Shattering Dreams

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Shattering Dreams Page 26

by Catherine M Walker

  Kyle breathed again and pulled her in for another kiss. “Truth be told, Alyssa, I’ve not bedded another woman since we first set eyes on each other and you threw that knife at me.” He chuckled and then, as if an afterthought, pulled a dagger from his boot. “I believe this is yours.”

  Alyssa blushed again and took her knife back. She closed her eyes and kissed him one last time. “I must go. Tonight, I’ll be here tonight.” With that, she was gone. He could feel her pulling in the power of the veil as she shifted into the shadow paths to mask her on her flight back to her master.

  Kyle smiled and transitioned into the Veiled World, treading the pathways she didn’t have the strength to walk, although he vowed he’d show her.

  As he collapsed into his own bed in the palace after cleaning up and dumping his shredded shirt in the corner, he marvelled that he was still not feeling the all-consuming rage in the back of his head that had been his world for months.

  Instead, he slipped into sleep with a pair of brown eyes boring into his own and a soft voice whispering in his head, Sleep in peace my love. Kyle slipped into a dreamless, undisturbed sleep.

  Kyle woke, aware that both Alex and William were in his room. He groaned, although at least this time the drapes were drawn, which he was sure he owed to Alex’s intervention.

  “Let me guess, both of you were consumed by curiosity and just couldn’t wait?” Kyle cracked his eyes open again and realised he was more tired, than perhaps he should be given he’d slept the morning away. It was unusual for Alex to be up and mobile before he was.

  Alex laughed. “Come on, brother, we’re dying to know what happened, although looking at how you’re scratched up and the evidence of your tattered shirt there in the corner by the window, I guess your months-long celibacy is at an end. Congratulations! I think’s it’s the longest you’ve gone without sleeping with a woman.” Alex grinned at him and ignored his glare, holding out a cup of steaming coffee in his direction.

  Kyle gave in and hauled himself up, piling his pillows behind him. He sank back into them and accepted the coffee.

  William waited for him to finish his first mouthful, a smile playing on his lips, then spoke up. “Okay, spill. How’d it go?”

  Kyle choked on his coffee, finding himself glaring at his tormentors. “Yes, I tracked Alyssa.” Kyle rolled his eyes as the princes looked at each other, grinning. Kyle tried to gather his scattered wits, knowing there were things about his activities he couldn’t confess. “As you’ve mentioned, the night went well. We started off trying to kill each other again and then we kind of stopped trying to kill each other and—well, you’ve guess the rest. We’ve agreed to meet again tonight.”

  Alex laughed. “I’m guessing Alyssa is our mysterious female Skulls Assassin and another of your shirts will get shredded. Perhaps you should alert your tailor and you should get the healers to look at some of those scratches.”

  Kyle contemplated throwing his mug at Alex but decided in the long run it wasn’t worth it. The coffee was too good.

  “The scratches will heal and I have plenty of black shirts. Thanks for your concern, Alex.” Kyle looked at his friend, which only seemed to increase his amusement; it didn’t help that William was almost doubled up in laughter.

  Kyle watched them and sipped his coffee, determined not to give them more to laugh about. William straightened and brushed a tear of laughter from his eyes.

  “Sorry, Kyle. You are a little notorious with the ladies. I’ve seen your servant ushering them out of your bedroom on more than one occasion. Alex is right, you’ve been tracking this woman for months. I’ve never known you to be celibate for more than a few days at a time. You can’t blame us for curiosity.”

  Alex grinned at him, unrepentant. “So, you were saying, you found her, you both tried to kill each other, then, well …” Alex paused and racked his friend’s appearance, his eyes flicking over to the shredded shirt. “It must have gotten way better from there.”

  Kyle couldn’t help the smile that touched his lips, even with the memory of the kill he’d helped her with before they’d fallen on each other. Kyle decided that neither William nor Alex needed to know of the rather messy death of people whose names he didn’t even know.

