Shattering Dreams

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Shattering Dreams Page 10

by Catherine M Walker

  “Aaron, Kyle—he will be all right, won’t he?” Alex transferred his concerned gaze from his friend to the royal physician.

  “I think the worst is over, Your Highness, and he needs rest now. You can stay if you wish but only if you are quiet and let him get the sleep he needs.” Aaron fixed the Prince with a stern gaze until he nodded.

  Alex eased off the edge of the bed and sank into the chair next to his sister.

  “If you thought he was alright, you wouldn’t still be here, Aaron. He doesn’t look good.”

  Aaron sighed. “Your Highness, Lord Kyle has been sick, and will be for a while. But when I tell you the worst is over, I mean it. I would not lie to you or my patient. Still, his condition has been severe enough to monitor him for a little while longer and perhaps through the night.” Aaron paused looking at Alex severely. “One of the other physicians, Cameron, will be here shortly to relieve me. It is at the King’s request that we treat him as if he were a member of the Royal Family. Which means, as I am sure you are aware, a full physician must care for him, not one of our assistants.”

  Alex nodded and settled miserably onto the couch. He felt lost, panicked almost. Kyle and Jessalan had been constant companions as far back as he could remember; it felt like a part of his soul was being torn apart. He felt Elizabeth’s arm around his shoulder as she relented and hugged him. He sank into her shoulder.

  “Kyle will be okay, Alex. He needs to rest for a while. I wish I could sit with you both, but I must go. It’s late, and I must prepare for the dinner tonight. The Heights Protectorate Delegation is still here and will think us remiss if some of us do not show up for dinner. You need not attend if you do not feel up to socialising. Father has officially announced last night’s incident as an attempted kidnapping and assassination attempt. Even the Protectorate Delegates will understand your absence.” With that, Elizabeth stood, looking down at him.

  “Thank you, Elizabeth. I’ll stay away from the dinner tonight. Thank Father for me.”

  He sank further into the couch to wait. As his sister left the room, he heard her murmuring to someone at the door. He jumped as someone dropped onto the sofa next to him and flung her arms around him with the sob.

  “Jessalan, you look pale, are you all right? You should still be in bed.” He held Jessalan as she shook and whispered to him, her head buried in his shoulder.

  “I thought you were both going to die, Alex—between that poison and the concoction the healers gave me I kept losing contact with the veil and sight of you both. I wanted to come and help, but I didn’t have enough control of the power.” Jessalan held back a sob as Alex held her. She looked at Kyle, feeling cold, and she shivered. “I never thought I’d say this, but I hope I never lose the ability to control the Taint again. Without its power I was helpless.”

  Alex looked over toward the door where the healer, Jocelyn, hovered.

  “Kyle will be okay, Jessalan, even Aaron says so. And as you can see, so am I, thanks to both you and Kyle. I’m sorry I caused harm to happen to you Jessalan. If Damien hadn’t found you and got you clear…” Alex couldn’t continue along with that train of thought, so he stopped. “Oh yes, I’m the epitome of the heroic Fourth Child. So heroic I could have got you all killed.” Alex laughed bitterly and just held her until she calmed.

  Alex looked up and nodded his thanks as Jocelyn draped a blanket around Jessalan to keep her warm; summer might be upon them soon but while the days were warmer, the evenings were still cool. They sat together and watched Kyle.

  Jocelyn walked over to Aaron and spoke. “Go get some rest, Aaron. You’ve been up longer than I have. Since my patient is here, I can keep watch until Cameron comes.”

  “Thank you, Jocelyn, I appreciate your courtesy. Have me called if I am needed.” He smiled then stood slowly and walked across in the direction of the door before pausing and looking at the pair on the couch. “Your Highness, Lady Jessalan, you are both to rest tonight. You’ll go to bed when Jocelyn so orders it, and she’ll give you both sleeping draughts to make sure you sleep the night. That’s a direction as your healer, and I do not want to hear either of you has disobeyed it. Understood?”

