The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set

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The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set Page 28

by J P Sayle

  He had free rein. He cast a quick glance at Martin. Martin’s dreamy smile encouraged him to continue. The cloth plopped unheeded as hands grappled with the shower gel. Soapy fingers explored every contour of Martin’s chest, as if to memorise him. Satiny soft skin trembled under his touch. The little grunts escaping now and then made Brad feel invincible.

  His hands roamed lower. He observed every reaction and explored each dip he found. Martin’s abdomen was a work of art. The dark trail of soft hair felt springy against his wet fingers. But his chest dragged him back up. His skin looked like melted honey. Water glistened against his dark nipples, showcasing the glittering bars.

  He traced the tattoos. “What does this mean?” Brad traced the writing with the tip of his finger.

  “It’s Sanskrit, and it translates to ‘each new day brings new beginnings’.”

  He smiled at Martin’s quiet moan when he touched his side, convinced he was arousing him when the words trailed off as Brad’s fingers dipped lower. It was like visiting a toy shop for the first time. He was excited to look for hidden treasures. Fingers swirled into Martin’s belly button. Eyes darted back at the smothered giggle.

  “Ticklish, baby.” Martin’s tortured expression was satisfying after everything he’d done to Brad.

  He filed it away for later. His knuckles scraped Martin’s leaking cock as it begged for attention. Soap acted as lube, aiding his fingers to slip and slide on turgid flesh. He was fascinated that Martin’s arousal had returned so quickly. Understanding dawned. He did this to him. Dimples exploded, oh yeah. Brad could feel his desire build when Martin’s eyes pleaded for more.

  Martin widened his legs, permitting Brad’s unspoken question. Brad felt the rough bristles, which highlighted their differences when he cupped his heavy sac. Dragging his gaze to the leaking cock before him, he sank to his knees. He needed to be closer. Martin’s cock was curved towards his stomach, long and thick; the veins stood out prominently. His hands looked so small against the satiny skin that stretched to cover the steel beneath.

  God, it was perfection. The contrast between them was thrilling. His throbbing arse rejoiced at the beauty he held. Martin hadn’t held back but had given him everything. Hot, hard passion. He was delighted that Martin had not been able to contain himself a second time, cuming unexpectedly.

  Now, shockingly, he was hard again. Wonderment had warmth spreading inside Brad. Together they’d just needed the right motivation. The nudge to his cheek quickly pulled him back from his musings. Brad couldn’t contain his excitement and rubbed his hands together. God, this was going to be so much fun.

  Leaning forward, he let his hot, steamy breath caress Martin’s cock. He sucked the head into his mouth, revelling in the moment. He inhaled the dark musky aroma. Brad burrowed lower, seeking more of Martin’s scent. The stronger aroma made his head swim.

  Martin’s hands gripped him, steadying both of them as Brad’s tongue snaked out to taste. Martin’s steel-hard cock felt amazing as he licked, then sucked him more fully into his mouth. Disappointed his mouth was too small, he rolled his tongue around the head, capturing Martin’s essence, loving the bitter taste. He pulled back, laving each ball before releasing them. Grasping hands that a moment ago held Brad steady were now pulling at his hair, encouraging him to carry on. Martin’s needy moans floated between them. They teased the hot, ripe, steamy air.

  Free to do as he wanted, Brad felt emboldened. Focusing back on Martin’s cock, Brad lapped at the leaking slit. His own greedy groans sped up. He pushed his tongue into his slit, searching for more of Martin’s deliciousness. He knew how much pleasure Martin had given him. Brad wanted to do the same. He slipped his fingers lower, distracting Martin, and he swallowed his cock deeper. He let the head touch the back of his throat and swallowed. His throat teased out more needy moans from above.

  He encouraged Martin to open his legs a fraction wider. Delighted when he moved, Brad breathed through his nose, slurping harder as both their excitement built. Taking his wet, soapy hand, he lowered it under Martin’s sac and teased Martin’s rim. Martin’s legs imprisoned Brad. They quaked against his sides as he pushed his finger deeper. Indecision raced through him. Was he doing it right? His eyes locked with Martin’s. Desire pulsed between them. Seeing what he needed, Brad stretched his mouth as much as possible to accommodate as Martin took control. The thrusts of hips encouraged Brad to sink his finger deeper.