  “Well, yes, all right. Alyssa and I slept together. Then we talked a little and agreed to meet up tonight. There isn’t much else to tell.” He glanced down at his scratched chest and a small chuckle escaped him. “As you’d expect, she’s rather active in bed, and informs me she most certainly does not share. Given she’s a gifted Skulls Assassin, I’ll take the warning seriously.”

  William burst out laughing. “I’m sorry, Kyle, you know it’s customary to talk to the lady before you throw her down and have your wicked way with her?” William raised his eyebrow at Kyle, who couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Yes, William, in the normal course of events I’m sure. We were just a little preoccupied with the killing thing to bother with the talking thing.” Kyle only just covered up mentioning that he’d helped her in the kill and smiled, hoping neither William nor Alex caught his slip. “Then, well, after the kill—trying to kill each other—we were a little … hot and bothered, to put it in simple terms, so we did the next best thing and had sex. It’s an assassin thing; I don’t think either of you would understand.” Kyle blanched when he stumbled again, wishing that people wouldn’t come into his bedroom when he’d just woken up and was trying to hide details.

  Alex looked at William and spoke in a bland voice. “I don’t know about you, but I’m still stuck on Kyle and Alyssa going from trying to kill each other to ripping each other’s clothes off and falling into the sack together.”

  William smiled at his brother and replied in kind. “Yes, I don’t get that part either. I hope you didn’t mark Alyssa up as much as she marked you. I mean, I admire her passion, Kyle, but if you did that to her—well, if she’s got a brother or father, I’m thinking he’d be after your blood.”

  At the mention of blood, Kyle’s memory took him back to that moment when he’d discovered Alyssa. She had been in the middle of a hit; she’d taken down her mark when three city guards had stumbled onto the scene. She’d turned, raising her blade to block a strike from one of them when his bloodlust and rage had overwhelmed him. Kyle had thrown one of his daggers, taking out the man closest to her, before dropping to the floor from the rafters and joining her in battle against the other two. Kyle knew he should feel bad about killing members of the city guard, whose only mistake was to be there trying to do their job, but he lost himself yet again in the kill. He knew it should have sickened him that he and Alyssa had fallen on each other and had sex close to the cooling bodies of their kill, yet it didn’t. Kyle shook himself and brought his attention back to the brothers, forcing himself to laugh.

  “No, Alyssa doesn’t have brothers and the closest person she’d have to a father is the Skull Lord. She’s been with him since she was a small child. She’s an assassin; I’m sure she’s had more than a few bruises in her life.”

  William looked at Kyle with feigned wide-eyed shock. “Oh tell me you didn’t hit her and leave her all bruised. From your past track record, you need not beat the ladies on the back of the head to drag them off to your bed.”

  Kyle couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped his lips. “Well, no, but we were, well let’s say we could have chosen a better place.”

  Alex grinned and shook his head, then turned serious. “So you think pursuing her further is a good idea?” He rolled his eyes as Kyle chuckled. “For information on the League of Skulls, Kyle.”

  Kyle grinned back at Alex and William, his tone amused. “Well that too, yes.”

  Alex shook his head. “Be careful, Kyle, the woman is an assassin.” Alex was concerned. “Oh, and you might want to get cleaned up and wear something appropriate. I can guarantee there will be a dinner tonight.”

  “In case you haven’t noticed, so am I—and good at it, too.” Kyle’s tone was impassive. “Wait, what do y
ou mean? There is always dinner, Alex, what are you up to?

  Alex shrugged and walked out of his room. “You’ll find out soon enough.” He laughed as Kyle threw one of his pillows at his departing back.

  Kyle shook his head then, groaning, he hauled himself out of bed. He grimaced as pain ripped through his skull and he felt simmering rage in the back of his head. Kyle clutched his temples between his hands and sank to his knees, groaning, fighting the rage back, although not defeating it entirely.

  Kyle knew his power had changed after the veil sickness. He also knew after conversations with healers that rage, anger and pain were signs he could become one of the Sundered. Signs he might descend into madness. Kyle contemplated sending for a healer—knew he should. They had made him promise he would. Shaking in response, he stood, continuing to the bathroom, pushing his duty to tell the healers of this new development aside.