  He waited until they both nodded, somewhat surprised that neither of them argued with his instructions, before leaving the room, closing the door gently behind him so as not to disturb his patient.

  Alex slipped into Kyle’s room trying to be quiet, noting the healer Jocelyn was curled up asleep on the long couch to one side of the chamber. A quick look at his friend showed that he was sleeping. Alex felt a little depressed at that. Every day he came, hoping his friend, the man closer to him than his brothers, would sit up, all but ready to burst out of his bed and out on another adventure.

  Alex walked around the high-backed couch drawn up to the side of the bed and sat down, jumping out of his skin as he heard a muffled gasp coming from the other end of the couch. Alex turned his hand going for his dagger before he recognised that the gasp had come from Lady Amelia, Kyle’s little sister, although Alex had to admit that she wasn’t so ‘little’ anymore, and had been making her way through the various lords in the court, following in her big brother’s footsteps. She was due to be presented at court as a lady.

  Alex looked into her brown eyes, her black hair falling in waves around her shoulders, and was stunned. It was almost like the first time he’d seen her. Her hand was raised up to her mouth, and her eyes were wide, a tear tracing its way down her cheek. Alex realised he’d startled her. Moving across the couch, he gathered her into his arms without thinking about it, one arm stretching around her slim waist while his other reached up, brushing the tear from her cheek before pulling her, unresisting, against his shoulder.

  “Shhh, My Lady Amelia. I’m sorry, I didn’t see you sitting here. The physicians all assure me that Kyle will be all right, he will heal.”

  Alex gently tilted her head up to him and, leaning slightly forward, went to kiss her on the cheek. At least, that was what he had intended to do; his body had other intentions. He hoped she hadn’t noticed.

  Alex stiffened as Amelia tilted her head further and he found that he was kissing her on the lips. He saw her eyes slide up to his, and her hand somehow slipped under his shirt, running up his chest.

  “Please, Alex …” Amelia locked her lips on his again, and it was obvious what she wanted.

  Alex had a moment during which he battled with himself—given her brother, his best friend, was unconscious on the bed in the same room—then, with a soft groan, he gave in, lifting her to sit on his lap and kissing her back. With a sigh, he pulled back, and she settled, resting her head against his chest muffling her chuckling against his shirt.

  “I know this is inappropriate, but I don’t think you have any idea how long I’ve wanted you to see me.”

  “You’re my best friend’s baby sister, and in case it has escaped your attention, he is very good with a sword.” Alex couldn’t help but snort. “He will not like this if we go further, not to mention, your father will have a fit.” Alex stopped as Amelia reached up, placing a finger against his lips.

  “Let me worry about Kyle and my father. I think the moment I realised you were more than what people whispered was that time of my first presentation at court. You remember?” Amelia shifted slightly looking up into his eyes.

  Alex frowned and his mood darkened as he felt that burning anger again as if he was right back there. It was the first time he remembered feeling that way. Amelia had only been presented as a minor in the court a few weeks before, and her father had been called away, to a conference with his father. He and Kyle had been late, something Kyle still kicked himself over even though on that occasion it had been unavoidable. He’d walked into the ballroom to hear Amelia cry out.

  He’d known it was her, they’d known each other almost as long as he and Kyle had been inseparable friends. His eyes had tracked across the room and saw Amelia struggling, trying to push away from a drunken lord minor who was trying to take ad
vantage of the situation. His blood had boiled at that point. A deep burning anger settled into him.

  Before he’d known it, he was across the room with his sword out, pulling Amelia from the drunken lord’s grasp and placing himself between her and her attacker. Alex couldn’t quite remember how it had happened, but the drunken lord minor had ended up dead on the floor with a pool of blood spreading around him. A stunned silence had settled on the court as Alex had pulled Amelia to him and shielded her from their sight, guiding her toward the safety of the Royal Enclosure. He’d paused and pulled the dress cloak from his shoulder, wrapping it around her small frame, hiding the ripped sleeve and bodice of her dress from prying eyes.

