Traitor to the King: A Tale of the Benaga Sisters

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Traitor to the King: A Tale of the Benaga Sisters Page 18

by Clare SM Keating

  “Ah... Lady Benaga... how can I be of assistance to you?” Lutas turned without concern toward Damara’s trembling form with a soft and gentle expression upon his face. He ignored the look of irritation and annoyance upon the gruff collection of six soldiers within his presence, but Damara could not take her eyes off them. Each one was scarred and gnarly looking, as if they’d been torn up by a wild wolf pack and spat back out into a patch of thorns... they were wearing clean neat uniforms but they all looked like the leftovers. She shook her head gently though as Lutas strolled to her side and then tenderly placed a hand upon her soft, delicate little forehead that had dropped a bead of sweat. “My dear child, you look as if you’ve been galloping to get to the academy. For the love of Nabuto tell me what’s the matter… please do not fear my friends here for they are sent by Yeruell for the task of Sacred Stone collection. They won't hurt you.”

  “Oh... well then it is truly luck by Nabuto’s will that I came here... you see Lord Lutas, I have important news about a stone.” The moment Damara said it her shoulders sagged and she wheezed a massive sigh of relief and exhaustion. It felt like she had been waiting an eternity for the chance to state such a thing and now finally she’d come expecting to be ridiculed and found just what she needed. How fortunate it was indeed for her to have arrived at the academy in time to meet up with the men that would be searching for a stone? She could not stop her face from beaming wide in delight as she sat herself down on a nearby bench and then began to explain the story to them all. She did not skip any detail of what she had seen in the dream about the swamp and the men nodded their heads in understanding. Everyone looked patient and interested despite their initial unsavoury appearance and by the end of it Lord Lutas could not contain his surprise and delight for the knowledge she was sharing with them. In fact, Damara could barely contain her own joy to be sharing it. “That’s right... you know if even the Karayan states he saw one on his journey here, but did not think to touch it, that the stone was still there recently and is unlikely to have left. I don’t know if I could point it out on a map, as I do not know the area, but I can guide someone to it...”

  “Oh but… I’m not… Well, Damara this is such a dangerous course of action to take. If your sister knew you’d been allowed to leave on such a dangerous quest she would never forgive us for letting it happen. Not to mention she would seek revenge on everyone should you get hurt….” Lord Lutas stated gently, his words kind and thoughtful although for some reason they were making Damara’s skin crawl to hear them. But she insisted on the matter and on how she would not be afraid and that she had been taught well enough with magic and sword to be of use out there. Plus, she reiterated what Anouk had told her about the monsters in that area and for having the knowledge of it Damara believed that the stone was somewhere conspicuous that no one had noticed before now.

  Lutas continued to grimace and ponder on the matter, when Damara insisted Karani would join her he looked even more uncomfortable with the idea, but the soldiers just gave a gentle chuckle. One of them, the general with a ragged line across his nose that had been burnt and suggested demonic encounter, lifted his hand upward and beckoned for everyone to listen to him. His soldiers automatically stared toward him with eager grins but something slightly unpleasant flickering within their eyes. His presence quite scared Damara, despite what confidence their words gave her.

  “The girl is brave and she’s right... this is the best lead we have on a stone and if we dress her in the gear of the young scouts we take up then no one will be the wiser. If it’s only in the swamp then we’re not so far out that the demons will be a threat sir... I believe young Lady Benaga and her friend will be safe in our care.” The general stated with a proud nod of his head and Damara’s face continued to be lit up with a massive smile. Lutas though shook his head and seemed reluctant to agree, by then Karani had stepped into the room and was pleading for everyone to agree with this general on the matter. With two young women treating the situation like an adventure, it seemed impossible to stop them from getting involved and slowly Lutas agreed with them all.

  Once the men went out to gather the scout uniforms Lutas strolled over to the girls and gave them both an affectionate hug. It was an uncomfortable and uncommon gesture indeed, but the women appreciated it as they knew their mentor was only wishing them the best and hoping for their safe return. He also assured them that he would not tell Anouk anything for at least three hours to give them a head start before she might rush out and track them down, which Damara greatly appreciated. But none of them had noticed that a figure, whose abilities with magic permitted him to become invisible, had listened and watched the whole situation with total fear.

  Jarl Kelvis knew that Damara was in danger and the only person who could help her out without causing chaos, was himself.

  Eight: Foandig Swamp

  “It has been suggested that the only reason the Orcreich is forbidden to the Deep Elves of Virenheim is because of the many dangers within that land, but it is possibly much deeper than that. Although every community cannot refute the power and trouble brought from entering a region known to hold Goblins, Orcs, Demons, Archdemons and First Ones there is also the fear that the defeated gods, such as Dubshlaine, have been living there. For the people of Virenheim their mythology clearly states that they were born from the same mix of Nabuto’s blood and sacred mud as the First Ones so there is always the fear that anyone entering that place may suddenly change into such a monster.”

