Swing and a Kiss: Carolina Waves Series Book 4

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Swing and a Kiss: Carolina Waves Series Book 4 Page 8

by Tina Gallagher

  And then he really kissed me.




  Oh. My. God. The man can kiss.

  I eagerly met every thrust, every caress of his tongue.

  He wrapped his hand tighter around my waist and pulled me even closer until my hip rested against the console and my whole upper body smashed against his chest. Pulling his mouth from mine for just a second, he shifted his head to come at the kiss from a different angle. Different, but just as good.

  It went on and on, long and hot, deep and wet, his tongue stroking mine in a perfect rhythm and I reveled in every second. My entire focus was on Dale and his mouth and what it was doing to me.

  I forgot that we’re sitting in his truck in my driveway where nosy neighbors can see us, but thankfully he didn’t. Some of my sanity returned when I realized Dale had changed the tempo of the kiss. It was more subdued, not burning in intensity like it had been a few short moments before.

  He kissed my lips softly one last time before pulling away. My back felt cold as he removed his arm from around my waist. I loosened my grip on his hair and slid back into my own seat. His blue eyes looked darker than usual as they held mine captive.

  “Thank you again for coming out with me tonight.”

  “I had a great time. Thank you for asking me,” I said, barely recognizing my husky voice.

  Dale looked down at my mouth and I couldn’t help but wonder what my lips look like. His are slightly swollen from our kisses so I imagine mine are the same. And the skin around my mouth feels sensitive so it’s probably pink from his five o’clock shadow.

  He leaned forward and kissed my temple, resting his cheek against my hair for a few breaths before meeting my gaze again.

  “Would you like to go out again?”

  “I’d like that, but Jeremy is coming home tomorrow so I’m not sure when I’ll be free.”

  “The three of us could go somewhere.”

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea. We just...and you’re…” I gestured helplessly, trying to find the right words.

  Dale took my hand in his and kissed my knuckles one at a time.

  “I get it. This is all new and you don’t want Jeremy to know about it until we’re a little further along.”

  Honestly, I wouldn’t be so presumptuous to assume we’d ever be further along but I nodded anyway.

  “You have a copy of the spring training schedule, right?” I nodded again. “If I don’t have a game, consider me free to go out. And if I do have a game, please come to it if you’re available. I know Jeremy enjoys attending and it will give me a chance to see you.” He looked out the windshield and my window before meeting my gaze again. “I better let you go in the house before one of your neighbors thinks I’m holding you captive in here.”

  He got out of the truck and jogged around the front then opened my door. I took his proffered hand and stepped down. We walked the few steps to my front porch and I reached into my clutch for my keys.

  “Thank you for tonight, Dale. I really had a great time. Dinner was wonderful and so was the company.”

  “I agree.” He gave me a quick kiss then pulled back. “Check your calendar and let me know when you’re available.” My stomach flipped at his sweet smile. “The sooner the better.”

  “I will.”

  Taking the keys from my hand, he opened the door and stepped back so I could go inside. Handing me my keys, he said, “I’ll be looking forward to your call.”

  That said, he turned and walked back to his truck. I watched him back out of the driveway and drive down the street before I closed and locked the door. Resting my back against it, I reached up and traced my lips with my index finger, remembering every second of Dale’s mouth against mine.

  From the moment I first met him, I’ve wondered what it would be like to kiss Dale Montgomery. And now that I know, I’ll never be the same.

  Chapter 9


  * * *

  I ran along the outfield fence toward right field to complete my last pole. Normally I do three on game days, but today I decided to push myself and run five. Once I reached the foul pole, I did a few stretches then ran five sprints from the line to right-center field and back. I have some excess energy to get rid of today and running is a good way to do it.

  Grabbing the bottle of water I left against the fence, I drank it as I walked toward Dan and Jack who were sitting along the first base line doing their usual pre-game stretches. I finished my water then tossed the bottle aside. Standing with my feet shoulder-width apart, I held my arms out and twisted from side to side before bending down to touch my toes. I repeated that three times, going farther and deepening the stretch with each pass.

  That done, I sat down on the grass, my legs spread wide. Before I could walk my hands forward to stretch my hip flexors, I noticed Dan and Jack watching me and shifted my eyes between them.

  “What?” I stifled my chuckle because I know exactly what.

  “Seriously?” Jack asked. “I had to hear about your damn date with Karen from both you and my wife for two days and now that it’s happened you’re sitting here not saying anything?”

  I shook my head and stretched from side to side before walking my hands forward as far as I could go. Payback is a bitch and Dan, Jack, and Cal were all busted as they turned into total saps over their women. Now it’s my turn. Thankfully I know my friends well and expected this, so I’m prepared.

  “We had a good time. The food at Gianni’s was delicious as usual. Karen actually ate, which was a nice change. And we had some good getting-to-know-you conversation.” I walked my hands back, pulled my legs together, and shook them out before stretching again. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had a normal first date, but I think it went well. She agreed to go out with me again, so I’ll call it a win.”

