms, missum, to send, let go (11)
modus, mod (m), measure, bound, limit; manner, method, mode, way (22)
moenia, moenium (n. pl.), walls of a city (29)
mone, monre, monu, monitum, to remind, advise, warn (1)
mns, montis (m), mountain (20)
monumentum, monument (n), monument (40)
mora, morae ( f ), delay (4)
morbus, morb (m), disease, sickness (9)
mrs, mrum (m), habits, morals, character (7)
morior, mor, mortuus sum, to die (34)
mors, mortis ( f ), death (14)
mortlis, mortle, mortal (18)
mortuus, mortua, mortuum, dead (28)
ms, mris (m), habit, custom, manner (7)
mox, soon (30)
mulier, mulieris ( f ), woman (39)
multum adv. of multus, much (compar. pls, more, quantity; superl. plrimum, most, very much) (32)
multus, multa, multum, much, many (2) (compar. pls; superl. plrimus) (27)
mundus, mund (m), world, universe (21)
mt, mtre, mtv, mttum, to change, alter; exchange (14)
nam, for (13)
nrr, nrrre, nrrv, nrrtum, to tell, report, narrate (24)
nscor, nsc, ntus sum, to be born; spring forth, arrive (34)
nsus, ns (m), nose (40)
ntra, ntrae ( f ), nature (10)
nauta, nautae (m), sailor (2)
nvis, nvis ( f ), ship, boat (21)
n, not; in order that…not, that…not, in order not to (28)
-ne, enclitic or suffix added to the emphatic first word of a sentence to indicate a question to which the answer is uncertain (5)
n…quidem, not…even (29)
necesse, necessary, inevitable (39)
nec, necre, necv, nectum, to murder, kill (7)
negleg, neglegere, neglx, neglctum, to neglect, disregard (17)
neg, negre, negv, negtum, to deny, say that…not (25)
nm, nllus, nmin, nminem, nll, nll
(m or f ), no one, nobody (11)
neps, neptis (m), grandson, descendant (27)
neque, nec, and not, nor (11)
neque…neque, nec…nec, neither…nor (11)
nesci, nescre, nescv, nesctum, not to know, be ignorant (25)
nihil, nothing (1)
nimis, nimium, too, too much, excessively (9)
nisi, if…not, unless; except (19)
noce, nocre, nocu, nocitum (+dat.), to do harm to, harm, injure (35)
nl, nlle, nlu, to not…wish, be unwilling (32)
nmen, nminis (n), name (7)
nn, not (1)
nnne, introduces questions expecting the answer “yes” (40)
noster, nostra, nostrum, our, ours (5)
novus, nova, novum, new; strange (7)
nox, noctis ( f ), night (26)
nllus, nlla, nllum, not any, no, none (9)
num, 1. introduces direct questions which expect the answer “no” 2. introduces indirect questions and means whether (40)
numerus, numer (m), number (3)
numquam, never (8)
nunc, now, at present (6)
nnti, nntire, nntiv, nntitum, to announce, report, relate (25)
, O!, Oh! (2)
occsi, occsinis ( f ), occasion, opportunity (28)
oct, eight (15)
oculus, ocul (m), eye (4)
d, disse, srum, to hate (20)
odium, odi (n), hatred (38)
off er, offerre, obtul, obltum, to off er (31)
officium, offici (n), duty, service (4)
lim, at that time, once, formerly; in the future (13)
omnis, omne, every, all (16)
ops, opum ( f. pl.), power, resources, wealth (33)
opnor, opnr, opntus sum, to suppose (40)
oportet, oportre, oportuit, it is proper, right, necessary (39)
opprim, opprimere, oppress, oppressum, to suppress, overwhelm, overpower, check (23)
ops, opis ( f ), help, aid (33)
optimus. See
bonus. opus, operis (n), a work, task; deed, accomplishment (38)
rti, rtinis ( f ), speech (38)
