Shattering Dreams

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Shattering Dreams Page 16

by Catherine M Walker

  Amelia’s hand flew up to her mouth in astonishment and she blushed, burying her face into his shoulder, blocking out the sight of everyone pretending not to be looking intently at the exchange between.

  Alex couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped his lips and kissed her on the top of her head. He moved them slightly so that she was screened from view from the rest of their family, who were trying to pretend they weren’t paying attention.

  “Oh, that beast! Wait till I get my hands on him.” Amelia’s voice was muffled by his shirt as she kept her face pressed against his shoulder. Her cheeks flaming red as it occurred to her that the King and William had obviously been briefed on her relationship with Alex, a thought that made her groan in embarrassment.

  Right at that moment, Kyle walked in and paused, glancing from Alex and Amelia to the others on the opposite side of the tent. He grinned, taking the couple of steps to them. He spoke first, not giving his sister a chance to get in before him.

  “It wasn’t my fault, Amelia. Besides, I’m certain we drove Mother to distraction for a time there, running stark naked down the corridors of the palace with our nursemaids in hot pursuit. You didn’t seem to mind at all then.” Kyle laughed and ducked sideways as Amelia attempted to punch his arm, catching her as she stumbled. “Now is that dignified, Amelia? Calm down, you were both covered!” Kyle grinned at her, unrepentant. “Seriously, congratulations little sister.” Kyle laughed then kissed the top of her head as he hugged her.

  Kyle released Amelia and took the few steps necessary to pull Alex into a hug.

  “Congratulations, my friend, promise me you’ll keep her safe.” Stepping back, he smiled at his friend.

  “Always, Kyle; Amelia has my heart in her keeping.” Alex wrapped his arm around Amelia’s waist again and couldn’t help grinning.

  “You have my promise I’ll try very hard not to walk in on you both like that again.” Kyle chuckled as Amelia glared at him, then nodded his thanks at Karl as he presented the drink tray.

  Amelia’s eyes narrowed. “You’ll do more than try, Kyle. If you must speak with Alex, send a servant in to get him.”

  Amelia tried to maintain her glare but realised she was failing and gave up, letting a chuckle escape.

  Kyle walked across the room and slumped into one chair as the King and William sat. He looked at William, holding his hand up to mask his lips, and spoke in an overly loud whisper, intending it to be heard.

  “I don’t get girls. I mean, she’s embarrassed about her own brother walking in the bedroom but has no problems with the servants walking in and out?” He looked at William, all fake wide-eyed innocence.

  “I know, it’s a girl thing. I mean, Elizabeth and I shared a womb once, but she’s insistent about me not entering her room ever again since I tipped her out of bed when we were fifteen.” He traded glances with Kyle. “Sisters, they’re impossible and make little sense.”

  The King watched Alex and Amelia. They seemed glued together. He looked at his long-time friend again to see he was gazing at the pair too. As though sensing he was being watched, Lord Strafford leaned over to the King.

  “Michael, am I the only one who had no idea my daughter was seeing your son?”

  The King laughed. “No, of course not. They kept things discreet, but it’s hard to sneak in and out of the Royal Wing without me finding out about it.” The king kept his gaze on the room and spoke in a low voice. “What are you thinking, Nath, are you okay with this union?”

  Nath smiled and took a sip of his wine. “I never thought I’d say this, but yes. Alex has grown up of late.”

  The King nodded. “That kidnap attempt shook him up more than he cares to admit. This time of the year, with the anniversary of his mother’s death approaching—I’ve never seen him so relaxed and happy.”

  Lord Strafford took another sip and his smile faded. “It can’t have been easy, watching her die that way. I had hoped he was young enough he would forget, as children often do. Incidents like recent events are my only concern. Alex is the Fourth; it will be his duty to protect the Realm. He’ll be at the pointy end of any conflict. If that occurs, they will see Amelia as the soft target to distract and hurt the Fourth, to hurt Alex.”

