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Jax Page 6

by Kim Fox

  She moaned as a warm, sticky drop of pre-cum coated her tongue, making her crazy for more. He was so thick and long, and Violet was loving the deep noises he was making as she wrapped her tongue around his shaft.

  Her hands began exploring his hard body as her mouth worked his dick. His abs were flawless, his thighs powerful and thick. She reached back and slid her hands over his hard ass as she took him in her mouth as deep as she could.

  “All right,” he said as he slid his hands into her black hair. He moaned, letting her suck him a little bit longer. “On the couch.”

  His voice was firm and dominant, and Violet wasn’t about to argue. She took a gasp of air as she let his big cock slide out of her mouth.

  “Couch. Now.”

  She grinned with anticipation as she hurried over to the couch and dropped down on it, massaging her clit as she watched him walk over holding his thick cock in his powerful hand.

  This was all happening so quick. She had only met this man yesterday, and they were already about to have sex, but it didn’t feel quick. It felt right. It felt natural. It felt amazing.

  She felt so safe with Jax, and that was the biggest turn-on of all. She knew he would keep her safe. He would protect her and her son from all of the terrible dangers in the world, even from the man she didn’t want to think about.

  She moaned, feeling her sex contract as he dropped to a knee in front of her, staring at her spread pussy that was aching with heat. She leaned back, gripping the sofa as he leaned forward with a hungry look in his eye.

  “Oh, shit,” she gasped as his hot tongue gave her long slow licks. It was so hard to breathe as his tongue pushed in deep, gliding through her folds and sliding across her throbbing clit.

  The sight of such a beautiful man kneeling between her legs was driving her wild, completely consuming her with lust.

  She closed her eyes and listened to the pounding rain as he explored her wet and willing pussy with his fingers.

  “Shit, Jax,” she gasped as he began playing with her clit. It was so intense. Her body tightened and she gripped his hair, pulling his mouth toward her as she felt an orgasm coming like an unstoppable wave.

  It hit her hard and sudden, crumpling her body forward as the fierce waves of heat crashed into her. Her legs were shaking, her breath gone as he raised his smiling head and climbed on top of her.

  “Oh, Jax,” she moaned, too overcome with the intensity of it all to know what she was saying. “I want to be with you forever. I want to live with you. I want you to protect me.”

  “Always,” he grunted into her ear as he suddenly drove in deep, burying his huge cock in her trembling pussy. “I’ll always protect you. You and Benjamin.”

  She held him close as he slid his dick in and out of her until he brought her to another crushing orgasm.

  It was even more intense. Violet cried out as the orgasm slammed into her, shaking her to the core as heat rushed from her head to her toes and everywhere in between.

  Jax hit her with one more strong thrust before he rooted in deep and came inside of her, releasing his seed with a carnal growl.

  It felt like nothing could harm her while she was swallowed in Jax’s protective embrace, and she never wanted to leave. She stayed there, listening to the raspy sound of his breath on her neck mixed with the soft pattering of the rain outside until her eyes started to get heavy and she drifted off to sleep, feeling safe, protected, and loved.

  Chapter 10


  It was Monday morning when Anton came.

  Jax was having the time of his life, feeling like his life was finally complete with the woman he loved and the boy that put a constant smile on his face. He had a lightness to his step that he never had before.

  It had always been so hard for Jax. There was a sadness that ran deep in his bones, a hardness to his heart that he wore on his face. He pushed people away, building up walls between him and the world to protect the scared little boy who was still hiding within.

  But with Violet and Beast, that was all melting away. His walls had crumbled down and his heart had opened, finally ready to love.

  And it was so much better. He couldn’t believe how beautiful the world looked now, how much happiness and love there could be in it. He was blind to it before, but his eyes were wide open and seeing it now.

  Violet had I Want You Back by Jackson 5 blasting on the radio and was dancing around the living room with her little Benji while Jax was doing the dishes left over from breakfast. He stopped and turned, slapping the towel over his shoulder as he admired her fighting spirit. This was a woman who had been through untold horrors and was still finding the beauty in life, and giving it to her son.