  He’d turned and run his eyes over the stunned court, demanding, just as the doors to the conference room opened and his father and Amelia’s along with other assorted lords spilt out, “Does anyone else here feel the need to break the King’s peace?”

  Alex smiled a little grimly as he remembered that the only thing that had stopped his father from having the offending lord killed was that he was already dead. That was also the first time he saw a hint of respect in his father’s eyes.

  Alex pushed the memory aside and pulled Amelia closer, kissing the top of her head.

  “I remember.”

  Amelia chuckled and raised a hand up behind his head, lacing her fingers at the back, through his hair. She pulled his head down and once more her lips met his and this time he kissed her without hesitation.

  “You were, at that moment, my hero. Of all the people who stood and watched, laughing, none helped but you.” Amelia settled once more, content to lay in his arms. Her soft voice reached his ears. “That was the moment I determined that you would be mine. I hadn’t realised it would take this long.” Amelia pushed back and looked at him, her expression fierce. “You’re not going to pretend you don’t have feelings for me and run for the hills. Are you?” Amelia’s gaze, which had been soft and loving moments before, was now hard and determined.

  Alex chuckled and pulled her back against him. “I wouldn’t dream of it. However, it might be best, for your sake more than anything, to keep this low-key for now. The court will go berserk when they find out, and you never know, you might just end up hating me when you spend more time with me.”

  Amelia smiled. “I can’t ever imagine hating you, Alex. Anyway, you might end up hating me.” She looked up at him, biting her lip. “It’s not like I’ve been chaste. Even my Lady Mother has given up scolding me.”

  “I’m hardly one to judge, Amelia. You have heard all that gossip about me being hauled out of most of the least respectable establishments in the Quarter, along with the pleasure houses, right?” Alex looked down at her, and if he was honest with himself, he was concerned about what she would say.

  “Alex, of course I’ve heard. My brother was right there with you getting hauled out at the same time. I’m not likely to judge when I’ve hardly been virtuous myself. As long as you don’t sneak out of my bed to go sleep with one of your harlots.” Amelia looked up at him at that point. Alex knew he was blushing, and it was likely going to his hairline.

  “Well, we haven’t quite got to the sex part yet, Amelia.” Alex felt compelled to point it out although he did not doubt the direction in which this liaison was heading.

  Even though a part of him knew this was a bad idea, he liked Amelia. He liked her way more than he should for someone of his birth and station. He may be insulated from marriage for the good of the Realm, unlike William and Elizabeth due to being the Fourth Child, but he knew his father would use him in that fashion if he had to, just the same as he would use his brothers and sister.

  “Don’t worry so much about the sex thing, Alex, we’ll get to that part. It’s not appropriate here in my brother’s room, though. Still, being low-key, or as much as we can, is a good idea. It will give us more time for, well, us.”

  Amelia grinned at Alex impudently and kissed him once more, leaving him with no doubt at all what her plans were for the evening.


  The Shadow Hunts

  Kyle felt the veil closing in on him, insistent and determined to pull him into that Realm that lay on the other side. The part of the world that few people could access. Still, it was a world he was familiar with, a place in which he was comfortable. More than he was with the intrigue of his peers in the palace. After endless days of feeling sick and disconnected with himself he was relieved, when he felt the cold wash of power as he started to transition between the worlds.

  Even when he wasn’t within the veil, he spent lots of time, even in his waking hours of late, treading that path between the two worlds. It was within the grips of the veil that his trainers found him. It was here that he had learned control to block the whispering voices of others from his mind, to use the veil to travel from one place to another. He was instructed not only to refine his fighting skills but the shadow arts. He had learned to be an assassin.

  Kyle smiled grimly. He was uncertain what his Lord Father would say; it was a conversation that never seemed to happen. Although he knew his father guessed by now who and what he was, since he had snapped the neck of the girl in Alex’s defence.