  The King sighed. “I know, my friend, and both Alex and Kyle are aware. Amelia was at risk from the first moment she and Alex started exploring the possibility of a relationship. Given the bond between them seems to be genuine, she would be at more risk without the status that being courted by a Prince of the Royal Blood grants her. Should she become Consort Elect—I have no doubt that is Alex’s intent or he would not have made this official—that would put even more protection around her. At that stage, as you well know, she would be regarded as a member of the Royal Family.”

  “You’re right. Call me selfish, but I had hoped one child would be safe from destiny’s clutch. I hold nothing against Alex; I can see they are besotted with each other. I always wished, though, that if my little baby girl were to fall in love with a Prince that it would be Daniel—she’d be so much safer.”

  Nath swallowed the last of his wine and held his goblet out again to a servant who refilled it.

  “What, my friend? Not William and the crown?” The King laughed as his friend glared at him.

  “Not likely, Michael. We’ve been friends our whole lives. I know the weight of that crown. Besides, if conflict comes to the Realm again, Amelia would be almost as badly off being the Crown Prince’s Consort.” Nath looked up as Alex left Amelia chatting with Elizabeth and Kyle, walking over to sit beside them.

  “I’m sorry, Lord Strafford.” Alex glanced over at Amelia and couldn’t help the soft smile that touched his lips. “I could wish we’d just spent time together, none the wiser, and gone our separate paths. It’s what we agreed the smart thing would be early on. Yet somehow, despite our best intentions, that didn’t happen. We talked about it but neither of us could bear it.” Alex took a deep breath and held Lord Strafford’s gaze.

  Nathan shook his head. “Don’t be sorry, Alex. It’s obvious that Amelia adores you and that it’s mutual. I hope you will forgive a father’s concern for his daughter.”

  Alex smiled. “I understand, My Lord. There is nothing to forgive.”

  Alex stood and excused himself, walking back and wrapping his arms around Amelia. He pulled her in close, resting his cheek on the top of her head. Closing his eyes, he felt the veil swirl around them, and he willed it to keep her safe from harm.

  Amelia glanced up at Alex and leaned into him with her head nestled into his shoulder. She couldn’t believe the turn her life had taken since she’d entered Alex’s world. When she was younger, she had idolised Alex and swore she would marry him one day. Yet as she grew and Alex didn’t seem to see her in that way, not even after he’d killed for her, she’d given up on the daydream.

  Yet now, somehow, they had ended up together. Even when they had first slept together, Amelia didn’t believe they would get to this point. That she would be in Alex’s arms in a gathering for dinner surrounded by their family and friends.

  Amelia glanced up as William walked over from his father’s side and extracted her from his brother’s embrace to give her a hug himself.

  “Come on, Alex, just because you two are all official now doesn’t mean you get to hog Amelia to yourself all night. Congratulations, Amelia; you are too good for my little brother, you know that, right?” William smiled at his brother, who shook his head and laughed.

  Amelia swatted William’s arm but didn’t step away. She was astounded but hoped none of them noticed. While she had always mixed in these circles, she had always been on the outside. Then she’d been placed in Elizabeth’s inner circle, due to her sword skills. Others might have been astonished, but the King realised full well she was a weapons master in her own right. Her father had explained that she was another layer of defence, should it be required.

  “Oh please, William. It’s me, aiming out of my league.” Amelia blushed at the loo
ks of disbelief thrown her direction by not only William but Elizabeth and Daniel.

  Daniel laughed and stepped forward, placing a hand on her forehead and frowning in mock concern. “Amelia, you must be unwell, otherwise there is no way you could think you are out of your league being courted by that.” Daniel threw a teasing look at Alex and punched him on the arm.

  Jess, who had been observing the byplay between them all, smiled at Amelia. “Amelia, how is it you saw past the front that Alex puts up?”

  Amelia looked at Jess, wide-eyed at her bluntness. “Ah. It was that time in court, when that lord grabbed me and ripped my dress, but no one helped.”

  William hugged her in response to the small shiver that shook her as she spoke of the attack. He knew she never did. He was also aware it was that moment that had sparked her keen interest in taking up the sword and led to her becoming a weapons master. She looked up at him and smiled then looked at Alex and, as she had in that moment in the court, she felt calm.