  The Consort Elect of the Fourth

  Alex tugged at the edge of his formal tunic then waved his guards off, walking into his father’s outer office. He went in through the door opened for him by an attentive servant and into the outer receiving room. Looking around, he spotted Karl off to one side.

  “Is Father busy, Karl? Does he have time to see me before the ball tonight?” Alex couldn’t help the fluttering of nerves, second guessing what his father would say.

  Karl smiled. “I will let His Majesty know you are here and seeking an audience, Your Highness.”

  Alex closed his eyes and took a deep, settling breath, trying to calm his nerves. His life had changed so much in the last couple of months from what it had been, and he felt like he was being hurled at an enemy he didn’t yet understand or know. Hearing a noise behind him, he turned and saw not only his father, but his brother William enter. They had been in conference.

  Alex bowed formally to show he was there to make an official request, catching his father and William exchange startled glances. Alex rose and waited for his father, for the King, to speak.

  “What petition do you have for me to consider, Prince Alex?” The King gestured for Alex to take a seat and gestured to Karl to bring refreshments.

  “Your Majesty—Father—I seek your approval to take a Consort Elect.” Alex held his breath and, smiling, he let it out as his father gazed at him and his brother, outright grinned and relaxed back into his chair.

  “Karl, could you bring me that package I asked you to get designed and made? So I take it the lady you would ask to be your Consort Elect, should she agree, is Lady Amelia?” The King gazed at his son, marvelling at the change in him over the last few months, and relaxed, letting a smile play across his lips. “Come, Alex, you asked formal permission to court her some time back. So unless there is another lady you’ve been seeing in secret, it would have to be Lady Amelia.”

  Alex chuckled and relaxed, only just noticing that Karl had placed a goblet of wine on the small table near him.

  “Well, Father, I guess that would be a consideration, but I don’t think Amelia would take it that well. I don’t think Kyle would take it that well if I cheated on Amelia, given she is his baby sister.” Alex bit his lip, thinking things through. “I know it’s a risk, Father, but I can’t live my whole life with everything on hold just in case I break.”

  Karl walked in and handed a small but ornate jewellery box to the King before bowing and leaving the room. Smiling, he opened the box to reveal the intricate necklace, circlet and bracelet of the Consort Elect, made of fine white gold with his heart-stone in place. The second set, the Consort of the Fourth, lay in the box, as yet without the adornment of the heart-stone. Should Amelia agree to be his Consort Elect, the jewellery set proclaimed her rank. Should she then become the Consort of the Fourth, the second set would be adorned with her own heart-stone and the two sets would be woven together, symbolising their union.

  “Yes, Prince Alexander, you have my permission to ask the Lady Amelia to be your Consort Elect.” The King stood and walked over, embracing Alex and handing him the box containing the jewellery.

  William walked forward and gave his brother a brief hug. “Congratulations, little brother.”

  Alex breathed a sigh of relief and sagged down into the chair. He picked up the goblet and sipped the wine, smiling in appreciation. Karl had raided his father’s wine cellar for a good bottle to celebrate the occasion.

  Alex looked up to see both his father and brother appraising him before glancing at each other. Alex recognised the expressions on their faces and groaned, knowing he wouldn’t like it.

  “Come on, spit it out. What?”

  The King cleared his throat and took a sip of his own wine before responding, choosing his words with care. “Alex, you know your brother doesn’t have a consort, and neither does Elizabeth.”

  Alex smiled, having a sinking idea where the conversation was going. Duty. The duty of a son of the royal blood even if he was the Fourth.

  “Yes, Father, that isn’t likely a detail I would have failed to notice.”

  “I would rather keep the position of Consort a viable option for them both for a little longer. I also want Daniel to find his own suitable match if he can, rather than a state marriage.” His father paused, taking another sip of his wine while William finished his own and waved at Karl to refill his goblet.

  “Amelia will have official status as your Consort Elect tonight. Any child the pair of you conceive would be in line for the throne.”