  He adored them both and wanted to keep them. Benjamin was a part of her, and he loved him to death. He wanted nothing more than to raise the kid as his own.

  But his father was still out there, and Jax was sure he wasn’t about to go down without a fight. Jax clenched his jaw just thinking about it. I can’t wait for that.

  He couldn’t wait to face the tiger shifter and make him pay for every slap, every punch, every kick, every tear that he made Violet shed. He was going to pay it all back with interest.

  Jax took a deep breath and smiled as Violet spun Benjamin in a circle, making the little guy squeal like a piglet.

  The time for violence would come soon enough. He just wanted to enjoy the little piece of heaven that Violet and Benjamin had brought into his life for a little longer.

  “You’re going to make the poor kid throw up,” Jax said with a laugh as Violet bounced him up and down.

  “He likes it,” Violet said, laughing. He definitely liked it, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to throw up.

  Zane and Gwen were returning later that day and Jax couldn’t wait to introduce them to his new family. He couldn’t wait to see Zane’s reaction when he saw the new and improved version of himself complete with a new mate and a cute little baby.

  Violet spun around again, clutching Benjamin to her chest when she caught sight of something outside.

  Her body froze and she gasped, holding her baby even tighter as she stared out the window while the music played on like nothing was out of the ordinary.

  Jax’s pulse started racing as he rushed over, looking past her in the direction her eyes were focused on.

  He didn’t need Violet to tell him that the huge man with the furious eyes and large frame was Anton. He knew it immediately. And so did his inner lion.

  The animal within started raging—growling within and pacing around, begging to get out and take care of this threat to his mate.

  You’ll have your chance, he told it. Real soon.

  Violet looked up at him with terror in her eyes. Her face was white as she held Benjamin as tightly as she could. “It’s him,” she said in a scared little voice. “Oh, Jax. We should have left.”

  The tears started pouring down her cheeks and the sight of them just made his blood boil even more. He was going to kill the man who put tears in her eyes.

  “Take Benji upstairs,” he said, trying to remain calm, but even he could hear the shakiness in his voice. “Don’t come down no matter what you hear.”

  She gave him a look that was a mix between I’m sorry and I love you before she turned and bolted up the stairs taking the precious little guy with her.

  Furious heat was flushing through his body like an inferno as he puffed out his massive chest and stormed outside. He was already sweating as he marched up to the tiger shifter, glaring at him with cold hard eyes.

  Anton clenched his jaw when he saw him approaching.

  “Where’s the kid?” he asked when they met on the sidewalk.

  “The kid is the least of your concerns,” Jax hissed, restraining himself. There were a couple of people walking on the other side of the road and he didn’t want to create a scene. Especially one that involved a tiger and a lion bursting out of their bodies. It was better to do that in private.

nbsp; Anton was a little bigger than him, but Jax wasn’t intimidated in the least. His lion would be fighting for his mate and that would give him the edge over any opponent.

  The tiger shifter lifted his nose an inch and sniffed the air. His eyes widened in recognition. “She’s here,” he whispered in disbelief. “I can’t believe she was stupid enough to stay here.”

  “She’s with me now,” Jax said in a tight voice. He stepped forward with his arms flexed and his nostrils flaring. “Her and the kid.”

  Anton’s thick lip curled up in amusement. “Oh, is that right?” he asked as he puffed out his massive chest. “You think a little bitch of a lion is going to stop me?”

  Jax could smell the tiger within him. What he had expected was the case. The animal was taking over the man. That happened to a small minority of shifters who couldn’t control their inner predators. Over time they slowly became feral.

  “There’s a patch of woods about five minutes away from here,” Jax said, pointing down the street. “How about we go there and settle this?”

  He really didn’t want to make a scene and have to phase in the middle of the street. Both Draven and Zane would flay his ass if that happened.

  Anton just laughed. “Out of my way, boy.”