  “He kept grabbing at me and was trying to kiss me—none of the courtiers helped; they all stood there laughing, looking on like it was entertainment. Then Alex was there between me and that man, protecting me.” Amelia was speaking, her voice calm and low as she looked at Alex. “It was like something was torn away and in place of the Alex that everyone else knew, I saw a different Alex. One who handled a blade as if he were born with it. Alex was there—really there. It was like I was seeing him for the first time.” Amelia blushed. “In that moment, it didn’t matter what anyone said, Alex was my protector when no one else cared, a hero. He’s always made a habit of checking in on me when I’m at functions in court.” Amelia frowned and then laughed. “Afterwards, others kept telling me how horrible it must have been since the Prince had slaughtered the lord in front of me. I didn’t see it that way. Alex saved me from him.”

  Jess stepped forward and gathered Amelia in her arms and hugged her. “You have more than a little of the veil running through you. I’m sorry I didn’t notice, we’ve all been a little preoccupied in our own worlds.” Jess pulled back and caught Amelia in her gaze. “If anyone, and I mean anyone, hurts you like that again and you need help, come to me. I will help you track him down and hold him while you skewer him.”

  Amelia looked at Jess, startled, then glanced around the tent a little. Alex laughed and reclaimed her, hugging her close for a moment.

  “Don’t worry, it’s the worst kept secret in these circles. We’re all screwed in that department—all of us have more than a little of the veil running through our blood.” Alex looked at Kyle and Jess, and they all shared a grin. “It’s why Father likes to keep us all together, I guess. Easier to contain if we all go mad.”


  The Sundered Attack

  Kyle walked out of his tent, a mug of steaming coffee still in his hand, dressed in his dark brown and black riding leathers. Although they were embossed with the Fourth’s Crest, they were comfortable and practical; the vest was studded with small metal plates, which would afford some protection against an attacker.

  As usual, he had his sword and a knife strapped to his waist, along with other weapons in a variety of accessible locations on his person. He was, to the trained eye, a walking arsenal, if they knew what they were looking for. Even then, there were weapons he knew they would miss.

  Looking around, he saw, as expected, that the bulk of the Royal Camp had packed up and moved on. They would catch up with the main party since, with the carriages, it moved much more slowly than they could themselves. Although this wasn’t a pitch-your-tent kind of camp, it was semi-permanent, since the Royal Court went on this little expedition across the Kingdom every year. The route was well established and a wise Rathadon King way back at the founding of Vallantia had decreed that no favour would be shown to any lord when the Royal Court moved location.

  Spotting Jess over to one side, he smiled and wandered over. Sitting down next to her, he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

  “Morning, Jess. Alex and Amelia not up yet I take it?”

  Jess smiled in response and shook her head. “I expect they’ll make an appearance soon.” Jess gave him an appraising look before continuing, “I must admit, Kyle, you’re taking the news that your best friend is sleeping with your baby sister well.”

  Kyle took another sip from his steaming mug, smiling. “Probably because I’ve known they have been sleeping together for months. Besides, Amelia has always had her eye on Alex—ever since we were both children. Better Alex than the rest of the simpering lords she was mixing with.”

  Jess laughed, but was cut off. Her eyes widened and she groaned.

  “What is my sister wearing and what is she still doing here? She should be in a carriage with the King’s party.”

  Kyle looked over and saw Alison approaching and choked on his coffee. Alison was wearing what looked like a stylised version of hunting leathers. Except, unlike the version that Jess was wearing (similar to his own and affording considerable protection), the ones that Alison was wearing were anything but. She wore what looked like halfway between pants and a long flowing skirt, matched with a top that looked like a corset, bound at the middle with leather laces, and thin straps over the shoulders. Her ample chest and cleavage were on display, her arms bare. Up the sides of the corset, it looked like lace. Kyle swore as she approached them.