  “Uh oh. You’re gonna have to repeat what you just said,” Dan said.


  He nudged his head toward the stands and Jack and I turned to look. Hannah was walking in our direction.

  Jack jumped to his feet and kissed his wife as she approached. She smiled up at him and shifted her blue-and-yellow checked glasses back into place then looked at me.

  I finished my stretch and stood, relaying my story to Hannah before she had to ask.

  “So when are you going out again?” she asked, bouncing on her toes.

  “I’m not sure. She’s checking her calendar. I also asked her and Jeremy to come to any games they can make so hopefully I’ll need some tickets.”

  “Whatever you need, just let me know.”

  “Thanks Hannah. For everything.”

  She nodded, looking very self-satisfied then gave Jack a quick kiss, patted him on the ass, and made her way back toward the stands.

  “Isn’t she amazing?” Jack asked as he watched her walk away.

  I hitched my thumb toward him and looked at Dan.

  “Please tell me I don’t look that dopey when I’m around Karen.”

  “Wish I could, buddy.” He slapped me on the back and ushered me toward the dugout. “Wish I could.”


  * * *

  My mom left, an exhausted Jeremy went to bed, and I finished putting the leftover pizza away. Time to face the music. Or rather my two best friends. I closed the refrigerator and turned, and there they both were, sitting at the kitchen table, watching me.

  “Okay,” I said around a sigh as I sank onto the chair across from them. “What do you want to know?”

  They did rock, paper, scissors to determine who’d go first. Chloe’s rock dulled Hope’s scissors so she spoke first.

  “Tell me about the kiss.”

  She leaned her arms against the table and angled forward, as if she needed to get closer to hear me.

  “How do you know there was a kiss?”

  Hope and Chloe shared a look then burst out laughing. Once they quieted, they turned their attention back to m

  “First of all, if you didn’t kiss that man, I’d have to stop being your friend. And second, I’m pretty sure your lips are still swollen and, if I’m not mistaken, that’s beard burn on your chin.”

  Reaching up, I rubbed my index finger against the abraded skin I’d carefully covered up with concealer this morning.

  “Guilty,” Hope said in a sing-song voice.

  I rolled my eyes and told them what they wanted to know.

  “It was amazing.”

  Before I had to say anything else, they both squealed, sounding like pubescent girls.

  “Did anything else happen?” Hope waggled her eyebrows.

  “Geez, don’t you know me at all?”

  “Yeah, I guess that was a stupid question,” she said. “So where’d you go?”

  “A place called Gianni’s. The food was delicious.” I chuckled. “Unfortunately, I broke two of our conversation rules before the main course.” I went on to explain how both Jeremy and Jason were discussed.

  “Did you do anything else?” Hope asked.

  “He’d planned on taking me for ice cream afterwards but I was so full we skipped it.”

  “So he just took you home?” she asked before Chloe could.

  I nodded. “We lingered at the restaurant for a while then he took the long way back to my house.”

  “So when did he kiss you?” Chloe asked.

  “At my house. In the truck. In the driveway.”

  “And how long did it last?” My face heated at Hope’s question. “That long, huh?”

  “Did you invite him in?” Chloe asked.

  “Again, do you know me at all? I wasn’t going to have sex with him on the first date and—” I trailed off, realizing I was just going to encourage more questions if I continued.

  “That must have been some kiss,” Hope said.

  Memories of Dale’s mouth on mine flashed through my head and I felt my lips curl into a smile. I’ve always loved kissing and our makeout session had been spectacular. I may have only had one partner but Jason and I had turned kissing into an art form.

  My smile faded on that last thought.

  “What’s wrong?” Chloe asked.

  “Nothing.” I shook my head. “Both the date and the kiss were great.”

  “Then why do you look like you’re ready to cry?”

  “I’m not.” She stared at me and when I saw the understanding in her eyes, I fought even harder to hold back the tears.

  “Oh honey, you have nothing to feel guilty about.” Chloe reached over and squeezed my hand blinking back her own tears. “I know how much you loved...love...Jason. But he’s been gone for five years. He’d want you to move on and be happy.” She shifted her chair closer. “I knew you were interested in Dale the first time you mentioned his name. I don’t expect you to marry the guy, but at least give him a chance.”

  I wiped the tears that had escaped from my cheeks, still amazed that Chloe keeps encouraging me to go out with Dale.

  “I will, I promise.”

  “When are you going out with him again?” Hope asked. “He did ask you to go out again, right?”

  “He did.”

  “So?” Chloe drew out the word.

  “I have to check my calendar and call him.”

  “So what are you waiting for?” Hope pointed to my phone. “Check it and call the man.”

  “Now? Tonight?”

  “Why not?”

  “Shouldn’t I wait a couple days?”

  Chloe rolled her eyes. “It doesn’t sound like Dale is playing it cool with you so you shouldn’t do it with him. I know you never miss Jeremy’s games, but I’m here for the next two weeks and can take him to practice. And I’m sure your mom will fill in too.”