  He felt the electrifying pulse of the veil wash over him, as it always did when he thought of his first real kills. He felt no remorse. Not in any way. The guard was a threat and in his way. The girl had intended to kill Alex. Why she had intended to kill Alex, that was the part that made little sense to him. Still, it was a moot point—Alex was the fourth son of the King. Why the girl had been intent on killing Prince Alexander didn’t matter. His duty to his Prince, his friend, had been clear.

  Finally releasing his hold on the waking world, Kyle sighed and rolled over, slipping into a deep sleep.

  Well done, Kyle, although it was a close call. The voice was deadly, and if Kyle hadn’t already known who it was, he would have found it menacing.

  Kyle’s eyes slid open and he smiled at his trainer, the first ever Shadow. The woman that the entire legend of the Shadow had grown up around. Lady Leanna Katrina Shaddin. A former child thief who had diverted from her trade as a child when her masters had discovered her skill with the dagger. From that point, she had been apprenticed and trained as an assassin.

  Kat, as she’d been then, and no Lady, had chosen the youngest son of the King as her mark, sure he carried a fat purse. She’d thought her luck was with her when the boy had slipped away from his bodyguards and adult supervision, between stalls and down a dark alley.

  Instead, she found the boy fighting with two men. Kat had said she didn’t know what had motivated her at that moment to help the boy she’d intended to rob, but she’d thrown herself into the melee. With her small dirk clutched in her fist that moments before she’d planned to use to slit the purse strings of the boy, she’d launched herself at one attacker, slashing it across the startled thug’s neck. She was already far enough along in her training as an assassin that she knew by the spurt of blood, the man would die. The thug stumbled back, clutching at his neck. Slumping against the nearby wall, he stood for a moment, shock on his face, before sliding down the wall and collapsing to the ground, unconscious.

  Kat had dismissed the man as not being a threat and swung back around to see the boy, sword in hand, disposing of his remaining attacker. The boy turned to face her, sword still grasped in a firm, practised grip, a smile on his lips.

  Kat had said they became friends at that moment, despite all the odds against a street urchin and a prince becoming friends. An inconceivable friendship that ended up saving the Realm had been born. It wasn’t until much later that she became Lady Leanna Katrina Strafford.

  Kyle stood in the Veiled World, dressed in his customary black and brown leathers, and a long black cloak with his hood thrown back. He had his sword belt on and an assortment of other weapons besides the dagger in plain sight on his belt. Kyle could never work out if he was physically in the veil or if it was just his dream state and his body was still bac
k in his bed. Kat was no help in that regard, shrugging and telling him that sometimes he was there and other times not.

  Kyle pushed the thought aside; none of the servants had ever noticed him missing or remarked on it. He guessed if he was here in the veil he must somehow dress and arm himself without being aware of it.

  Thanks, Kat. It’s been a while since we’ve trained. Kyle assessed his trainer’s mood and was relieved that she seemed to be in good spirits. Although I misjudged the situation at The Tankard.

  Kyle couldn’t help but think he should have somehow known that the women had intended to harm Alex. Although for the life of him he couldn’t reasonably work out how he could have known in advance. Still, common sense didn’t have much to do with it.

  Kat shook her head. You couldn’t have known, Kyle, and by the time you did the poison was already racing through your system. At that point, there was nothing you could do. Come, enough of this. You’re here to train, though since it’s your first session back, it’s an easy one. Let’s walk the paths between the veil and the real world. You need the practise, and I have something to show you.

  Kyle grinned in anticipation; of all his lessons these were the ones he loved. Roaming the streets and rooftops of the Royal Capital or villages and cities he’d never seen in real life—neither in the Veiled World or the real one. It was a part of his assassin training, walking through the world unseen, unnoticed by others, at least until he killed them. That thought gave him a moment’s pause. He’d always thought his kills had been simulated somehow here in the veil. That no one had really died until the woman who had tried to kill Alex. Now he wondered if they had been real.


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