  “See, sister dearest? No need to look like a commoner. You can wear practical hunting clothes without looking like a male. I’m sure Master Harrison could make you up more suitable clothes if you asked him.” Alison seemed unaware of the reaction from not only her sister and Kyle, but of the guards. While Jess just stared at her sister, unable to retort, Kyle placed his mug on the bench before standing and walking back to his tent, muttering the whole way.

  “Bennett! Bring me that horrible red jacket you tried to get me to wear, that my mother made you pack—the one I told you to leave behind. I have found a use for it.” Kyle paced back and forth a little before his servant appeared with the offending jacket in hand.

  “Here, My Lord.” Bennett was too professional to swear but his eyes widened at the sight of Lady Alison. He couldn’t help but whisper to Kyle, “I take it the Princess has decided to ride with us today, which would explain Lady Alison’s presence, although I’m not sure anything explains what she’s wearing, My Lord.”

  Kyle grinned at his small, wiry but competent, servant. “That’s her version of ‘hunting gear’. She thinks Jess should follow her style choices.” Kyle took the jacket, too bright and glaring for his tastes, but it might serve a purpose.

  Striding back to Alison, he grabbed her arm and slid the arm of the jacket on, ignoring Alison’s indignant spluttering. He turned her, grabbing her other arm and shoving it in the remaining arm of the jacket. It was too big for her, but then again, it afforded better protection than her ridiculous clothing. He began doing up and tightening the front buckles, which ran all the way to the top.

  “Alison, stop squirming. This thing is bright red—my mother chose it—but it has plates stitched into the back and the chest. Enough to keep you alive at least if we get attacked on the road. Remind me to pay a visit to your dressmaker and explain to him the purpose of hunting clothes.”

  Having done what he could with the buckles, he grabbed her left arm and rolled up the sleeve so her hands weren’t covered, before grabbing her other arm and doing the same.

  “Kyle, this is most ungentlemanly of you. I’ll have you know Master Harrison assures me it will be the height of fashion this season.” She looked indignant, rounding on her sister when Jess burst out laughing.

  “Hunting and riding gear is functional and designed to keep you more or less in one piece, offering protection from attack should the thing you are hunting hunts you instead. It’s not a fashion show.” Jess ignored her sister’s spluttering and moved over to Elizabeth, who had walked up unnoticed while Kyle was dressing Alison.

  “Your Highness, let me help with that. Yo
u’ve almost got it right, but you’ll want the buckles on the sides done up tighter. In the long run, it will be more comfortable, not to mention safer.” At Elizabeth’s nod, Jess tightened the buckles in a practised fashion.

  Elizabeth’s clothing was mostly modelled on Jess’ own hunting gear. Jess suspected her own maids had been talking with Elizabeth’s. They were as practical as her own, other than the colour being a deep green with silver running through it and bearing the Royal Crest instead of the Fourth’s Crest, as her own bore. After finishing with the straps, she gestured for Elizabeth to take a seat and undid her ponytail.

  “If you braid your hair, it will keep it out of your face. Leaving it long like you had is fine for a gentle ride in the King’s Party, but we’ll be riding harder than you’re used to. You also want your hair contained if we come under attack. Makes the fighting part easier if you don’t have to keep brushing your hair out of your eyes to see.” Elizabeth murmured her thanks and smiled at Jess when she was done.

  “Thanks Jess. I appreciate the advice. You would know more about this than me.” Elizabeth turned then blushed as Kyle took one of her hands in his own and kissed her palm.

  He smiled at her. “Good morning, Your Highness. So you persuaded the King to let you ride with us today?”

  “I did, My Lord Kyle. Father felt that since Amelia would ride with you all today that perhaps it would be safe enough. Besides, I kept pestering him till he agreed.” Elizabeth grinned, tilting her head up to look at him.

  Elizabeth had left unsaid that the King knew he would protect her. Kyle and Elizabeth had a long-term understanding, which the King knew of, even though both knew Elizabeth would marry for the good of the Realm to bring closer ties with one of the neighbouring kingdoms. They kept their relationship low-key, although they did not try to hide it.


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