r, rre, rv, rtum, to speak, plead; beg, beseech, entreat, pray (36)
s, ris (n), mouth, face (14)
tium, ti (n), leisure, peace (4)
par, gen. paris (+dat.), equal, like (32)
parc, parcere, peperc, parsrum (+dat.), to be lenient to, spare (35)
parns, parentis (m or f ), parent (28)
par, parre, parv, partum, to prepare, provide; get, obtain (19)
pars, partis ( f ), part, share; direction (14)
parum adv. of parvus, little, not very (much) (compar. minus, less; superl. minim, least) (32)
parvus, parva, parvum, small, little (4) (compar. minor; superl. minimus) (27)
pate, patre, patu, to be open, lie open; be accessible; be evident (32)
pater, patris (m), father (12)
patientia, patientiae ( f ), suff ering; patience, endurance (12)
patior, pat, passus sum, to suffer, endure; permit (34)
patria, patriae ( f ), fatherland, native land, (one’s) country (2)
pauc, paucae, pauca, few, a few (3)
pauper, gen. pauperis, of small means, poor (32) (superl. pauperrimus) (27)
pauperts, pauperttis ( f ), poverty, humble circumstances (32)
px, pcis ( f ), peace (7)
pectus, pectoris (n), breast, heart (35)
pecnia, pecniae ( f ), money (2)
peior. See malus. peius. See male. per (+acc.), through; by (with reflexive pronoun) (13)
pere, perre, peri, peritum, to go (37)
perculum, percul (n), danger, risk (4)
perpetuus, perpetua, perpetuum, perpetual, lasting, uninterrupted, continuous (6)
ps, pedis (m), lower leg, foot (38)
pessimus. See
malus. pet, petere, petv, pettum, to seek, aim at, beg, beseech (23)
place, placre, placu, placitum (+dat.), to be pleasing to, please (35)
plnus, plna, plnum, full, abundant, generous (6)
plrimum. See multum.
plrimus. See maltus.
pls (compar. adv.). See multum.
pls (compar. adj.). See multus.
poena, poenae ( f ), penalty, punishment (2)
pota, potae (m), poet (2)
pn, pnere, posu, positum, to put, place, set (27)
s, popul (m), the people, a people, a nation (3)
porta, portae ( f ), gate, entrance (2)
possum, posse, potu, to be able, can, could, have power (6)
post (+acc.), after, behind (7)
poste, afterwards (24)
potns, potentis, able, powerful, mighty, strong (16)
praest, praestre, praestit, praestitum, to excel; exhibit, show, offer, supply, furnish (28)
prm adv., at first, first, at the beginning (30)
prmum adv., first, in the first place (32)
prmus. See prior.
prnceps, prncipis (m or f ), leader, emperor (28)
prncipium, prncipi (n), beginning (12)
prior, prius (compar. adj.), former, prior (27) (superl.
prmus, first, foremost, chief, principal) (15)
prius adv., before, earlier, previously (32)
pr (+abl.), in front of, before, on behalf of, for the sake of, in return for, instead of, for, as (12)
prob, probre, probv, probtum, to approve, recommend; test (27)
proficscor, proficsc, profectus sum, to set out, start (34)
prmitt, prmittere, prms, prmissum, to send forth; promise (32)
prnnti, prnntire, prnntiv, prnntitum, to proclaim, announce; declaim; pronounce (20)
propter (+acc.), on account of, because of (5)
prtinus, immediately (22)
pudcus, pudca, pudcum, modest, chaste (26)
puella, puellae ( f ), girl (2)
puer, puer (m), boy; boys, children (pl.) (3)
pugn, pugnre, pugnv, pugntum, to fight (29)
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum, beautiful, handsome; fine (5) (superl.