  He choked as Martin jerked. Brad reeled at the fact he’d managed to hit the right spot. Mindful of what was coming, he did it again. Fingers clenched into his hair as hips powered forward. Overjoyed, Brad let Martin lead. Brad slobbered, his saliva sliding down his chin. Uncaring, he wanted what was coming. He pushed his finger deeper, frantic for Martin to cum in him, on him. He didn’t care. He just wanted to be responsible for driving him there.

  Brad’s cock jerked in agreement as it slapped his stomach with each thrust. Water teased the head like a wet caress making his hips thrust. Feeling Martin’s sac tighten, he pushed a second finger in hard. He understood Martin liked a little pain from his earlier nipple play.

  Brad choked as saliva and cum spilt out of his puffy lips, and he struggled to swallow fast enough. Pain radiated through his head as Martin’s fingers squeezed hard to stay upright. Brad’s breathless moans hissed as air was forcibly dragged in. Pulling back, spent, Brad rested his head on Martin’s quivering thigh.

  Feeling Martin stagger back, he followed suit, leaning on the tiles. Martin’s legs simply folded under him.

  “You are bloody lethal.” Martin’s slurred words would have floored him if he’d been standing. “Just let me get my breath back. Then we’ll deal with your little problem.”

  Brad quivered at the heated stare. His cock bounced knowingly. It was his turn next. He watched as Martin slid forward and engulfed his cock fully, nose buried in his groin. Martin moved as if testing the smoothness of his skin.

  “Argh, oh Christ.” Struggling to breathe, Brad felt the pull from the tip of his toes to the top of his head. Heat engulfed him when Martin drew strongly, swallowing repeatedly. The tight caress too much. Brad erupted into the wet heaven. His face was frozen in a silent scream, and his whole body jerked as Martin sucked him dry.

  Martin pulled back, grabbed Brad, and mashed their mouths together, sharing Brad’s essence. Moaning, he couldn’t believe his cock twitched as their tongues tangled. God, it was dirty, but the taste was so addictive. Glazed eyes watched Martin slide back while licking puffy lips.

  “You like that? Tasting your own cum in my mouth?” Martin’s question made Brad breathless.

  He nodded, though the fact he licked every inch of Martin’s mouth just now seemed to make the question null and void.

  “Such a dirty boy. Perfect for me in every way.”

  The twitch was back. Martin’s astonished smile matched Brad’s. “You will be the death of me.” Husky laughter rumbled out of Martin. Linking hands, Martin pulled them both up.

  Brad looked down. “Err we seem to be even dirtier than when we started.” Giggling and feeling in a great mood, Brad grabbed the cloth again.

  Washing separately seemed safer for both of them, especially when their stomachs grumbled in unison. Looking a little sheepish, Brad cast a glance at Martin as they got out of the shower. He supposed it was his fault they hadn’t had breakfast. He looked at the clock. Shit, that would be lunch as well then. Not feeling the least bit guilty when Martin beamed at him, Brad felt invigorated as he started to dress.

  Warm skin pressed against his naked back had him stilling. Martin’s arms hugged him close. Brad felt Martin nuzzle into his neck. It was the first time Brad had felt someone touch the whole of his back. He understood what Martin was offering. Knowing this moment was different without the clouds of passion, Brad felt his insecurities dampen his earlier joy.

  Taking a deep breath, Brad moved his hands up and clasped Martin’s, craving the connection. Brad trembled as he listened to Martin.

>   “When you’re ready, I want you to talk to me about the scars. You are beautiful inside and out. There is nothing I don’t love about you.”

  Brad blinked rapidly and choked back the tears. He prayed they wouldn’t fall. His hands fluttered against Martin’s uncertainly. What was he supposed to say? Did Martin mean he loved Brad or just that he loved the look of him? Unable to see Martin’s face, he couldn’t judge. Worrying he was making an assumption, uncertainty overshadowed the joy that had bubbled up at that those words.

  The silence stretched. He felt exasperated by his insecurities. Martin tightened his arms briefly, reassuring before pulling away.

  “So as you have worn me out and burned my breakfast, where are you taking me for lunch?” Glancing at the clock, he smirked. “That would be a very, very late lunch.”

