Mega Huge Collection of Rougher Daddies

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Mega Huge Collection of Rougher Daddies Page 2

by Lara Friedman

  His look was appraising. "You won't breathe a word, my dear. I'd bet my company on it."

  Clarissa grinned her excitement. It all seemed improbably illicit and sexy. She tipped back her drink and the liquid trickled cool down her tongue as she contemplated her guide. A smile teased on her lips. One throwaway reference lingered.

  "So Gavin, tell me about this erotic cabaret."

  He returned her smile and downed his whiskey at a gulp. "My dear, I'll do better than tell you."

  * * * *

  The amphitheatre was huge and dark, lit by the stars which speckled its high ceiling. Clarissa and Gavin had a prime spot, their table only one tiered row above the semi-circular dais which served as a stage. She tippled on a third cocktail and glanced about for signs of a performance, the anticipatory buzz infecting her.

  "You've seen the show before?" she inquired over the sound-sealed auditorium's modern jazz.

  "Several. There's a rapid turn-over. The artistic director likes to keep things fresh and creative. And fun."

  Clarissa nestled closer, more aware than ever of a massive athletic frame beneath designer trappings. "What kind of fun? You've got me all intrigued."

  The fading away of music and dying of lights to a luminescent glow promised to answer her question before Gavin could. There was a breathless hush in which she could only hear the bang of blood in her ear. Then in surround-sound a male voice boomed: "Ladies and Gentlemen, prepare yourselves ... for Kong, Eighth Wonder of the World!"

  Grandiose organ music erupted from the speakers and resounded as in a cathedral. Seamlessly the stage-machinery rolled into action. The dais proved half of a vast disc which rotated counter-clockwise along with the black wall that split it in two. In the dim light Clarissa made out a figure framed in a dark rectangle upon a shallow platform, being carried by the circular motion from backstage. She leaned forward in her seat, eyes peering wide to distinguish more through the gloom. Then the dais halted with the frame directly below her and spotlights lit from opposing sides of the dome, bathing the scene in twin pools of white light.

  Clarissa's jaw dropped, hand stifling her shocked laughter. 'Kong' was a tall and brawny young man stretched out in a naked X within the ebony frame, dark hair draping behind him to his waist. He was swarthy but waxed clean of hair, the definition of his body enhanced by oil and sweat. The upper part of his face was obscured by a black ape-mask, firm-set mouth and jaw still apparent. Even more transfixing was the majestic erection that speared from his groin. The sophisticated girl from Chelsea gaped at the sight so boldly displayed in public. Applause and laughter was breaking out from around the amphitheatre.

  Beside her Gavin chuckled and she turned, wondering what amused him. Then the speaker-voice boomed again and sealed her attention to the on-stage action. "King in his far-distant country, he now stands helpless in chains of adamantine." Kong writhed against his bonds?he appeared to be manacled hand and foot?pelvis thrusting like he was fucking thin air. "Helpless and forced to endure the whims of his young female captors."

  The captors in question materialized from obscurity, either side of the stage, and stepped onto it in perilous heels, advancing on their prisoner. Both were petite but closing in with poise and confidence, dressed identically and minimally. They wore one-piece costumes of buckled-together leather patches, barely covering their more intimate fleshly regions. The outfits were strapped with chain behind necks and around waists, diving vertiginously between their thighs to band clean-waxed crotches. Jauntily balanced top hats, along with the flails they carried, provided a twisted ring-mistress effect, which they augmented by circling their captive, flicking him derisively with their multi-stranded whips.

  Clarissa watched it all?Kong's body twitching each time leather thongs licked his torso, the girls' naked asses gobbling up their g-strings, the taunts on their pretty faces contrasting with his partially obscured grimace, as fingers began to tease. The flails they slotted into brackets either side of the frame, so that their palms could slither about Kong's chest, then his stomach and groin. Clarissa liked both girls, admired their teasing and control. That was how to keep a man: figuratively if not literally in chains. Rock-hard and at the mercy of your feminine wiles. The brunette with the bobbed hair was good?austere and cruel?but Clarissa preferred the blonde, hair tamed into a side-ponytail, eyes alive with mischief as she writhed her body and provoked her captured prey. He tore against his bonds and thrust his cock in vain as they massaged his body, licked his neck and applied flicking tongues to his nipples.