  My eyes rounded. “Don’t tell my mom about Dale. Please. Obviously I’ll tell her once I know if this thing between us is going anywhere. But I don’t need her chiming in, too. It’s bad enough I have to listen to the two of you.”

  “You’d be lost without us,” Hope said.

  “That I would.”

  Before things could get too sappy, I opened my calendar and scoured my schedule for the rest of the week.

  “Jeremy has practice tomorrow and a tournament at home starting Friday night.” I switched to the tournament schedule. “The championship game starts Sunday at three if they make it that far.”

  “So you can go out tomorrow night or Sunday night,” Chloe said. “We can just say you have showings.”

  I zoomed in on the picture of the Waves’ schedule.

  “Tomorrow is out. Dale has a game.”

  “What about Sunday?” Hope asked.

  “He’s off.”

  “Alrighty then.” Chloe stood. “We’re gonna head out to give you some privacy so you can make your phone call.”

  I glanced at the clock. “Now?”

  “No time like the present.”

  Hope grabbed my phone and scrolled with her thumb then dramatically tapped the screen with her index finger before handing it back to me. I looked down and saw Dale’s name.

  “You dialed his number?” I screeched.

  “Bye,” my friends said in unison as they slung their purses over their shoulders and ran out the door, slamming it behind them.

  It was too late to end the call so I held the phone up to my ear, praying to get his voice mail.

  “Karen, hi. I’m so glad you called.”

  No such luck.

  Chapter 10


  * * *

  “Hi.” She sounded unsure. “I hope it’s not too late to call.”

  “Not at all.” I muted the TV. “How was your day?”

  “Oh, it was good. I closed a sale this afternoon then Jeremy got home around dinnertime.”

  “Congratulations on the sale.”

  “Thanks. Congratulations on the win and the home run.”

  “You watched?”

  “It might have been on in my office and I may have seen an inning or two.”

  I was happy to hear her voice turn less tentative and more flirtatious. Now that I know her dating background, or lack of, I totally understand why she was so reluctant to go out with me and why she’s so backwards sometimes.

  “I’m glad.” She didn’t say anything to that, but I didn’t really expect her to. I mean, what could she say? “Did Jeremy have a good time with your parents?”

  “He did. I’m sure he lived on candy and junk food for three days, but after doing the Harry Potter ride at Universal, he’s actually interested in reading the books. So that’s a win.”

  “Do you like to read?”

  “I do.”

  “What kind of books?”

  “Romance novels.” She raised her voice on novels turning her statement into a question.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure,” she sighed. “But I realize there is a certain stigma attached to them so I don’t shout it from the rooftops or anything.”

  “It’s just the two of us on this call and you know I won’t tell anyone. After all, you know my movie preference.”

  “True,” she said around a chuckle. “I like them because they always have a happily ever after. I read to relax and escape. It’s nice to know that no matter what they go through in the book, the characters will be happy in the end.”

  After what she’s been through, that’s totally understandable. But I don’t want her thinking about the bad times so I need to change the subject. Before I could do that, she spoke.

  “How about you? Do you like to read?”

  “I do. There’s a lot of down-time on the road so I read a lot.”

  “What do you like to read?”

  “It varies. I go through spurts where I read a lot of fiction...military thrillers mostly. Then I’ll get hooked on non-fiction, like biographies or history of a certain event.”

  “What’s the last book you read?”

  “Notorious RBG.”

  “The one about Ruth
Bader Ginsburg? Really?”

  “Really,” I said. “When she died, I kept seeing stories about all the things she accomplished, so I was curious. The book was written a few years ago, so I might follow it up with something more recent.”

  “Wow. Now I feel like I need to step up my reading game.”

  “Don’t be too impressed. If this conversation had happened last week, my answer would have been much different. I got into a series by an author I’d never read before and binge read ten books where people kept blowing stuff up.”

  We talked a little more about books and as much as I was enjoying the conversation, it’s almost eleven o’clock and I don’t want her to have to rush off the call before we make plans.

  “So, did you get a chance to check your calendar?”

  “That’s actually why I called,” she said. “I could be free tomorrow but you have a game. Jeremy has a tournament over the weekend but it’s at his home field and we should be done by Sunday evening, if not sooner depending on how his team does.”

  “So you’re free Sunday?”

  “I can be. My sister-in-law Chloe said she’d hang out with Jeremy after his game.”

  “Does she know why?”

  “She does. So does my friend Hope.”

  “I’m glad.”

  Karen didn’t say anything to that, but I swear I could hear her smile across the phone line. Next time I’ll have to convince her to FaceTime so I can actually see her reactions.

  Then I had a great idea.

  “Hey, since we don’t have a game, would you mind if the guys and I came and watched Jeremy play?”

  “Oh uh.” She let out a sharp laugh. “I wouldn’t mind at all and I know Jeremy would love it, but I don’t think it’s a good idea. You’d probably cause a riot.”

  “I don’t think it would be that bad.”

  “Dale, you’d be at a complex of four baseball fields full of wannabe MLB stars and their parents. The only place you’d be more recognized down here would be at Victory Park standing on first base in your uniform.”


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