  - “The Kingdom of Virenheim” by Ronvaldo Hilosa

  It was the very first time that Damara and Karani had been permitted on the curiously strange elevator that led up to the surface and they had been trembling in fear. The soldiers had closed in around them to keep them safe from danger and also to stop anyone staring at them too closely as the group of eight individuals reached the second dam and went past the dozing guards without trouble. Considering neither of them had even seen the sun before, the moment the door was opened to the village and farmland of the foreign sector, and the moment their eyes spotted the brilliant light and were stroked by the brightness of the sun… the pair flinched.

  Their eyes ached and they shut them immediately, blinking hard and fast to try and cope with the sudden explosion of natural light that spilled upon them. Neither could ever have anticipated such brightness and wonder, how blue the sky was or how pallid the sun. They knew never to look towards Nabuto’s eye but as they blinked and tried to shield themselves, the soldiers grasped them and hustled them onward with grunts that they would be alright eventually. Neither wanted to complain or say anything against it, suddenly overcome with the smell of grass for the first time, the smell of the flowers in the air as well as the sights of birds flying in the sky. It was noisy on the surface and there was a rainbow of different races and colours floundering about on to get work done. As they were marched along the path of pallid brown stone bleached by feet and sunlight, their eyes noticed how much brighter colours were, how many more animals were dancing around the neighbourhood and there were children playing with parents and lots of laughing, loud people. It was not reserved and silent like it was underground and there was no one pressing the two girls to be quiet, or even to have their hair in hoods.

  The wonder was enough to keep them following on after the group of six men in quiet, grasping hands together and smiling with delight. Their hearts were thumping with an overwhelming sense of nuance as they passed the busy local taverns and spotted drinking figures, dancing figures and people just laughing. Great massive animals with a strange almost sweet smell and long heads like strange deer pulled carts past them and the girls were informed these were horses. Damara and Karani had seen drawings of all these things in books and yet the books did not speak of the size, the smells, the vibration or the sound of great smooth hooves clopping against gravel. They did not mention the flies either and as insects suddenly buzzed about the girls they flinched and ducked their heads about with concern. Just how did you
deal with mosquitoes out on the swamp anyway?

  “The pair of you need to keep quiet now… we’re coming up to the First Dam and we have to be very careful. If they suspect you’re not members of our team because of how you react to the sun, they will stop you leaving and we’ll lose a stone.” The general stepped backward, whispering to them both as he made sure to pull the hoods of their jackets straight down so they could only see if they kept their eyes to the ground. He also passed them a sword each, warning them to act bored rather then excited. The pair nodded their heads in agreement as their feet moved off the cobbles of the main road and onto the wooden ramp that led up and over the market square towards the patrol opening of the First Dam, rather then continuing up the road to the Gatehouse.

  “What happens when we get through the tunnels?” Damara questioned nervously, going quiet and cautious as the gentlemen stopped beside the turret of the First Dam and then passed the paper across to the guard. The two girls kept their heads down under the hoods of their grey-brown jackets as the paper was discussed between the general and the guardsmen. There were a few growls and swear words of irritation that made them both tremble, but the other soldiers just seemed content about it all and waited for the paper to be passed into the building. There were a few more grumbles as the guard on duty, a broad-shouldered but very lean figure, chatted with the general over their plans before there was a hand stretching out of the opening again. The guard took the paper, checked the piece was stamped and then passed it on to the general with a sudden shout for the tunnel to be open. When the secret gate was unlocked with a click, the general grabbed the door and ushered everyone through, counting them as he went before stepping after them and closing the door. He patted Damara’s shoulder roughly as he passed her by and encouraged them to relax and follow the dark passage.

  For the fact they were back in the darkness, Karani and Damara’s eyes felt better and their heads did not hurt so much from so much light. In the tunnel it was a little calmer and the pair were able to talk towards one another about the brilliance of the sun and how much they wanted to have another chance to meet all the people out there. The soldiers chortled at them and informed them that women of their position were not suitable on the surface, making them both stare up to the men in surprise. They were confused as the figures continued to chuckle at them and the pair of them requested more information. The general gave a grunt as he rubbed the bridge of his nose where the scar sat. He stated very swiftly that by the laws of Virenheim, these girls would not be permitted on the surface without being engaged and escorted, because they’d be even more of a target to the mercenaries then to anyone else. Damara could barely believe such a thought, to think that other elves and beings from beyond Virenheim would dare to attack them purely for the sake they were high ranked. But then Damara thought about the mercenaries that existed on the surface, she thought about Ling and Alard and then she looked at each of the soldiers very carefully and shook her head with disdain. None of these were used to being around non-Deep Elves... of course they would be racist!

  “At the end of the corridor we’re going to be put onto a large punt that we’ll need to paddle out to the swamp. I assume you girls have never used an oar in your life, so you’ll have to try and figure it out quickly. The faster and better we row against the Viren, the quicker we’ll get to the swamp. So, focus your eyes on the actions of the others and you won’t be bothered by the light much.” The General snorted gently as he rubbed the back of his shaved down head and grumbled to himself about going against the river. With the Viren being a very fast river to work against they would be working hard to get northward on the barge but coming back would be a snap. All the same he was startled when one of the more hunched up and shadowed men within his group who was gripping a longbow, muttered under his breath.