  Organ music had turned to pumping dance and the rhythm drove the scene as they grabbed their flails, teasing the thongs about his quivering phallus, then lashing his chest and thighs with force. Clarissa was salivating, her pussy moistening in union with her mouth to see it all so close, the white light of the spots etching every erotic detail. She stared enthralled as the brunette girl embraced Kong from behind, clutching hands to his chest as her blonde companion dropped to her knees and perched before his groin, tongue wriggling against the tip of his cock. Actual contact between tongue-tip and pulsing organ?Clarissa could scarcely believe it. The captive's body a mass of erotic torment as he strained against his bonds. God, she almost wanted him to succeed in his struggle for freedom ...

  And then of course he did. The music had dropped to a hypnotic synthesized swell and was building back to a crescendo. Blonde had risen to kiss his perspiring face, brunette strutting back around the front to nibble his ear. Then the manacles snapped open. Kong had broken his bonds and hell broke loose with him. Rhythmic drum and bass exploded as he grabbed both fleeing captors by the hair, top-hats tumbling from their heads, hands letting go the flails. He thrust them to the floor before his mighty cock, venting a long roar.

  Gavin laughed and applauded. "Good boy." Clarissa looked on, scared and enthralled, as Kong dragged the girls to him so that their heads masked his erection from the audience. He took the blonde first?was she really being made to suck on him or was it only simulated for the show? Her hair had come loose and was thrashing along with her whole body as though her mouth was working vigorously to placate his wrath. Her brunette companion followed suit, head bobbing frantically, while he roared in triumph to be fellated with such subservience and industry.

  Kong appeared to alternate between his captors-turned-slaves until the service of their mouths was not enough. Up he arose, dragging them with him, his unsated cock thrusting tall. Then he cast them down theatrically one at a time so that they fell on hand and knees, faces to the audience. Both asses he pulled into the air, unfastening the costumes at the back so that g-strings fell away to allow clear access. Then having loosed another roar and smacked the proffered bottoms hard, he knelt to claim his prizes. Once again it was cunningly disguised as to whether or not he penetrated; Clarissa suspected not, but it still held astonishing power when he thrust behind the blonde and she jolted, mouth wide like that kingly appendage was slamming inside her.

  He sham-fucked some moments, the object of his lust screaming ecstasy as he gripped her shoulder and unleashed primitive thrusts. Then with disdain he cast her sprawling and took the brunette from behind with equal drama, driving in rhythm to the music, sweat trickling the length of his upper body. The second girl writhed and moaned under his brutal influence, then she too was dispatched onto her face. The dominant primate beat his chest and raged, cock standing proud.

  Good god, what a show. What a fucking crazy show.

  Then the finale. Kong hauled the brunette to her feet and flung her to kneeling once more, this time within the ebony rectangle. He seized the blonde and stood her within the frame with her heels on her fellow-slave's back; then he manacled her wrists so that she stood splayed as he had done. The costume he unclipped and tore from her body, rendering her naked; her breasts undulated, large and firm on her slight frame. He shafted from behind and her body jarred in response, as though impaled repeatedly. They sustained the erotic tableau, the blonde thrashing within her shackle
s to the drumming dance-rhythm as her victorious captor pumped her.

  Then the circular stage rolled into motion. All three actors rotated gradually out of view, Kong roaring wildly, his body rigid in feigned or real coitus. The lights snapped to blackness and the music died.

  Cheers from the audience. Near-manic applause. Clarissa gawped into darkness. When the starry house lights came up bright enough to see, she turned awestruck to her partner. Gavin was impassive. Her sense of the primal lurking beneath his Armani was magnified by what she had witnessed on stage. He reminded her now of Kong. So much the gentleman, yet with that undercurrent of authority. Of ruthlessness. She thought of the thrashing blonde and was scared?in a way that made her nipples harder than they'd already been.

  "Well?" her boss asked with nonchalance. "What did you think?"

  Clarissa's mouth was open several moments before sound came out. "What did I think? I ... thought it was amazing." She laughed, giddy with embarrassment and arousal. In the periphery of her vision couples were rising from their tables, pawing each other indecently, filtering off no doubt to make use of the lounges.