  He slammed his thick palm into Jax’s chest, pushing him out of the way as he thundered past. Jax’s body tensed as his hands squeezed into tight fists. The tiger shifter was stronger than he had anticipated, but the guy still didn’t stand a chance. Jax knew he was as tough as they came.

  “Violet!” Anton hollered in a booming voice as he started sprinting toward the door of the firehouse. Jax took off after him, right on his heels as he exploded through the door.

  Enough was enough. Anton was already too close to Jax’s mate for his comfort. He squeezed his body and let his lion come.

  The furious cat ripped out of him in a flash and pounced on the man as he headed for the stairs. The enraged lion caught Anton by surprise, digging his long sharp teeth into his shoulder as he tackled him to the floor.

  “Fuck!” Anton screamed out in pain as he landed on his face with a livid full grown lion on his back.

  Jax’s lion was about to go in for the kill shot, a bite to the throat, when Anton quickly phased, letting his tiger explode out of him.

  The phase caught Jax’s lion off guard and the huge tiger managed to roll away, facing him with a snarl as his shoulder quickly healed.

  The two massive cats circled each other, hissing as they stared each other down. Jax had never fought a tiger before, and he was anxious to get started.

  With a deep vicious growl, the lion pounced on the tiger smashing into his striped body, slashing and biting at him as they rolled across the living room and crashed into the TV, smashing it to pieces.

  Anton’s tiger howled in pain when Jax sank his teeth into his back, but the tiger got him back by slashing the sharp claws on his hind legs into the soft flesh of his lion’s stomach.

  They were both bleeding as they separated for the second time, growling as they circled once again.

  Anton’s tiger glanced at the staircase and the lion just reacted. Violet and Benjamin were up there, and he had to take this tiger out before he made it to the stairs. He leaped onto the tiger, crashing into his body as he tried to sink his teeth into Anton’s throat.

  But the tiger was fast and strong, and the fight was a vicious one. They flew around the firehouse, smashing into the furniture, breaking the table, chairs, computer, and tipping over the fridge.

  The firehouse wasn’t that big and the two massive wild cats had covered every foot of it in their fight. By the time they separated, Jax was hurt pretty bad. He could barely stand on his back leg and he was bleeding heavily from a gash on his shoulder.

  Anton was hurt just as bad with his striped fur turned a crimson red. His right eye was closed and he was breathing heavily.

  It was then that they heard Violet’s voice coming from upstairs. “Jax,” she said in a whimper. “Are you okay?”

  The sound gave Anton a second wind and he whipped his body around and lunged toward the stairs, bounding up them.

  Jax fought through the searing pain in his leg and chased after him with his heart pumping insanely fast. He caught up to the tiger at the top of the stairs and grabbed a hold of his hind leg in his powerful jaws.

  The tiger hollered in pain as Jax yanked him back down the stairs, crashing down with him. It was a brutal fall as they fought on the way down, slashing and biting at each other as they tumbled down the metal stairs.

  Enough of this. Jax urged his lion on, pushing him to go for the kill. He’ll never leave her alone. He’ll always be out there, hunting her, stalking her. You have to finish this now. For Violet. For Beast. For your future.

  The two cats slammed into the floor, both exhausted and out of breath after the long grueling fight.

  Do it, Jax pleaded. Take his life. Now!

  The lion gritted his teeth as he struggled to get to his big paws. Anton wasn’t out just yet. He was a strong shifter and he climbed up onto his paws as well.

  Jax’s lion was swaying from side to side as he gathered the last of his energy for one more try. One more chance to end this threat to his mate. One more chance to kill him.

  Anton looked like he was thinking the same thing. They snarled and pounced at each other in the kitchen, both desperate to get the kill.

  But Jax was fighting for his mate, and a shifter fighting for his mate always had the advantage. He swung his head, avoiding the tiger’s massive swinging paw and went in for the kill, sinking his teeth into the soft flesh of the tiger’s neck.