  Alex swallowed his wine, trying not to choke. “Yes, Father, that child, if it existed, would. There are a few of us in-between that non-existent child and the throne, though.”

  At that retort, the King smiled. “Yes, Alex, I know. But since your brother, as yet, does not have an heir, any child of yours could stand in place to secure the throne until William takes a Consort of his own and has children.”

  “Amelia isn’t even wearing the band of the Consort Elect, and we are talking about her getting pregnant to produce a potential heir already?”

  Alex didn’t know if he should be astounded or resigned. After all, he wasn’t entirely sure he was surprised. The topic was bound to be raised eventually, he just wasn’t expecting it to be this soon.

  William looked embarrassed. “Sorry, Alex. It’s unfair to you both to bring this up so early.”

  Alex sighed. “It’s all right, William. Father, I’ll discuss the issue with Amelia, although not, I think, tonight.”

  His father smiled. “I’m sure it won’t be too onerous a chore for either of you.” The King turned to Karl. “Send someone for Amelia. Let her know there is no rush. Alert the kitchen I think we will have a family affair tonight. The court can look after themselves for the evening. Depending on Lady Amelia’s response, we’ll plan a formal dinner and announcement tomorrow.”

  Alex fidgeted, and it didn’t help having his father and brother chuckle at him as they noticed. Waiting for Amelia to arrive was testing his patience.

  “How can the idea of skewering someone with a sword not phase me at all, but asking Amelia to be my Consort Elect makes me want to up and run for the forest?” Alex stood and paced.

  “Alex, relax. She’ll say yes and we will all have a fine dinner in celebration.” William chuckled again as Alex threw a filthy look in his direction and kept pacing.

  Hearing the door to his father’s office open, Alex swung around to see Amelia walking in. She stopped, in shock to see Alex there, but training took over and she moved forward a few more paces, as protocol dictated, and curtseyed.

  “Your Majesty, you sent for me?” Amelia’s voice was low and calm, although Alex could tell she was nervous.

  The King smiled. “Rise, Lady Amelia. It is Prince Alexander who has requested your presence at this audience. Prince Alexander?”

  Alex gave a half bow to the King and saw Amelia’s eyes widen in reaction to their formality before she regained control.

  “My Lady Amelia, I cannot explain how I feel. I don’t quite understand how this al
l happened, but know my world would crumble if you were not in it.” Alex reached forward and, grabbing her hands, raised them and brushed his lips to her palms. His eyes never left hers. “Would you do me the honour of agreeing to be my Consort Elect?”

  Alex held his breath again, waiting for her reply, and let it out as a smile graced her lips.

  “My Prince, Alex, life without you in it would be meaningless. It would be my honour to be your Consort Elect.”

  Alex wanted to pick Amelia up kiss her and twirl her around. Instead, he followed protocol and took the necklace of the Consort Elect from its box, held by Karl and, placing it around her slim neck as she held her hair aside, he did up the clasp with a snap. He followed this with the circlet, placing it on her brow. Its deep green emeralds glittered like rain drops on her forehead. As Amelia held up her wrist, he did the clasp of the bracelet, smiling as it clicked and bonded. It would take the severing to unbind the symbols of their status as the clasps on both the bracelet and necklace, once locked, fused together, making their removal impossible without destroying them.

  “Know I love you, Amelia. You are mine in this life, through the veil and into the next; I will always love you. I give my heart, mind and soul to your keeping.” Alex wasn’t sure where the words came from, except from beyond the veil itself; they were ancient.

  “Heart, mind and soul, I am yours, Alex.” Amelia reached a hand up to his cheek, rising on her toes to kiss him on the lips, only to laugh as he gave into his desire, picking her up and twirling her around.

  “Alex, my heart stopped in shock, you could have given me some warning.” She tried to glare at him but couldn’t keep the smile from her lips. Amelia turned, resting her head on Alex’s chest as the King and William approached.

  “Welcome to the family, Amelia.” The King’s formality dropped as he grinned and planted a kiss on her cheek before making room for William who stepped forward and, swatting his little brother’s hand aside, pulled her into his arm and gave her a hug.


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