  “Not that there’s much sun out there anyway to distract you.”

  As the girls reached the dam Jarl had managed to get across the bridge from the Second Dam and was looking about for someone that could help him. He knew he would not be permitted through the First Dam without a permit of some kind unless he was with a mercenary or one of the patrol squads. With so few ever willing to talk to him and the fact that he was Jarl Kelvis and a lord, many people just shied away from his sight and tried to look more appropriate. The young lord was left bouncing about trying to figure out a particular group he could get to help him out... and sadly there was probably only one group he knew of and he did not really want to speak to them at all. For anyone seeking a way to protect Damara, getting Anouk’s squad to help was the best course available but it meant that Anouk would learn that Jarl had not sought her out first!

  “Excuse me… have any of you seen the Aeron named Alard or the Blood Elf called Ling?” Jarl questioned a few respectable looking elves that were wandering about the shops and stalls. The majority were busy ignoring him over the matter, growling and fussing that he was not worth the effort as it would not be rewarded. Some even mentioned his betrayal of Damara and this quite startled him, especially considering he had given up a Benaga for a foreigner like them and in his mind, they should be grateful for it. Yet in that same thought he realised his own arrogant presumptions on who to ask and how he sounded, he needed to just think like one of Anouk’s soldiers and then he would find them. But who on earth could he try and picture mentally doing something that would be considered… normal? “Uh… excuse me… can you direct me to the nearest inn that can house an Aeron?”

  To this question, aimed at a smiling trio of young Imperial women with their strange pale pink-peach skin and soft brown hair, the girls froze and stared at him in embarrassment. They giggled nervously to be spoken to so boldly by such a handsome elf before gently stretching their hands outwards to the largest looking pub in the neighbourhood and Jarl breathed a sigh of relief. He then stuffed his hand into the soft leather pouch hanging from his neck under his robes and swiftly pulled out some money. With a thankful and humble expression upon his face, Jarl gave the money to the girls as a gift and their faces were bright with delight but also shock before he bowed to them and hurried on his way; perhaps it might make everyone think of him a little more… kindly.

  Jarl could not hold his excitement as he hurried toward the great brick building titled the ‘Nobody Inn’, hardly noticing the playful joke within. Instead his eyes locked onto the great wide door of the classy looking establishment that spoke of Amber City style beyond the mountains rather then the calmer and minimised Virenheim décor. Jarl instead was a little startled about the fact that the brick had not been painted grey and the inside of the building was red and brown with a smoky atmosphere that made Jarl automatically smother his mouth. He was not used to this kind of thing and as he tried to avoid the myriad of mangled and aggressive faces within the building he heard a sudden bark from the stairs, which forced him to look upwards even when it was rude to get involved in another’s business.

  “I never want to see you again…” A familiar looking Blood Elf, standing in a pair of shorts with a crossbow in her hands and what looked like a dress that had been cut in half to try and make it look fancy, was on the landing of the stairs swearing at a door. Jarl was not sure if he was even allowed to look at her with so much of her figure on display, but it was not easy to pull his eyes or ears away from the situation. However, with a second glance he recognised the slightly golden skin of Ling and he wanted to call her attention to him but from the sound of it she was in the middle of an argument with… someone. At least, that was how it had started. “… at least until I’ve been able to replace your favourite flagon! But I’m still angry that you told me not to scream about the spider in my underwear drawer!”

  Although the other patrons had frozen to listen in, the moment they figured out that Ling was the person in trouble they returned to business as usual discussing their decisions on what was going to happen with regards to evacuation. Their rough mix of languages and basic grasp of the Northern Imperial used upon t
he surface made Jarl’s slender pointed ears twitch with excitement and recognition. His brain was already trying to decode them the way he’d done when he’d left to the North Kingdom, but the North Kingdom had not had as many thuggish brutes drinking in the taverns as there were in this building. Jarl maintained his eyes on Ling and as she scuttled down the stairs he gave a nervous squeak her way.

  “Uh… Madam Ling… please can I talk to you?” The moment the shorter woman reached the bottom of the stairs in her curiously revealing get up, Jarl blushed heavily and covered his eyes. She stared toward him in confusion before checking herself up and down in case of something. When she figured out however that it was because of the show of her cleavage and how her hair was now starting to grow out and reveal her beautiful golden curls to the world, she chuckled. She realised the importance of hair, body and well… everything because she was a female and swiftly gave a grunt with her knuckles pressing into fists.

  “Did you know that Ling is my nickname? Its Amber City talk for ‘monkey’ so don’t ever add a prefix to it… anyway what can I do for you, Prince?” Ling chuckled only to see Jarl drop his jaw in shock at her choice of words and grimace fearfully because she had practically committed heresy by calling him such a thing. But Ling rolled her eyes in realisation and stretched out an arm to pull Jarl down to her level. “Would you have preferred I call you Handsome? Now… let’s walk and talk I’ve got go shopping with Sarag to find Alard a new tankard to chug water from! Huh… you’d think for a big guy like him he’d be drinking booze all the time but instead I out-drink everyone in this building every night!”


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