pulcherrimus) (27)
put, putre, putv, puttum, to reckon, suppose, judge, think, imagine (25)
quaer, quaerere, quaesv, quaestum, to seek, look for, strive for; ask, inquire, inquire into (24)
quam, how (16)
quam, than (after comparatives) or as…as possible (with superlatives) (26)
quand, when (5)
quantus, quanta, quantum, how large, how great, how much (30)
qur, because of which thing (lit.); therefore, wherefore, why (6)
qurtus, qurta, qurtum, fourth (15)
quasi, as if, as it were (39)
quattuor, four (15)
-que, and (enclitic conjunction; appended to the second of two words to be joined) (6)
queror, quer, questus sum, to complain, lament (38)
qu, quae, quod, who, which, what, that (17)
qu?, quae?, quod?, what? which? what kind of? (19)
quid, what (1)
qudam, quaedam, quiddam, a certain one or thing, someone, something (26)
qudam, quaedam, quoddam, a certain, some (26)
quidem, indeed, certainly, at least, even (29)
qun, indeed, in fact (40)
qunque, five (15)
quis, quid (after s, nisi, n, num), anyone, anything, someone, something (33)
quis? quid?, who? whose? whom? what? which? (19)
quisque, quidque, cuiusque, cuique, each one, each person, each thing (13)
quisquis, quidquid, whoever, whatever (23)
quod, because (11)
quoniam, since, inasmuch as (10)
quoque, also, too (17)
quot, how many, as many as (27)
rapi, rapere, rapu, raptum, to seize, snatch, carry away (21)
rati, ratinis ( f ), reckoning, account; reason, judgment, consideration; system; manner, method (8)
re-, red-, again, back (24)
recipi, recipere, recp, receptum, to take back, regain; admit, receive (24)
recit, recitre, recitv, recittum, to read aloud, recite (17)
rede, redre, redi, reditum, to go (37)
refer, referre, rettul, reltum, to carry back, bring back; repeat, answer, report (31)
rgna, rgnae ( f ), queen (7)
relinqu, relinquere, relqu, relictum, to leave behind, leave, abandon, desert (21)
remedium, remedi (n), cure, remedy (4)
repente, suddenly (30)
requisc, requiscere, requiv, requitum, to rest (37)
requr, requrere, requsv, requistum, to seek, ask for; miss, need, require (36)
rs pblica, re pblicae ( f ), state, commonwealth, republic (22)
rs, re ( f ), thing, matter, business, aff air (22)
responde, respondre, respond, respnsum, to answer (29)
revert, revertere, revert, reversum, turn back (23)
rx, rgis (m), king (7)
rde, rdre, rs, rsum, to laugh, laugh at (24)
rog, rogre, rogv, rogtum, to ask (30)
Rma, Rmae ( f ), Rome (14)
Rmnus, Rmna, Rmna, Roman (3)
saepe, often (1)
sl, salis (m), salt; wit (33)
sals, saltis ( f ), health, safety; greeting (21)
salv, salvte, hello, greetings (1)
salve, salvre, to be well, be in good health (1)
salvus, salva, salvum, safe, sound (6)
snus, sna, snum, sound, healthy, sane (5)
sapins, gen.
sapientis, wise, judicious (adjective) and a wise man, philosopher (noun) (25)
sapientia, sapientiae ( f ), wisdom (3)
sapi, sapere, sapv, to have good taste; have good sense, be wise (35)
sati, satire, sativ, satitum, to satisfy, sate (3)
satis, enough, sufficient (-ly) (5)
sator, satris (m), sower, planter; begetter, father; founder (38)
saxum, sax (n), rock, stone (40)
scelus, sceleris (n), evil deed, crime, sin, wickedness (19)
scientia, scientiae ( f ), knowledge (18)
sci, scre, scv, sctum, to know (21)
scrb, scrbere, scrps, scrptum, to write, compose (8)
scrptor, scrptris (m), writer, author (8)
secundus, secunda, secundum, second; favorable (6)
sed, but (2)
sede, sedre, sd, sessum, to sit (34)
semel, a single time, once, once and for all, simultaneously (31)
semper, always (3)
sentus, sents (m), senate (20)
senects, senecttis ( f ), old age (10)
senex, senis, old, aged (adj.) or old man (noun) (16)
sententia, sententiae ( f ), feeling, thought, opinion, vote, sentence (2)
senti, sentre, sns, snsum, to feel, perceive, think, experience (11)
septem, seven (15)
sequor, sequ, sectus sum, to follow (34)
serva, servae ( f ), slave (female) (24)
servi, servre, servv, servtum (+dat.), to be a slave to, serve (35)
servits, servittis ( f ), servitude, slavery (20)
serv, servre, servv, servtum, to preserve, save, keep, guard (1)
servus, serv (m), slave (male) (24)
sex, six (15)
s, if (1)
sc, so, thus (29)
sdus, sderis (n), constellation, star (29)
similis, simile (+ gen. or dat.), similar (to), like, resembling (superl. simillimus) (27)
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