  "I had a sense you'd enjoy it," Gavin said. "The only question remaining is, would you like to meet the performers?"


  "With me, now. Backstage. Don't worry, I'll protect you from the ape." He reached out a hand. "Come on, Clarissa ... it's stage magic, that's all. Don't you want a little of that danger?"

  She paused before placing her hand in his, heart beating like the drum and base. "Yes. Yes, of course I do."

  * * * *

  Alcohol and adrenalin took her past the stage area's side door, through covert passageways to one of the Blue Nile's most secret rooms, Gavin's hand on her back once more. He'd known the location of the lounge's secret entrance; how well-acquainted was he with this place? The room was a perfect circular curve, discreet ceiling lights radiating an amber glow. Satin cushions were cast about and one third of the space was taken up with a thick mattress swathed in black satin. A cocktail bar stood unattended.

  Clarissa tried to read Gavin's attentions as he strolled to the bar. For all his earlier protestations he'd lured her into this private lounge with promises of meeting Blue Nile celebrities and she didn't mind. In fact it excited her. A week ago she'd been convinced her firing from his company was imminent, with all the questions from her dad that would ensue; instead she was the object of this man's seduction. A vastly preferable outcome. Her subtle flirtation had worked its magic.

  "Drink?" He poured himself a shot of Glenfiddich.

  She smiled her most demure and opted for another Blue Lagoon, which he set about preparing. "You're so adept at this. I hope you haven't brought too many girls back here."

  "My dear, you're going to enjoy very special treatment tonight." Their fingers touched as he pressed the glass into her hand and her pussy bloomed wet. "Now as I promised ..."

  He indicated and she turned to see tall double-doors opening outwards in one section of the curved wall. The Blue Nile's stage mechanics worked their magic, as the whole Kong tableau wheeled itself noiselessly into the lounge, doors shutting behind. Clarissa gasped and almost spilled her drink to see the stage trio in such proximity. Kong was in manacles, trapped once more in the frame, face masked and cock resolutely hard. The girls were at his feet, wrapped around one leg apiece; the brunette still wore her scant circus costume, while the blonde was as bare as at the end of the performance. A treat from Gavin? Clarissa's own private show?

  She made to remark, when the brunette rose from the platform to which the frame was slotted, adjusted her costume and stepped down. She trotted her way to the exit through which Gavin had brought Clarissa, throwing the society girl a look of pure contempt. "Enjoy yourself." With a contemptuous flick of her bob she departed the room, sashaying her naked ass.

  Clarissa was baffled. The blonde arose instantly and walked to her in high heels and nothing else, all sweet reassurance. "You mustn't mind Giselle." She laid a hand on Clarissa's arm. "She doesn't like meeting the public. Between ourselves she's a bit of a diva. And I'm sure she's jealous because you're so pretty." She laughed like quicksilver, eyes lighting up. It seemed weirdly magical to look on this slender naked girl all wide eyes and gently bouncing breasts. "I'm Clementine," the performer announced, fingers lingering. "And you're ..."

  "Clarissa. Clarissa Beaumont."

  "And your handsome partner is ...?"

  "Call me Gavin." He squeezed the girl's proffered hand gently.

  "I'll call you delicious." Clementine's eyes rested on Clarissa. "Both of you. So lucky to have each other. And I know you will be having each other."

  Oh lord, that she might be accommodating Gavin before the night was through ... Not what Clarissa had intended, but fucking hell, how could she refuse? Clementine was giggling at her own remark and Clarissa joined in, blushing. There was something irresistible about this self-assured little harlot. "Of course I can't be jealous," the girl said, turning about and swaying gracefully back to the platform, giving good view of her pert bottom. "I've got Kong here."

  As though Clarissa could have forgotten the strapping and erectile young man in the frame. Clementine flicked her bunched hair so that it whipped her captive, then she clutched him, rubbing a hand all over his chest and stomach. "He's beautiful, isn't he? I'd say your man is built very much like him. Only he doesn't have his big gorgeous cock trapped by a nasty cruel cock-ring." There was indeed a silicon ring at the base of Kong's cock?Clarissa wondered she hadn't noticed it during the show?and Clementine took exquisite care in prizing it off the thick-veined pole. "There, all nice and free, but still as huge and hard," she cooed, running a hand all over the twitching cock. "And now I can do all the things to it I don't do on stage."