  Charmed and relieved, Brad beamed back. “I think you’ll find that was your fault.”

  Martin gave him a knowing stare while arching his eyebrows.

  Brad’s hands settled on his hips as the fire flashed in his tropical green eyes. “You got all hot and bothered because I got angry. Anyway, I don’t think you told me who you were with last night.”

  Martin had his hands raised in defence almost immediately. “My sister. Baby, it was my sister. And while we are talking about her, she wants to meet for dinner on Wednesday. Do you want to go out for dinner and meet her formally? She is my only family.” The hesitant question had Brad rushing to reassure him.

  “I would love to meet her. But she will be getting a piece of my mind after getting you drunk last night.” Brad couldn’t help the pout, even if he could feel the glow of pleasure that Martin wanted to introduce him to his family like proper boyfriends do. Brad pulled out his phone. “Okay, I googled some eateries, you know, just in case. What do you fancy?”

  Martin’s indulgent stare had heat spreading. Looking away, he concentrated on pulling up the information.

  “You pick. I am quite easy to please. As I am sure you have figured out by now.” Martin wiggled his eyebrows lecherously, teasing Brad.

  He teased back. “Three times easy, methinks.” Three fingers waved as hips jiggled, as he headed to the door. “Argh.” His stomach heaved, and the world turned upside down as Brad found his arse being spanked. “Ow, what are you playing at?” Brad squirmed when heat spread. His loud growling stomach stopped Martin mid-spank. “Come on, stop messing with me. I need food, and I am sure you do too. Even you couldn’t go another round.” He was thrilled at the regret he saw in Martin’s eyes. He let Martin cart him down the stairs, dropping him at the bottom. He was impressed by the show of strength, and his jeans tightened. Unbelievably, Martin wasn’t even breathless.

  “Sorry, what did you say?” Brad pulled his mind back out of his pants.

  Martin leered as he grabbed his wallet and keys. “I said, do you need to do anything before we leave? Will Princess be okay?”

  Going all soft inside that Martin would think to consider Princess’s needs as well, he sighed in pleasure. “No, she’s set for the day, though I will probably need to grab a hoodie.”

  As they left the house, the swaying trees and darkening sky had him reconsidering his need for a coat instead. Brad halted as Martin swore.

  “Shit, I forgot I left my car in Douglas.” Keys rattled as Martin locked the door. “Do you drive, or do we need a taxi?”

  Brad beamed. Daisy was more than just a car; she was his sweetheart. It had been love at first sight, so he hadn’t even considered the cost. Hot magenta clashed with a powder-pink interior. The salesman had explained it had been custom built, but the person had changed their mind. He was beyond pleased at his good fortune, and the VW Beetle drove like a dream. Brad’s personal rebellion gleamed brightly in the sunlight as the salesman’s greedy eyes were no competition against his love of that car.

  He had lovingly called his new car Daisy because of the large pride-coloured daisy that sat proudly on the dash. He turned away before releasing the devilish smirk. This was going to be fun. “Come on, we can take mine.” Feeling jovial, Brad grabbed Martin’s hand. Quickly grabbing keys from the house, Brad stood aside, wanting Martin to get the full effect as the garage door lifted, revealing his baby.

  Barely able to contain his laughter, Brad grinned at Martin in delight. Guppy. It was the only word that seemed to fit. No sound. Martin’s lips flapped in the breeze. Horror had ocean blue eyes riveted. The comical expression matched the hands that pointed in disbelief.

  “That’s… your car?”

  Brad rocked with laughter; this was too funny. His sides ached as tears flowed as he choked out, “Yep.”

  Martin’s words sounded strangled. “You can’t expect me to get in that, surely not?”

  Brad felt affronted on Daisy’s behalf. His hands hit hips, making his foot bounce. “What’s wrong with Daisy?”

  Martin’s disbelief morphed into incredibility. “You call your car Daisy?” The high-pitched screech exasperated Brad.

  “Off course, look at her. She is as bright as a daisy. Come on, you’re being ridiculous.” He was not sure he’d heard correctly as mumbled words cut off as Martin slammed the door. But Brad had a feeling his car had just been called ridiculous. There was nothing ridiculous about her. Brad seethed, internally ranting as he did not want to spoil the day. He pouted as they headed to Douglas.