  The warm metallic taste of blood filled his lion’s mouth as he sunk his long fangs into the tiger’s jugular. The big cat lurched around for a moment before the energy drained from his body and he sank to the tiled floor as his wild eyes finally went calm.

  Jax held him there with his teeth in his neck until he was sure he was dead. Eventually, he let go and phased back into his human form.

  He was hurt all over with deep gashes that wept blood, but his shifter healing was starting to kick in and he would be okay.

  “Violet,” he said with the last of his energy as he collapsed onto his ass, leaning against the kitchen drawers. “It’s all over.”

  Chapter 11


  “Oh shit,” Violet gasped when she crept down the stairs and saw the tiger’s body. Jax felt awful. It was a grisly scene, and not something he wanted her to see, but it was important for her to know that her nightmare was over. Anton was dead.

  The tiger’s massive body was lying still in the middle of the floor as thick dark blood oozed out of its neck. The inside of the firehouse was trashed with broken furniture everywhere, cracked tiles, broken windows, claw marks along the walls, and if that wasn’t enough, it was all covered in splashes of blood.

  It had been a hard fight, but it was over.

  “Your body,” Violet said, rushing over. The deep gashes sliced across Jax’s body were already starting to heal but they were burning like fire. He looked in bad shape—covered in blood, bruised and battered—but he knew it wouldn’t last long. The large cut along his chest had stopped bleeding and was already slowly closing up.

  “We need to get you to a hospital,” she said, starting to panic as she looked him over.

  “It’s okay,” he whispered in a reassuring voice. “It will be gone in an hour.”

  “An hour?” she asked, staring at him in disbelief.

  Jax winced as he reached for her. “Maybe two.”

  “Come sit down,” she said, guiding him to the couch. They walked around the broken glass on the floor as Violet helped steady him with an arm around his waist. He was surprised to find his legs shaky and his balance off. That tiger put up more of a fight than he had expected.

  “Just relax on the sofa,” she said as they slowly walked across the room. “What’s left of it.”

  The cushions were all sliced up wi
th the padding sticking out like little clouds. Jax grunted as he collapsed onto it in a seated position, grimacing as it reopened a gash on his side that had just healed.

  “Where’s Benji?” he asked as she knelt down in front of him. He actually missed the kid and wanted to see him.

  “He’s in his crib,” she said, swallowing hard as she looked at a deep cut on his thigh. “He’s fine. Thanks to you.”

  She looked so nervous with the way she kept blinking rapidly and looking around with short, jerky movements. Her hands were trembling and she was biting at her bottom lip as she kept glancing over her shoulder at the dead tiger lying in the middle of the room like she was expecting him to get up at any second.

  “He’s dead,” Jax said in a voice that was final. “He’s not going to hurt you again.”

  Violet was holding her breath as she turned back to him. Her eyes wanted to believe him, but she still didn’t look sure.

  “He heals,” she said in a trembling voice.

  “Not from that,” Jax said, trying to reassure her. “A shifter can heal from almost anything, but once we’re dead, we’re dead.”

  “And you’re sure…” she said, her voice trailing as she glanced at the tiger one more time.

  Jax gently took her chin in his hand and turned her head until she was looking into his eyes.

  “It’s over,” he whispered. “You and Benjamin are free. I told you that you two are under my protection now, and I meant it. No one is going to hurt you again.”

  “Oh, Jax,” she whispered, taking his hand in hers. She leaned down and kissed his knuckles. “Thank you. For everything.”

  Both their heads whipped around as a familiar looking pickup truck pulled into the driveway.

  “Who’s that?” Violet said, jumping to her feet in a panic.

  Jax squeezed her hand and pulled her back down. “It’s okay,” he said as the truck parked and the engine shut off. “They’re friends.”

  He watched through the window as Zane, Axel, Gwen, and Hadley jumped out of the truck with smiles on their faces. Axel and Hadley were back from Philadelphia and Axel had a new Phillies baseball jersey on. Jax shook his head and chuckled when he saw the big foam finger on his hand.


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