  Clementine descended to her knees and Clarissa was transfixed anew as the sweet whore took Kong in her mouth and began to suck. He groaned and strained lightly against his bonds. Clarissa felt Gavin's hand on her waist, his body pressing into hers. The fellatrix was pawing her young captive's groin and massaging his balls as she feasted on hardness. She drew her slick tongue down his shaft, then peered around. "Would you help me, Clarissa? Would you tease as I suck? Only I don't have Giselle anymore."

  Clarissa started at the request and looked to Gavin. His hand caressed her stomach through the clinging fabric of her mini-dress and his lips brushed her face. Arousal burned in those eyes. "It's okay, darling." He laughed and it turned her cunt to warm slick honey. "I know you want to. And I want to watch it. Discover how wicked a girl Clarissa really is."

  She trembled under his touch and at the thought of his cock swelling huge like Kong's inside his perfectly-tailored trousers. This was the most insanely sexy moment of her life. She smiled back, inner vixen asserting itself. "Well since you asked so nicely ..." She let her fingers trip about the waistband of his trousers and tug on the straining zipper. God?what lay beneath? The route to the answer appeared to be via another excited cock, an undeniably delicious specimen. She shot a grin at Clementine, who stood with her hot captive. "If that's what you want ... You watch me get wicked, Mister McClain."

  Thrilling to the danger, Clarissa strode to the platform, and inserted herself into the lewd tableau. There she paused, fingers troubling her lip before she decided on a move and grasped the waiting flail. Beneath her Clementine was attending to Kong's much-teased erection, gobbling him up and sucking with extravagance. His body was jerking tight, sweat popping from his pores. His scent was a concoction of pheromones, sweat and oil. How delightful to flick the thongs of the flail against his chest; how intoxicating to see that beautiful upper-body flex. She whipped again harder to make him jolt. Take that, you gorgeous brute.

  "God, he's not going to break free again, is he?" She laughed with a shock of fear.

  Clarissa emptied her mouth long enough to respond, her spit dangling from that towering crane of a cock. "It's okay, sweetie. This time he's not going anywhere." She opened wide around his wet glans an
d engulfed once more.

  Emboldened, Clarissa reached out and ran a hand down his slippery muscled back, taking care not to touch her dress against his oily body. She whipped again, letting the thongs lick his worked-out chest and sting his nipples so that he flinched. He was still tense when she slapped a hand to one of his marble-hard buttocks, slithering her way down and clutching at the base, before drawing her fingers up, the middle one teasing between his cleft. Her hand met that of Clementine; the slender sex-artiste was gripping the other butt cheek as she took that cock deep into her mouth. Clarissa glanced up and saw his jaw set hard under the torments of this private performance. Then she looked to the only man she was sure could draw her attention from the delicious Kong. Gavin stared back. His face was inscrutable, but one hand betrayed all she needed to know, for it reached down and massaged the bulged crotch of his trousers. She responded by scattering the flail across Kong's pectorals. Then she stretched forth her tongue to flicker an abused nipple, peering at her date in between bouts of licking. Wicked enough for you, Mr Boss-man?

  "Suck his cock."

  The words answered her foolish thought. She turned back to him, mouth searching vainly for response.

  "You heard me, Clarissa. Get on your knees. I want to watch you suck his cock." She made to respond, but his eyes drilled her into silence. "Don't think about it. Do it. Now."

  Soft, low, compelling. She was on her knees before she knew it. He hadn't made her, he'd permitted her?looked right into her soul and seen what she wanted. A sophisticated girl had needs too. To get wild and exhibitionist. To kneel before this gorilla of a man and marvel at his superb erection?pulsing and purple. Clementine's mouth surrendered him to another's possession, the bulbous head glistening with her relish. Clarissa stretched out her tongue and, gripping his heavy balls, laid a slick trail from base to quivering tip. She eyed Gavin as she did it, let her gaze smoulder on the man whose cock she desired even more than this one.


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