  The silence was oppressive as Martin appeared to sulk. Brad was powerless to resist a snide comment. “You can always sit in the back and lie down so no one can see you.” Brad’s sarcasm hit its mark as a contemptuous snarl was his only response. Brad sighed and switched the radio on. This was going to be a long trip.

  His fingers tapped in time to the music. He glanced sideways when they finally got to Douglas. “We’re here.” Brad could feel himself moping. They’d had such a great morning, and Martin was spoiling it.

  Martin sent him a begging look. “I’m sorry for insulting your car.”

  Brad’s lips twitched at the contrite look Martin gave him. He felt appeased when his mouth whispered against his, stroking in apology and bringing back the earlier comradery. Walking hand in hand, they headed to the restaurant in a companionable silence. Once settled, Martin chatted about Sarah, regaling childhood stories that entertained for hours. Sadly, he hadn’t the same good memories.

  Martin hadn’t pushed and asked questions about his work instead. Feeling liberated that Martin’s questions were genuine and that he seemed interested in the answers, he explained his inheritance had given freedom. That it had broken the shackles of control his father had over him his whole life.

  Martin’s gentle caresses encouraged him to open up. Words he wasn’t aware sat inside him tumbled through trembling lips. The small glass of wine helped loosening the constricting band of anxiety. He’d watched Martin’s every reaction. He was shocked that there had been no pity. Empathy and something more fleeting he couldn’t decipher had eventually reduced his worry completely.

  The afternoon merged into evening, and the conversation never stopped. Brad was thrilled to learn about Martin’s life, well, except his ex-partners. He hadn’t wanted to know, so he had changed the subject. But his jealousy, that large green-eyed monster sitting on his shoulder, was whispering in his ear. Brad’s imagination took control. Thoughts of perfect, beautiful experienced men with no hang-ups had his feelings of inadequacy racing back.

  His stomach tied itself in knots as they walked back to his car. Their morning antics were no consolation against his negativity.

  Martin’s fingers traced his lip, tugging it free from his teeth. “Whatever has you worrying that pretty lip?” Martin’s concern penetrated. He dropped his head as he tried to avoid his questioning eyes, but fingers tugged his chin up. Martin did not let him escape the question.

  “What is it that you see in me? You could have anyone. Look at you.” Brad sighed as the tugging fingers held firm.

  “I see all of you. You call to me on every level. No one else ever has, ever.”
Martin stressed his words. “I am not sure you’re ready for the words, but you need to know they’re there. Waiting for when you’re ready to accept them. You just need to know that they’re real.”

  Inhaling Martin’s dark musky scent as his mouth crushed Brad’s, he tried to obliterate his doubt. Their breaths melded. The blaring horn startled them apart.

  “Come on, baby, let’s go watch a movie. I’m sure there is one we’d want to watch in that extensive movie collection you have.”

  Brad’s foolish grin stayed fixed at Martin’s suggestion. He was not even sure how they had gotten home as fast. He’d replayed their conversation over and over. He was breathless at the thought of those words. Was he ready? Would he ever be ready for what Martin could offer?

  Pleasure warmed his insides at the happiness Martin directed towards him. He yearned to say “yes, he was ready,” but his insecurities held him back. The question was would Martin be ready for the shit Brad would surely bring with him from his past?


  Rolling over, Martin snuggled deeper into the pillow, enjoying the lingering scents that teased his nose. The light filtering through the curtains warmed his exposed skin. Muscles ached pleasantly, making his lips curve at the reasons why.

  There was little he hadn’t experimented in when it came to sex. For him it was something to appreciate, to enjoy. But Brad’s lack of experience aroused like nothing had in his past. His eagerness was refreshing, untainted. Exploring Brad’s boundaries seemed to heighten Martin’s pleasure exponentially.

  He grinned at his own lack of control. Okay, he’d been astounded, even more so that Brad had been able to seize control so easily losing himself in their joint excitement. Hell, Brad had all but battered him into submission with his tiny hands and mouth. As it was something he never relinquished, not for anyone. He understood this was something special. Each encounter was reinforcing how much he loved Brad; he was his forever.


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